Great Song Pirate

Chapter 710 Chapter 7 White Chapter 33 Black Tiger

Chapter 710 Seventh White Chapter 33 Black Tiger
No one knew what Xu Yi and Yue Fei said next, but some people knew that Yue Fei had been drinking with Xu Yi until late at night in the back hall of Xu Yi's temporary residence in Hejian Mansion, and then he took those soldiers with him and went all the way. He chanted aloud the words and phrases of ambition to eat the meat of the barbarians hungry, and joked about thirsting for the blood of the Huns...then rode his horse out of Hejian Mansion and returned to the Song Army camp outside his city.

And Xu Yi got drunk that night, after sending Yue Fei away, he laughed a few times, then passed out drunk at the gate, was carried down, and fell asleep for a whole day.

However, the two armies lived together peacefully. The Fubo Army was stationed in Hejian Mansion, while Yue Fei's Hebei Road Front Army was stationed outside the city. The Zhending Mansion was also controlled by the Fubo Army, and even the land north of Dezhou was taken over by the Fubo Army.

Originally, the Zhending Mansion should not have fallen into Xu Yi's hands this time. When Xu Yi decided to go south to seize the Zhending Mansion, Wang Yan, as another Song army with the strongest Hebei Road, had already left ahead of time and rushed towards the people. Going to Zhending Mansion in Ziekong, the time and distance are faster than Fubo's army. In terms of the time Li Bo left, no matter how he traveled, he should not rush to seize Zhending Mansion before Wang Yan!
But fate did not seem to favor Da Song. When Wang Yan led his troops to Zhending Mansion, he found that the gate of Zhending Mansion was closed, and many flags of Fubo Army were raised on the top of the city wall. Wang Yan was shocked and turned pale. He didn't expect that the Fubo army would move so fast, and arrived at Zhending Mansion ahead of time, so he immediately went to the city gate to ask the soldiers in the city, but after asking, he almost died of anger on the spot.

It turned out that the soldiers who attacked first were not the Fubo Army sent by Xu Yi, but the Black Tiger Army that had been criss-crossing the Hebei Road area for a long time. Xie Bin has not been idle for the past two years. After the soldiers went south, he secretly formed this black tiger army. In the past two years, he stabbed the golden army in the buttocks. After two years of development, his black tiger army has reached an unprecedented scale. There are more than 3 soldiers and horses, but the number of the most elite core soldiers and horses is not too many, only more than [-] people, but their combat effectiveness is very strong, all of them are cavalry, and they are all his confidantes.

During this period of time, he already knew that the defeat of the Jin army was set. Although he didn't get Xu Yi's order, he was ready to pick the fruits of victory in advance.

When the golden soldiers fled in the direction of Datong, he received Ma Zhe's order to let him let go of those golden soldiers, even though they were allowed to flee, and ordered him to immediately arrange his men to take advantage of the vacancy and destroy the empty land of these forces. Control it first, and Xie Bin, as a secret force of the Fubo Army, is actually under Ma Zhe's jurisdiction. He faithfully carried out Ma Zhe's orders, and immediately dispatched his troops to start occupying Zhending Mansion wantonly. There are a large number of vacant lands between Yanshan Mansion.

And Zhending Mansion is naturally the object of his focus. When Jin Bing abandoned the city and fled, he ruthlessly ambushed the Jin Bing in the northwest direction of Zhending Mansion, and intercepted a large amount of property they were carrying. Come down, let these golden soldiers go naked and run towards the direction of Datong Mansion. It is estimated that even if these golden soldiers reach Datong Mansion, most of them will starve to death!

So just after Wang Yan received the imperial decree to start his army, Xie Bin brought his most elite men to the Zhending Mansion ahead of time, and took control of the Zhending Mansion, which was empty of any defenders.

The Zhending Mansion was originally an important town in the north of the Song Dynasty. When the troops led were guarding this place, the city gate was opened by traitors, which allowed Zong Wang to easily seize this place.

