The Pirate Hunting Gourmet

Chapter 348 Out of the Village

Chapter 348 Out of the Village
"Why do you bastard step on someone's toes? You have the ability to hit me head-on." Naruto cursed, Shikamaru, a bastard, stepped on his foot.It's really disgusting.

Shikamaru sneered and said, "Mr. Louis said that as long as you can win, you can use any means. You have been with the teacher for so long, haven't you learned it?"

Naruto's face turned red when he heard the words, and blurted out:

"But you are too despicable."

"It's better to be despicable than to lose your life. The enemy won't fight you head-on. Look at the trick." Shikamaru said, continuing to greet Naruto's feet.

Seeing this, Naruto jumped up and down to avoid Shikamaru's stomping attack.

Louis shook his head when he saw this, then returned to his chair and lay down.

The actual combat didn't last long, and as time went by, soon some students couldn't hold on anymore, and the fighting stopped one after another.

Only Rock Lee and Ding Ci were left with a sweaty battle.

Upon seeing this, Louis clapped his hands and shouted to the two:

"Okay, look at the appearance of the two of you. It must be indistinguishable now. Let's stop, we have to continue the class."

"is teacher."

The two stopped fighting soon after hearing the words, and then stood up again, waiting for Louis to continue teaching.

"Well, now you all should have a little understanding of your respective strengths. Then during this period of time, you should focus on your own shortcomings. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me anytime."

"Now, all the students are going to leapfrog 100 times."

After Louis finished speaking, the students began to prepare for Leapfrog.


As soon as the password was given, the students started jumping around in the yard.

Two months later, the ninja school ushered in the summer vacation.The students who have been in class for nearly half a year couldn't help cheering, they can finally play.

Moreover, the physical training class also said that it would suspend classes for a month to let the students have fun.Therefore, this summer vacation seems so beautiful to them.Many students are beginning to plan where they are going to play.

Only Naruto was a little sad, because Louis said.He and Li Luoke will be taken out of the village to practice, and they will come back in a month.

Looking at Naruto's appearance, Louis said, "Don't put on such a bitter face. The purpose of bringing you here is to expand your horizons, and it's not really for you to practice."

"But Rock Li, you are different. I took you out this time to really prepare for practice. Because the physical skills I teach are for fighting, your practice this time will be a bit dangerous, and you have to be fully prepared. "

"Yes, teacher." Rock Lee nodded, with a hint of excitement on his face.

He was finally able to learn the true skills of the teacher, and he was so excited.

At the gate, Shikahisa Nara knocked on the door of the training class with Shikamaru and said, "Is Teacher Louis there?"

Upon hearing this, Louis waved to Shikaku Nara at the door, "I'm here, what's the matter with Shikamaru's parents?"

Nara Shikajiu heard Shikamaru who kept tossing and said: "That's right, there is one thing I want to trouble Mr. Louis. I hope Louis doesn't mind."

"Well, to be honest, I don't mind a little. It's summer vacation now, you should let him have a good time, after all, he does well in class."

Louis really didn't want to bring Shikamaru with him, originally he would be enough to be a nanny with Rock Lee and Naruto.

Now that I have to bring Shikamaru, isn't it really a nanny?

Nara Shikajiu couldn't help showing a bit of embarrassment when he heard this, but he had expected this situation a long time ago.So, he handed the money to Louis and said with a smile: "Mr. Louis, don't worry, I have already told Shikamaru to ask him to listen to you carefully. If he is not obedient this month, teacher, just tell me when you come back. I'll take care of him."

After hearing the words, Louis weighed the money bag in his hand, and finally agreed.He didn't want to bring Shikamaru with him, but there was no way, the money Nara Shikoku gave was too much.

After Nara Shikajiu saw that Louis agreed to come down, he waved goodbye and said: "Then please trouble Mr. Louis, Shikamaru's clothes and luggage have been packed. I will leave first, goodbye."

After talking about the whole person, he left very freely.

Shikamaru couldn't help but see black lines appearing on his forehead.

Seeing this, Louis said with a smile: "Okay, you can sit here for a while. Wait a minute, the little guy Dingji is coming too."

"Really? That would be great"

Shikamaru with a bitter face couldn't help showing a happy expression when he heard this.

Inside Qiu Dao's house, Qiu Dao Ding Zuo looked at his son who was packing his clothes, and couldn't help but said sadly: "Son, don't you plan to spend the summer vacation happily with Dad? Why do you want to go out of the village to practice with Teacher Luis?"

"Is it because the food that Dad cooks is not delicious, or do you mean that you don't love Dad anymore?"

"Dad, hurry up and get the money. Otherwise, Shikamaru and the others will leave later." Choji urged, not caring about his father at all.

He was on the road just now, but he heard what Shikamaru's father said to Shikamaru.If he doesn't hurry up, Shikamaru will leave the village with Louis-sensei.

Then in the next month, he will be sad.Therefore, he also left the village with Shikamaru and the others.

Akimichi Dingza looked at Dingji who packed his luggage and ran out, followed him even if he didn't want to, and handed over the food expenses to Louis.

Louis looked at the tearful Akimichi Dingza and smiled and said, "Don't worry, Dingji will be fine with me to take care of him, and I guarantee that he will be stronger than now when he comes back."

"Really? Then thank you, Mr. Louis." Akimichi Dingza said, then looked at Dingji who was having fun with Shikamaru Naruto, sighed and left directly.

After meeting Louis, he looked at the four of them and said, "Okay, don't play anymore, put all your luggage on your back, we are ready to go now, and try to find a place to camp before dark."

"Okay, teacher."

Naruto and others who were having fun nodded, and then left the training class with Louis and walked towards the gate of the village.

At the gate of the village, Louis took out the exit order signed by Hokage.He took Li Luoke and others away from Konoha smoothly.

After the five left, Shikahisa Nara and Dingza Akimichi also walked back at the gate.

On the way home, Akimichi Dingza looked at Nara Shikaku and complained: "Shikaku, why do you have Shikamaru go out of the village with you if you have nothing to do? That stinky boy Choji will go out with you too."

"Hahaha, you don't understand now. It's good for them to get in touch with the outside world earlier."

(End of this chapter)

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