Abandoned by the strongest giants

Chapter 303 Ye Lao Disappointed

Chapter 303 Ye Lao Disappointed
Chapter 360 Ye Lao Disappointed
Now it seems that he still protects his granddaughter very well on weekdays, otherwise, how could he cause such a big trouble this time.

"Then what should we do?" Listening to what Grandpa said, Ye Qingqing began to feel a little flustered in his heart. To him, he wasn't afraid of Xiao Chen, but he didn't want it to be because of this. This incident caused trouble in their family.

"It's okay, it's just that you provoked Xiao Chen. I have been very critical of Xiao Chen's performance in the past. It is unlikely that Mr. Xiao Chen will care about you."

Ye Lao looked at his granddaughter's appearance, and finally responded with a bit of distress.

But before he was about to leave, he told his granddaughter again.

"I've already said what needs to be said. You absolutely don't allow any conflicts with Xiao Chen in the future. Otherwise, no matter how powerful I am, I'm afraid I won't be able to save you." Ye Qingqing didn't say anything this time. He nodded hesitantly and didn't say anything. What Grandpa said today was simply aimed at Chen Shiyi's attitude when he faced Xiao Chen. He couldn't be the same as before.

Even at this moment, he has already begun to think seriously in his heart, wondering whether the things that his grandfather said before to bring the two of them closer can be realized.

If it really has such a strong strength inside as grandpa said, then it would indeed be a profitable business for him to get closer to Xiao Chen.

After grandpa left, Ye Qingqing kept recalling what grandpa said to him today in his mind.

After a while, Ye Qingqing suddenly got up and walked into the monitoring room of the film studio. If Xiao Chen was really such a powerful person as his grandfather said, then this guy shouldn't behave so vulgarly. Suddenly, he wanted to investigate what kind of reason Xiao Chen used to attack these guys. After he reached the front of the monitor and saw clearly everything about Xiao Chen's attack, Ye Qingqing supported the chair beside him. , with a dejected look on his face.

It wasn't until this moment that he suddenly realized how much wronged he had caused Xiao Chen to suffer when he was facing Xiao Chen.

Whether it was the woman who owed the money or the man at the end, it was obvious that they were deliberately messing around here from the very beginning.

After Xiao Chen gave in to them one, two, and three times, he had no choice but to attack them.

Seeing these scenes, Ye Qingqing's heart began to melt into surging anger at this time. Now he not only wants to beat himself up, but also wants to beat up those two troublemakers today. Pull them all out, let them feel the cruelty of life.

If it weren't for these two guys constantly confusing him in front of him, he wouldn't have made such a reckless move.

Now that it's troublesome, it's directed at Xiao Chen. From the way he treated him earlier, it can be seen that Xiao Chen no longer has any affection for him.

In the following time, if there is no way to get closer between him and Xiao Chen, once Xiao Chen's true identity is revealed in front of everyone, I'm afraid he will become a joke in everyone's mind.

Only now did Ye Qingqing realize that she had unknowingly fallen into a crisis.

Xiao Chen and Doctor Chen were already sitting in the box. After Xiao Chen exchanged a few words with Doctor Chen, Qian Miaomiao took the opportunity to make a request to Doctor Chen, hoping that he could treat his mother.

Chen Miracle Doctor wanted to flatter Xiao Chen with all his heart, and now that Qian Miaomiao, whom Xiao Chen valued a lot, made a request, of course he would not refuse.

Qian Miaomiao got this promise from Miracle Doctor Chen, and left this place contentedly, and after Miracle Doctor Chen and Xiao Chen were left in the room, Miracle Doctor Chen took the initiative to say something to Xiao Chen.

"Since your medical skills are much better than mine, why don't you take the initiative to treat his mother?"

He could see that Xiao Chen attached great importance to Qian Miaomiao, if Qian Miaomiao asked for his weight, then Xiao Chen would definitely agree.

Hearing what Xiao Chen said, I also smiled and shook my head.

"If it was in the past, it would be impossible to help his mother treat his stomach and intestines, but recently, I feel that the limelight on my body is too strong, and I hope to slowly suppress this limelight."

Doctor Chen nodded after hearing Xiao Chen's words, and looked at Xiao Chen with more praise.

Mu Xiuyu Xiao Chen, who is bound to be destroyed by the wind of the forest, a young man in his 20s can see through all these things, he is indeed an extremely intelligent person.

What didn't the two of them get involved too much in this matter?Attention soon turned to the medical convention.

"Now the medical conference has officially started. With Mr. Xiao Chen joining us, we should be able to win this time smoothly."

Xiao Chen smiled faintly when he heard the other party's words.

Although he still doesn't know much about the birth of the competition in this medical conference, he has extraordinary confidence in his medical skills, and he doesn't believe that there is anyone in this world whose medical skills can surpass him.

When Miracle Doctor Chen mentioned about this medical conference, he was still somewhat amazed in his heart. Seeing Xiao Chen's nonchalant attitude, he finally calmed down a lot, and then continued to speak.

"At this medical conference, if we can successfully win, then after the subsequent division of the pharmaceutical industry, we can get the biggest piece of cake."

Hearing these words, Xiao Chen showed a bit of surprise on his face. He really had never heard of such a statement in the past.

"Could it be that these provinces have all started to unite now?"

Xiao Chen frowned and said.

If this is the case, then the development of medical skills will inevitably begin to stagnate.

"Actually, it can't be said that it is all united, because once the loser will face a more weakened scene, and sometimes the strong will always be strong, and the weak will always be weak. Such situations have also begun to appear in our medical industry among."

When Miracle Doctor Chen said this, he couldn't help letting out a long sigh.

As one of the practitioners, although he has become famous now, he doesn't want the medical industry to stagnate.

(End of this chapter)

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