The Pirate Hunting Gourmet

Chapter 347 Actual Confrontation

Chapter 347 Actual Confrontation
"I will put the money here for you. Whether you will pay next month's tuition or not is up to you. We will not force you." Yoshino Nara put the money from her husband back in front of Shikamaru, Then he left with empty plates and bowls.

"Think about it for yourself. It's getting late, and I have to go to the Hokage Building." Nara Shikahisa said, and he got up and left.

Shikamaru looked at his departing father, his face turned black.My parents also said that they would not force him and cut the pocket money. Isn't this a threat to him?
Before class at night, Louis looked at Shikamaru who had paid and nodded and said, "Okay, I will accept the money. If you have nothing else to do, class will start later, so you should go and prepare first. "

"Okay, teacher."

Shikamaru nodded, turned and left.

"Teacher, this is my tuition fee for next month." Seeing that Shikamaru had finished paying the money, Ding Ji immediately came to pay the money.

After Louis took the money, he sniffed the smell emanating from Choji's body, and reminded: "Well, I'll accept the money. But you have to remember to eat less greasy and salty food after training? Otherwise, you Now the body will bounce back to the original shape."

"Ah? I see." Ding Ci was shocked when he heard the words, and then immediately bowed to Louis in gratitude: "Thank you, teacher, for reminding me."

"Well, don't eat too much greasy food. It doesn't matter if you eat it for dinner, but at night, try to eat boiled ones, you know?"

Ding Ci nodded upon hearing the words: "I see, thank you teacher."

"Well, go back. Just be more careful next time."


Choji nodded and replied, then returned to his seat.

Next, another five or six students came to pay their tuition fees.Louis also accepted them one by one, and as for the remaining ones who hadn't paid the next tuition fee, Louis didn't urge them either.

It is better to learn this kind of thing voluntarily.

After school in the evening, the students returned home one by one.The students who did not pay the tuition went home and told their parents about the fact that someone in the training class paid the tuition.

After hearing this, some parents gave money directly, while some didn't. Parents who didn't give money felt that their children's learning progress was already fast.

As long as you continue to train according to the teacher's teaching, there is no problem even if you don't go to the training class.After listening to the students, they felt that there was no problem with what their parents said, so they stopped chasing after them.

So, the second month.The number of people in Louis' gymnastics training class was reduced by more than half, and Louis didn't feel disappointed when he saw it. Anyway, he just planned to teach students while wasting his time and slowly mastering the strength. The number of people didn't make any difference to him.

However, the students who persevered gave him face as a teacher after all, otherwise he would be gossiped if all the students left.

Therefore, Louis still intends to teach them some skills.

They are too strong to learn now, so Louis began to teach them some fighting skills.Such as grappling, wrestling and the like.

Although the students were young, the environment in which they were born made them understand the importance of what Louis taught before them, so they also studied it seriously.

Seeing this, Louis also asked them to practice in groups of two.After all, fighting alone is useless by practicing, it still needs actual combat.

So, Shikamaru and Choji got into a group, and Naruto and Rock Lee got into a group.

For this combination, Shikamaru expressed his opinion. After all, although Choji has lost a lot of weight, he is still physically stronger than him.And he can't use ninjutsu, so he is at a disadvantage against Shangchoji.

And Dingji felt that Shikamaru and himself were very good friends, he couldn't do it, but he couldn't live up to his father's expectations.So, hopefully Luis can make him switch.

And Rock Lee and Naruto just happened to have something wrong here.Naruto felt that he couldn't beat Li Luoke, who was practicing hard, and he would definitely suffer a loss against him.

Rock Lee felt that Naruto was too weak to make him improve.So, they found Louis too.

"Okay, I've finished listening to your story. Since you all feel that your opponent is not suitable, Naruto and Shikamaru should be in a team, and Rock Lee and Choji should be in a team."

"It looks like the four of you have no objections."

After hearing the words, the four looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

Then, after confirming that no one had any problems, the actual combat exercise began.

Locke Li looked at Ding Ci with an attacking gesture: "Ding Ci, you have to be serious. I won't hold back. The teacher said, once you make a move, you will never look back, no matter who is facing you? You must hug and kill His determination."

"I see, you should also be careful. Although I am not as fast as you, I am not easy to bully." Ding Ci replied, staring closely at Rock Li.

The two looked at each other, and then the battle began.

The two rushed towards each other at the same time, Rock Lee planned to use the speed to hit Ding Ci by surprise, and Ding Ci also planned to use the acceleration of his size advantage to suppress Rock Li in terms of strength.

After they bumped into each other, they retreated at the same time, and then climbed up one after another. Rock Lee stood slightly up the peak relying on his agility and the strength he had developed during this period of time.

And Ding Ci relied on his strong body to resist like a rock, although he didn't seem to work hard during the training class, and went to and from class like ordinary students.

But after returning home, he still practiced secretly.After all, he was also afraid that he would turn back into a fat man again.

Louis watched the two fight back and forth, and nodded in satisfaction.Although Rock Lee and the two of them really looked like children fighting with his strength.

But compared to other students, it is much better. Ten or twenty years later, as long as they can persist with their talents, it should not be a big problem to reach the level of generals.

"Look at my uppercut, look at my left hook. Look at my kick."

"You can fight well, can you stop nagging, Naruto."

Shikamaru said helplessly, dodging Naruto's seemingly imposing attack.

"Don't you think this is very imposing, Shikamaru." Naruto waved his fist and smiled.

"not at all."

Shikamaru blocked Naruto's attack, and put his knee on Naruto's belly.

"how is this possible?"

Naruto backed away from Shikamaru's raised knee, turned around and rushed up again.

"Because you told me all the moves you're going to do." Shikamaru explained, continuing to deal with the chattering Naruto.

"Then I won't talk anymore, let me see what you should do?" Naruto rushed up again, Shikamaru saw this and continued to defend, giving Naruto a kick from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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