But when Xie Bin entered the city, this place became their best barrier. Although Wang Yan was outside the city, he stared blankly and couldn't enter the city, so he shouted outside the city, asking the head of the Black Tiger Army to come out and ask why Why don't they enter the city.

Xie Bin knew that Wang Yan was also a famous general who fought against gold, so he was very polite to him, and came out to answer Wang Yan: "So it is Commander Wang, Xie Bin is so polite!"

"Xie Bin, your Black Tiger Army was originally a citizen of our Great Song Dynasty, why did you now display the banner of the Jinghai Kingdom? Zhending Mansion was originally the land of our Great Song Dynasty. You won this place and should have dedicated it to the Great Song Dynasty. Dedicated to the Jinghai Kingdom? You are simply betraying the country and seeking glory. Wang advises you, you should open the door quickly, let our army enter the city, and hand over the city to me. I will definitely write to the imperial court and recommend you to be a high official. !" Wang Yan shouted at Xie Bin at the top of the wall.

"Commander Wang's words are wrong. I'm afraid what Commander Wang doesn't know is that Mr. Xie was originally from Jinghai, and he wasn't a traitor for glory. I was ordered by my king to come to Hebei to help the Song Dynasty fight against gold! As for When I become an official, I don’t need to trouble Commander Wang to find the official family of Song Dynasty. I am already the commander of the Black Tiger Army of Jinghai Kingdom. As for the Zhending Mansion, I took it from the Jinren. What about the territory of the Great Song Dynasty? Please Commander Wang quickly lead his troops out of our jurisdiction of Jinghai Kingdom!" Xie Bin said to Wang Yan below with an unreasonable expression on his face.

Wang Yan almost lost his breath and fell off his horse, pointing at Xie Bin and scolding: "How dare you, you thief! Zhending Mansion has been our territory in the Song Dynasty since ancient times, but it was only occupied by the Jin people. Now that the Jin people have retreated, you take advantage of it." How can there be such a reason in the world? Hurry up and hand over the Zhending Mansion, and I will let you go back to Jinghai Kingdom, if not..."

"If not, what can you do? Commander Wang, I respect you for being a man who dares to fight the Jin people, so I will be so polite to you. Don't speak rudely again. You Song Dynasty officials think so well. My king personally led the army to fight The Jin people are desperate, but your officials make you hide behind and watch the fun. Now that our king defeated the army of Jin Wushu, he ordered you to come here to pick up cheap things. Is there such a cheap thing in the world? Since you don’t If you can take this place back from the golden man, then Xiuguai will take it away!" Xie Bin immediately interrupted Wang Yan and shouted at him.

This remark immediately made Wang Yan uncomfortable. What he said was indeed true. He and Yue Fei had already led troops to fight under the city of Zhending Mansion under a great opportunity, but they were recruited by someone sent by the Holy One with a gold medal. When I went back, I even reprimanded the two of them, it was more dangerous than their officials!
Now that they came to take back the Zhending Mansion, they lost a great opportunity and let the Fubo Army snatch it away, and they ended up being laughed at by others. It's really depressing to die!

"You guys are breaking your promise, you guys are making trouble!" Wang Yan was so angry that he didn't know what to say!
"Commander Wang, I don't think we need to talk about this! It's not our king who broke his promise, but your officials in the Song Dynasty. I think that when my king desperately invaded Liaodong, he went to Bianliang to meet the sage in person, and invited the sage The Northern Expedition, but what did you get? Do you know?

You Song Dynasty officials, not only did not want to be grateful, but sent troops to ambush my king on the way back. It was your Song Dynasty officials who betrayed their promises. If it weren’t for the large number of my king’s highness, they would have led the army back to the Song Dynasty Well, now I'm just taking back what our Jinghai Kingdom deserves for our king. What kind of rebellion is there? For officials like you, there is no such thing as rebellion!
Commander Wang, don't waste your time talking, since Xie has already taken this city, how can he give it back to you Da Song?If you want it, that's fine, let your sage come to my king to ask for it in person!Commander Wang is not in charge of this matter, Commander Wang please go back! "Xie Bin is not as polite to Wang Yan as Xu Yi is to Yue Fei at this moment. After finishing speaking, he turned and went back to the city gate tower, and stopped talking to Wang Yan.

