System farm space

Chapter 292 Rescue

Chapter 292 Rescue
Thunderbolt rabbits usually appear in groups of three or four, but although they are thunder-type, they have a relatively gentle temperament. If they do not actively attack, they will not actively attack other creatures.

However, during the promotion process, Thunderbolt Rabbit was in a period of elemental violence. During the promotion process, it should not be disturbed, but this peace was disrupted by Anli and his party who suddenly broke in.

When Thunderbolt Rabbit sensed that someone was approaching, it made a meow similar to cat meowing to warn everyone.It can be said that everyone is suffering, this road is the only way to go back to the orc tribe, if you don't go here and change another road, it will take several days longer.

Shiyun and the others wanted to rush back earlier, so that the next batch of hunting teams could start earlier, so that they could stockpile more food before winter.

Together, there are many of them, and it is no problem to join forces to deal with a peak third-level monster.So, he ignored Thunderbolt Rabbit's warning and continued to walk there.

Thunderbolt Rabbit saw that these people ignored its warning and insisted on approaching, and the magic elements that needed to be calmly sorted out immediately rioted.Thunderbolt Rabbit used the rioting thunder element to unleash a thunderstorm, which hit everyone straight.

Most of these orc warriors have relatively strong physical strength, so their resistance to magic is also very good.And when they came out to hunt, they brought two orcs with relatively high magical talents.In the orc tribe, orcs with magical talents are a scarce resource, and everyone will protect them spontaneously

Xiong Yao of the earth type condensed a thick earth wall above everyone's heads to block the Thunderbolt Rabbit's thunderstorm.It's just that Xiong Yao is just a magician who is about to advance to the third level, and he can't compare with the magic strength of Thunder Rabbit who is about to enter the fourth level.In addition, the thunder attribute is a magic with high attack power like the fire attribute, and sometimes the thunder attribute is better than the fire, which makes Xiong Yao's earth shield fall apart after holding on for a while.

Xiong Yao's magic was broken, and he suffered a bit of backlash, and his face turned pale.Although the earth shield didn't completely block the thunderstorm, it also consumed some of the power of the thunderstorm. The remaining thunderstorm hit everyone and only slightly paralyzed everyone, and did not cause much impact.

An Li and the two civet cats were not spared from being affected.An Li felt the numbness on her body, which was very uncomfortable. Feng Ling and Xiaoxi just shook the hair on their bodies, and then looked around like nothing else.

And the rough-skinned orcs didn't feel anything, and the only one who felt bad was Xiong Yao.

An Li's healing technique can only heal up to three people now, so she just recovered for herself so that her body would not be numb.

Afterwards, all the orcs fought fiercely with Thunderbolt Rabbit by virtue of their own physical advantages and the tacit understanding developed through long-term cooperation.An Li didn't join the battle, her small body couldn't support Thunderbolt Rabbit's blow.

Of course, it's not impossible to stand behind and take cold arrows, but her three-element magic is useless for the thunder-type, and the water-type and wood-type are extremely conductive.Especially the water element was directly restrained by the thunder element. If she used water magic, it would be serious to make trouble.

So she only acted as a competent wet nurse after an orc was injured, treating them with healing techniques.Because An Li has some magic experience from reading some novels, she knows that magic micro-control will be of great help to her future advancement, so she consciously contacted micro-control after awakening the magic.

Just like now, she is obviously not even a first-level magician as an apprentice magician, but she can heal three or four more people than ordinary apprentice magicians.

After Xiong Yao finished his meditation, he was also amazed when he saw An Li's micro-control. If it weren't for the fact that now was not the time to discuss the problem, Xiong Yao would definitely have caught An Li and asked her to explain it.

This fierce battle lasted for about an hour, and finally the battle was resolved with three serious injuries and others with more or less minor injuries.

An Li was meditating on the side to recover her magic power. The seriously injured An Li could only help them stop the bleeding. It was not something she could accomplish at this level to reduce the injury.

Seeing that the three seriously injured companions were unable to walk on their own, Shi Yun decided to rest here.There is still an aura of high-level magical beasts around, and Thunderbolt rabbits or others who are generally lower than it dare not approach, which also makes everyone feel at ease here.

After Anli recovered some of his magic power, he mashed the herbs he picked on the road, then found large leaves and washed them with water. He applied the herbs to the wounds of several seriously injured orcs, and bandaged the wounds with clean leaves.

"Phew, that's the only way to go. I don't have a clean cloth, and I don't think you will come out with a cloth, so I can only wrap it up in such a crude way." An Li bandaged the wounds of the three wounded. Said.

Seeing Shi Yun thanking her with red eyes, An Li waved her hand and said it didn't matter, these were what she should do.

Later, she learned from other orcs that in the orc tribe, many orcs died every year due to wound infection, and some of them could no longer go hunting because of injuries. This made some orcs who were once warriors Very sad.

An Li was thinking at the time, maybe in order to make the orc tribe stronger, the first thing to do is to improve the medical conditions.It's just that this is not within the scope of her learning, and she only knows some simple bandaging techniques for dealing with skin trauma, and the others...she really can't do it.

[You can learn, there are various books in the system for the host to learn.The library only needs a borrowing fee of 5 gold coins a month, which is still very cheap. 】

"I really don't like studying too much, but as you said, if you don't know anything, how can you complete the task. I'll go to the library when I'm free." An Li encouraged herself in her heart.

They stayed here for two days, and on the third day Shiyun directed everyone to leave. The three seriously injured patients were finally saved by Anli's two days of treatment with herbal medicine and healing techniques.An Li asked them to cut down trees and make stretchers to carry the wounded who could not move independently.

In order to thank Anli for saving his companion, Shiyun took the initiative and gave the Thunderbolt Rabbit Magic Core, which was about to reach level 4, to Anli.

An Li didn't talk nonsense and just accepted it. In her opinion, the orcs don't have the kind of prudence that humans push and give way. They are very straightforward people and don't know how to make twists and turns, so don't follow them. They went round and round, but it was better to be straightforward.

(End of this chapter)

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