The Pirate Hunting Gourmet

Chapter 196 1 Heavy Rain

Chapter 196 A Heavy Rain

"As long as the question is within the range that the system can answer, the system will naturally answer it for the host." The system prompted after hearing the words.

"Really? Then can you tell me where to pick up star beast meat?" Louis asked as soon as he heard it.

"This requires the host to actively collect and collect data. This system cannot provide the answer the host wants." The system prompted after hearing the words.

"Well, isn't this just a waste of joy." Louis shrugged and said, since he doesn't even know where there are creatures like star beasts, there is no difference between asking and not asking.

"Louis, what are you mumbling about alone? Come and eat food. Didn't you just say you want to eat?" When Louis was talking to himself, Bucky came over and said.

"I'm already eating, what's the matter?" Louis said, raising his plate.

"It's nothing, the captain is just here to inform you." Bucky said with a smile, but followed Louis closely.

"Then you've finished talking now, you can go now. Don't stick to me all the time. Although I know you're greedy for my ability and my air-conditioning, you can't always follow me." Louis heard Bucky Thinking in my heart, I opened my mouth and said.

"There is no way. You don't know the temperature in the Kingdom of Alabasta. It's hot and dry. I feel like I'm going to melt when Captain Ben isn't by your side." Bucky said, sticking out his tongue.

"Then I'll make it rain here. You should be much cooler now. Don't keep pestering me." Louis said, Bucky would be fine if a girl followed him closely , but the problem is that he is a wretched uncle in his 30s, what is it to follow him all the time.

"Is it possible? It would be the best if this is the case. The captain is almost dying of heat." Bucky said happily when he heard that, as long as it rains, the temperature will drop immediately, and he, Mr. Bucky, doesn't have to follow Louis all the time. .

"Of course, but I'm afraid this rain will last a little longer, otherwise we will be like half a bowl of water sprinkled on a high-temperature pot. We will be steamed like steamed buns." Louis said after hearing that the Kingdom of Alabasta was so hot. A drizzle is useless, it must rain heavily.

Otherwise, the drizzle will not only fail to solve the current heat, but may also increase the temperature.

"As long as the temperature can be lowered, it doesn't matter if you turn Alabasta into a city of water. Louis." Bucky said with a smile, who cares how long it will rain?He, Mr. Bucky, just needs to cool himself down.

"Well, then go and inform Sauron and the others. I'm going to activate my ability." Louis said, and Bucky immediately went to inform Sauron and others that they would be on board.

"The Kingdom of Alabasta has been dry for so long, let me let you have a good rain. Don't thank me, I am a righteous boy with a red scarf." Louis saw Sauron and his group rushing back and couldn't help laughing. , and then waved his hand.

The sky began to darken, the Thunder Snake moved among the clouds, and a huge rainstorm seemed to be coming at any moment.

"boom boom"

"boom boom"

Thunder and lightning wandered among the clouds, cutting a scorched black gully in the desert from time to time.

The face of Crocodile, who was in the Rainland Casino in the Kingdom of Alabasta, was as black and terrifying as the dark sky.

"What's going on? Why is there such a weather in the Kingdom of Alabasta? It's absolutely impossible." Crocodile looked at the sky outside the window and roared. He didn't believe that the formation said that there was no heavy rain in the sky.

"It's going to rain, it's raining, it's great, it's finally going to rain."

"Yeah, let's make more rain, and give us more."

"Hahaha, it's raining."

The people of the Kingdom of Alabasta shouted happily in the sky, not worried about being struck by the lightning that fled through the clouds.

"Your Majesty, it's finally going to rain here." Nabel, King of Alabasta, looked at the thunderous thunder in the sky, and said to Naferutali Cobra at the side.

"Yeah, it's been more than a year. We finally saw that the Kingdom of Alabasta is going to rain again." Naferutali Cobra said excitedly when she heard the words, tears streaming down her eyes.

"Louis, isn't the cloud you made a bit too thick? Captain Ben thinks you're going to flood the Kingdom of Alabasta."

On the shore, Bucky looked at the thickening clouds in the sky and said.

"Even if I really flood the Kingdom of Alabasta, the people and masses of the Kingdom of Alabasta will still thank me, do you believe it?"

"The Kingdom of Alabasta hasn't had a drop of rain for more than a year. Now I'll help them rain for three years, so that they don't have to worry about the water source." Louis said with a smile, and then got into the boat .

"Is it going to rain? That's great."

Kaibi said happily looking at the dim sky where the Thunder Snake was scurrying away.

"Yeah, it's finally raining. This country desperately needs rain."

Little Turtle nodded and smiled when he heard that, a heavy rain would make the Alabasta Kingdom completely different.

"Let everyone prepare for waterproofing. I'm afraid this rain will be very heavy." Kosha looked at the sky and said.

"boom boom"

"Whoa Whoah"

After the thunder and lightning continued to strike a few times, raindrops fell from the sky like chess pieces, hitting the people in the open space and making them scream.

"Go in quickly, the raindrops hurt so much. My head hurts." After feeling the impact of the rain, the man immediately hid in the house after being hit by the raindrops.

After the other civilians felt the strength of the rain belt, they also ran into the house.

The rain fell into the ground and soon wet the whole earth.The rivers and lakes on the ground were refilled, and water began to appear on the ground in the desert of the entire Alabasta Kingdom.

A few hours later, the civilians of the Kingdom of Alabasta stood on their desks and looked at the furniture floating on the desks, with inexplicable expressions in their eyes.

"I hate water"

On the house of the Rainland Casino in the Kingdom of Alabasta, Crocodile watched the flood that submerged the casino floor with a gloomy expression.

With such a powerful current, his ability can't stop it at all.All the arrangements he had made in the Kingdom of Alabasta before would probably be in vain now.

"What a pleasant rain, don't you think, Bucky."

On the coast, after seeing the dark clouds in the sky cleared, Louis asked Bucky beside him.

"Yes, it's cool. But you've also flooded the Kingdom of Alabasta." Bucky said when he heard the words, he could see the inland area on the coast flowing into the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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