Chapter 638
After hearing from Wu Min that an agreement had been reached with the Jinren, Zhao Xu hesitated. Yiqing's arrival brought a lot of trouble to his decision-making.

If Xu Yi was his friend before, now Xu Yi has become his brother-in-law because of Yiqing's relationship, and this time he negotiated peace with the Jinren, for him, he had a chance to breathe. But he is also very clear that in this way, the Fubo army will be pushed into a very dangerous situation.

What made him feel unable to explain to Yiqing the most was that in order to reach an agreement, Wu Min and Qin Hui agreed to Jinren's request, that is, the Great Song Dynasty would cut off support for the Fubo Army, which made the Fubo Army's situation in Liaodong even more dangerous After losing the material support of Song Dynasty, how long can they last?No one answered his question.

Just when Zhao Xu was still hesitating about this contract, a servant came to report that Shandong had sent news that the Jin Wushu army had left Jinan and had arrived in Yuncheng at an astonishingly fast speed, and Zongwang's The Central Road also bypassed Xiangzhou again and approached Junzhou.

Zhao Xu couldn't help becoming nervous again, but Wu Min, Qin Hui and others immediately became panicked, and hurriedly persuaded Zhao Xu to quickly reach an agreement with the Jin people to let the Jin envoys go back and prevent their army from continuing to go south. Very hesitant, should this agreement be signed or not?
"Qizhuo, please send a decree to let Yao Ping take the [-] forbidden troops from Bianliang to Yuncheng to stop Wushu's army! The decree is to set up defenses on the Yellow River at a medium speed, and Zongwang's army must not be allowed to cross the river!" Li Gang He gritted his teeth and said to Zhao Xujin!
"My lord, this matter must not be allowed! Now there are only 2 forbidden soldiers guarding the capital. Once General Yao takes away another [-] soldiers, there will only be [-] soldiers left in Bianliang City. Once the division If Zong Wang can't be stopped from crossing the river, Bianliang City will be in danger!" Wu Min shouted hastily.

"Yes, Your Majesty, although the forbidden army has been drilled by General Yao during this period, it is more capable than before, but with their combat power, 2 people will never be able to stop the Wushu army! If General Yao makes a mistake , then there will be no one on the east-west road to stop Jin Bing!" Qin Hui also said hastily.

Zhao Xu is really at a loss right now, as long as this happens, the people below will definitely quarrel, but just at this time, someone came to the palace to report urgently, saying that the seed teachers in Zhengzhou have been working hard for days, I fell ill suddenly, and now I am in danger!

Zhao Xu was dumbfounded at once. Now he can only rely on the two generals Zhong Shizhong and Yao Pingzhong in the Gyeonggi area, and Zhong Shizhong fell ill at this time, so the defense on the front line of the Yellow River is likely to go wrong. , The scene of Zongwang crossing the river last time is still vivid in my mind. As soon as the Jin soldiers crossed the Yellow River, the more than [-] defenders on the south bank of the river suddenly dispersed. If...

Zhao Xu didn't dare to continue to think about it, so he gritted his teeth, grabbed the imperial pen, signed his name on the contract, and asked the palm seal servant to take the jade seal and print it on it.

Then Zhao Xu ordered Wu Min to quickly prepare the New Year's coins and compensation for the Kingdom of Jin, and send the envoys out of the city. Then he remembered, how should he explain this to Yi Qing?
"Qi Zou Holy Majesty! Princess Yiqing...Princess Yiqing, she..." A eunuch ran to report to Zhao Xu with a panicked expression.

Zhao Xu was startled, and quickly asked, "What's wrong with Yiqing? Tell me quickly!"

Only then did the eunuch say: "Qizou Your Majesty, Princess Yiqing broke out of the palace early in the morning after hearing that His Majesty had negotiated peace with the Jin people! Before leaving, she left a note for His Majesty." A letter!"

"You bastard, why didn't you say it earlier? Quickly order someone to chase her back!" Zhao Xuteng stood up suddenly.

Zhao Xu took the letter Yiqing left him, and after opening it, he found out that the letter was not written by Yiqing, but by Xu Yi.

Xu Yi clarified his plan to Zhao Xu in the letter. Xu Yi wanted to continue to attack the hinterland of the Jin Kingdom after Liaodong was firmly established. Please take advantage of the time when he is creating chaos in the hinterland of the Jin people. He also expected that because of his Fubo army, the Dingjin people would consider withdrawing from the Song Dynasty and dispatching troops to deal with the Fubo army. Please use this opportunity to regain the lost ground. Take back Yanshan Mansion and other places, and threaten the Jin Kingdom's Xijing and Zhongjing. At that time, the Jin people will bow their heads to the Song Dynasty.

