Chapter 385 Choice
Going back to Luoyang City, the whole city is already empty, and things are different.

After returning home in a hurry, they finally met Sun Chunming. The father and son came to the secret room of the study, waved their hands to drive away the servants and sat down, not knowing what to say for a while.

No hot pot, no wine, not even tea.This is the only time Sun Yue has gone to battle so many times, and the only time he returned in such a shabby way, but who cares about it.

"I rushed all the way here after receiving the news on land, and I still haven't figured out what happened."

"The official news I got was just drunk and violent death. The gossip in Kaifeng City was spread everywhere, and there were all kinds of things, and each one was more outrageous than the other. To be honest, I am also confused now. Our father and son have been together for more than ten years. Efforts were wasted."

"In vain? You also admit it?"

"if not?"

Sun Yue was silent for a while and said, "What did Zhao Pu say?"

"Zhao Guangyi summoned him to Kaifeng to preside over the national funeral."

"He went?"

"if not?"


"Why did you go back to Luoyang first? I don't know how to face him?"


"Hundred days in the official house, you must go."

"if not?"

"What are your plans for the future?"

Sun Yue covered his head and smiled bitterly: "I haven't thought about it yet. I have been confused all the way and I don't know the situation clearly."

"The situation is a little unclear. You know, the government has always had absolute control over the army. To put it bluntly, the generals in the military are about to be enslaved by the officials, and the loyalty of the soldiers to the officials is beyond doubt. Yes, Zhao Guangyi issued an order a few days ago for military envoys from various places to come to Beijing. As far as I know, no one responded, but no one stood up to stir up trouble.

As for the Forbidden Army, the Crane Controlling Army is his subordinate team. Other than that, they are relatively silent. He does not dare to make any moves. The key is that the army is outside, and they may be waiting for your attitude.The current imperial court is like sitting in the crater of a volcano. Maybe it will explode in the next moment, maybe it will be fine for decades or hundreds of years, who knows. "

"Then, what about Wen Chen?"

"Wenchen? This is the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms. Who cares about the thoughts of the civil servants? Is the thought of the civil servants important?"

Sun Yue was speechless.

"Someone sent me a message saying that he wanted me to go to Beijing as the third envoy."

"Hehe, Chu Zhaofu is gone? He's not afraid of chilling with his people. The question is, do you agree?"

"I didn't agree, and I didn't refuse. I won't wait for you to come back and discuss it."

Sun Yue looked up at the ceiling with a wry smile, and suddenly said, "I'm tired and want to sleep."

Sun Chunming stood up and said, "Okay, then you can sleep in the study, and I will tell them not to disturb you."

"it is good."


This sleep was not very good. Sun Yue had a long, long dream. In the dream, there were Zhao Da, Zhao Er, Zhao San, and even Queen Mother Du. They all pulled themselves to say a lot of things, but they couldn't remember what they said respectively, and they couldn't even remember who was the one with the blue face and fangs, and who was the one with the kind eyebrows and kind eyes.

For a while, I dreamed that I was tied up to beheaded and killed, and for a while I dreamed that I was retiring and living in seclusion. After writing an online novel called Dad, this seems to be the Northern Song Dynasty, but unfortunately the results are particularly poor.

Again, can't remember any details.

When he was woken up by Sun Chunming's shaking, he was sweating profusely all over his body. When he shivered, he felt his throat was tight when he opened his mouth again. Sun Chunming put his hand on him and said, "I have a fever."

"It's okay. Just rest and rest." Sun Yue glanced at the sky outside, it was already dark.Asked Sun Chunming, "Is someone here?"

"King Yan heard that you are coming back, so he came here in person."

Sun Yue took a handkerchief and wiped it casually on her body before getting out of bed.Sun Chunming opened his mouth, maybe he wanted to say something about paying attention to his body, but he would keep his mouth shut after all.

When they came to the living room, Zhao Guangmei did not come alone. Han Chongxun, Lu Mengzheng, Li Hang, Wang Dan, all the die-hard direct descendants were here, and they were all wearing mourning.Zhao Guangmei's face was also very bad, with bruises and bruises, and she had lost a lot of weight. She looked like she had crawled out of a coffin.

"came back?"


Zhao Guangmei took out an imperial decree from her bosom, put it on the table and motioned Sun Yue to pick it up and read it, and said, "I just received it this afternoon, just give me an idea."

Sun Yue coughed twice, resisted the discomfort and picked it up, but was shocked immediately, "The alliance of the golden chamber?"

"Yeah. The second brother officially ascended the throne today, but Zhao Pu brought out such a thing. I am almost sure that this thing is fake. It seems that Zhao Pu and him should have reached some kind of agreement."

Sun Yue snorted coldly and said, "What else could it be? One needs to stabilize the situation, and the other needs to get back into phase. This pair of enemies reconciled quite quickly. They are really born politicians."

"My second brother asked me to go to Beijing to be the governor of Kaifeng. He said that according to the instructions above, the throne will be passed to me next."

"you believe?"

"Of course I don't believe it. He even dares to kill his eldest brother. How can he still be reluctant to let go of my younger brother?"

Sun Yue knocked on the table with her eyes closed, feeling a pain in her brain, rubbed her temples and said, "Brother Mei, none of you here are outsiders, at this special time, please tell us the truth, you Do you want to be emperor? As long as you nod, I will help you."

Zhao Guangmei glanced at him, then shook her head and said, "I'm not from that material, and I never thought about it, haven't you asked Zhao'er?"

"One coward."

"Oh, he didn't dare, so I can't say anything. To be honest, I have never been that ambitious person. I don't want to do anything else for the rest of my life. I just want to be my idle prince. Brother, you won’t even satisfy me with this little request. Li Hang told me that once this so-called Golden Chamber alliance comes out, I will basically be on the verge of death.”

"The dead end? Where did the dead end come from? Luoyang City now has a population of one million, an army of [-], all kinds of industries are flourishing and extending in all directions, and it also manages the domestic coinage. As long as you can hold these, what can he do with you? You don't leave Luoyang How did he harm you? Does he have the prestige of an official? Can he control the army?"

"You mean, let him be afraid to the end? But this Luoyang, can I really hold it?"

Seeing Lu Mengzheng, Li Hang, and Wang Dan stand up in unison, they bowed to Zhao Guangmei and said, "Master." Han Chongxun thought for a while, and simply stood up and performed the same salute.

Everyone turned their attention to Sun Chunming in unison.

Sun Chunming hesitated for a while, but finally gave a wry smile, stood up and clasped his fists and said: "Master, in my opinion, since he wants to make you the crown prince, there is no need to make you the governor of Kaifeng. I think the governor of Henan That's good, the official family's intention to move the capital is known to everyone, does he not need to inherit the official family's behest if he inherited the official family's rule?"

(End of this chapter)

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