System farm space

Chapter 291 Orcs

Chapter 291 Orcs
Lu Anli and the others around the tree house are already familiar with the road, and they are not afraid of any danger.It's just that today, it seems to be very different from usual.

Xiao Xi walked in the front to explore the path. Now it is basically Xiao Xi who explores the path. It is also the wind chime that trains Xiao Xi's ability to survive alone.Xiaoxi will not disobey her mother in this regard, and she studies very seriously.

However, when approaching Fengniao's territory, Xiaoxi stopped and her ears kept turning as if she heard something.Feng Chime also looked wary, and gradually arched her body and got ready for battle.

Although Anli didn't know what was happening in front of him, seeing how alert the two were, Anli also had his self-defense weapons ready to fight.

Before making them wait long, An Li also heard the noise coming from the front.There were the angry chirping of phoenix birds, as well as the roar of some people and the sound of fighting.

An Li was very nervous. She was about to meet the indigenous people here without any preparation, which made her panic.If, if people here find something wrong with her, will they kill her or something.Thinking of this made An Li even more nervous, and her fingertips gradually turned white when she was holding the weapon.

Hearing the noise getting closer and closer, An Li had an idea, and climbed up the big tree beside her.Cover the body with leaves, and observe the outside situation from the gap.

Fengling and Xiaoxi also ran up the tree immediately, one person and two beasts quietly observing the situation below.

The group who were attacked were not as lucky as An Li.They are outstanding warriors of the orc tribe. Lion Yun, the first warrior of the lion tribe, led a group of warriors to hunt and hoard food for the winter before winter came.

However, as a scout, Quejiu, a bird tribe, was discovered by Fengniao because he was a bird tribe, and thought he was here to grab the territory. As a result, almost one-third of Fengniao came out to fight like this, which made Shi Yun Miserable.

Shi Yun really didn't expect things to turn out like this. Last time they passed by here, the scouts they brought were from the Rat Clan, so the Phoenix Birds didn't have such a big reaction.

Although their group of more than 20 people did not fight very hard, Fengniao attacked them as if tirelessly, which put them in a dilemma.

An Li hid in the tree biting her nails. Deep down in her heart she wanted to go down and help. This was the best chance for her to enter the orc tribe, but she was a little afraid. What would the orcs think of her as a human?
After thinking about it, Anli really didn't have any good ideas. He closed his eyes and jumped down from the tree to join the battle. He walked straight to the bridge and didn't care about him.If she can seize this opportunity to join the orc tribe, her life will be much easier in the future.

Feng Ling and Xiao Xi saw An Li jump down, and after a little hesitation, they also went down to help.After all, Anli is now their food and clothing parent, and their appetites have been spoiled by Anli. The raw meat that they could eat in the past is now nauseating.

The phoenixes were only attacking the orcs at first, but the sudden addition of Anli and the others made the phoenixes a little flustered, and when they found out that it was the Great Demon King again, they were really itching their teeth.Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet each other, and the phoenix birds hate it when they think that Anli and Xiaoxi come to steal three or five eggs every once in a while.

An Li saw that this guy was well, and rushed to her directly.She fled in a hurry, and then said to the orcs on the opposite side while gesticulating: "Hurry up!"

Shiyun was a little nervous when he saw a little human girl suddenly appearing. He was afraid that if she and other tribesmen were nearby, it would be another fierce battle.In the end, they didn't expect that the little girl was here to rescue them. Although they were puzzled, they didn't delay and walked back out of Fengniao's territory.

An Li watched them walk away, and disappeared into the forest with the two civet cats.She is also good at using wood magic now. The first wood magic she learned was the most basic simulation. She can use wood elements to simulate the same aura as the forest, so that it is not easy to be discovered. It's also the reason why she hasn't been caught for stealing bird eggs many times.

An Li walked all the way to the direction where the orcs evacuated, and found a group of people at the boundary of Fengniao's territory.She got out of the bushes and saw more than 20 pairs of eyes staring at her, and her scalp was a little numb.

It was Shi Yun who asked first, "Who are you?"

Originally, Anli thought that she might not understand what the other party was saying, and was thinking about what to do if she couldn't communicate.It turned out that she could understand her. She raised her eyebrows and thought that this was probably due to the system. She didn't know if the orcs could understand her.

