Great Song Pirate

Chapter 711 Compromise

Chapter 711 Compromise
Ma Zhe bowed and replied: "My lord, Bianliang is still noisy and can't make up their minds. Now they are looking forward and backward. They want to turn against us, but they are a little afraid. Now they are riding a tiger and are at a loss. !"

"Since Zhao Xu is in such a difficult situation, let's help him! The trump card in our hands seems to be activated. Don't waste time. Now I have a long rest time in Hejian Mansion. It's time to go to Jinzhou It's gone!" Xu Yi stretched out his hand to take a waist knife from Hou Cheng, jumped into the yard, danced in the heavy snow, and cheers came from around.

Soon after, in a restaurant in Bianliang City, Zhang Hu in casual clothes was sitting at a table on the second floor, drinking tea boredly, looking at the stairs restlessly, as if he was waiting for someone.

Not long after, a fortune teller walked up to the second floor. After scanning the empty second floor, he went straight to the table where Zhang Hu was sitting, sat down carelessly, reached out and took a wine glass, filled it for himself, and Zhang Hu Tiger just frowned, but didn't speak.

"Why are you looking for me?" Zhang Hu lowered his voice and asked the fortune teller after drinking a glass of wine.

"Hehe! This wine is good, really good wine! It's nothing to worry about, our lord just wants to give a gift to the present-day Holy Majesty. Others can't believe it, so you can rest assured as long as you give it to Manager Zhang!" The fortune teller clicked his mouth and wiped He licked the beard around his lips, and then said to Zhang Hu lightly.

"You are so brave, you dare to act like this in Bianliang, aren't you afraid that I will make people arrest you?" Zhang Hu said to him with a fierce look in his eyes.

"I'm just a lowly life. Manager Zhang can do whatever he wants, as long as he delivers this letter from our lord to His Majesty! I don't think Manager Zhang will miss a little bit of his old love with our lord! "The fortune teller replied indifferently.

After finishing speaking, he took out two things from the bag, one of which was a letter and a scroll, and placed it in front of Zhang Hu. Then, regardless of Zhang Hu, he grabbed the chopsticks by himself, and started eating and drinking.

Zhang Hu reached out and grabbed these two things and stuffed them into his arms. After giving the old man a hard look, he turned and went downstairs, where he casually threw the money for a drink to Xiao Er, and strode towards the palace. .

The old Taoist drank the wine leisurely and contentedly, and after another full meal, he wobbled downstairs, walked to the street, and walked towards the Guzi Gate on the west side of Bianliang City.

Zhao Xu has been physically and mentally exhausted for the past two days because of Xu Yi's affairs. When he sleeps at night, he will dream that Xu Yi leads the army to kill Bianliang City, and then wakes up from the dream. Once upon a time, his most trusted friend, but now Who is to blame for becoming one of his worst enemies?Zhao Xu was also thinking about this question, but he always felt that he was right, and was Xu Yi wrong?But he couldn't find Xu Yi's fault.

Now he regrets not listening to Wu Min's words. When Xu Yiqiu launched an army to attack the Wushu army, he joined him in attacking Wushu from both sides. Drag this thing out like this.

Now he can be said to be riding a tiger. On the one hand, there is a very high voice in the country to regain his homeland, and on the other hand, Xu Yi's elite soldiers Chen Bing are confronting the Song army in Hejian and Zhending. It is impossible to beat Xu Yi. Zhao Xu also knows this well. He also knows what kind of fighting power the Song Army has. Although the Song Army is much stronger than the Song Army at the beginning of Jingkang, it is impossible to get cheap in front of Xu Yi's hundred-fighting army. impossible.

From Wu Min, he has already learned how elite the Fubo army is. The entire Fubo army has expanded dozens or even hundreds of times in the past two years, and has acquired a large number of mules and horses, basically realizing all the mules and horses. Moreover, they also have many sharp weapons that the Song Dynasty did not have. Even the Dajin Kingdom in the north was beaten to pieces by them, not to mention the Song Army who was beaten to pieces by the Jin Army. The combat effectiveness of the two sides is not at the same level at all. To be honest, he didn't dare to fight lightly in this battle. Once the fight started, it might be over to the north of the Yellow River!
But if he doesn't fight, he will bear the reputation of abandoning his homeland. Originally, he started his career as a leader in the battle. If he has given up Hejian and other places to sit on the throne, then he is not sure how the world will treat him!