Wang Yan was really out of control now, he was so angry, but he was blocked to death by Xie Bin's words, he felt a little unreasonable, thought for a while, and wanted to attack the city with his army, but at this moment, with a whimper, the top of the city appeared A row of generals of the Black Tiger Army pointed their bows and arrows at the Song Army under the city.

Wang Yan took a look at the Black Tiger Army in the city and was already prepared. This time he came on Qingqi, thinking that he could take down the Zhending Mansion without any effort, so he didn't bring any siege equipment. , freehand climbing?It is estimated that Song Jun under him does not have this ability.

Moreover, the siege of the city is a small matter, and the confrontation with the Jinghai Kingdom is a major one. Now he doesn't know what the Holy Majesty is thinking, whether he is willing to turn against the Jinghai Kingdom. He is different from Yue Fei. He knows that the relationship between countries is sometimes delicate. It's refreshing to show off for a while, once the army is defeated or goes against the holy will, he will be the one who stands out, and might be a pawn who will be sacrificed.

Therefore, although Wang Yan was furious, he did not immediately lead his army to attack the city, but set up a large camp outside the city of Zhending Mansion, and sent a fast horse to report the matter to Zhang Suo.

Zhang Suo soon received the report from Yue Fei and Wang Yan, and immediately became shocked. He did not expect Xu Yi of Jinghai Kingdom to send troops brazenly at this time, occupying Hejian and Zhending, and he did not dare to act without authorization. The mastermind ordered Yue Fei and Wang Yan to attack the Fubo army. After much deliberation, they immediately sent the news to Bianliang. He, who has just been reactivated, dare not make decisions on his own.

As for Dezhou in the east, Sun Hai was a step behind. When he led his army to Dezhou, Han Shizhong had already led his troops to capture Dezhou, and Sun Hai did not conflict with Han Shizhong. Occupying a large area of ​​the old land of the Song Dynasty north of Dezhou, and Han Shizhong also had some taboos, and did not continue to lead troops to attack Cangzhou. So far, the two parties have come to a stalemate.

But at this time, Jin Wushu led the remnant soldiers all the way back to Fengsheng Prefecture, and then he stopped. Looking at the remaining troops, Wushu almost drew his sword and fell down. It was only the battle of Ji County. The elite of the South Route Army was almost wiped out, completely lost the ability to compete with Jinghai Kingdom, and he thought that at this time, Xu Yi would not let him go, and would attack Fengsheng Prefecture immediately, so he gasped After a while, like a frightened bird, he took a group of defeated soldiers and fled all the way to Datong Mansion. After all, there were still Wanyan Zongjun's 1 to [-] soldiers and horses there. Temporarily protect yourself, otherwise, if the Fubo army catches up and defeats them one by one, then the people of South Road will be completely finished!
But unexpectedly, after Wu Shu ran to Datong Mansion, he learned that after Xu Yi took down the Yanshan Mansion area, he did not immediately lead his army to pursue him, but quickly went south to take over a large number of Song Dynasty soldiers controlled by their Jin army. Territory, he felt relieved again.

In his opinion, Xu Yi's move is really a stinky move. At this time, it is a very unwise choice for him to provoke Da Song while letting himself not beat the dog in the water. The new officials on Da Song's side will definitely not Sit back and watch the Fubo army occupy so many old lands of the Great Song Dynasty and let them go, the Great Song Dynasty will definitely respond, and they will definitely send troops to turn against Xu Yi. Once they fight, then they will be safe!

It is impossible for Xu Yi to have the strength to divide his troops to attack Datong Mansion again!Even going north to continue to attack Dajin has to stop, and now Dajin can get a rare respite!
So Jin Wushu and Wanyan Zongjun joined forces, went out of Datong Mansion, and began to counterattack the Song army in Shanxi, and in the Daizhou area, they fought a stalemate with the Song army led by Zhong Shidao, and the Jin army was newly defeated. The morale was not high, and the fighting power of the Zhong family army was not too strong, so no one could overwhelm anyone for a while, so a months-long tug-of-war began in Daizhou where you came and went.

