Chapter 302
Chapter 359
"After being assigned by this guy, my reputation will be completely destroyed."

Here nodded, and then called a group of people to press the man down forcefully. Although the man kept trimming, under the current situation, it was useless.

At this time, the people present were completely terrified by the scene in front of them.

Although Miracle Doctor Chen faced Xiao Chen with such a respectful attitude before, they had already realized that Xiao Chen's strength was no small matter.

But now Xiao Chen said a word.Doctor Chen completely believed it without any investigation, which made them more aware of how high Xiao Chen's status really was in their hearts.

Now it seems that the relationship between the two of them is based on Xiao Chen's honorific name, and the position of the genius doctor seems to be like a little brother running errands.

After the thunderclap of the man outside gradually stopped, Doctor Chen approached Xiao Chen again, and asked cautiously.

"You see that guy has been dealt with by me now, how about we forget all these past unhappiness in the next time?"

Generally, he didn't intend to take his anger on Miracle Doctor Chen. Since the other party gave him such face, he would naturally not show any rejection to Chen Shengyi. He nodded and led Qian Miaomiao upstairs.

Ye Qingqing looked at them at this time, and was about to disappear from his eyes, and then he came back to his senses, but after he took a step forward, he stopped abruptly.

Only then did he realize what a rare opportunity he had missed.

Before Miracle Doctor Chen did all of this, he couldn't figure out why Xiao Chen was so favored by his grandfather, but now he felt that there was no need to continue to spy on this reason.

After all, even Miracle Doctor Chen could be so excited when facing Xiao Chen, let alone his own grandfather.

This means that all the first-level people have come here, and Mr. Ye has also rushed over in a very short time.

The first time he saw his granddaughter, the old man asked directly and loudly.

"How about it, have you solved all the things I ordered you to solve now? You didn't provoke Xiao Chen, did you?"

Ye Qingqing was still full of grievances in her heart at this time, not only because of her grandfather's reprimand, but also because of her grandfather's concealment of Xiao Chen's identity.

If Xiao Chen's identity had been known to her from the very beginning, then she would inevitably be more cautious when facing Xiao Chen.

"Grandpa, what happened to that Xiao Chen? Who is he? Why do you show such an attitude towards him?"

Ye Qingqing felt that her patience could no longer be suppressed, so she asked her grandfather directly.

Grandpa Ye said vaguely.

"Didn't I already tell you that by now? He's a formidable character, you just need to coax him."

"Then tell me, what kind of powerful person is he, and what kind of existence does he have?"

Ye Qingqing continued to force her.

"In my impression, he is just Bai Nuan's husband. When did you seniors in medicine show so much concern for him?"

Seeing his granddaughter's excitement, Ye Lao didn't answer her granddaughter's question immediately, but frowned and continued to ask.

"What's the matter with you now? Is there any other problem with today's matter?"

"After I told you to be respectful to Xiao Chen, you offended Xiao Chen again?"

At this time, Ye Lao's face became more serious again.

Ye Qingqing gritted her teeth tightly, for a moment she didn't know how to respond to what her grandfather said.

Ye Lao didn't dare to let her dodge this matter easily, instead he pinched her chin and continued to shout loudly.

"From the first time I told you, so far, I have told you at least five times. You must treat Mr. Xiao Chen better. How did you do it?"

"I let you get closer to Mr. Xiao Chen. This is to give you the best chance in life. Why can't you hold on?"

Seeing the dissatisfaction on his granddaughter's face, Yelang took a few breaths of anger before continuing.

"The reason why I attacked Xiao Chen like this is not only because the other party saved my life, but also because the other party's strength has indeed reached a level that our family can hardly resist."

"Actually, it's not just me, even the genius doctors in the surrounding communities will be extremely respectful when they mention Xiao Chen. Do you think that under such circumstances, your attitude towards Xiao Chen will be better. Or is it an unacceptable thing?"

Ye Qingqing stood there in a daze for a long time, unable to recover.

The surrounding cities are all in the same state, how is this possible? Could it be that Xiao Chen directly unified the medicine in the surrounding cities?
"So you tell me who he is?"

"If he is really so powerful, why did he want to be a door-to-door son-in-law in the first place?"

"What does it matter to you what people want to do?" Ye Lao looked at his granddaughter who was obsessed with ghosts and continued.

"But if he wasn't a door-to-door son-in-law, of course we wouldn't be able to despise him."

At this time, Ye Qingqing had already started to make up random reasons for himself. Apart from these reasons, he didn't know what method to use to convince himself. .

"You're just talking nonsense. Xiao Chen's identity has nothing to do with how respectfully you should face him. Even if it's just an ordinary person, as long as the other party doesn't provoke you, then you can You have to abide by this morality as an ordinary person, do you still need me to teach you such a thing?"

"And sweeping monks or all kinds of people who hide in the city, haven't you heard of it in the past? I want to exercise your eyesight more than once. Every time you are concerned about this matter You lived in a vague way, now it seems that all the training I have given you in the past has been in vain."

When Ye Lao said this, he couldn't help sighing again.

From the day this granddaughter was born, he had placed high hopes on her, and only hoped that her granddaughter would inherit his mantle in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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