The Pirate Hunting Gourmet

Chapter 197 The Angry Sand Crocodile

Chapter 197 The Angry Sand Crocodile
"Don't worry, the civilians of the Kingdom of Alabasta will not be angry. They will be very happy. This is the greatest gift I have given them." Louis said with a smile. It has been a long time since the civilians of the Kingdom of Alabasta have seen each other. The rain has passed, and now he has given them a quick rain, and they must be too happy to be happy.

And this source of happiness is not temporary, as long as the local temperature and air dryness reach a peak, the Kingdom of Alabasta will have such a heavy rain again.

This is the rainfall condition he set up for the Alabasta kingdom with his ability. If you want to ask what scientific principle is this, does the world of One Piece still talk about science?

"Your Majesty, I think we have to find a way to help the civilians resist the flood. I just went out and flew around and found water everywhere, and the water flow has reached the height of my trouser legs." Bell said to his family after falling from the sky and regaining his human form. said the king.

"The civilians are all right." Naferutali Cobra asked with concern.

"Everyone is fine, they are very happy, the rain is so heavy." Bell laughed when he heard this.

"Really? That's good. If there is still such a heavy rain in the country in the future, I can rest in peace even if I die." Naferutali Cobra said with relief.

"Your Majesty, don't say that, the country will definitely get better and better. Isn't this heavy rain the best proof?" Bell asked comfortingly, with this heavy rain.The tension in the Kingdom of Alabasta will definitely drop by [-]%. If there is another heavy rain after a while, the Kingdom of Alabasta will return to its former peace.

Louis: This is the heavy rain you want. Don't cry and beg me to take it back when the time comes.

"Yeah, I hope it's not a temporary thing." Naferutali Cobra nodded and said, looking at the water flowing on the ground, his eyes were full of light.

At the entrance of the Great Airway, Whiskey Peak, Icarem put down the phone bug, and happily found Wei Wei who was sitting on the coast.

"Mr.8 You are so happy, is there any good news?" Wei Wei asked when she saw Icarem approaching.

In order not to reveal her identity, she has already become a habit of calling Icarem Mr.8.

"The great news about Miss Wednesday, come with me. I'll tell you." Icarem said with a smile, then made a gesture, and Wei Wei immediately left with Icarem upon seeing this.

After walking for a while, the two came to a secret house.

"What is the good news? Icarem." Wei Wei asked impatiently.

"The Kingdom of Alabasta has just had a heavy rain that not only filled the dry river, but also flooded the Kingdom of Alabasta. Princess Wei Wei." Ikalem said excitedly, and the Kingdom of Alabasta The heavy rain that caused waterlogging shows how heavy the rain is.

"Really? That's really great." Princess Weiwei couldn't help crying, it was finally raining in the country.Everyone's life will be better again.

"Yes, His Majesty the King is busy dealing with the accumulated water caused by the rain." Icarem nodded and smiled.

"Mr. Crocodile, the rain seems to have disrupted our plans." Robin suddenly appeared beside Crocodile on the roof of Rainland Casino and said.

"Did you take care of things? You're back so soon." Crocodile said after hearing the sound.

"Yes, Mr. Crocodile. If the rain hadn't delayed my time, I would have come back sooner." Robin nodded and said, then looked at the stagnant water that had receded.

"After this rain is over, there will still be drought. This will not affect my plan, and everything will go on as usual." Crocodile said, although he didn't know what was going on with the rain.

But it doesn't matter, he will restore the Alabasta kingdom to its original drought.

"Yes, Mr. Crocodile."

Robin nodded and replied after hearing the words, and then continued to stand on the roof and Crocker must wait for the stagnant water to recede.

Three days later, Crocodile appeared in the casino office exhausted and nodded in satisfaction seeing that the ground had recovered from before the rain.

Then, dark clouds appeared in the sky of the Kingdom of Alabasta and it began to rain. Half an hour later, Crocodile's face darkened instantly.

He dried up the ground with his ability, and almost tired himself to the ground, but after a rain, all his efforts were in vain.

How can he accept this?The angry Crocodile almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

But there is no place to vent, it is raining, and he is not strong enough to fight against the sky.

So, after resting for one night, Crocodile continued to dry up the kingdom of Alabasta the next day. As a result, after he finished his work and returned to the office, it started to rain again.

Seeing the splintering rain, Crocodile trembled with anger, thinking that he, the king of the desert, couldn't handle the rain, it was really uncomfortable.

But if he can't do it, he can't do it, and he can't give up.Is he Crocodile so easy to give up?He Crocodile is going to fight against the sky.

Ever since, Crocodile began a long-term struggle with rain.

When the rain fell, he went to suck up the rainwater.Let the Alabasta Kingdom restore a dry climate, and once the Alabasta Kingdom is dry, the rain will start to fall uninvited.

After coming and going, the people of Alabasta Kingdom are almost getting used to the current ghost weather.

"Well, this Crocodile is really persevering. But he can't fight against the sky." After Louis noticed Crocodile's actions, although he admired his perseverance, he was not optimistic about Crocodile's continuation.

How can people be more efficient than the sky?Crocodile has worked so hard to make the Alabasta Kingdom what it was before it rained, because that's what he said.

"Louis, the food is gone. Should we continue our journey?"

Bucky asked Louis as he finished his last sip of soup.They stayed on the coast of the Kingdom of Alabasta for so long, and they finally finished eating the ingredients they caught, so should they go?

"Well, we really should go. Let everyone know that we are ready to set sail. The goal is the capital of seven waters."

Louis nodded and said, and then Bucky began to give orders.It didn't take long for ships to leave the coast for the capital of the seven waters.

"Bucky, I heard that the shipbuilding technology in the capital of seven waters is good. Do you plan to change a ship?" Louis asked Bucky who was standing on the bow.

(End of this chapter)

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