System farm space

Chapter 33: Wishing Well

Chapter 33: Wishing Well

Spring January 1, sunny.

"Morning 22~" Anli got up and finished cleaning up to start a beautiful day.

I collected some mushrooms first, and the fungus has been thrown away without much care, and new small fungus grew out.

"I found that all kinds of animals and plants here are quite tenacious. If I don't pay attention to them, they will still survive. This is very good, and it saves me trouble."

Chop up the bitter vegetables and put rabbit grass in the basket to feed the chickens and rabbits.After feeding the chickens, I came to the rabbit cage. The three rabbits I rescued yesterday, the female rabbit is much more energetic today. After Anli put the grass into the trough, Anli came out of the nest after Anli left and lived in harmony with the other two rabbits. Eating grass.The two little rabbits are sleeping on all fours, and occasionally the little feet move, which is very cute.Let Moo Moo out and let him move freely after milking.

Anli looked at the milk and thought of making butter!I remember seeing a recipe for making butter using fresh milk, but I didn’t know if it would work.

An Li took out all the milk that had been milked two days ago, and gently scraped out the top layer of cream from the milk bucket with a spoon and put it into a small iron pot.

Then put the small iron pot on the newly made stove and boil the butter on a high fire, then get out some firewood and turn it to a low heat to cook slowly until the milk skin is formed.

Waiting for the time to boil the milk skin, break up the steamed buns yesterday and mix them with water to make a paste similar to pimple soup, then add a drop of oil, sprinkle a little salt and mix well. It is simple and ready early.This is not good for dead noodles, and it is very hard when it cools down.Although the taste is so-so, it can fill your stomach without wasting food. Otherwise, I really don’t know how to eat such hard steamed buns.

After seeing that the milk skin has been boiled, take the pot out from the stove and let it cool naturally.

It will take some time to wait for the natural cooling. An Li went to check that the earthworms that were taken out yesterday had been killed.

"Earthworms dry so fast without the protection of tidal soil!" An Li couldn't help being curious when she saw the dried earthworms for the first time.

After grinding the dried earthworms, mix a little bran with water to make shrimp food, then put it in a bamboo tube, take a towel, then put the basket on your back and go to the lake to catch shrimps, and then go to the hot spring to take a bath and relax.


"I was walking alone on the small road in the suburbs, and I brought the pastries to my grandma!" An Li hummed as she walked through the bushes.

Approaching the lake, pick up the shrimp pot and pour out a few scattered shrimps, then wrap the prepared shrimp food in linen cloth and put it into the shrimp pot, and the shrimp pot enters the water.

An Li squatted on the shore to observe. The shrimps seemed to smell the smell of earthworms, and they swam over here one by one.

"22, I might have a bumper harvest today!" An Li looked happily at the prawns scrambling to get into the shrimp pot and grinned from ear to ear.

Turn around and walk into the forest. The temperature in the forest in the middle of the morning is lower than that outside.On the way to the hot spring and the unexplored fork, An Li stood there deciding where to go for a long time.

[If it’s not possible, you can just throw stones to decide if it’s not right. 】22 Seeing that An Li's difficulty in choosing has appeared again, she made fun of it.

"Well, that's a good idea." Regardless of 22's teasing, An Li seriously took a pointed stone and threw it down.

The pointy point is a bit off in the unexplored direction.

"Okay, let's go!"

The further you go in, the darker it gets, and the faster and weirder the plants.

An Li was a little scared and said to herself: "Where is this place? There are so many weird plants."

At this time, Anli saw a particularly beautiful flower suddenly open its big mouth and swallow the little bird standing on the branch preening its feathers.

Σ(д|||)What's the situation!
"22, didn't you say that there is no such thing as a beast yet? Then what is it! Did you see that bird was eaten immediately, and I almost walked over it!" Ann Li's voice changed in fright.

[I said that there are no beasts, but I didn't say that there are no piranhas.Calm down, a piranha that is so big can't eat you, it will eat some small animals, and you can see it, just go around it. 】

"It's easy for you to say, of course you don't have to be afraid if you don't have an entity. What if I walk over and it attacks me?"

[Don't worry, it won't happen.People also have a sense of crisis. 】

"Okay, whatever you say is right." An Li passed by the Piranha tremblingly, and found that there was really no intention to attack her, so he quickly passed by.

"Going forward, there won't be any strange things, right? Some man-eating insects, man-eating plants or something."

[No, no, don't worry. 】

Hearing 22 say don't worry, Anli didn't feel at ease at all. He moved forward carefully step by step, listening in all directions and looking in all directions, fearing that he would accidentally get tricked.

However, it is true that there is no such thing as a cannibal flower.But, after Anli walked a little further, a small well came into view.

An Li, who was full of question marks, asked 22, what is this?
[This is the wishing well. 10 gold coins to make a wish, of course I don't know what will happen. 】

"Then, can I make any wish come true?"

【…no.You don't have to do anything, just throw in 10 gold coins and the result will come out.The best things are limited editions of various items, the worst is 1 gold coin. 】

"Please don't say the worst! I'm flustered."

【Then just pretend I didn't say it.So, do you want to make a wish? 】

An Li threw in 10 gold coins piously in her heart, and silently said in her heart that I am Ouhuang, Ouhuang!

The wishing well emits a very dreamy light magically, and then forms a treasure chest.An Li took the treasure box in her hand, and rested——

'Congratulations, you have obtained 10 rose seeds. '
"What can rose seeds do?"

【's very useful, you'll know about it later.Moreover, roses can be sold!One flower costs 5 gold coins~]

"You suddenly act cute, there is absolutely nothing good."

[Ah~ Roses need a certain amount of light and humidity!In layman's terms, roses are summer crops. If you want to plant them now, you need a greenhouse. 】

"I'm going to turn you into a greenhouse? Let's get to the point!"

[Greenhouse level 10 will be unlocked soon. 】

"Thank you for your reminder." An Li smiled elegantly rather than politely—commonly known as a fake smile.

Looking at the seeds in the backpack, yes!It took up a space in vain. If this kind of seed becomes dead when it can be planted outside, it will be a big loss.

"Huh? How much are rose seeds actually worth?"

[3 gold coins, one seed. 】

"Then I still made a profit." An Li's disgust from the beginning turned into joy in seconds.

The wishing well was covered with fog, and 22 said it was a space to be opened, so Anli returned home.

Fish out the shrimp traps from the lake, ho!A shrimp trap is almost full.

"These shrimps must have never tasted the taste of earthworms before I came here, so they were tempted. I feel like I have told the truth."

An Li couldn't eat so many shrimps.Carrying the shrimp pot and walking back quickly, An Li wanted to keep the shrimp in the creek. An Li always felt that the source of the creek was this lake. Although there was no trace of water flow from the ground, there might be a passage underground. .

 The first update after the recovery update is here!The baby has been a bit annoying recently, I will do two changes when I can!Of course it will be kept updated!

  I have the cheek to ask for a recommendation ticket, hehehe!

(End of this chapter)

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