Great Song Pirate

Chapter 678 Rain Attack

Chapter 678 Rain Attack
Zong Han was disgraced and helped up from the ground by the guards. Under the cover of the crowd, he hurriedly backed away a long way, then stopped, turned around and started yelling at Liaoyang City.

Today, on a whim, he wanted to get closer and personally urged the army to attack the city, but after the soldiers and horses for the attack had just been arranged and formed their positions, a shell flew from the city wall and landed not far from him. The broken stones hit his horse, and his horse was frightened and jumped up in shock and pain. Zong Han, the general on horseback, was caught off guard and fell off the horse on the spot, with a piece of blood on his hand. The gravel scratches, the flesh is opened, and there is a piece of blood.

As a result, when the Shuai flag fell, the morale of the army immediately fell, and the generals snatched Zong Han back. An attack that was organized with great difficulty was broken up by the cold artillery of the Fubo army before it even started.

Zong Han is so depressed!It has been almost a month since he and Zong Pan led the troops to Liaoyang Mansion. They tried every means and paid countless casualties. They didn't even touch the city wall of Liaoyang Mansion. They just learned how to use soil work. This method reduced some casualties, and finally reached the last line of defense outside the city of Liaoyang Prefecture.

But after arriving here, they found that the soil work was no longer possible, because the Fubo army actually attracted water from the Liaohe River in a trench dug outside the last line of defense, filling the trench and stopping them. Ditch-digging tactics, now the trenches on Jinbing’s side have been dug through water channels, and they are filled with cold and muddy river water, and there is mud everywhere, so Jinbing had to climb out of the trenches and stand On the flat ground, he was inspected by the artillery fire of the Fubo Army.

Zong Han really regretted that the battle had reached such a point. If he hadn't gotten into trouble with Zong Wang, he would have followed Zong Wang's words and joined forces with Zong Wang to attack Gaizhou City. Get the bird spirit here.

Although he knew that Gaizhou City was definitely not easy to fight, Gaizhou was much smaller than Liaoyang Mansion, and with Zongwang's army, they were still confident that they could break into Gaizhou in a short time. , can cut off the connection between Liaoyang Mansion and Liaodong, but looking at it now, he has missed that opportunity. Zongwang was transferred to the south line to deal with the Song Dynasty because of the repetition of the Song Dynasty in the south. This difficult bone is equal to If it was completely thrown to him, Zong Han and Zong Pan, they would gnaw even if they moved, and they would still gnaw if they couldn't move.

For this reason, he thought of many ways, and even sent an elite cavalry of more than 1 to attack Gaizhou City. As a result, that cavalry ran to Gaizhou City. They were blasted back again, thousands of people were killed and injured, even the city wall of Gaizhou City was still not touched.

Zong Han even discussed with Zong Pan, asking Zong Pan to lead the army to attack Liaoyang Mansion, at least hold back the Fubo Army of Liaoyang Mansion, and lead the troops to attack Gaizhou City by himself, but Zong Pan was also ambushed during this period of time. The Bo army was frightened by the toss, and they would not agree to divide their troops to fight in two places. They must attack Liaoyang Mansion together with him, and after taking Liaoyang Mansion, they will go to solve Gaizhou City.

The result is that now they are stuck outside the city of Liaoyang Prefecture, unable to advance or retreat, and almost every day they receive an exasperated reprimand from Wu Qimai, scolding the two of them as useless. A fierce attack took down the last line of defense of the Fubo Army, but was bombarded off the horse by others, making them into a mess.

Looking at the tall city walls of Liaoyang Mansion, Zong Han was almost desperate. Now when he thinks of attacking the city, his head is as big as a bucket. Could it be that he was born with this fate, so he wants to gnaw such a difficult bone?Could it be that the gods are so optimistic about his teeth to test him?

After much deliberation, there was still no way, so Zong Han became ruthless again. No matter what, he had to take down the last line of defense outside the city of Liaoyang Mansion, otherwise, he would really be ashamed to face others.

"Come on, beat the drums to raise my account!" Zong Han sat behind the Shuai desk and shouted loudly.

Not long after the drums sounded, the generals of the army filed in and stood in two rows on the hatchback. Zong Han blacked out his face and loudly reprimanded some of them, blaming them for refusing to use their lives and being cowardly and afraid of death.

"Tomorrow morning, the battle will start early, and I will supervise the battle again. This time, no matter how much it costs, I will take down the last line of defense of the Fubo Army outside the city. Those who dare to retreat, see if I don't immediately engage in military law on the spot!" Zong John gritted his teeth and said.

"No, Commander! Please listen to what the last general said!" As soon as Zong Han's words fell to the ground, Yin Shuke stood up and persuaded Zong Han.

