Great Song Pirate

Chapter 679 Battle of Jinzhou

Chapter 679 Battle of Jinzhou

Fang Youren stood on the wall of Jinzhou City with a wounded arm hanging, watching Zongfu's army receding like the tide, and heaved a long sigh of relief. He himself was about to sustain this defensive battle even today. Can't stand it!

Although the soldiers in the city suffered heavy casualties, this is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is that the Jin army has been attacking the city day and night these days, so that the defenders don't even have time to sleep, and they all insist on resisting on the city. Everyone's eyes were red.

The continuous battle exhausted everyone's physical strength and energy, and many soldiers didn't even have the strength to draw their bows. Although the artillery in the city was sharp, after repeated battles, although there was no shortage of ammunition, the casualties of the gunners It is increasing day by day, and every time a cannon is fired, it is necessary to reload and reset the cannon. This is a hard work, so the firing speed of the cannon is also greatly slowed down.

Many sleepy people were pushing the stones down the city wall, but they accidentally fell down with the stones and fell to their deaths at the bottom of the city. Some people lifted the rolling logs and stones, but did not throw them out. Then he fell asleep on the battlements, which shows how tired these soldiers are.

Just when Fang Youren made up his mind to die with Jinzhou City, he called on the soldiers to make a final effort. Even the gunners received his order. When the artillery was blown up, buckets of gunpowder were also placed on the city wall. On the way, it was planned to ignite it at the last moment, and when it died together with the besieging Jin army, there was a sound of screaming gold in the golden army formation.

The Jin army who was attacking fiercely, after hearing the sound of Ming Jin, many generals of the Jin soldiers cursed and retreated helplessly. These golden generals were about to rush up the city wall, and there were even Jin soldiers ascending the city in some places It can be said that victory is in sight, but was ordered to retreat by the chief general of the Jin army. Even Fang Youren can understand the feelings of those golden generals who have paid a heavy price, and even sympathizes with them. them.

Fang Youren knew that the tragic offensive and defensive battle of Jinzhou had come to an end. He lived up to Xu Yi and Li Bo's expectations, and finally held on to Jinzhou City. Soft, he fell to his knees on the bluestone ground with a plop, two soldiers tried to support him, but Fang Youren pushed their hands away and muttered: "Don't touch me, let me sleep!"

When Zongfu led his army to leave Jinzhou City, the walls of Jinzhou City were dead silent, there was no cheering, no jumping for joy, and soon there was a lot of snoring. Lying on the blood-stained city wall and falling asleep soundly, such a scene can be regarded as an extremely weird scene.

Zongfu is no longer in the mood to manage the Fubo Army in Jinzhou City. His heart seems to be on fire. To say that he returns to his heart like an arrow is not enough to describe his mood. His hands are shaking constantly, whipping his love The horse's butt, repeatedly urging the soldiers to speed up the march, but no matter how much he urges, the two or three hundred miles are still in front of him, the cavalry is easy to say, and there is no big problem in returning to Dadingfu within two days , but if the infantry and supplies want to walk two or three hundred miles, they will be exhausted!

Moreover, the attack on Jinzhou City this time was not a small blow to them, the Golden Soldiers. Many brothers who were joking together a few days ago lost their lives under Jinzhou City forever, but they still failed to win. Going down to Jinzhou City, the generals couldn't accept such a result, and even the soldiers couldn't accept it. They knew that there were not many Fubo troops in the city, but they just couldn't take it down.

The continuous siege for many days exhausted their physical and mental strength. When they learned that they had withdrawn to Dading Mansion, everyone felt very discouraged, so their footsteps began to become heavy before they knew it.

"Deputy Commander! Let the brothers take a rest. We have not eaten since we got up this morning! If this continues, the soldiers will not be able to hold on!" A deputy general watched the sky gradually darken, while the soldiers in the army Their footsteps were also a little fluttering, and they felt a little deep and shallow when walking, and they staggered forward, so they couldn't bear to ask Zongsuke for instructions.

"No! Let the soldiers eat some dry food with them and continue on their way. Now we can't stop saying anything. We must rush back to Dading Mansion as soon as possible. If it is late, everything will be over!" Zongfu didn't need to tell him. It could be seen that his soldiers were tired, but he still didn't agree to the lieutenant general's request, and gave them orders with all his heart.

In desperation, these soldiers had no choice but to take out a little dry food in their arms, and while gnawing, brought the water bag to their mouths, filled a few mouthfuls, and satiated their hunger, but their footsteps still did not stop.