"My name is An Li!" After An Li finished speaking, she felt that what she said seemed a little terse. Just as she was thinking about what to say, Shi Yun looked her up and down for a long time and asked, "Are you a human child? Why are you here?" Deep in the forest, this is no place where a human child can survive. Who are you?"

An Li really wanted to say that she was not a child, but she couldn't.She turned around in her mind and replied: "Well, I should be human, I don't know. I was here when I woke up. I don't know who I am, I only know that my name is An Li. This I've been moving around for a while, is it dangerous here?"

An Li pretended to be innocent and puzzled and looked at Shi Yun.Shi Yun was so confused by An Li's answer that he didn't know what to say. At this moment, he desperately hoped that the smartest fox tribe would be here, so that he wouldn't have to worry about whether what this human child said was true. Fake.

Seeing him like this, An Li hurriedly said: "What I said is true. If I really want to harm you, why should I help you escape? It's so thankless. I have been here for several months and finally saw other people I'm a little excited, but... you guys look so weird, you have animal tails and ears, wow! He has a crocodile face!" An Li was surprised to find that the people on the opposite side had some characteristics of animals, so she decided to Called an orc?

The fuzzy figure with fox ears and tail suddenly flashed in front of An Li's eyes, and she wanted to take a closer look when her head throbbed violently.She couldn't help but gasped, and she knelt down on the ground with her head so weak that her legs became weak.

On one side, Fengchi saw Anli suddenly fall to the ground, and swooped over and stared at the orcs with its cat eyes with vertical pupils, growling like a threat.

An Li endured the swelling pain in his head and said to Feng Chime: "I'm fine, but my head suddenly hurts. It's okay, don't be nervous."

Shiyun looked at the wind chime and screamed twice in worry after listening to Anli's words, and then retreated behind Anli.His pupils also shrank. This little girl was not simple. She could actually control the beasts. Only the beast tamers in the clan could do this.

He felt that this little girl was not simple.

If An Li knew that Shi Yun now regarded her as an extraordinary person, she would definitely be embarrassed.Others don't know, but she still knows.The main reason why these two civet cats followed her was that the food she made was delicious, just like if you want to grab a man's heart, you have to grab his stomach. This is also applicable to Warcraft.

Secondly, it is their adventures and cooperation time after time that make the two become more and more friendly to her.There will be rewards only if you pay, it is not like using a contract like a beast trainer or forcibly using your own strength to win the opponent.Therefore, the relationship between her and the two civet cats can be called a partner.

When the two of them were relatively speechless, An Li began to look for topics, "What race are you guys? Hmm... They all have some animal features, and the furry ones are cute... That's right, that Mr. Crocodile is a little scary."

The one An Li calls Mr. Crocodile is the youngest son of the crocodile clan leader, Crocodile Handsome.As the youngest son, there is no way to inherit the position of clan leader, so he positions himself to be the strong one in the clan. He will participate in every time he goes out to look for food, and if there is a warrior in the clan, he will give the clan extra food. , which is very important for a group of people.

Crocodile handsome glanced at An Li who was talking about him with his emotionless vertical pupils, and then turned his head away.

An Li got goosebumps when Crocodile Handsome glanced at her, it was so scary!
Shi Yun thought about what he was going to say before saying, "Have you never seen people like us before?"

An Li shook her head, the expression on her face seemed to say: I don't know, who are you?It's the first time I've come here to see you... As for the ones I've seen before, they were all faked on TV, so she's not lying.

Seeing that An Li is so sincere, and that she is a child and can make monsters obey, Shi Yun let go of his guard a little bit, and gave An Li a general idea of ​​what he could say.

"We are orcs, living in the orc tribe, half a month away from here. We came out this time to hunt and stock up some food in winter. In winter, food is not easy to find at all." Shi Yun said .

"Oh. It will take more than half a month to go out, and it will take half a month to go back? It's been more than a month since I came back, won't the things you beat break down?" An Li heard that it was so far away, No wonder she hadn't been to the orc tribe.The furthest she is away is only a week's journey to the tree house, and no matter how long it takes, she will not worry about the things she planted.

