Great Song Pirate

Chapter 637 Yiqing

Chapter 637 Yiqing
Zhao Xu was undoubtedly shocked by Yiqing's arrival. In fact, in everyone's heart, they no longer had any illusions about Yiqing's survival. It took a lot of effort to find it, but all the clues were completely cut off when they reached a boat.

Someone found out that this passenger boat was once attacked by pirates. From their point of view, Yiqing might have fallen into the hands of pirates. Where can they find her in the vast sea?
But what Zhao Xu never expected was that Yiqing suddenly returned to Bianliang City at this time, so he hurriedly got up, not caring about his status as the emperor, and ran out of the palace, followed by a group of servants out of breath.

Originally, Yiqing and Chen Dong also left Dalian Port one after the other, but because Xue Tu knew that Jin soldiers were rampant in Shandong, he was worried about her safety, so he specially ordered people to detour to Yangzhou to land, and then headed north to Bianliang , the road was delayed for a long time, so that it was only now that we arrived at Bianliang.

Looking at the long-lost Bianliang City in front of her eyes, Yiqing's heart was fluctuating. Compared with when she left, Bianliang at this time was no longer as prosperous as it was back then. They were all woken up. It turned out that this place was not a stable city. It was no longer enough for them to continue singing and dancing, so many people began to leave the city after the Jin people retreated, and moved to the south, because they I don't know when the Jin people will attack Bianliang City again. At that time, whether Bianliang City can stop the Jin soldiers anymore, some people don't have the confidence.

In addition, there are more than [-] people in Bianliang City, which is basically a city of pure consumption. Since the last time Bianliang was besieged, the water transportation of Bianhe River has been cut off, and the city has begun to lack food. The water transportation has been restored again, but the civil uprisings in various places have reduced the food transported into Bianliang City by at least [-]% compared with before. Although Bianliang City has not yet appeared hungry everywhere, there are already hungry people lying dead outside the city. The road is on the side, and after the looting by the Jin soldiers, the people within a radius of tens of miles of Bianliang City were almost killed. If there were no pedestrians on the road in twos and threes, I would really think that I had come to a barren land too!
But when entering Bianliang City, Yiqing still encountered some troubles. After all, it is wartime, and all the gates of Bianliang City are heavily guarded. A reorganization was carried out and handed over to Yao Pingzhong for leadership, but Yao Pingzhong had to admit that Yao Pingzhong was still very good at training troops. At least these forbidden troops looked much tougher than before. The forbidden army immediately blocked the way and wanted to search the vehicle.

These imperial guards still have a bit of a dirty style. Seeing Yiqing's vehicle followed by more than a dozen young women, some guys wanted to mess around, but Yiqing got off the car and slapped a big mouth How could the imperial guards bear this anger, so they huffed and surrounded Yiqing and her entourage. The Fubo army didn't follow their tricks, and the female guards drew their swords on the spot.

"Do you want to rebel? I think you must be the spies of Jin Bing. Come on! Arrest them all!" An officer yelled to let his soldiers do it.

"Blind your dog eyes, don't you see who I am? How dare you act wild in front of me?" Yiqing sneered, took out a gold medal, and waved it in front of the officer.

The officer saw the gold medal, and broke out in cold sweat on the spot. This kind of gold medal can only be worn by the royal family. As an officer guarding Gyeonggi, he still has this vision, so he softened on the spot, and hurriedly kicked and beat him. He drove his subordinates aside and hurried over to make amends.

Yiqing didn't bother to explain his identity to him, so he gave a few names casually, and asked him to step aside immediately. When the officer heard that Yiqing was talking about some royal people, he didn't dare to ask more, shit He didn't let go, so he invited Yiqing into the city gate.

After Yiqing led his men into Bianliang City, he settled them in the inn first, and then he brought only two of the most caring female guards straight to the palace. Now Zhao Xu has ascended the throne. Your majesty must be living in the imperial city, and Prince Ji's mansion will definitely not live there again. After arriving at the palace, Yiqing revealed her identity. How could these servants have never heard of her!So he trotted and went to report to Zhao Xu.