Zhao Xu flipped through the memorial in the imperial study room irritably, couldn't stand it anymore, stood up, walked outside the door of the imperial study room, took a deep breath, as if he wanted to let out the stuffy breath in his chest.

At this time, he saw Zhang Hu walking over in a hurry, so he asked him, "Where did you go today? I was looking for you just now, but the guards said you were not in the palace!"

Zhang Hu bowed and replied in a low voice: "The little one did go out for a trip and met someone, and that person asked me to bring something to the Holy One!"

"Oh? Who will give me something? What exactly is it? I think you are a little mysterious today!" Zhao Xu was aroused by his words, so he temporarily put aside the matter on his mind, turned around and asked Zhang Hu arrive.

Zhang Hu looked around at the small yellow gates and guards, and said in a low voice, "It's too cold here, the Holy One should take care of your health, let's go in and talk about it!"

Seeing that Zhang Hu's expression was a little strange, Zhao Xu knew that this matter might not be a trivial matter, so he waved his hands to make the surrounding guards and eunuchs retreat, turned around and entered the imperial study room, and sat behind the dragon case: "What is it? Who gave me something, why are you so hesitant? Show it to me!"

Zhang Hu saw that there were no idle people waiting around, so he bowed down and said, "Your Majesty, forgive me, I will meet Xu Yi's subordinates when I go out today. painting!"

Speaking of Zhang Hu presenting the letter and painting scroll hidden on his body to Zhao Xu, Zhao Xu looked at Xu Yi's letter, did not open it, but opened the painting curiously first, and what caught his eyes was a Zhang painted a very exquisite picture of wind, flowers, snow and moon, which is nothing. When Zhao Xu saw the familiar handwriting in the blank space of the picture, he stood up suddenly.

Because he is very familiar with the font of this inscription and postscript. He can write such a beautiful thin gold script. Looking at the world, only one person can have this skill. The poem is a poem that expresses feelings through wind and frost, and that unique monogram , it clearly explained the identity of the painter, and looking at the date of signature, this painting was made less than a month ago.

Zhao Xu's nerves tensed immediately, and he panicked. There is only one person in the world who can draw this painting, and these words are also made by one person, that is Zhao Xu's father Zhao Ji.

If the time is correct, then this painting should not have fallen into the hands of Xu Yi at all. Now both Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan should be in the hands of Jin people. Judging from the previous information, they still have many royal brothers. Being detained by the Jin people in the Five Kingdoms City in the north of the Jin Kingdom, why did this painting suddenly fall into Xu Yi's hands?
Zhao Xu's mind turned sharply. For so long, he has always had a concern, but he can't tell others. Leave some retreat for the Jin people, the provincial Jin country was forced to carry out Zhao Ji or Zhao Huan, and find any place to support any of them to ascend the throne, then Da Song would immediately mess up. As his son, he was originally in charge The name is not right, and even the jade seal in his hand was taken over from Zhang Bangchang, so many people in Song Dynasty did not regard him as orthodox.

And as long as the golden man brings out any of these two, he can definitely challenge himself in terms of orthodoxy, and he will not be able to fight at that time, and he will not be able to make peace. Imperial power, that's why he chose to sit on the sidelines at critical times, and this was his purpose.

But now that Xu Yi suddenly sent Zhao Ji's painting, it was tantamount to telling himself that Zhao Ji should have fallen into Xu Yi's hands at this moment. This was a warning to himself not to provoke him with swordsman up!Otherwise, as long as he, as the prince of the Song Dynasty, brought out Zhao Ji, the Supreme Emperor, and supported him to be a puppet emperor, then it would mean that Xu Yi became the orthodox of the Song Dynasty, and he himself became a conspiracy.

