super biofactory

Chapter 107 Production Line (Revised)

Chapter 107 Production Line (Revised)
What's more, it is the world's top biotechnology company. Compared with those old biotech groups, Jiangnan Biotechnology is still far behind. Without the support of excellent biopharmaceuticals, Jiangnan Biotechnology will always be just like this and cannot become a real opponent of the giant biotech.

"It must be. If brother Chu encounters any troubles in the future, feel free to come and find him." Li Wujiang stood up with a smile all over his face, and firmly shook hands with Chu Feng.

Then Li Wujiang came to the research-type cockroach-head monster again, and extended his hand to thank the biology expert. Li Wujiang's hand.

After shaking hands, the research-type cockroach-headed monster probably disliked the unpleasant taste of the tea. When he sat back down and the female secretary poured him tea again, he bluntly said that he didn't want to drink tea. A glass of boiled water would be enough for him.

Hearing the words of the research-type cockroach-head monster, Li Wujiang and the female secretary were taken aback for a moment, especially Li Wujiang's expression didn't know whether he was distressed by the tea, or surprised that the research-type cockroach-head monster's cow drink was ugly. People who have achieved great achievements are more likely to have some strange problems. Chu Feng thinks that it may be because Li Wujiang thinks that the research-type cockroach-headed monster's drinking method makes him very rough.

However, seeing Li Wujiang's expression put on a smile, he felt that this is the identity of the research-type cockroach head monster, then shook his head with a wry smile, and nodded to the female secretary. The monster's glass was filled, and it left here gracefully.

Half an hour later, that is, it is now past ten o'clock in the evening, the female secretary came in again and reported: "Boss, the person in charge of the production line said that it has been arranged. Would you like to send it directly to this gentleman's factory or to the factory?" Come here."

Li Wujiang asked Chu Feng, "Brother Chu, do you want to send it to your factory first?"

Chu Feng said to the female secretary: "Let them transport it directly to the Baju Glass Factory. We will go back later."

Hearing this, the female secretary glanced at her boss Li Wujiang again. Li Wujiang waved her hand and said, "You can follow Brother Chu's arrangement, and send it directly to the Baju Glass Factory in Hongling Industrial Zone as he said."

When the female secretary received the order from her boss, she immediately nodded to say that she had received it, then left the office and began to give instructions to the person responsible for the production line arrangements.

Before leaving here, Chu Feng first signed a contract with Li Wujiang, which was similar to a contract given to Chu Feng by the production line for free. Li Wujiang asked the lawyers from the legal department to explain to Chu Feng the gifts between the production lines Matters and the need for contract signature.

Immediately afterwards, Li Wujiang called the female secretary and said to Chu Feng: "This is my daughter. She is my assistant to the chairman. She will show you how the production line is. After reading it, come back and sign."

After hearing this, Chu Feng seriously looked at the female secretary in front of him. She was wearing a black suit and leather shoes and a short skirt. The black transparent silk stockings added a touch of sexiness to her, and she was wearing a pair of black glasses.

Then, without saying a word, she took Chu Feng and the research-type cockroach-headed monster to the factory to see how the production line looked and how the internal structure was operating, and then brought them back to the chairman's office.

After signing, Chu Feng and the research-type cockroach-headed monster bid farewell to Li Wujiang, and got in the vehicle arranged by Li Wujiang. It was still the bodyguard driver and the Rolls-Royce. The three of them had nothing else to say.

Even when Chu Feng looked through the rear mirror, he saw that the bodyguard driver looked a little embarrassed and avoided Chu Feng's eyes. Chu Feng was not looking at him. After driving for less than half an hour, they finally returned to Chu Feng's glass factory.

The next day, Chu Feng drove a Hummer from the villa to the downstairs of Hualian Building. Through the car window, he saw a group of people waiting for others downstairs. Earlier, Gao Feng called Chu Feng and said that he would Arriving at Hualian Building, let Chu Feng prepare to come to Hualian Building to discuss the design of the building.

Obviously, this group of people is Gao Feng, Li Yineng and others. They also saw Chu Feng's special six-wheeled Hummer. Li Yineng nodded to a young man next to him who parked for Chu Feng last time. The young man received his boss Li Yineng's order, He didn't speak, but came to Chu Feng with a very excited face.

Nodding towards Chu Feng, Chu Feng understood what he meant, and didn't close the door after getting out of the car. Seeing this, the young man hurriedly said, "Boss Chu, I'm sorry, I'll park the car for you."

"Don't be shy, you park the car for me, I should thank you." Chu Feng shook his head slightly, and continued: "The car key is inside, please excuse me."

The young man still had a flattering expression on his face. After hearing Chu Feng's words, he got into the car and closed the door, and drove to the underground garage of Hualian Building.

Gao Feng who was not far away also came over, and when he brought Chu Feng in, he nodded towards Chu Feng as a greeting. Li Yi Neng, who was next to Gao Feng, was wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and directly stretched out his hand. Seeing this, Chu Feng quickly extended his hand. Hold it with one hand.

Just listen to Li Yineng say: "Boss Chu, you are finally here. We are waiting for your answer. The building design drawings are ready."

"Then hurry up and take us in. I've been looking forward to your design drawings for a long time. To be honest, I trust your ability, but all this will not be proven until I read your building design drawings to prove whether you are capable."

"Haha, Boss Chu should have such a heart, come and go first." Li Yi Neng didn't feel angry because of Chu Feng's words, but laughed and said.

Next, Chu Feng and Gao Feng followed Li Yi Neng and others to the office floor of Yi Neng Design Company, walked past the welcome counter, and came to the large conference room. The difference from the previous conference was that this time the conference room Except for a few seats in the front that were vacant, the rest of the seats were already filled with the staff of Yi Neng Design Company.

Eneng Design Company has been in charge of designing two skyscrapers and more than 40 kinds of garden communities, most of which are luxury communities designed for local real estate companies, such as Yijing City, Taohua Community and so on.

The designers waiting at the side stood up one after another, Li Yi Neng waved them to sit down, and then said to Chu Feng and Gao Feng: "Your positions are in these two positions, these are the senior designers of our company, they are all Participate in the design of your building blueprints."

Li Yi Neng pointed to a middle-aged woman and introduced: "This is Yu Jing, the vice president of our company, who is in charge of all the work of the design department. She is also a member of your design drawings."

Yu Jing took a few steps forward and stretched out a hand. Seeing this, Chu Feng also stretched out a hand to hold it. Feeling that Yu Jing's hand was very slender and strong, he stroked Chu Feng's palm with one finger.

(End of this chapter)

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