When Zhao Xu greeted him out of the palace, Yiqing had been waiting impatiently at the gate of the palace for a long time, and was losing his temper with the guards guarding the gate. When he saw Zhao Xu running out in a red robe, Yiqing's eyes suddenly turned red. Tears burst out and flowed down.

It's no wonder that after so many years, Zhao Xu is still the first relative she sees, can she not be excited?

Zhao Xu took a closer look, and then he was sure that the girl in front of him was really the girl who had been lost for several years. His voice trembled with excitement, he stepped forward, grabbed Yiqing's hand, and said in surprise: "Yiqing! Really! It's you, my God! Where have you been all these years!"

Yiqing saluted Zhao Xu with tears in her eyes: "Yiqing sees the Holy One!"

Zhao Xu was so happy that his heart beat faster. Among his many brothers and sisters, the only one who could get along with him was Yiqing. He had given up his heart a long time ago, thinking that he would never see Yiqing again in this life. , After meeting today, Zhao Xu was too excited to control himself, so he quickly grabbed Yiqing and said, "Don't be too polite, just come back, just come back! Hurry up and talk inside!" Only then did Zhao Xu notice the people around him They were all looking at them, so they thought that this is not a place to talk after all, so they hurriedly let Yiqing go to the palace.

When the emperor spoke, no one dared to stop the two female guards brought by Yiqing, so the group entered the palace.

After Zhao Xu and Yiqing were seated, Zhao Xu thought that Yiqing had been away for so long and hadn't heard from him. There must be something hidden, so he kicked out all the eunuchs and court ladies in the palace, and then asked : "Yiqing! You are too self-willed! Although I know you are dissatisfied with the marriage arranged by the emperor for you, but you leave like this, I don't know how many people worry! In order to find you, I even ran across A trip to Hangzhou almost made me feel that I would never see you again in this life! Tell me quickly, have you suffered all these years?"

Zhao Xu looked Yiqing up and down, and saw that Yiqing's figure was much rounder than before, and he didn't seem to be suffering, and the childishness on his body was gone, but he had the charm of a mature young woman. Judging from the perspective, Yiqing has already become a married woman!I just don't know which bastard has such luck to marry his own sister!
Yiqing had already thought up an excuse, saying that after leaving Bianliang, she fled to Fujian, met a good man incognito, and married him, and lived a good life these years without suffering.

After Zhao Xu heard this, he shook his head and smiled wryly: "Younger sister is really courageous! If the emperor finds out, I don't know how to deal with you and your husband! Then tell me, my brother-in-law Who the hell is it that can make my girl with eyes above the top fall in love with me? He must not be a mortal! Now that the court is in charge of the elder brother, you might as well make him an official. I will send someone to take him over, girl You don't have to go back anymore, you should live in Bianliang in the future!"

Yiqing smiled and said: "Thank you, Brother Seven! My husband is a man of idle clouds and wild cranes. He never thought of becoming an official. My sister thanked Brother Seven!"

For some reason, after hearing what Yiqing said, Zhao Xu suddenly thought of Xu Yi, so he shook his head and said with a smile, "Why is there another one who doesn't want to be an official!"

Upon hearing this, Yiqing asked, "Are there still many people in this world who don't want to be officials?"

Zhao Xu smiled and said: "I also met a capable person, but no matter how much I persuaded him, he refused to become an official, and even refused the official offer I gave him! Could it be that your Is your husband the same as him?"

After such an interruption, Zhao Xu forgot to ask Yiqing's husband what his name was, but when he said that, Yiqing pursed her lips and laughed. Isn't that what she was talking about, Xu Lang?

The two brought the topic to his father, Emperor Huizong. For Huizong, Yiqing still had a lot of affection. No matter how stupid he was, he still poured a lot of paternal love into Yiqing. Encountered, Yiqing could not help but burst into tears.

"Seventh brother, now that you are the emperor, you must never do what your father did. Now that the Great Song Dynasty is under the iron hooves of the golden soldiers, the mountains and rivers are broken, and the father and eldest brother are still suffering at the hands of the golden men. Seventh brother, how can you do that?" We must quickly revive the Great Song Army, recover the lost land as soon as possible, restore the country, and welcome back the father and the emperor!" Yiqing said to Zhao Xu with tears in his eyes.