Zhao Xu's hands trembled when he saw this painting. He asked himself now that he absolutely could not give up the throne, because since he ascended the throne, no matter how tired he was, he could enjoy the pleasure of being superior alone. Let him abdicate now. He will never be able to hand over the throne to others!
After looking at the painting, he immediately opened the letter from Xu Yi. There were two sheets of letter paper, the first one also had a poem on it, and the handwriting of the poem made Zhao Xu panic even more, because he At a glance, he could see who wrote the poem. He was very familiar with the handwriting. It was the handwriting of his brother Zhao Huan. Among the brothers, they all copied Zhao Ji's calligraphy to win the favor of their father. And Zhao Huan is naturally not immune, so he also wrote good handwriting. As Zhao Xu who has a good relationship with Zhao Huan, he has naturally seen Zhao Huan's handwriting, so he can see the handwriting of this poem at a glance. By whom.

So even if he was in a daze, what he could be sure of was that Emperor Zhao Ji and Emperor Zhao Huan had already fallen into Xu Yi's hands. As for how they fell into his hands, Zhao Xu couldn't guess.

What worries him the most is that Xu Yi and Jin Guo reached some kind of agreement, for example, Jin Guo handed over Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan to Xu Yi, and Xu Yi let go of the Jin Wushu South Road Army, and right now, it is not impossible, Otherwise, why did Xu Yi choose this time to suddenly let Jin Wushu go, but come to Hebei to seize the territory?
If this is the case, then things are completely troublesome!As long as he dares to send troops to turn his face against him, then Xu Yi can negotiate a peace with Jin Guo, and then carry out any one of Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan, and give them the title of emperor, and they can justifiably fight for rebellion The flag has gone south!
At that time, the generals of the Song Army under him will not have to fight, they will mess up their own hands and feet!After Zhao Ji figured this out, he felt that his calves were so tense that his muscles were going to twist, and his hands were shaking so much that he couldn't hold the two letter papers.

Zhang Hu peeked at Zhao Xu's expression, and couldn't help being a little surprised. He didn't dare to look at the two things that the old man gave him. He didn't know what was written or drawn inside, which would make Zhao Xu so frightened, but he I also guessed a little bit, at least these two things definitely caught Zhao Xu's pain, otherwise, Zhao Xu would not be so afraid.

After Zhao Xu took a deep breath, he suppressed the panic in his heart, turned over the first letter paper, and unfolded the letter paper below. A line of really unreadable characters fell into Zhao Xu's eyes.

"It's a battle, it's peace, just listen to it! Xu is happy to wait and see what happens, and there will be a decision before the new year!"

Zhao Xu was completely discouraged. Xu Yi didn't say much, but he said it very clearly. This was a blatant threat, and he was given a time. Before the new year, he had to make a choice. choose.

Zhao Xu was in a state of disarray at the moment, sitting on the dragon chair, feeling a little dizzy, and when the matter developed to this point, he finally understood why Xu Yi seized Song's territory so confidently, and he also knew This time, Xu Yi sold him a big face again. He obviously didn't intend to completely tear up his face with Da Song by doing this. He still left room for him, Zhao Xu, and it was up to him to choose.

And Zhao Xu also knew that at this point, he had no choice at all. Apart from accepting Xu Yi's blackmail, he had no choice but to fight Xu Yi, don't even think about it, that would force him to step down!So after making up his mind, Zhao Xu raised his head slowly, and told Zhang Hu who was standing below with his head bowed: "Pass down the decree, order Li Xiang, Wu et al. to enter the palace immediately, I have something important to discuss with them!"

Zhang Hu led the decree and turned around and went down to order others to deliver the decree, while Zhao Xu stood up slowly, walked to the exquisite copper charcoal basin, raised his hand and threw the painting and two pieces of letter paper into the charcoal basin, and the papers were immediately Then a ball of flames sprang up.

"Negotiate peace? Are you going to negotiate peace with Jinghai now?" Li Gang frowned and asked Zhao Xu.