Zong Han saw that Yinshu could come out to speak, and he suppressed the anger in his chest. Originally, he valued Wanyan Loushi very much, but this old guy obviously failed to live up to expectations. First, he lost five thousand vanguard troops, and then led his troops to attack him two days ago. In the city, he was shot through one thigh by the crossbow of the Fubo army, and now he can only lie in the tent and scream. Right now, the one in his army that makes him look pleasing to the eye is this silver technique. Yes, and Yinshu is not only good at controlling troops, but also resourceful, so you might as well just listen to what he has to say.

Seeing that Zong Han didn't continue to get angry, Yinshu knew that it was an opportunity for him to speak, so he bowed and said, "Commander Qi, the general doesn't think it's a good time to attack now. The sharpest part of the Polish army should be the artillery in their hands. It is not only powerful, but also extremely accurate. We have nothing to fight against it, so we have been suppressed by them and suffered heavy losses!

But the general also discovered a problem, that is, this kind of thing is propelled by fire, so it must be afraid of water, so when it rained last time, the general also paid special attention to it, and found that when it rained, the enemy The artillery really didn't fire much, so if you want to avoid the threat of their artillery, it's best to wait until the heavy rain to do it, which can reduce many casualties of our army! "

Hearing what Yinshu said, Zong Han really heard about this matter. He also paid attention to it at the beginning, but he forgot about it afterwards, so he nodded and said: "Yinshu is really smart, not bad! That's the reason! But if you say that if you do it on a rainy day, the place will be muddy, and the movement of the army will be hindered. If you want to attack, it may not be easy! And if the matter drags on for too long, the Holy Majesty will issue another decree to reprimand us for being incompetent!"

"Don't worry about this matter, commander. Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. The Holy Majesty should understand the difficulty of the commander-in-chief. Moreover, the Fubo army is extremely powerful. If you want to take down Liaoyang Mansion in a short while, I'm afraid it will be too late." It’s unrealistic, whoever comes here will be the same! As for the attack on rainy days, I have thought about it too. Didn’t the Fubo army dig up the Taizi River and attract water to prevent us from attacking the city? Then let’s block it Shangkouzi cut off the water source of the moat in Liaoyang Prefecture, and dug another ditch to drain the water from these trenches to the low-lying land. After diverting the water from the Taizi River, not only did the water in these trenches disappear, but even the Liaoyang Prefecture The water in the moat will also be drained, and if it rains at that time, it will not have a great impact on our actions, but it will take a while!" Yin Shuke is really a meticulous guy, saying Before these words, he had already taken a good look at the terrain.

Hearing this, Zong Han's mood immediately improved a lot, and he greatly praised Yinshuke. It seems that there are fewer people like this around him. If there are more people like Yinshuke, then why worry What about Liaoyang Mansion?
Zong Han finally adopted Yin Shuke's suggestion. After contacting Zong Pan, both armies stopped their onslaught on Liaoyang Mansion. Every day, they went to Liaoyang Mansion to show off their military power as a routine, and then went back to camp to rest. Liaoyang Mansion was temporarily calm. down.

However, at the place leading to the mouth of the Taizi River, a large group of Jin soldiers appeared, filling up the mouth of the river with sandbags and cutting off the waterway from the Taizi River to Liaoyang Mansion.

After the river was cut off, Zong Han's army sent troops to dig a ditch along the ditch, leading it to a low-lying place in the west of the city, leading all the water in the ditch there, and gradually draining the water in the ditch. And even the water from the last line of defense under Fubo Army City was diverted away, and gradually dried up, exposing the jagged sharp piles at the bottom of the ditch.

Yang Zaixing stood on the city wall and looked at the situation below, and looked at the barracks of the Jinren in the distance with a telescope, frowned and said: "It seems that the Jinren are not all idiots, but they know how to drain the water from the trenches. It seems that they have There is going to be a big move, let's be careful!" The generals who followed behind him nodded in agreement.

Although the entire Liaoyang Mansion has been besieged by the Jin soldiers for a month, the life in the city has basically not been greatly affected. There is sufficient food and grass in the city, and there will be no shortage in a short time, and the people's hearts are relatively stable. Even some ordinary people formed a habit of running to the city wall and watching the scene of the Jin soldiers being beaten, which was completely regarded as watching a show. Whenever the Fubo army repelled an attack by the Jin army, there would be a burst of applause on the city wall. The defenders outside the city applauded.

Moreover, the Fubo Army adopted a rotation system. Each team had to be numbered and went out of the city in turn to be on duty in the positions outside the city. In this way, after a month, all the soldiers in the city would be rotated again, so that new recruits The new recruits also experienced what is called the blood and flesh battlefield, which exercised their courage.

