Chapter 386 Movie Emperor
Today's meeting can be regarded as setting the tone for the future course of the King Yan party.Generally speaking, don't cause trouble and don't be afraid of trouble, take a step and watch, and then talk after the chaos in front of you.

After all, although Zhao Guangmei himself is not an ambitious person, he is not a softie either. Although Zhao Guangyi wrote a letter to him in a private capacity afterwards, solemnly stating that he had absolutely no ill intentions towards Zhao Guangmei and was sincerely trying to kill Zhao Guangmei. The throne was passed to him, and the Golden Chamber Alliance was genuine, but it was of no use.

The whole country entered a strange atmosphere amidst the weeping.Zhao Kuangyin has been in power for more than ten years. The name of benevolence is not his own. All officials and people are grateful to him, but at the same time, the shadow of the Five Dynasties shrouded everyone living in this land. Made plans for the future.

Everyone suspected that Zhao Guangyi was usurping the throne, but no one picked the matter out at this time.

After all, his gratitude to Zhao Kuangyin was not greater than his own wealth and life, and he was all focused on watching the changes in the court. Even Qian Chu, who had just surrendered, fled to Luoyang overnight, fearing that he would become someone's gunman sometime.

Different from the original history, Fu Yanqing, who was in his dying years, was not dead. Although his health was getting worse day by day, he was not that far away from death. But for such a person, who could not die for a day, who could underestimate him?Especially when he secretly ran back to Xiongzhou, even though he said he wanted to return to his roots, he wanted to go back to his hometown in peace to wait for his death, and he wanted to be buried on the land that his family had dedicated for generations.But who really believes it!

Few people knew that Fu Yanqing had visited Sun's house before leaving, and had an entire afternoon of interviews with the father and son. As for what he said, no one else in the world knew.

Zhao Guangmei also wrote a letter saying that Luoyang has basically been fully constructed now. For a century-old plan, the officials are requested to follow the late emperor's last wish and move the capital to Luoyang.Naturally, this memorial was called back, and it is indeed not the time to mention this again, but he also told the world with a relatively decisive attitude that Lao Tzu is still there, and the faction that moved the capital is still there.

In short, the world is in turmoil, the officials are very restless, and the common people are very frightened. Zhao Guangyi in this time and space is far from as deep as in the original history.

In this way, the weird atmosphere lasted until Zhao Kuangyin's hundred days.The [-]-day coercion was over, and it was time for the burial. The people in Luoyang who got the news couldn't shirk it, so they prepared their chariots and horses early and were ready to set off at any time.

Zhao Guangmei asked worriedly: "Uncle Chun, will you be able to come back after you go?"

Sun Chunming could only say: "It should be possible. You are the younger brother of the official family, and we are also deeply favored by the official family. Some things must be done even if there are risks."

"But I always feel that my second brother will take advantage of this opportunity to do something."

Sun Chunming was silent for a while, and could only say: "Soldiers come to block, water to cover."

Sun Yue said: "The situation is unstable now. I don't believe that Zhao Guangyi has the courage to force us to stay. Even if he has the courage, I don't believe that he has the strength. He has never had much foundation in the army. The generals in the army are all loyal to the officials. , if the fire really burns, who will be burned to death first? Besides, the tomb of the official's family is in Luoyang. If we don't go, he will dare to come? If it delays the official's burial, the crime will be serious. gone."

Zhao Guangmei thought so, so she didn't mention it any more, hurriedly packed her luggage, and set off with everyone.

But Lu Mengzheng suddenly asked: "What if the imperial court wants to install a new Quan Zhi He-Nan Mansion?"

Sun Yue said without any hesitation: "Persuade him first, and if you don't listen, just do him."

Lu Meng was keeping silent.Leaning against the car window watching the rising sun.It seems that they are worried about the final destination of their group, or maybe they are worried about the whereabouts of the entire country.

When they arrived in Kaifeng and entered the palace gate, Zhao Guangyi personally met them in the Wenhua Palace. Things were different, Zhao Guangyi was obviously thinner, and there was exhaustion that could not be hidden in the corners of his eyes, and he looked very bad. Seeing him dressed in filial piety, sitting in the seat that should have been occupied by Zhao Kuangyin, I felt very uncomfortable.

"Third brother, you are finally here."

Zhao Guangmei nodded expressionlessly: "Here we are." Without saying a word.Zhao Guangyi looked at Sun Chunming again, but Sun Chunming simply turned his head away and ignored him.

Zhao Guangyi sighed heavily, and said in a choked voice, "I know you all misunderstood me and thought that I harmed elder brother. But I... third brother, we are brothers. If others don't trust me, why don't you still Can’t you trust the second brother? Yes, he wants to move the capital, and he wants Zhao’er to inherit the throne. I have objections to this. After all, I’ve been in the crown prince’s seat for ten years. If it were you, would you be okay? Resentment? But the third brother, the second brother never thought of harming him, no, really not!"

As he said that, Zhao Guangyi suddenly burst into tears, beat his chest hard with his fists, and said convulsively: "Brother is kind to me in every possible way, I remember all of them. Roasting can heal you. The eldest brother is worried about others serving him. He personally burns wormwood on himself and uses it for me after testing the temperature. I... how could I harm him? I... I... hate me! Kill me! Me too!"

"I know that elder brother intends to pass the position to Zhao'er, and now the rumors outside are saying that I did it for this, but what can I do? Do you know how much I want to give up the position to Zhao'er to prove my innocence? But I No! Our Great Song Dynasty is now in a precarious state, how many outsiders are staring at us, they treat us like a big piece of fat, the seat is given to Zhaoer, can he hold it?
The eldest brother has built such a huge dynasty with his whole life's hard work, isn't the most important thing is to continue this Zhao family world?Wasn't it because of today's change that he made me the prefect of Kaifeng early in the morning?To shirk responsibility for the sake of so-called innocence, wouldn't it be the biggest disappointment to my elder brother! ! "

"Third brother, third brother, anyone can disbelieve me, you have to. Now I can't trust anyone around me, I can only trust you! Please help me, help second brother. Let's join hands and bring Let’s stabilize the land and land that big brother laid down, and chop up those wolfish and ambitious people and feed them to the dogs, okay?”

"I admit that the Golden Chamber Alliance is not real, it was made by Zhao Pu, but I never meant to harm you. I really want to pass this person on to you from the bottom of my heart. You gave it back to Zhaoer! Third brother, even my father-in-law, Fu Yanqing, an old bastard, sneaked back to Xiongzhou overnight. If you doubt me again, this country will really be unstoppable. This country has to be named Zhao no matter what! What do you think?"

"My...Second brother..." Obviously, Zhao Guangmei was a little moved by the persuasion, and she couldn't speak for a while.Otherwise, it would be said that politicians are all movie stars. This performance was from the bottom of his heart from the inside out. If it weren't for Sun Yue being a time traveler, he would have almost believed it.

Zhao Guangmei took advantage of the situation and hugged him, "Third brother... woo woo woo woo...Second brother has had a hard time these days~~"

(End of this chapter)

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