"Yes, I have already thought about it. Now that the civil strife in the Song Dynasty is especially strong, some Jin soldiers are still entrenched in the area of ​​Datong Mansion, threatening Song Dynasty Shanxi and other places. The attitude of the Xixia Party members is unclear now. In Shanshan, Shaanxi and other places, the most important thing for us in the Song Dynasty is to first settle down and revitalize the court, and then we will have the spare power to deal with Jinghai Kingdom. What's more, Jinghai Kingdom has no intention of continuing to go south after seizing Hejian and other places. It is a sign, after all, they are also the vassal states of the Song Dynasty. I have made up my mind that war is better than peace! Instead of wasting money and food and risking fighting with them, it is better to let them turn their attention to Jin Guo and solve the problem of Jin Guo for our Song Dynasty. The enemy is good! I have made up my mind, you don't need to say any more!" Zhao Xu sat behind the dragon case and said to Li Gang and other important officials.

Li Gang opened his mouth, but he still didn't say anything in the end. The reason why Da Song was so passive this time, it can be said that he also bears a certain responsibility. He underestimated the power of Fubo Army, and he didn't expect Fubo Army In such a short period of time, he defeated the army of Jin Wushu and seized Hejian and other places first. Now that Da Song was riding a tiger, he felt a little ashamed in his heart, and what Zhao Xu said seemed to be right. Although Xu Yi did However, his contribution to Da Song cannot be justified. Otherwise, Da Song may be overthrown by Da Jin in an instant. It can be said that Xu Yi rescued Da Song at a critical moment. The crisis of the Song Dynasty.

What's more, what Zhao Xu said is also true. Da Song is now in the scorched land in the north, and Zhong Xiang, the leader of the cult in Dongting Lake, is in trouble in the south. It is time for Da Song to take a breather and rectify the internal affairs first. If this continues, the battle will continue. If it goes on and on, Da Song can't hold it anymore!
Now that Li Gang no longer objected, the other ministers naturally didn't say anything more, and they all nodded in agreement, expressing their support for Zhao Xu's decision.

As for who to send to negotiate peace with the Jinghai Kingdom, after everyone discussed it, they finally decided that it was Wu Min. After all, Wu Min had already dealt with Xu Yi, and although Li Gang also knew Xu Yi, everyone knew that Li Gang was very popular. Temperament is not suitable for negotiating peace at all, and it might make things stalemate, so Wu Min can only be the most suitable to come forward.

After this matter was settled, Zhao Xu announced his retirement from the court, leaving only Wu Min. Although he knew that Wu Min was not as good as Li Gang in terms of ability, sometimes people like Wu Min were indispensable. After all, he had a high reputation in the court. He also knows how to deal with things. Compared with Li Gang's uprightness, he is much more tactful, so he can only let Wu Min do this matter.

Wu Min is really unwilling to take this job this time. After all, this time in the past, he might be scolded by people poking his spine. If the talk was good, he didn't attack. , but he couldn't refuse, saying that he would not go, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and accept the job.

"This time, I will work hard for you, Mr. Wu! This matter is related to the rise and fall of my Great Song Dynasty. Mr. Wu must not delay, and it is better to go back and finish this matter as soon as possible!" Zhao Xu explained to Wu Min.

"I obey the decree, but can you ask your majesty to make it clear that this time we have to set a bottom line when negotiating peace with the Jinghai Kingdom! Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be difficult for the old minister to go there! The journey is long, and I'm afraid it will delay !" Wu Min asked cautiously, he is not stupid, since he was asked to negotiate peace with Jinghai, then Zhao Xu should give him a bottom line, otherwise, he really doesn't know how to talk to Xu Yi!
"This... I think Xu Yi is my old friend after all, so it shouldn't be too much! Hejian and other places should be able to ask him to return it to us. As for money, we might as well be generous. They are newly established in the Jinghai Kingdom. Not long afterward, and the Kingdom of Jin is still fighting endlessly, we might as well be generous and give him some benefits! You can discuss this matter first, and after listening to their request, send someone back to report to me as soon as possible, and I will know it myself Reply to you right away! We don't know exactly what conditions Xu Yi will put forward, so let's listen first and then talk about it!" Zhao Xu said to Wu Min ambiguously.

