The Pirate Hunting Gourmet

Chapter 306 Intervention

Chapter 306 Intervention
Things seem to have gone a little too far. The navy actually dispatched four general-level combat forces to deal with Eustace Kidd and Trafalgar Law. If the two of them are caught, then he will be a bit difficult to capture The devil fruit is gone, so he has to help the two escape.

Louis, who was in a hurry to help, never considered that the four Apes didn't come here specifically to catch Trafalgar Law and Eustace Kidd.

Instead, they squatted to guard him.Of course, he might have thought of it too, but he chose to forget it.

"This is not Shichibukai Tyrant Bear, this is a humanoid robot. Eustace Kidd." Luo looked at the severed arm of broken pacifism that was sparking and flashing electricity.

"You don't need to tell me, I've already seen it." Kidd said when he heard the words, he was not blind, so couldn't he see such an obvious situation?

Kira looked at the golden light in the sky and said to his captain: "Captain, we'd better go quickly. Because the admiral seems to be here."

"Really? It's troublesome now. Let's go, leave them alone." Kidd said ugly, turned around and ran towards the dense mangrove area.

Seeing this, Luo immediately ran away with his men.

Seeing this, the yellow ape flying in the sky lightly flicked towards the two of them with golden light condensed on his fingers:


Two flashes of yellow light flashed, and the running Trafalgar Law and Eustace Kidd were blown away by the yellow light in front of them.

When they landed on the ground and rolled a few times, Polusalino also landed on the ground, looked at Eustace Kidd, Trafalgar Law and others and said with a smile:
"Tsk tsk, you guys should be really impatient. Why did you run away when you saw this old man? Could it be that this old man is so scary?"

Luo looked at Polusalino standing in front of him with an ugly expression and said, "How did you appear so quickly? It's impossible. We just started."

"Really? That can only be said to be very unfortunate. The old man has always been on the Chambord Islands, but he didn't expect that he would have to catch you first if he didn't find anyone who wanted to come." Polusalino shrugged and said.

"Okay, Polusalino will stop talking nonsense to them, don't you forget what our business is?" Aokiji, who came late, saw the yellow monkey and Eustace Kidd, two gangs of pirates When we talked, I didn't feel good about it.

Polusalino heard the words and said: "Sorry, sorry. I almost forgot, thank you Kuzan for reminding you."

After finishing speaking, he raised his finger, and the yellow light gathered on Polusalino's finger, which seemed to be ready to launch at any time.

Seeing this, Eustace Kidd, Trafalgar Law and others could not help but completely sink.

It wasn't enough for a yellow ape to come, but a green pheasant also came, and now they really couldn't fly.

On the red tree, Louis, who came late, looked at the tense atmosphere on the battlefield and shouted:
"Although I'm sorry to disturb you, can any of you tell me why you have to dispatch four general-level combat forces to clean up two supernovas? Is the navy's current combat power so extravagant that it can be wasted? ?”

"What? Four?"

After Louis finished speaking, Trafalgar Law and Eustace Kidd couldn't help but be shocked.

"Of course this is to wait for you. We thought you wouldn't come out. It doesn't look like what we thought." Taotu said with a smile, and walked out from behind Hongshu's body. There are tea dolphins.

Louis looked at the four people and said, "Admiral Yellow Monkey, Admiral Aokiji. Admiral Peach Rabbit will be the next Admiral, and Tea Dolphin will be the Admiral. Don't the four of you think highly of me? You are the one who fights the Four Emperors." Lineup, three of you are enough, why four?"

"Of course it's for safety. After all, you're not an easy guy to deal with." Aokiji smiled when he heard this, and the white frost under his feet instantly covered the battlefield.

Eustace Kidd and Trafalgar Law jumped to their feet for fear of being frozen.

After listening to Aokiji's words, the two of them finally breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that the four generals of Aokiji were not specially here to deal with them. ah.

Louis jumped from the icy tree, landed on the ground, looked at the frosty ground and shrugged: "We are not familiar with each other just now, so you don't need to be so enthusiastic."

"And you guys, why are you still standing here? Don't you plan to leave?"

Louis looked at Trafalgar Law and Eustace Kidd who were standing there in a daze and said.

Are all pirates such a courageous group of people?Or do you simply like to watch the fun and forget to run away?
Upon hearing the words, Kira hurriedly pulled Eustace Kidd away, and said to Louis, Aokiji and others by the way: "Let's go now, you take your time."

Seeing this, Trafalgar Law quickly followed Eustace Kidd and left, leaving Louis and Aokiji in the field.

After Louis watched Eustace Kidd and his group leave, in order to help them delay for a while, he had to fight Aokiji and the others.

"Okay, since everyone has already met. Let's exchange hands for a while, and let's finish with the meaning."

Louis said with a smile, his body has already moved.

Seeing this, Aokiji and the others moved immediately, and after a while, the five of them fought together.

On the other side, Eustace Kidd and Trafalgar Law didn't go far, but observed the battle from the red trees near the battlefield.

Kira looked at the scene where Kidd was focused on the battle between Louis and the admiral and said, "Captain, is there really no problem for us to do this? If we are still here after the battle is over, I'm afraid we will be arrested."

Kidd couldn't help but frantically said on his face when he heard this: "This is the best way to understand the strength of the new world. This is a battle between four generals. Don't you want to miss it?"

"Of course I don't want to, but we are not in a very good situation now. Captain." Kira said, although he didn't want to miss the battle scenes of the top powerhouses, but it was clear that they were not the time to stop.

"Don't be so scared. Didn't you see that those guys are not nervous? We have nothing to be nervous about." Kidd pointed to Trafalgar Law beside him.

If they go first, doesn't that prove that they are afraid of being forced down by the other party?
After hearing the words, Kira looked at Trafalgar Law and the others, and could only say helplessly, "Okay, then I'll take a look and leave."

(End of this chapter)

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