Even under the strong request of some auxiliary soldiers composed of civilians, the auxiliary soldiers were also arranged to go out of the city to take turns to exercise. During this period, many auxiliary soldiers had tasted the taste of killing people, and because Yang Zaixing and the others had prepared well in advance, they could not fight against the soldiers. The defense of the generals is very important, so after fighting for such a long time, the Jin army suffered heavy casualties, but the Fubo army paid a small price. The exchange ratio of casualties between the two sides reached almost ten to one, so the Liaoyang government Not only did the combat effectiveness of the soldiers and horses on the side not decrease, but it also increased to a certain extent.

Although there are 10,000+ golden soldiers gathered outside the city, there are only 6 or [-] soldiers who can be regarded as regular troops. Months later, the morale of the Golden Army has been declining due to consecutive defeats, so their strength has shown a plummeting situation.

Yang Zaixing and Gao Jun saw this very clearly, so they were not very worried about the Liaoyang Mansion's defensive battle, they all ate well and slept well, and they performed their duties in an orderly manner.

All kinds of equipment were manufactured by the workshop in the city, and they were continuously transported to the positions outside the city. If one batch was lost, another batch would be rebuilt. The firepower was always suppressing the Jin army, only considering the future war , Try to reduce the amount of firearms used, otherwise, if you concentrate your firepower, it is really possible to break up the army of Zong Han and Zong Pan.

But Yang Zaixing did not choose to fight hard, but adopted a strategy of gradually consuming the Jin army step by step. He wanted to hold them back, buy time for Xu Yi's actions in southern Liaoning, and look for an opportunity to give Zong Han and the others an attack. ruthless.

For many days, the Jin army did not launch any decent attack. This situation made Yang Zaixing a little worried. He couldn't figure out why the Jin army hadn't launched an attack since they had drained the water in the trenches outside the city. What were they waiting for? Woolen cloth?So he called Gao Jun and other generals to discuss this matter.

Everyone was eager to express their own opinions, analyzing why the Jin army was so abnormal, and in the end Gao Dapao, who was familiar with artillery, said what the Jin army thought.

"To General Yang, although I am a rough person, I do have some ideas. In my opinion, the golden dog is afraid of being bombarded by our cannons these days. They really have no choice but to use our cannons. They are waiting for an opportunity. What! We will only do it when it rains, then our cannons will not be able to use their strength, and they can seize the opportunity to launch a fierce attack and seize the positions outside our city!" Gao Dapao said to Yang Zaixing in his simple and honest voice.

As soon as his words fell, everyone felt a little enlightened. After a long time, everyone had nothing to understand, but this Gao Dapao figured it out. Everyone couldn't help sweating a little, so they nodded along with Gao Dapao.

"Very good! You really deserve to be the number one gunner under the lord, Gao Dapao, you are very good! Hehe!" Yang Zaixing stood in the middle of the hall and praised Gao Dapao repeatedly.

"Hehe! As the general said, in fact, I have no other skills. I just shoot a little too much. I know what our cannons are afraid of. I discovered this problem a long time ago. The last time the golden soldiers attacked us When it comes to the second line of defense, we suffer because the cannons can’t fire! Otherwise, the Jinren wouldn’t be able to take down our second line of defense so easily, I’m really pissed off!” Gao Dapao laughed.

"The cannon is right. Rainy days are indeed a little bad for us. The bed crossbow also has this problem. After the bow and bowstring are soaked in water, they will become a little soft and the power will be reduced a lot. Moreover, our kerosene bombs fall It’s not easy to use in rainy days, Jin Renbao must have seen this, and wanted to take advantage of the rainy day to attack us! In this way, the strength of the two sides will be more balanced, and they will have the advantage of having a large number of people, and we will be at a disadvantage in a fight!” Gao Jun added to the side.

After Yang Zaixing thought for a while, he asked Gao Dapao, "Then have you come up with any solution?"

Gao Dapao hurriedly replied: "What's so difficult about this? Everyone has gone out to fight with the fleet, and it's not like they haven't encountered such a thing. When it rains, the cannons on the top deck can't fire. But how should the guns in the cabin be fired? Isn’t there a lot of linen and horse hide in the city? Spread some tung oil on the linen, use the linen or horse hide to build a shed for each cannon, and make medicine bags and primers It’s so moisture-proof, isn’t it enough? Brush more tung oil and varnish on the bow body of the bed crossbow, and add more raw silk to the bow string, won’t it be knotted? At worst, build a shed for them and pull them down! As for the kerosene bombs, there is no way! You can only use The kind of fire oil on our ship is fine, the general fish oil and lard oil are not good in rainy days!"

Everyone couldn't help but look at Gao Dapao with admiration. It turns out that this guy not only knows how to shoot cannons, but also knows other heavy equipment like the back of his hand!

"Then let's build a shed for the artillery and bed crossbows in the upper and lower parts of the city, and see how the golden soldiers will feel when we bombard them in the rain! Haha!" Xiao Jianfeng said to Yang Zaixing with a laugh .