When Wu Min heard it, he got it!This is almost the same as not saying anything, you still have to listen to the other party's request first, I'm afraid I don't have much room for autonomy when I go there, so I just nodded and agreed. After all, what Xu Yi wants now, they don't know what they want, so they said it. Say nothing!

After discussing with Zhao Xu in the palace, Wu Min immediately went out of the palace, gathered a group of people, and formed a mighty peace mission, leaving the capital and heading towards Hejian Mansion.

On the way, facing the wind and snow, Wu Min hid in the cart, thinking about what conditions Xu Yi would offer Da Song this time. He didn't know that Xu Yi would eat places like Hejian Mansion and Zhending Mansion. Now, can you spit it out to Da Song? After all, the border of Jinghai Kingdom is still a bit thin. With these places, it will add a lot of land for them, and they can also accommodate more ordinary people. As for money, Wu Min can guess Xu Yi won't ask for very little. Anyway, Da Song just searched casually and got 10 taels of silver. It's not a problem, so let him ask for it!

In such a restless journey, it finally took ten days to arrive at Hejian Mansion, and was the first to enter the camp of the Song Army outside the city.

A general of the Song Army went out to welcome Wu Min and the others, and first brought the peace mission team to the Song Army camp. Wu Min had never seen Yue Fei before, and saw that his camp was in good order. So he was quite appreciative, and praised Yue Fei a few words casually.

"The last general, Yue Fei, is meeting Mr. Wu Xiang! Do you dare to ask Wu Xiang, what is the purpose of this trip?" After Yue Fei greeted Wu Min and arranged simple food and drinks for Wu Min and others, he asked.

Wu Min frowned and looked at these crude meals arranged by Yue Fei, feeling a little displeased, feeling that Yue Fei was a bit ignorant, he was a big Song Zaifu, he took out such a little thing to serve him, it was a bit too slow to treat himself, and Not even a woman serving wine was arranged, but a group of warriors were serving, it was really boring.

You must know that in the Song army, they usually bring some camp prostitutes to accompany the officers to relax and use them. Even in wartime, such things are indispensable, especially when entertaining the senior officials, you must be careful in serving them, but Yue Feizhi The army is very strict, and he has never allowed camp prostitutes in his army. On weekdays, even the officers in his army eat a simple meal. It is an exception in his army to host a banquet for Wu Min today.

But Wu Min, who is used to other military styles, is not used to Yue Fei's way of doing things, so the little affection he had just had for Yue Fei was immediately thrown behind him, thinking that Yue Fei was deliberately neglecting him, and listening to him Asked about the purpose of these people's trip, he replied angrily: "This time, I have come here to negotiate peace with the Jinghai Kingdom, and I will rush to the city after eating and drinking. , keep it simple!"

As soon as Yue Fei heard that they really came to discuss peace with Xu Yi, he bowed and said, "The last general wants to say that Jinghai Kingdom does not accept my Chaozhengshuo, but actually seizes my Chaozhengshuo land. The Holy Majesty should have sent troops to teach me a lesson." Where did they come from their talk of peace?"

"Presumptuous! This is a major military and state matter, and the holy will has been determined. How can you, a small commander, be able to slander? Don't talk too much here, and don't let me back down quickly!" Wu Min heard Yue Fei's words, and immediately Immediately, he became furious and yelled at Yue Fei.

Yue Fei didn't need to be annoyed, after all, Xu Yi had already expected what happened this time, and when the two of them were drinking that day, Xu Yi had told him that, now it seems that what Xu Yi said was indeed good, Da Song was indeed a bit too much. Weak!So with a sigh, he pleaded guilty, left the big tent, walked outside the tent, looked up at the northern sky, Yue Fei sighed deeply, it seemed that if he continued to stay in the army, he would no longer be able to show his ambitions!So he wrote at his desk and asked Zhang Suo to resign from the former army commander, and the former army was handed over to Zhang Xian as the commander. As for what he thought, no one knew.

(My friend "Slaying Song" hit the list on Monday, brothers, please remember to leave a few recommendation tickets for that book tomorrow! Please brothers!)

(End of this chapter)

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