Originally, Zhao Xu was still full of joy when he saw Yiqing, but when he heard Yiqing urging him to welcome his father Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan back as soon as possible, his heart skipped a beat, as if he was blocked, the last thing he wanted to hear during this time Even if someone said this in front of him, something like welcoming the Second Emperor back, and they came back, what should I do?

But Zhao Xu also knew that Yiqing was talking from the perspective of being a child, so he didn't mind too much. After all, the relationship between the two of them has always been very good. They haven't seen each other for so many years, so they won't be upset just because of Yiqing's words. Not happy, so he sighed and said: "Yiqing is right, but now the Great Song Dynasty has accumulated so much that it is hard to get back. How can it be a matter of one day to make the Great Song army stronger! Qingwu, you must also know this. The army of the Song Dynasty has been weak for a long time. It can be said that it has been defeated in a row against the Jin army. But right now the national treasury is empty, there are Jin troops invading the territory outside, and rebels are making trouble inside, so it is difficult to send troops to appease everywhere!

Since my brother ascended the throne, although I have been working hard all day to reorganize the government, many local officials, because of my status, have followed my imperial decree and violated it. Ma, repel the golden soldiers, father, emperor and their seventh brothers will definitely welcome them back, but they don't have the ability right now!

The best way now is to buy some time first, and only after I have stabilized the rear first can I be able to make the Northern Expedition and regain the lost ground!As long as you give me a year, Seventh Brother will be able to stabilize the situation in the country, and then he will personally lead the army to the Northern Expedition to drive the Jin people out of the territory of our Great Song Dynasty! "

When Zhao Xu said these words, it was all out of the truth, as for welcoming back the second emperor, it was a bit against his will!

After listening to Zhao Xu's words, Yiqing wiped his tears and said: "I know Brother Seven's difficulties, and it's also my fault that my father has been spending so much these years, keeping a bunch of treacherous officials by his side, and making the people of Song Dynasty miserable, otherwise How could you be so bullied by the Jin people? But how could the Jin people give you such a long time, Seventh Brother, to reorganize the rivers and mountains?"

Only then did Zhao Xu tell Yiqing: "There is just a turning point in this matter. The Jin people sent envoys a few days ago to negotiate a peace with us. The two sides have temporarily suspended their troops to stop fighting. Brother Wei just took advantage of this opportunity to temporarily negotiate with Jin. Let the people stop the war, let the Song Dynasty take a breather, and after the brother has rectified the country and stabilized the situation in the rear, he will immediately send troops to fight the Jin people to the death and drive them out of the Song Dynasty!"

After Yiqing heard this, her heart suddenly tightened. Although she was a woman, she had been paying attention to the situation in Song Dynasty on weekdays, and this time she went to Liaodong with Xu Yi in person, and saw the Fubo Army fighting against Liaodong. The scene of the golden man's bloody battle still has a certain understanding of the situation!
"Seventh Brother is going to negotiate a peace with the Jinren now? Is it possible to stop using troops against the Jinren?" Yiqing immediately became anxious.

Zhao Xu looked at Yiqing who was suddenly excited, but he didn't realize why she was so excited, but continued: "Yes! The Jin Wushu of the Jinren East Route Army just broke through the Jinan Mansion, Zhang Shu Ye and Guan Sheng were defeated and left Jinan Mansion, and Jingdong Road had no troops to transfer. If Jin Wushu drove straight in, he might reach the city of Bianliang soon. Now, he can only agree to the conditions of some Jin people, and temporarily let the two countries Take a break from the army for a period of time, so that Brother Qi can free up his hands to rectify the country!"

Yi Qingdang even stood up, with trembling lips, pale face, pointed at Zhao Xu and said angrily, "Seventh brother! How could you do this? Although I am a female, I also know that the Jin people occupy my territory at this time. Kill my subjects, rob my property, and rob our father and brother, how can you negotiate peace with them?

