super biofactory

Chapter 106 Cooperation (Modified)

Chapter 106 Cooperation (Modified)
"Fortunately, my company is just such a treasure. Boss Li, if you poach me, that's no good. If he is poached by you, then my company can't get along anymore. Just close it earlier." Chu Feng instantly I understood what Li Wujiang meant, and directly explained what he meant.

Li Wujiang deserves to be a businessman. After being uncovered by Chu Feng in this way, his face did not change. He just said lightly: "Boss Chu can't say that. Business is all about whoever pays the most. It all depends on the person in charge.”

As soon as Chu Feng heard it, he smiled at Li Wujiang, then looked confidently at the silent research-type cockroach-headed monster beside him and said, "What's your opinion?"

The research-type cockroach-headed monster raised its head and said, "Everything is according to the boss's orders."

"Hehe, Boss Chu really has tricks." As soon as Li Wujiang heard this, he continued: "Forget it, I won't take your favorite general. This time you have helped my company a lot. What do you need or how much do you get Money can be said, it is my thank you for helping us."

Chu Feng was a little unresponsive. Li Wujiang meant that he didn't intend to owe favors to others, and wanted to use other things to get rid of the favors he provided this time. However, Chu Feng didn't intend to need Li Wujiang's favors. He thought about it. Think what you need?
In fact, there are many. For example, after visiting Li Wujiang's pharmaceutical machines just now, he wants those integrated intelligent pharmaceutical production lines.

His glass factory is still mainly based on labor production until now, and the virus antibody liquid is actually produced bottle by bottle from the experimental body infected with the virus by artificial means. Even if the virus isolates behind can keep up with the speed of the split larva market demand.

Even because of this reason, major international customers think that their factories use hunger marketing, but their production capacity cannot keep up with the market demand.

But if you get Li Wujiang's production line, even if you don't have the supporting production technology, as long as the original production line just leaves the factory, you can consider it.

The most important thing in their factory is the so-called machine production and matching talents. Just take the research-type cockroach head monster around him who knows how to adjust the matching of the production line.

So Chu Feng proposed what he wanted: "My company needs a production line similar to yours. Of course, the original machine is better, and the production line mainly loaded with liquid is the best."

Li Wujiang thought that Chu Feng wanted funds or other medicinal materials, but he never expected that he wanted a production line. In fact, it is not to blame Li Wujiang for thinking this way, because before their company secretly used a batch of money and copper antibody solution provided by Chu Feng. It was tested and found to be the perfect antiviral liquid.

According to normal reasoning, anyone who can produce a perfect anti-virus liquid would associate it with the many complete production lines in Chu Feng Factory, because without a production line, it is impossible to produce a perfect anti-virus liquid.

Especially when they detected the composition of the money copper antibody liquid, it was extremely complex, and the ingredients contained in it were indeed extracted from the strain of the money copper virus, and they could also split the ecosystem of the virus strain and synthesize it completely into a bottle of virus antibody liquid .

It's no wonder that Li Wujiang thought so, it's because without a production line, it is impossible to completely replicate the virus antibody solution.

Li Wujiang was just stunned, and then said: "Yes, I can give you one of the original production lines. If one is not enough, I will give you two more. You have done a great favor to our company. A few production lines are just a trivial matter."

After saying this, he pressed the landline phone on the table and stated his intention directly in front of Chu Feng and the research-type cockroach-headed monster.

There was a clear voice on the phone, saying that she understood and would arrange this soon.

Then he hung up the phone, and Li Wujiang poured a cup of fragrant tea for Chu Feng and the research-type cockroach-headed monster, and then they chatted about everyday things.

Not long after, Li Wujiang's female secretary came over and told Li Wujiang that the company had already declared three production lines from the factory.

The day after tomorrow, it will be delivered to Chu Feng to the receiving point, and the construction will start. Now the person in charge of the production line has sent someone to deliver the car.

After saying this, Chu Feng was excited. A complete production line is in the hands of a large company, and it will not be easily handed over to others.

Unless this production line is already obsolete, it is obvious that the production line provided by Li Wujiang to them may not be the most advanced production line, it may be a production line that their company has eliminated long ago, but there are not many people who want it, so they can only be vacant in the factory. However, it still made Chu Feng very excited.

Of course, excitement is nothing but excitement, but it doesn't mean that Chu Feng will get carried away, help Li Wujiang solve a big problem, and point out many design flaws.

Although he could get an astonishing reward, no matter how high the reward was, Chu Feng did not expect that it would be so high that he would directly send three production lines.

As for why Li Wujiang sent two more production lines, Chu Feng guessed that one possibility is that this is a kind of investment. The next time Li Wujiang company encounters any technical problems in biological medicine, it will definitely come to ask for advice. At that time, he will Do you refuse? I am sorry to continue to collect money.

Although they know that this method is wrong, their company can only provide a few suggestions when they encounter difficulties in their biological drugs, which does not mean that they can provide them with a virus antibody liquid production line. This is digging the root.

So even if Li Wujiang offered a reward next time, Chu Feng would not accept it. Business partner, I will help you if you have difficulties. Of course, if I have difficulties to find you, you can't refuse, right?

Li Wujiang is a real estate tycoon in Shenzhen City. Biological medicine is just another sideline business under his banner. His contacts are not limited to this area of ​​Shenzhen City. Perhaps many troubles are in Chu Feng's eyes. The big problem lies in him. One phone call can fix it.

Even if he got on the legs of those behind Li Tenglong, he would never be as thick as Li Wujiang's.Li Wujiang's contacts are intertwined interests, if he dies, the whole real estate circle might die.

If it were the current Chu Feng, no one would care if he died. At most, his relatives would cry. This is the gap.

"Chairman Li, in the future, if you have similar technical problems with biopharmaceuticals, you can just ask me, and I will arrange experts to solve the problem for you immediately." Chu Feng felt that as long as the bugs in the bioprocessing factory were not resold, it would be fine to help out.

Although Jiangnan Biotech, a subsidiary of Jiangnan Group, is very large and ranks among the top biopharmaceutical companies in the entire country, it is not the top biopharmaceutical company after all. There are many large companies such as Pfizer and China Bio Group on the head of Jiangnan Biotech. Biopharmaceutical company.

(End of this chapter)

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