Many of these soldiers were not actually Jurchens. Most of them were Han Chinese from the north, a few Khitans, and some Mongols. After marching for a while, these soldiers began to complain.

"Damn! Isn't this torturing us? I didn't become a soldier voluntarily. I dragged me all the way to Jinzhou, and I just worked hard. I accepted it because I worked hard for them, but I just saw it. Jinzhou City is gone, but let us withdraw our troops, without even letting us take a breath, we set up camp and ran to Dading Mansion. I was also raised by my mother's father, how can I bear the tossing of officials like them! I can’t walk anymore! My feet are already blistered! Damn! I need to rest!” A Han soldier couldn’t take it anymore, so he sat down on the side of the road and said nothing. When he didn't leave, more soldiers refused to leave. They stopped and sat on the side of the road.

A Jurchen officer saw that his soldiers had stopped and refused to leave, so he immediately galloped over, brandished his whip, whipped it wildly, and cursed: "You Chinese pigs know how to be lazy. Get up and move forward quickly, the general has an order that you must not stop marching tonight, get up for me, if you don't get up again, I will cut you off!"

After these soldiers were whipped by him, although they were angry in their hearts, they had to stand up, staggered and lined up again in consideration of the officer's usual arrogance, and walked forward slowly. But they were cursing uncleanly, venting their dissatisfaction.

As the night darkened, more and more soldiers were unable to walk, more and more fell behind, and more and more soldiers stopped advancing in disobedience. Those Jurchen officers rode back and forth on horseback, constantly beat the soldiers sitting on the ground resting with horsewhips, cursed at them, and threatened to chop them off.

The lieutenant general said to Zongfu worriedly: "Deputy commander (Zongfu was the deputy commander of the East Route Army before!), the general knows how you feel now, but if you go on like this, haste makes waste! These soldiers are strokes. Many people are Han Chinese from Dading Prefecture, and they were not very obedient in the first place. This time, they followed us to attack Jinzhou City, and their performance is considered good. There will be a mutiny, even if they are forced to go to Dading Mansion, I am afraid that they will not be able to fight! It is better to camp and rest for a while! Tomorrow we can continue to hurry!"

Zongfu also saw this situation. Originally, he was a relatively generous person among the royal family, and he had his own way of controlling soldiers. He knew that what the lieutenant said was true. It won't be mutiny, but at least it will make the army's resentment even higher.

And this time when he goes back to Dading Mansion, he really has no idea whether he can beat back the Fubo army. He also knows that when the Fubo army was in Fuzhou City, they had less than 1 people, and they were going to fight against him. Lu's [-] soldiers returned in a big defeat, and now he only has [-] soldiers, which is about the same as his opponent's, and his morale is definitely not as high as his opponent's. Maybe Xu Yi's Fubo army was eaten.

So after thinking for a while, he sighed, pulled the reins of the horse, raised the whip in his hand, and shouted: "Stop! Set up camp on the spot, bury the pot for cooking! Continue on your way tomorrow morning! Woluguan, you immediately send someone to take My command arrows go to Xingzhong Mansion and nearby prefectures and counties, and pass on my order to Meng'an Muke's family in various places, asking them to immediately gather their clan soldiers and send troops to Dading Mansion together, ordering them to rush to Dading Mansion City within three days Make peace with our army! Anyone who disobeys the order will be executed without mercy!"

The subordinate named Woluguan immediately agreed, took the order arrow, and distributed it to several messengers, asking each of them to lead a small team of cavalry, and immediately went to the nearby counties to convey Yan Zongfu's general order without mentioning it.

After resting in the middle of the night, Zongfu stayed until dawn, and immediately raised his troops again to continue westward. His eyes were bloodshot, and he didn't even blink for a night. He felt more and more uneasy in his heart. Things seemed to be a little bit wrong, and I suddenly remembered that the person who came to report the letter, why didn't he notify the local Meng'an Mouke to support Dading Mansion along the way?
So he hurriedly sent someone to look for the messenger. Yesterday Zongfu was only in a panic and hurried back to Dading Mansion, ignoring the messenger. He didn't know where he went, but after looking for it, But he didn't find this person in a daze, so Zongfu began to feel a little fooled. Could it be that this person is a fake?If this person is a fake, then is it true that the news that Xu Yi led troops to attack Dading Mansion was just to transfer him away from Jinzhou City?

