The Pirate Hunting Gourmet

Chapter 318 Entering Again

Chapter 318 Entering Again
Seeing this, Katerina Depon could only follow along. Although Shilieu of the Rain did not speak, she also joined the battle with a knife in her hand. The rest of Poison Q and the others immediately followed after seeing this.

For a while, the Navy Headquarters became lively again.

And in this lively atmosphere, Qingzhi Huangyuan and others also rushed over.

After Polusalino arrived, he saw Katerina Depen and others immediately pursed his lips and said, "Hey, isn't this Katerina Depen and others? The old man is here to clean them up, Kuzan you go Help Sakalski."


Kuzan couldn't help saying more when he heard the words, but just nodded and ran to the dark space.

Seeing this, Polusalino slowly let the soldiers and the lieutenant general get out of the way, and prepared to paddle here until the end of the battle.

Kuzan walked to the front of the dark space, touched the black energy lightly with his hand, and found that his ability was a bit dull. He couldn't help but immediately retreated, looking solemnly at the entire area covered by the black energy body.

"Kuzan, where are the Sakaskis?"

The rushing Sengoku looked at Kuzan standing in front of the dark space and asked.

"If we guess wrong, he should be inside." Kuzan said, pointing to the dark space beside him.

Warring States heard the words and looked at the dark energy body, instead of rushing in immediately, he asked, "Really? What is this?"

"I don't know, but it will affect our abilities. I suggest that it's better not to rush in for those with abilities."

Kuzan said, the meaning is self-evident.

After hearing the words, Zhan Guo nodded after thinking for a while and said, "Okay, let Momotu and Garp come over."

"Well, that's the only way it can be."

Kuzan nodded in agreement.

After a while, Garp looked at the dark space, pinched his nostrils and said:
"What's going on? Why are you looking for this old man?"

Warring States heard the words and said: "Sakaski is inside, and this black energy has an influence on us capable people. Therefore, we hope you can go in with Momotu."

"Okay, the old man went in."

Karp said after thinking for a while, and then walked in.

After listening to Crane's explanation, Momotu saw Garp walking inside, and said:

"Little Cap, don't be so impatient. I'll go in with you."

Karp stopped walking when he heard the words, and beckoned to Taotu: "Then hurry up. Otherwise, the Warring States will say that we are lazy again."

"Okay, I'm here."

Taotu laughed, and followed Garp into the dark space.

In the dark space, Louis, who was absorbing the ability of the Sakasky fruit, noticed the grandpa and Taotu who came in, and his face couldn't help changing: "Huh? Moving so fast? It seems that I have to speed up."

After speaking, Louis absorbed Sakalski's ability while dragging Sakalski away through the space door.

Sakaski was not greeted by White Beard during the day, but was besieged by Katerina Depon at night, and after entering his dark space and losing his ability.

It was far easier to deal with than Louis thought, but it was a pity that he had to absorb half of it and leave, otherwise, he would have to fight his grandfather.

In order not to be called unfilial in the future, he had no choice but to slip away.

Immediately after Louis left, the darkness began to dissipate.Noticing this, Kapu Momotu, Sengoku and others rushed into Sakaski's residence immediately.

But they did not see Sakalski.All that was seen was the remains of Sakalski's house.

The tea dolphin looked at the scorched earth on the ground and said, "There was a battle here, and it was caused by Sakasky's ability."

"Yes, we can see it. You don't need to explain." Taotu rolled her eyes and said, she is not a fool, how could she not see such obvious traces of battle.

"Did Katerina Depen and those guys get caught? Bring them over and ask why they are here." Warring States looked at the ground and said in a bad tone.

Kuzan nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go over and see if Polusalino has solved them."

After watching the dark space disappear, Katerina Depon couldn't help saying in a panic: "Shileu of the Rain, something seems wrong. Let's break through as soon as possible."

Seeing the blue ice flying towards him, Xiliu swung his sword to resist and said, "I know, but it's too late."

"What should I do?"

Katerina Depon said a little nervously that she had had enough of the dark and damp Push City.She doesn't want to go back again.


Shiliu said lightly, and put down the long knife in his hand.He stretched out his hands to show his innocence.

With so many naval soldiers plus the lieutenant general and two generals, no matter how confident he was, he wouldn't feel that they would be able to leave.

So it's better to preserve your strength and prepare for your escape later.

Katerina Depone's face darkened when she heard the words, but knowing that she had no chance of winning if she continued to fight, she still raised her hands and surrendered aggrievedly.

Seeing this, Polusalino couldn't help showing a look of regret, obviously he was fishing in troubled waters.

Kuzan and the others are about to take on the mission, who knew that this group of guys would be so cowardly.Now it hurts that he will be assigned another mission later.

Kuzan looked at Katerina Depon and others who surrendered and said, "Tie them all up and take them to the Marshal."


The lieutenant generals replied when they heard the words, and then locked them up with Hailoushi handcuffs and shackles, and escorted them to the Warring States.

Warring States looked at Katerina Depen and others and began to interrogate and asked: "Who did you come to Marlin Vandor with? Katerina Depen, Shiliu of the Rain."

"Who is it coming from? You should have guessed it right. The guy Akainu is missing, but don't worry, he will come back soon. It's just that he will become like us." Katerina Depon He smiled ferociously.

When the Warring States heard the words, his face was dark, and he resisted the urge to deal with Katerina Depen, and asked the lieutenant generals to detain Katerina Depen and others.

Seeing this, Crane persuaded: "Sakaski's life should be fine, and you don't have to worry too much during the Warring States Period. We were careless this time. I didn't expect that the other party would dare to do something to Sakaski."

Warring States nodded and said: "Yes, so we can't relax our vigilance, and always be careful of the other party's appearance."

"I know, but everyone is very tired after fighting for a day. There are also many places in the headquarters that need to be repaired." Crane wondered.

"Then try not to let the ability users show their heads."

At this point, the Warring States can only try to save the loss of the headquarters.Every capable navy is of great significance to the headquarters.

He couldn't watch them being deprived of their abilities, and the entire army would be demoralized.

(End of this chapter)

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