After Zhao Xu finished reading the letter, he sighed. He didn't know what it was like in his heart. After a while, someone came to report that Princess Yiqing brought her people who had broken through the south gate. Looking at the gold medal in the palace, they dare not stop it, they have already gone far!
As soon as Zhao Xu let go, Xu Yi's letter fell to the ground...

After Xu Yi arranged the matter in Liaodong, he immediately set off for Liuqiu Island. Wherever the fleet passed, he saw a busy scene. Many ships on the sea came and went between the Great Song Dynasty and Liaodong. The cargo ships between them are mostly loaded with grain and grass materials sent to Liaodong by local governments. It can be seen that their Fubo Army has now won the approval of many people in the Song Dynasty. It is really good to save face. The war greatly inspired the determination of the whole Song Dynasty to fight against the gold, and Xu Yi was very satisfied with this.

On the way back, Xu Yi learned that many places in Shandong had been occupied by Jin Bing, so when the fleet sailed to Jiaozhou Bay, he found that it had been controlled by Jin Bing, so Xu Yi led the fleet By the way, a surprise attack came, and the golden army caught off guard was immediately scattered by the artillery fire on their ship, and captured a lot of prisoners. As a result, after asking, I found out that most of these so-called golden troops were The surrendered army of the Song Dynasty in Shandong area.

In a rage, Xu Yi ordered a massacre of these traitors. In the end, only a few surrendered soldiers remained. He told them to inform the other traitors that as long as they found out that there was someone in the Jin army These surrendered troops will definitely be killed!

This incident also caused a lot of influence in the Jingdong Road area. After hearing about this incident, many vacillating Song Jun felt lingering fear and was terrified. A large-scale escape, and defected back to Da Song.

It took a long time to travel from Dalian Port to Liuqiu Island. When Xu Yi arrived at the coast of Liangzhe, he ordered the fleet to continue southward, and he turned to Dulong Island for a trip.

Xu Yi has not been here for more than a year since he left Dulong Island last time. After hearing about Xu Yi's arrival, the people on the island flocked to the pier one after another, kneeling down to welcome him.

If Xu Yi had only won their loyalty before, then now Xu Yi has won their respect even more after several battles with the Jinren. When Xu Yi stepped onto the pier, cheers resounded throughout Dulong Island.

Xu Yi helped Qian Laoben and the others one by one, and then asked the rest of the people on the island to get up and disperse. Finally, surrounded by everyone, they arrived at the meeting hall on the island.

After more than a year, Dulong Island has changed a lot. The residential area here has expanded a lot again, and the planning is more reasonable. What makes Xu Yi even more happy is that the workshop area here has also expanded several times. Yang Laoxi's gunpowder workshop alone has expanded by more than three times, not to mention the fat soap workshop, which has also expanded several times in size. The whaling fleet originally under Liu Laoliu has also expanded into Several of them developed into a huge fishing fleet, which not only hunted whales, but also caught a large amount of seafood, which were marinated and sold on land, and became the reserve of the Fubo Army.

At the same time, the residents on the island were recruited by the Fubo army because after the war between Song and Jin, a large number of refugees from the north went south, unable to make a living. Although most of them were transferred to Liuqiu Island, Dulong Island also received a lot. Now The number of residents on the island has exceeded 2, which is almost reaching the limit that Dulong Island can bear. In this way, the labor force will be much richer, and the garment workshop on the island will also expand accordingly. The army provided relatively abundant leather armor and quilts.

The orphan school originally set up on the island was also reopened, and once again received two or three thousand orphans from land. It was also because of the war between Song and Jin that some scholars in the north had to flee south. Unable to make a living, so in order to survive, he had to be persuaded by the Fubo Army to come here and become a teacher here.

In addition, the land in some gentle places on the island has also been reclaimed by the people on the island into farmland. Although there are not many farmlands here, at least it can support most of Dulong Island's expenses, and there is no need to rely too much on the land from the island. Purchased on land, the increase in population has brought great benefits to the Fubo army, allowing them to obtain a fairly abundant labor force.

Xu Yi didn't stay here for too long, but only briefly learned about the situation here, and told Qian Laoben and Yang Laoxi to step up the production of various firearms and support the Fubo army in expanding its territory in Liaodong.

Yang Laoxi immediately patted his chest and promised: "Please rest assured, my lord. We have not been idle for more than a year. Through exploration, we can now purify a large number of high-quality saltpeter from the soil saltpeter. In this way, We also saved a lot of money, and the power of the gunpowder we made is guaranteed not to be lower than before, but even better! Now our gunpowder workshop can produce hundreds of catties of gunpowder every day, and there are also a lot of fuses and palm mines. , Thunderbolt, enough for our army!"