Yang Zaixing thought about it for a while, then laughed, and shook his head, "It's a good idea! But the artillery outside the city is no longer used. After such a long time, it's time for Zong Han and Zong Pan to taste the sweetness. Don't fight!" It's not good if they lose confidence and turn around and retreat. I think this last line of defense will be for them this time!
Once the Jin army takes advantage of the rain to attack this time, we will give up this line of defense, let the brothers go back to the city to rest comfortably, and let the Jin people rain under the city!The key point is to protect the artillery on the city wall. The gunpowder must be kept properly, so as not to be useless when it is used! "

Everyone looked at Yang Zaixing strangely, thinking that it was a little rash for him to give up the last line of defense so easily, so Yang Zaixing continued: "Don't be surprised, the water in the moat is almost bottoming out now, if you want the Jinren to To suffer even greater losses, we must give them some sweetness!
I predict that once Ding Zonghan and Zongpan take down the last line of defense, they will definitely launch a large-scale onslaught, and the Jin army will probably come out in full force. We have also delayed for so long, and it is not an option to keep procrastinating. Come to a good one, completely solve their pull down!
Once they launch a full-scale attack, we will let them get closer to the city wall, and then they will be able to bear it. As long as we knock out their throwing carts, the remaining golden soldiers will be slaughtered!At that time, Xiao Jianfeng will have something to do!It's just that the job of collecting corpses will not be easy at that time, and it will probably be busy for a while!hehe! "

Hearing what Yang Zaixing said, everyone burst into laughter. The atmosphere in the hall was very relaxed. These people didn't pay attention to the 10,000+ army of Zong Han and Zong Pan at all. Now they are all fighting with the Jinren. A group of old fried dough sticks are no longer afraid of Jin Bing's power!
God doesn't know whether he is taking care of the Jin people or the Fubo army. After holding back for two or three days, he woke up early this morning, and the sky was covered with dark clouds, as if they were about to press down on the city of Liaoyang Prefecture. It was dark, and there was a damp smell in the air.

After waking up in the morning, Jin Ying got busy. After the sound of Dianmao drums, the chief generals of each battalion ran to the handsome tent one after another. It's like a big pill.

It's no wonder that since Zong Han decided to wait until it rains to start the battle, the soldiers of the Jin army have rested for many days. This, but these guys are also relatively nervous things, and they gradually got used to this kind of sneak attack, and recovered from the initial panic, and they found that although this kind of rocket is very powerful, it can't be attacked. The Polish army fought less, and the accuracy was relatively low. Unless it happened to fall into someone's tent, otherwise, the damage to the Jin army at night was not too great. It even allowed the Jin people to pick up a few unexploded rockets. After researching it, they found that they couldn't imitate this kind of thing. They didn't know the formula of the aphrodisiac and explosives in it, and it was useless to have a sample!

But after discovering this, the sense of panic among the Golden Army gradually disappeared, so they each embraced a damn ball up mentality, what the hell!If it falls on me, I can only admit that I am unlucky, and it is better to blow up to death than to boil to death!When they were attacked by rockets at night, even if these guys were woken up by the roar, they turned over and went back to sleep. Anyway, running was useless, and the chances of being bombed were not many, so they all slept a few times I felt good, and my morale and spirit recovered a lot.

When they saw that the sky was covered with dark clouds, the group of golden generals knew that it was time to do something, so when they heard the drums of the generals from the big tent of the Chinese army, Lima ran over.

Zong Han was also neatly dressed, sitting upright behind the commander-in-chief case, threw down a command arrow, and after making arrangements for the responsibilities of the generals in the account, let the generals go down to prepare, just waiting for the old world When it rained, they went out of the camp to launch a fierce attack.

Sure enough, after waiting for a while, the cloudy sky finally began to rain bean-sized raindrops, which stirred up a cloud of dust on the ground, and soon the rain became heavier, and the dust on the ground turned into mud. The army immediately lined up and drove out of their camp. The newly built leading cars were pushed to the front of the queue, and the trench cars were also placed in the queue, slowly moving towards the last line of the Fubo Army. The line of defense pushed through.

The rain in this season is still very cold. After it fell on the body, it quickly soaked all the clothes and poured down the neck and back, causing people's body temperature to lose quickly. With every step, the muddy land seemed to want to suck It's like dropping their boots, and now most of the golden soldiers' boots are already rotten. During this period of time, they are not good at fighting, and the national strength of the golden country is also a little tight. Boots, which consume a lot of military supplies, are a bit out of supply , so they could only wear broken shoes and continue to fight outside the city of Liaoyang Prefecture. Many people began to tremble slightly as soon as they left the camp, and secretly cursed the generals for their lack of virtue.

(End of this chapter)

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