The more I thought about it, the more wrong it became. Zongfu sent out fast horses overnight to scout for news to the west. Just after dawn, some scouts came back and hurriedly reported the terrible news to Zongfu. I saw a man with a weapon. He looked flustered when he met them, and he was walking at night, so he was hunted down by these scouts. A person from Dingfu, and this person said that Dadingfu had been captured by the Fubo Army a few days ago, and the scouts also found a letter of appointment from him with the seal of the Fubo Army. Why did Fubo appoint this person? The task of the military search envoy was to contact the local people of the old Liao Dynasty, raise troops to rebel, and overthrow the Jurchens' rule over them.

After figuring this out, the scouts didn't dare to delay, so they hurried back and reported the news to Wanyan Zongfu. After Wanyan Zongfu heard what they said, he almost vomited blood and fell to the ground. The thing that happened finally happened. The person who reported the letter was right. The Fubo Army had indeed arrived at Dading Mansion, but that person must have deliberately delayed the time and delayed the news for a few days. Seeing that Jinzhou City could no longer support it. He came out to inform him of the news. No need to ask, that person was the secret agent of Fubo Army. After thinking about this, Wanyan Zongfu was dumbfounded at that time.

First, Jinzhou City was destroyed, and within ten days, Dading Mansion was also destroyed by the Fubo Army. This time, the two major material reserve towns in the south of the Dajin Kingdom were all in the hands of the Fubo Army, and they were lost to the end. How big it is, Wanyan Zongfu knows best in his heart, the property hoarded in these two cities is mainly for the Zongwang army in the south, but now it is all over!

Thinking about how many storms he has encountered since he set off with his father to the present, he has even turned the tide for the Dajin Kingdom many times and saved the situation of the Dajin Kingdom, but today, he will become the biggest sinner of the Dajin Kingdom. Unfortunately, the Zongwang army in the south will be short of rations in a very short period of time. It is only a matter of time before Zongwang's army is defeated. He is also a general who is familiar with military affairs. How could he not know about this? How good is it?

The stunned Zongfu sat in the tent and was stunned for a while, before he suddenly asked the scout: "Has the Fubo army made preparations to withdraw from Dading Mansion with the food and supplies in the city?" ?”

The scout was a little dumbfounded. He really didn't ask the arrested person this question just now, so he quickly confessed that he didn't know.

"Go and bring that person to me, I want to interrogate him myself!" Zongfu stood up and yelled at the scout.

Not long after, the scouts brought in a man covered in bruises. This man was obviously a coward. After being beaten up, he was already so frightened that he knelt down in front of Wanyan Zongfu, begging again and again. Zongfu spared his life.

Zongfu suppressed the anger in his heart, and said to him as gently as possible: "As long as you answer my question honestly, not only will I not kill you, but I will reward you!"

The man quickly nodded in agreement, knelt down in front of Zongsuke respectfully, listened to Zongsuke's question, and then answered Zongsuke's question carefully and honestly.

"The slave's name is Fu Tong. He lives in Dading Mansion and does a small business! This time, the Fubo army suddenly approached the city and caught the defenders by surprise. , captured General Jiamu and dedicated it to the Fubo Army, Kaicheng welcomed the Fubo Army, and the Fubo Army only took half a day to take down the entire Dading Mansion, and arrested many people in the Dading Mansion Jurchens!

The King of Jinghai also swore that he would live and die with the people in the city in Dading Mansion. The little ones were forced by them to come out to contact the local people and rebel. This was not voluntary by the slaves, it was all forced by the Fubo army. that's it! "

This Fu Tong came with a one-push six-two-five, concealing his involvement in the attack and killing of the Jurchens, and shifting the responsibility to the Fubo Army, but this incident happened to be not the focus of Wanyan Zongfu's concern.

"Let me ask you, is the Fubo army really going to defend the city, and they don't intend to abandon the city and flee?" Wanyan Zongfu interrupted him impatiently, and asked Duo Tong.

"Report to Commander! This is indeed the case. Not only did the Fubo Army not intend to abandon the city and flee, but they also recruited a large number of people in the city to help them guard the city together. The young ones were forcibly conscripted by them! Shuai must spare the villain's life!" Fu Tong quickly replied.

"Don't talk about this matter, let me ask you again, how many soldiers and horses did the Fubo army take when they captured Dading Mansion this time?" Zongfu asked him again.

"This... this... there are probably 2 people!"

"Is it [-] or [-]?" Zongfu wanted to kick this guy to death.

"Master, please spare me! I just saw a large number of Fubo troops entering the city, but I didn't count their numbers. Anyway, I saw a lot of people, and I really don't know how many people there are!" Forgive me.