Xu Yi laughed and said, "Laoxi Yang is a bit arrogant when he said that, you don't know it! Let's start a random battle now, and the gunpowder consumed is more than a thousand catties! I'm afraid the daily output of hundreds of catties is still too little." , this output is far from enough for our use, you have to continue to find ways to increase production, you must know that if you produce more, our brothers can shed less blood and kill more golden soldiers. It's not enough! Don't just think about saving money, the most important thing for our Fubo Army is money, instead of wasting time on our own purification, we should buy more ready-made saltpeter from various channels on land, It doesn't matter even if the power is a little less, what is needed most now is to keep up with the consumption of the front army!"

Yang Laoxi quickly nodded and agreed. At first, he thought that Xu Yi should be satisfied that his production had doubled now, but he didn't expect that according to Xu Yi's words, his current production was still far from enough, so he secretly Determined, no matter what, we must double the output as soon as possible. Since there is no need to save money, it is much simpler!
"Pork belly, don't be idle anywhere. Now is the time of war, and money is needed everywhere. You have an important source of income for our Fubo army. Don't embarrass me. Increase production as soon as possible. If you can earn more Earn more!" Xu Yi instructed Fat Guang again.

"My lord, don't worry, with my fat man here, there will be no shortage! Now our soap is not only selling well in Dasong, but also directly sent to Danshuizhai, where the sea merchants who go to Nanyang have to buy goods. And every month we have to sell a batch to Goryeo and Wa, so it’s no problem to make money!” Fat Guang was full of fat and his face was shaking with pride.

"I heard that Xiaohongdou is pregnant? You have to take good care of her! Don't let him go to the soap factory again, you know?" Xu Yi heard that Xiaohongdou was pregnant, so he confessed to Fat Guang At the same time, I also thought badly, how can Xiao Hongdou withstand this fat man's toss when she is so thin and small?hey-hey!

Just when Xu Yi was about to leave Dulong Island, two more boats arrived on the island. The boats were filled with iron from Hangzhou and various raw materials needed on the island. Xu Yi didn't care much, so he wanted to say goodbye to Qian Laoben. They leave.

At this moment, a brother from the island ran in and reported to Xu Yi: "My lord, the boat from Hangzhou brought a woman and said she wanted to see you!"

Xu Yi was stunned for a moment, thinking to himself how could such a woman come to Dulong Island on the boat of the Fubo Army?It was a temporary decision to go to Dulong Island by myself. Who could get the news so quickly?
So he asked, "What's the girl's name?"

The reporter replied: "The woman covered her face with a white gauze, only said her surname was Li, she didn't tell her name, she said she was an old friend of the lord, if the lord doesn't know her, then I will send her away!"

"Slow down!" Xu Yi quickly stopped the subordinate, and a fresh and refined face immediately appeared in his mind, so he coughed dryly, and said to the people around him: "If you have something to do, just go ahead, I will Meet an old friend here!"

These people in the lobby are not stupid if they can achieve their current status, they will resign immediately and leave the conference hall one after another, even the old guy Qian Laoben said with a smirk on his face that he was going to inspect the goods, and ran away Going out made Xu Yi very embarrassing. Let me explain it carefully. I'm afraid it will become darker and darker.

Not long after, Hou Cheng brought in a woman covered in white gauze from the outside, and then stood aside, Xu Yi looked up, this woman was wearing an ivory skirt, her graceful figure was like a In a cloud of smoke, it makes people feel unbearable to be profane.

After the woman stood still, she lightly raised her wrist, revealing a jade hand like white porcelain from the sleeve, gently lifted the white gauze covering her head, revealing a beautiful and moving face, today's She didn't apply any makeup, but it didn't affect her beauty at all, her eyelashes trembled like butterfly wings, and her eyes were clear and blurred!Isn't it exactly the generation of famous prostitute Li Shishi that Xu Yi met in Bianliang a few years ago?It's just that looking at it now, Li Shishi is much thinner than when she was in Bianliang, but she didn't damage her beauty at all. On the contrary, she added a bit of euphemism, which is very pity. Even Xu Yi, an old Jianghu, also Can't help being suffocated by her beauty again.

"My family has met Mr. Xu! Mr. Xu, do you still remember my family?" Li Shishi opened his lips lightly and uttered a series of voices like silver bells.

Xu Yi just lost his mind for a moment, but he recovered immediately, and hurriedly got up and cupped his hands and said, "It turns out to be Miss Li, Xu is so rude, it's really rude!"

Hou Cheng, nicknamed Flower Monkey, was known to be clever. Seeing that Xu Yi knew this woman, he seemed to be an old acquaintance, and he also saw that this woman had no martial arts. He knew that she would not pose any threat to Xu Yi, so Quietly exited the hall, only Xu Yi and Li Shishi were left in the hall.

