Chapter 305
Now he just wants to open the shop honestly, and doesn't want to be involved in any troublesome matters.If Tianlongren died on the Chambord Islands, it would be a big deal. He planned to take refuge in Rayleigh after closing the stall.

Seeing that Xiaoba was so flustered, Louis was very worried about whether his meatballs could be cooked perfectly, so he had to remind him: "Don't be so flustered, it hasn't happened yet, don't make the meatballs raw for me, boss."

Hearing what Louis said, the flustered little Ba quickly calmed down and apologized, "Sorry, guest. I was too nervous, so I'll do it right for you."

"Well, that's about the same."

Louis nodded and said, then looked at Xiaoba and said, "When were you released by the navy? I think you have been running a takoyaki restaurant in the Chambord Islands for a long time."

Xiao Ba heard the words and said without thinking: "I was released just two years ago, because I didn't do anything bad, so I was only locked up for a few years."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Ba came to his senses, looked at Louis in front of him in horror and said:

"How did you know I was caught by the Navy?"

Louis waved his hand and said, "Don't be so excited, I'm just curious, and your takoyaki is really good."

As soon as Xiao Ba heard Louis praise his takoyaki, he immediately scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "Really? Thank you for your appreciation."

"Yes, if you open a branch store, remember to tell me, I will definitely support you then." Louis said with a smile.


Xiao Ba scratched his head in embarrassment and said, he hasn't thought about opening a branch store yet, but it's not too late to think about it now.

He handed the packaged meatballs to Louis and said, "This is your meatball, the guest, and it's ready."


Louis took the ball and got up from the seat, and gave Bailey to Xiaoba: "This is Bailey. You can put it away, I will come and sit often when I am free."

"Okay, guests come often when they are free."

Xiao Ba took Bailey and said with a smile, watching Louis leave.I even forgot what happened just now.

After Louis took the takoyaki and left, he was not in a hurry to find the ability users. He first walked to the auction house, intending to sit at the entrance of the auction house and wait.

Anyway, Eustace Kidd and Trafalgar Lawe would be here.He just needs to wait, and prepare a little surprise for the two of them by the way.Make them happy and happy.

Eustace Kidd, who was walking towards the auction house, had no idea what surprise Louis had prepared for him?Otherwise, even if you kill him, you won't come here.

The bright sunshine shone on the Chambord Islands, and the nine supernovas each started their own activities.

And Eustace Kidd and Trafalgar Law also entered the auction house under Lewis' watchful eye.

Louis was very happy when he saw this, and added something to the two of them by the way.He just walked away, there will be a good show here in a while, he doesn't want to be surrounded by the navy, so he left first, and left the battlefield for them to play.

After all, they are supernovas, and it would be bad if they stole their limelight.

Not long after Lewis left, Trafalgar Law and Eustace Kidd rushed out of the auction house.

"You lunatic actually killed the Celestial Dragon, and you made me miserable." Trafalgar Law looked at Eustace Kidd and complained, killing the Celestial Dragon, he would completely understand It's up to the sea.

"Haha, don't say it as if you didn't do anything. Don't forget that you cut her neck. I just pierced her body, so we both have a share."

Kidd smiled ferociously, now that the matter has already happened.Then let the fire burn more vigorously.

Listening to the quarrel between the two, Kira reminded: "Captain, I think we should run away quickly, the navy is definitely on the way again, maybe the admiral will also come, if we meet them, we will be over. "

"Don't worry, their speed will not be so fast. As long as we escape from the Chambord Islands now, everything will be safe." Kidd laughed.

"Really? I'm afraid you are very unlucky."

As soon as Kidd finished speaking, Zhan Taomaru appeared with the pacifist carrying a hatchet.

Kidd heard this and looked at Zhan Taowan and couldn't help but said:

"Are you a navy?"

"Compared to whether he is a navy? The Qiwuhai tyrant bear behind him is more noteworthy. Captain." Kira reminded.

Kidd laughed and said, "I saw it, but what does it matter? It's just Shichibukai, we can deal with it now."

"Yeah? Pacifism fires."

Senmomaru laughed when he heard this, and Pacifism began to shoot laser light at the two gangs of pirates, Eustace Kidd and Trafalgar Law.

"It's messed up now. Some Tianlong people died on the Chambord Islands. It seems that if we don't want to be scolded by the marshal, we have to do our best."

Huang Yuan hung up the phone and pouted at Aokiji and the others, looking very wretched.

"Then take the perpetrator back." Taotu said with a smile when he heard the words, and he didn't seem to care too much about it.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Aokiji stretched out his hand and interrupted: "Let's talk about this matter later, where did you find that supernovas were attacked by capable hunters?"

The three of them shook their heads in unison when they heard the words. The three of them did not receive any reports from their eyeliners.

"I haven't received any information, so he probably hasn't come yet." Taotu said.

Aokiji shook his head and said, "Impossible, so many capable people have landed on the Chambord Islands. Judging from his previous form and style, he must have come, but he hasn't shown up yet."

"Then do we need to continue to wait now? Or should we go and arrest the person first?" Huang Yuan said after hearing the words.

After hearing the words, Qingzhi thought for a while and said: "Go arrest people first, lest the ability user is not caught later. The murderer who killed the Tianlongren was not caught this time. Two things must be done."

The tea dolphin nodded and said, "Okay, that's the decision. Let's arrest people first."


After the discussion, the four of them immediately went to Zhan Taomaru. Trafalgar Law and Eustace Kidd, who were fighting, had no idea that they would receive such a big gift. is fighting.

Louis, who was eating takoyaki in the distance, looked at the flashing yellow light above his head, sensed the situation nearby, and immediately put down the takoyaki in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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