As for the news that Xu Yi led his troops to seize the old land of the Song Dynasty, as soon as it reached Bianliang, Tokyo, it immediately caused an uproar in the court, and Zhao Xu was even more angry. Er actually still sneaked in his spare time, ran to the territory of the Song Dynasty to toss, and took away a large amount of territory originally occupied by the Jin soldiers. He thought that Xu Yi had already consumed the decisive battle with the Jin soldiers in Yanshan Mansion this time. It was almost there, but what Xu Yi led was not only not consumed by Jin Wushu's army, but even more inflated, which was far beyond his expectations.

So Zhao Xu immediately summoned the ministers of the court to discuss the matter. To be honest, not to mention that Zhao Xu did not expect Xu Yi to do such a trick, even a famous official like Li Gang did not expect such a thing to happen now. They were all a little overwhelmed.

There was really someone who was in charge of the battle in the court, and he immediately jumped out and yelled for Zhao Xu to immediately order the northern armies to launch an attack on Jinghai Kingdom immediately, taking advantage of the fact that they had just seized so many territories and were still in a precarious situation In one fell swoop, Xu Yi's army was repelled and the lost places were regained.

This idea is not bad, but it immediately attracted rebuttals from some peacemakers. The Song Dynasty and the Jin Army have been fighting for a long time these years, but they have not been able to take back these places from the Jin Army. After the fearful Fubo Army, they really dare not think whether the army of Song Dynasty can beat the generals of the Fubo Army. They are the Fubo Army that has never been defeated in these years!Jin Jun is strong enough!But in front of the Fubo army, he was defeated in every battle. So many famous generals of the Jin Kingdom fell into the hands of the Fubo army one by one. Even the Dajin Kingdom is now occupied by the Fubo army. Can Song Jun be his opponent?
So someone immediately stood up to explain the disadvantages of going to war with the Fubo Army, and the bad news far overwhelmed those main fighters. If you are looking for an opponent, you must also find an opponent who can be repaired. You can't find a fierce tiger to fight with them. !
What's more, what they said is plausible. Now that the national strength of the Song Dynasty is already weak, and the rioters in some places are in a mess, and if they go to war with the fubo army, which is in full swing, the Song Dynasty may not only fail to regain the old land, but Angry the tiger of the Fubo army, let them turn around and give up the enemy of Jin, and attack the Song Dynasty with all their strength. At that time, Shanxi will be attacked by the Jin army, Hebei and Shandong will be attacked by the Fubo army, and there will be Zhong Xiangna in the Dongting Lake area of ​​the country Helping the disciples of the cult to make trouble, Da Song might repeat the mistakes of Jing Kangnian again!

As a result, everyone was so noisy in the main hall that Zhao Xu heard that one head was as big as eight!He finally knows now that what Xu Yi said to Wu Min back then was not a simple threat, but actually fulfilled his promise. It was Xu Yi's revenge that came so fast. The Kingdom of Jin was still alive. Although the Wushu army was defeated, it still had some strength. He was still at war with the Kingdom of Jin in the north of Jinghai Kingdom, so he ran so quickly to find his own. It's troublesome, it really didn't even occur to him to kill him.

"Our Great Song Dynasty does have difficulties, but I don't believe that Xu Yi's Jinghai Kingdom has just been established, and it can fight with our Great Song Dynasty and Dajin at the same time. It is difficult for us, and it is even more difficult for them! If even Jinghai Kingdom If we can't beat it, then won't it be too weak for our Great Song?" Zhao Xu raised his hand to stop the endless quarrels of the ministers below, and said.

