Chapter 317 Ambush
"Very well, then let's get ready to come out. Come here, Lafitte." Louis smiled and waved to Lafitte.

Lafitte's expression turned ugly when he heard this, but he didn't dare to come forward.

Louis looked at Lafitte who was walking over and said, "You are a capable person, should you cooperate with me honestly, or let me knock you out and do it yourself?"

"I cooperate with you." Laffitte said with a pale face, and sat down in front of Louis honestly.

"Very good, your life is saved." Louis laughed, and then began to draw Laffitte's ability.

After a while, another person was lying on the warship.

After seeing Laffitte fainted, Katerina Depon found that Bondi Waldo was no longer on the sea, so she said, "Aren't you going to take care of Bondi Waldo? Or is that all?" Let him go."

"If he wants to leave, I have to agree. Let him be happy for a while. After a while, I will send him to play in the city." Louis laughed, and then kicked Tiqi into the door. close.He opened another door and said:

"Sakaski must have been injured when he fought Whitebeard. All you need to do is to make his injury worse. After that, I won't bother you anymore."

"Because I'm going to draw Sakaski's ability."

After hearing the words, Katerina Depon and others looked at each other, nodded and said:

"Okay, remember what you said. Let's go."

"Naturally, please."

Louis smiled and made a gesture of please.Catalina Depon and others saw it and walked inside.

In the Navy Headquarters, Marin Vandone, Sakaski was bandaging his wounds in his room. Suddenly he stopped bandaging his wounds, and his whole body turned into hot molten liquid, staring at the door.

After Louis walked out of the door, he looked at Sakaski's room and said:

"Inside is Sakalski's room, and I hope you guys don't run away. Otherwise, even if it is the end of the world, I will find you."

"A friendly reminder to you, Sakaski has already found us. You should be careful when you go in."

"Understood, you don't need to pretend to be a good person."

Katerina Depon said coldly, and then several people slowly approached Sakalski's room.


Before a few people approached Sakalski's room, the door blew open. Sakalski walked out of the room and looked at Katerina Depon and others coldly:

"You came back by yourself, which just saved me the trouble of looking for you. Since you are here, let's all stay here."

"Ghost Dog"

With Sakalski's swing, the arm formed by the molten magma elongated and attacked Katerina Depon and others.

Seeing this, Katerina Depon couldn't help lowering her head, and Shiryu blocked Sakaski's attack with a long knife.

Seeing this, Sakaski was dripping with sizzling lava, and then the lava completely covered the ground.

The house made of wood and red bricks soon caught fire.

When Katerina Depon saw her, her eyes could not help but be full of guard, and then she looked at Louis who was standing not far from herself and the others.

Still bite the bullet and go in, the admiral is just, although she can't beat her, she may not die.

And if she doesn't go, she will definitely be annoyed to death by the ability hunters in the future.

With Katerina Depen as the vanguard, Shilieu of the Rain and others immediately followed.

For a while, Sakaski was besieged by several people.

Louis nodded in satisfaction when he saw this, and the pitch-black darkness emanated from his body, and then spread along the ground to the surroundings.

After a while, Katerina Depon and the others found that the ground where they were standing began to feel like a swamp.

Just as they were about to leave, they heard Louis' voice: "Don't be so afraid, this is the ability of the dark fruit, you hold Sakaski back for me. When he completely sinks into the darkness, you can leave gone."

After hearing this, Katerina Depon and others had no choice but to bite the bullet.

After Sakaski felt his body sinking and his ability was out of control, he punched Katerina Depon and others back.

Just when Sakalski was about to break free from the darkness, Louis stepped on the moon and kicked Sakalski on the head. After Sakalski felt the crisis, he resisted Louis' attack with both arms, and the whole body Man, too, was thrown back into darkness.

After watching Sakalski fall into the darkness again, Louis slapped Katerina Depon and others out of the darkness with a wave of his hand, and said:

"You can go, and I will not interfere with you again."

When Katerina Depon and others heard the words, they showed happy smiles, and then immediately turned and left.

And without Katerina Depon and others present, the darkness became more intense until it became a semicircular dark space.

After Sakalski realized that all his abilities could not be used, he simply started fighting with Louis.

After receiving a few punches from Sakalski, Louis said while waving his powerful fist, "Since you have been sucked into the dark space by me, don't even think about getting out. I want to take a look. As a navy After you lose your ability as a general, how strong can you be with all your physical skills?"

"You want to know? Just try it yourself." Sakaski said, and continued to fight with Louis.

Katerina Depon and the others looked at the dark field behind them that covered half of Marin Vanduo, and couldn't help feeling a little numb.

But before they had run far, they encountered groups of sailors and admirals.Some of them were kicked out of the house by Louis' dark space, and most of the rest came over when they heard the movement.

The lieutenant generals who came with the soldiers saw Katerina Depen and the group, and said:
"Catalina Depon."

"Shiliu of the Rain."

"Basque Choate"

"Poison Q"

"Abalo Pizarro"

"Van Oka"

"Gythas Badgers"

"Where do you guys want to go? Stay honestly. And where did Bondi Waldo and San Juan Wolf go? It's best to explain it together, so as not to suffer for a while."

"What should we do?" Poison Q looked at Katerina Depon and the others in distress and asked.

"Of course I fought, unless you want to eat in prison here." Abaro Pizarro said unhappily, and rushed into the navy pile with strides.

Seeing this, Basker Choate flicked his big tongue and said, "Let's go together, or we'll be finished after the Admiral of the Navy."

After speaking, Basque Choate also rushed into the navy pile.

(End of this chapter)

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