It's no wonder that Fu Tong is not clear. It is a technical job to see the number of an army at a glance, and not everyone can do it. Most people just think that there are too many, but they don't know how many there are!
Seeing that he couldn't ask anything else, Zongfu waved his hand fiercely and asked the guards to drag this guy out. This Futong was still wailing along the way: "Forgive me, Commander! You said, as long as I answer honestly For your question, I will spare my life! The little one is telling the truth! Commander, please spare my life..."

Not long after, there was a scream of Fu Tong from outside the account, the sound was very short, and then the scream stopped abruptly. After a while, a corpse was dragged and thrown out of the Jin Army's camp. Green light flashed in his eyes, and when he saw that Jin Bing had returned to the camp, he immediately moved over and let out a barking sound...

After learning about these things, Wanyan Zongfu gradually began to calm down. After sitting in the tent and thinking about it, he stood up until dawn, called the guards to come in, and asked them to call Woluguan and tell Woluguan To: "take my command arrow again, order people to hurry up, chase the messengers sent out last night, and inform the local Meng'an Mokes, let them be more careful, I am afraid that the people in their local area may make trouble in the near future , In addition, let them gather troops and horses, stop going to Dading Mansion, and rush to Xingzhong Mansion to gather and listen to my orders! Let them bring enough food and grass, we don't have enough food and grass now!"

This is really changing from day to day!In less than three hours, Zongfu himself overturned his first order. Woluguan immediately accepted the order and went down to arrange it. Zongfu ordered people to immediately raise the account and inform the generals in the army that the army would no longer rush to the Great Wall. Instead of Dingfu, he changed to the nearby Xingzhong Mansion. Now that both Dading Mansion and Jinzhou City had fallen, if the last Xingzhong Mansion was lost, then he would simply wipe his neck and pull it down.

Because the Kingdom of Jin went from north to south, only this Xingzhong Mansion was still in the hands of their Jin people. Once it fell into the enemy's hands again, it would really turn the Kingdom of Jin into the Southern and Northern Dynasties!

Groups of sleepy-eyed golden soldiers dragged their feet and packed up their tents, loaded their cars, and slowly changed directions under the scolding and urging of their officers, walking towards Xingzhong Mansion. Few people are a little strange, why did they drive like a donkey yesterday and ran towards Dading Mansion, why did they suddenly turn around and go towards Xingzhong Mansion today?
People with a little brain began to speculate, and after a while, the conclusion spread in the army that Dading Mansion was over!

The morale of the army suddenly plummeted again, and many people became worried, because many of their relatives were still in the Dading Mansion, and the proportion of the officers in the army was even higher, so they started After looking for Yan Zongfu's guards, they inquired secretly, and the news they got confirmed their guess. At this moment, panic began to appear in the army.

Wanyan Zongfu also saw this kind of emotion in the army, so he summoned the generals, told them the news, and stated the purpose of diverting to Xingzhong Mansion. With their current strength, even if they ran back to Dading Mansion, I'm afraid they won't be able to take back the city, and now they can only temporarily go to Xingzhong Mansion to gather more troops in order to regain Dading Mansion.

At this time, Xu Yi, who was in Dading Mansion, suddenly got a message and stood up: "What did you say? Wanyan Zongwang is dead?"

Ma Zhe bowed and stood below, nodded and said: "There should be no mistake. The news came from the Yanshan Mansion. Zong Wang was seriously ill after the First World War in Taiping Mountain a few years ago. During a period of time and being busy in the south, his condition worsened a lot. Our spies have been paying attention to his condition. Five days ago, after Zong Wang saw Wushu for the last time, he handed over the army to the commander of Wushu, and he never Didn't wake up!"

After Xu Yi heard the news, he didn't know what it was like in his heart. He had been thinking for a long time that if he had the opportunity, he could personally meet this famous general of the Great Jin Kingdom who almost wiped out the Song Dynasty. Let's take a look. Who is stronger among them, but now it seems that he will never have this opportunity again. Originally, Zongwang had the opportunity to make greater contributions, but because of his appearance, Zongwang completely lost this opportunity. He also understood that the reason why Zong Wang died so early was because his health was not very good, and the second was because of the appearance of his Fubo Army, which exhausted him physically and mentally and accelerated his death.

"Is there any movement from Jin Wushu right now?" Zong Wang is already dead anyway, so it's useless to think about it again, so Xu Yi should first care about whether Jin Wushu will do better after Zongwang's death. Zongwang is better.

(End of this chapter)

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