"Although what your majesty said is reasonable, after all, your majesty has never seen the power of the Fubo army. Their soldiers and horses are by no means comparable to the Jin army, and their army is equipped with a large number of extremely sharp artillery. I have never seen it before. I have seen the power of this kind of thing in Dading Mansion. Once it is fired, the sound is like rolling thunder falling from the sky, and there is no life for people and animals! It is far from the thunderbolt cannon and thunder that we have in the Song Dynasty. The army underestimated the strength of Fubo's army at the beginning, so they repeatedly suffered disastrous defeats, and the Holy One must not underestimate them!" Wu Min heard that he hurried out of duty and told Zhao Xu that he had seen Fubo in Dading Mansion last time. The army's soldiers and horses are so majestic, how dare they encourage Zhao Xu to go to war with the Fubo army!In his opinion, it would be better not to fight, but if there was a fight and lost to the Fubo army, then I am afraid that the north of the Yellow River would not be enough for others to clean up!
"Your Majesty! Yesterday, I received urgent reports from the officials of Liangzhe Road, Fujian Road and other places. Many Fubo Army warships appeared along the coast. It seems that there is a faint threat to the coastal states and counties. The Hai Kingdom is good at fighting! If there is a war, the Jinghai Kingdom will definitely launch an attack on the Song Dynasty from the south coast, and then we will be attacked by the enemy!" At this time, another minister came out of duty, his face full of worry Said to Zhao Xu.

Zhao Xu's head got big again this time, he didn't think of such a thing, the Fubo army started on the sea, relied on the navy for food, galloped on the sea for several years, never I haven't met any opponents, and Da Song's northern economy is almost completely destroyed now, relying on the southern economy. Once the Fubo army is offended, they will fight Da Song in the north, and let the navy come from the south again. If you stab Da Song severely in the lower abdomen, then you will stop messing around!Just find a place to hang up and fall down!
So Zhao Xu immediately puffed up the courage he had just mustered up, and was discouraged. This time, Li Gang had no idea. He was emotionally supportive of going to war with the Fubo army now, but rationally he had to He has a lot of worries, and he also knows that after so many years of fighting, the Fubo Army has strong soldiers like clouds. Once Da Song goes to war with them, they will definitely not be able to please them. If Xu Yi is in a hurry, he can't think Find out what Xu Yi will do. After all, Zhao Xu did something wrong to him before. Xu Yi really took the overall situation into consideration and did not pursue it. Now counting, Zhao Xu ordered the northern army to fight the Jin army before him. At that time, he stood on the sidelines again, probably completely angered Xu Yi, so he sent troops brazenly and seized the northern regions of the Song Dynasty. Li Gang couldn't make up his mind whether to fight or not.

Just like that, Zhao Xu led a group of people to discuss for two days, but they didn't come up with a serious idea, so they stayed in such a stalemate, which made Zhao Xu annoyed like a caged animal, throwing plates and bowls all day long, Catch whoever scolds whom!

The ministers had rarely seen Zhao Xu so restless and lost his composure, and they all became cautious in fright. The debate in the court suddenly stopped, and the atmosphere was so strange that Zhao Xu lost his mind.

After the weather in the north fell with the snowflakes, the wars in various places stopped, and their troops were withdrawn for the time being, and the flags and drums died down, and no new offensives were launched.

Seeing that it was getting colder, it was meaningless to discuss whether to fight or not to fight, so the debate in the Bianliang Imperial City also died down and temporarily stopped.

The generals of the northern armies did not get clear instructions from the court, so they all calmed down. However, because the Chen soldiers of the two armies were very close, there would be some friction from time to time, but both sides were relatively restrained, and there was no major battle.

Xu Yi can finally take a breath. Now that he believes in Ma Zhe's analysis, he should have taken the right step. Da Song really messed up his hands and feet. It seems that he will not send troops to fight with him in a short time. field.

Standing under the eaves of the Xingyuan of Hejian Mansion, Xu Yi looked at the falling snowflakes and silvery white eyes in the sky, and smiled at Ma Zhe who was following him in a happy mood: "This year's snow seems to be a little later than last year. Some, is there any news from Bianliang now? Is Zhao Xu still hesitating whether to send troops to attack us? Shall we help him make up his mind?"

(End of this chapter)

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