"It won't be broken. We will bring crystallized sand with us before we come out. Using that can keep the food longer, so that the food can last until next spring. However, the food that uses crystallized sand is relatively precious food. , the general prey is just that we tear them into strips and dry them along the way." Shi Yun said.

"Oh? Crystalline sand?" An Li thought that this crystallized sand sounded very similar to salt.But the second half of Shi Yun's words showed that the crystallized sand is also very rare for the orcs, so it is only used to preserve precious food.

She didn't explore many places in the forest, but the area was actually quite considerable. However, she didn't find any salt, not even lake salt. The lakes she encountered were all freshwater lakes, so she visited the orc tribe more often. One reason is to see if there is any way to get salt!

"Hmm... crystallized sand... uh," Shi Yun wanted to say something more, but Shi Yun woke up after being kicked behind him, and cursed himself to say everything when he saw a child in front of him, without any defense.

An Li saw that Shi Yun seemed to have made a slip of the tongue, so she didn't ask further, but just asked: "Then are you going back now? Or do you want to go deeper?"

"I'm going back, but I'm going in another direction. Maybe I'll encounter some prey this way, and I can catch some and take it back with me," Shiyun said.

"Then...can I go with you? I haven't been to the orc tribe yet, and I really want to see it." An Li looked at Shiyun with bright eyes.

Shi Yun watched the little girl's chubby face turn pink, her big eyes filled with anticipation, and her two little hands resting on her chin made her expression infinitely magnified.

He admitted that this expression hit his soft heart, and Shi Yun said hesitantly: "I need to discuss it with everyone."

"No problem!" An Li responded readily.She wasn't afraid that they wouldn't take her with her. At worst, she would just follow her. Anyway, they might not be able to find her following her.

Shiyun first called everyone to put things in order and prepare to set off. When they started to move forward, he followed a few clan members who should be the bosses in the clan and said something.

An Li followed a group of people without any worries. Occasionally he would go up a tree to pick some fruit, or he would go to the bushes to look for rare things that could be exchanged for things from the orcs.

Shi Yun and the others muttered over and over again, occasionally raising their heads to look at the leisurely An Li.

Hu Xiao, one of the tiger orcs, said: "I think it should be fine to take her into the clan. You are just afraid that she is a traitor sent by humans, but we also trade with humans several times a year. There is no problem at all if she is not allowed to go to important places."

Another orc also echoed: "That's right, our various tribes live scatteredly. The direction we went back happened to be where the tribe's market was, and there would have been some humans who came to trade there, so we brought Letting her go there will definitely not be said by the patriarch or elders."

You said something to me, and the two orcs who originally held opposing opinions gradually agreed with each other during the discussion.They felt that what everyone said was quite reasonable, and finally everyone agreed to take An Li back.

Shi Yun didn't tell An Li the result of their discussion at that time, and An Li didn't rush to ask.They still have more than half a month to go back, let them discuss it carefully.

In this way, the orcs never told Anli of their decision, and Anli did not urge them to make a decision.

In the past three days, there is a unique kind of monster in the forest they walked to, the Thunderbolt Rabbit.The reason why they are called Thunderbolt Rabbits is because they are monsters with thunder attributes. 22 said that the thunder attribute belongs to the variation attribute of water, which is relatively rare among human beings.

The level of the thunderbolt rabbit is basically between the second and third levels, and there are a few with four levels, and the fourth level is generally the king of the entire group.And by coincidence, the group of them met a thunderbolt rabbit who was advancing to the fourth level.

 Well, just now my brother suddenly asked me if I was still writing the novel.I said I was writing, but he said it was too expensive if it wasn't free.

  After that, I went to Baidu to search for my books, and found that there are various free websites to read on Baidu. Suddenly I seemed to understand the inner thoughts of other authors.Obviously I wrote something with my heart, but it only needs to be copied and pasted to be published on other websites for pirated reading, and I suddenly feel very angry.

  I thought that my little author might not be moved by anyone, but I am sorry for the result.Every book I write, no matter how many bootlegs, is copy-pasted.Alas, people's consciences are greatly damaged.

(End of this chapter)

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