A gleam of joy flashed in Li Shishi's beautiful eyes, but he immediately changed into a sad look, and said again: "Young Master, after we parted, there was no news from me. The slave family will never forget you. The song "The Merry Son" still lingers in my heart, and the slave family has asked people to visit the young master many times, in order to see the young master again, but the various efforts of the slave family have not received any response from the young master! Could it be that the young master looks down on the young master so much?" said There was a layer of mist in the beautiful eyes.

Xu Yi looked at Li Shishi, who was about to cry, and couldn't help feeling soft in his heart. Although many people in history said that Li Shishi's beauty was a disaster, he confused Huizong's elders, and made Huizong ignore the government. The absurdity caused the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty, but in this era After that, Xu Yi learned from various aspects that he could not blame Li Shishi for this matter at all. Huizong's absurdity did not start after he got to know Li Shishi, and Li Shishi was in a prostitute, so how could he influence an absurd emperor? ?

So Xu Yi didn't think there was anything wrong with Li Shishi in this matter, but what he didn't expect was that he just met by chance that day, and after he was drunk, he copied a poem by Lu You casually, which actually made Li Shishi deeply rooted in him. , this matter seems a bit too far-fetched.

So Xu Yi hurriedly said: "Miss Li is serious. With Miss Li's demeanor, how dare Xu, a vulgar person, look down on Miss Li? What's more, Miss Li's life experience is definitely not something you can control. She is a pitiful person." , Xu has absolutely no intention of underestimating it! On the contrary, Xu heard that Ms. Li donated all her money to help the country fight against the Jinren. This kind of deed is even more admirable to Xu!"

After hearing what Xu Yi said, Li Shishi felt much better in his heart, so he smiled wryly and said: "Thank you, my lord! I can listen to what you say today, and even if my family dies immediately, I can smile at Jiuquan!"
When the slave family was in Bianliang, everything was involuntary. Later, after hearing that the Jin people attacked the Song Dynasty, everyone in the capital accused me of being a disaster, but how many people knew that the slave family had repeatedly advised the emperor, Do you want to be diligent in government and love the people, be close to gentlemen and stay away from villains?
After hearing the news that the Jin people launched an army to attack the Song Dynasty, the slave family had already lost all hope, so they redeemed themselves and left some of the meager wealth they had accumulated over the years to help the military and also have the right to redeem some of their sins!But after leaving Bianliang City, the slave family realized that there is no place for the slave family in this world!That's why the slave family had the audacity to think of the son, and found Hangzhou all the way. The slave family has nothing else to ask for in this life, and just wants to see the son again, so the slave family will die without regret! "

When Li Shishi said this, his voice became low, and there was a strong sense of world-weariness in his words.

Xu Yi's heart trembled when he heard it, so he stepped forward involuntarily, grabbed Li Shishi's jade hand by accident, and said anxiously: "Miss Li, don't think so, the reason why Song Dynasty has reached such a point is your fault." Responsibility? Only Huizong himself is to blame. He doesn't know how to govern the world. He is a foolish king. No matter whether you are in this world or not, he will eventually toss the Song Dynasty to such an extent. How can you blame you for this matter?
Don't use other people's faults to punish yourself. There are many good things in this world. Miss Li doesn't have to give up on herself like this. The world is so big, where can she not be accommodated? "

After listening to Xu Yi's words, Li Shishi looked at him holding one of his hands, and couldn't hold back the sadness in her heart anymore. She threw herself into Xu Yi's arms and burst into tears. Her eyes were so blank that she didn't even dare to show her face. She just stayed in the Weihai Escort Bureau in Hangzhou without a single person to talk to. Now she finally met someone who understood her, so she immediately sent her The sadness stored in his chest broke out completely.

Xu Yi froze on the spot when Li Shishi threw him like this. He originally had a kind of sympathy for Li Shishi. For her beauty, Xu Yi just admired her and didn't covet anything. Poor, and on the other hand, he was a little moved by her affection for him, but when Li Shishi cried like this, he suddenly lost his mind, and his body was stiff for a long time, before he finally stretched out his hand helplessly and wrapped his arms around Li Shishi's shoulders, letting her hold her in his arms Weeping loudly, he gently patted her round back with his hands.

Li Shishi's tears wet Xu Yi's chest. Even Xu Yi didn't know how long she had been crying, so he just kept holding her like this, letting her vent her grievances to her heart's content. Later, after Li Shishi cried for a long time, his body suddenly softened , stopped crying, and slowly fell limp.

Xu Yi quickly grabbed her slender waist, looked down, and saw that Li Shishi's eyes were closed, and he passed out from crying, so he no longer cared about the defense between men and women, and reached out and hugged her Get up, run into the back bedroom, put Li Shishi flat on the bed, greet Hou Cheng quickly, and ask him to call the medical officer over immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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