Also, everyone in the world knows that the Fubo army is fighting to the death with the Jin people in Liaodong for the Song Dynasty. How many soldiers died in front of the battle, what are they for?Once you negotiate a truce with the Jin people, the Jin people will definitely send out a large army to Liaodong to besiege the Fubo army. With the strength of the Fubo army, how could they resist the siege of so many Jin soldiers?You are simply trying to force them into a desperate situation!
Why did the Fubo army risk their lives to invade the hinterland of the Kingdom of Jin?Aren't they just here to help you and the people of Song Dynasty?They don't seek fame or fortune, and they don't even seek official positions, but throw their heads and blood in Liaodong, and what's the difference between you doing this and betraying them?They have just gone through a series of hard battles, and now the soldiers are exhausted and urgently need to rest. If you do this, you are tantamount to endangering them to death! "

Zhao Xu was a little speechless by Yiqing's accusation. It's not that he hadn't thought about it, but between Da Song and Fubo Army, he still chose Da Song's interests without hesitation. He said that he thought it would be a big deal if the Fubo army couldn't resist withdrawing from Liaodong. He didn't expect that Yi Qingwen would react so violently after hearing the news today, and would immediately reprimand him for treachery, so he looked at Yi Qing in a daze. celebrate.

After a while, Zhao Xu said awkwardly: "Yiqing, why are you so excited? Seventh Brother did this for Da Song's sake! Why are you so angry about it? Today you and my brother and sister meet, so don't talk about it anymore. If everyone knows the news of your return, I'm afraid everyone will be very happy!"

Yiqing could hardly restrain his emotions, still glaring at Zhao Xu and said, "Why am I so angry? Brother Qi probably can't think of it! That Xu Yi is your sister's husband! He is in Liaodong now, what do you do?" Wouldn't that mean driving him to a dead end?"

Zhao Xu's jaw fell to the ground, and he was dumbfounded on the spot.

After a while, he pointed to Yiqing and said, "You...Xu married Xu Yi? It turns out that the pirate who robbed you was him! Damn it! Damn it! He How dare you force you to marry him! This guy is an unforgivable crime!" After he recovered from the shock, he became angry first while talking.

It turned out that Zhao Xu thought that Xu Yi was the pirate who robbed Yiqing at sea back then and forced Yiqing to marry him. Now he must have sent Yiqing to ask for favors from him. Otherwise, why would Xu Yi marry him in the first place? What about dating?
Yiqing sneered and said, "Seventh Brother, you don't have to treat my Xu Lang like that. He is definitely not as nasty as you think. I was indeed captured by pirates at the beginning, but it was my Xu Lang who calmed down the pirates." Only then did I escape from the den of tigers and wolves, otherwise Yiqing would have died long ago!"

"Oh!" Only then did Zhao Xu realize that he had misunderstood Xu Yi, so he smiled wryly, "I said how coincidentally I ran into him in Hangzhou! It turns out that this guy already knew my identity!"

Yiqing immediately said: "You misunderstood again. When Xu Lang met you in Hangzhou, he didn't know my identity at all. How could he know that you are a prince? That incident was just a coincidence. The reason why I knew Xu Lang knew you, and he didn't know he had seen you until he saw your badge on his body. Although Xu Lang was a pirate, he never forgot to serve the country. He would rather take the risk and travel thousands of miles He did not want to be an enemy of the imperial court during his expedition to Annan, and went north to crusade against the Wa Kingdom. Now, he risked his life to attack the Kingdom of Jin for the sake of the Song Dynasty. He neither asked for fame nor an official position, but what about you? But at this time, you betrayed him and so many soldiers under him, are you worthy of him?"

Zhao Xu was so ashamed by Yiqing's phone call. He did feel sorry for Xu Yi, but he always thought that he was righteous, and Xu Yi's Fubo army was a rebel army. It can be said that his life and death are insignificant in front of Da Song, but when he heard the news, he couldn't help hesitating, and didn't know what to say to Yiqing for a long time.

Seeing that Zhao Xu didn't speak, Yiqing said again: "Seventh brother! Let me ask you again, do you really want to negotiate peace with the Jin people? Don't you really have the heart to look at my Xu Lang and his soldiers? Is blood spilled on Liaodong?”

Zhao Xu was so questioned that he didn't know what to say, so he had to say awkwardly: "Yiqing, calm down, Brother Seven is really helpless in this matter! Brother Seven didn't intend to betray Fubo Army on purpose, but I am now There is no other way to do this!"

Yiqing was very disappointed with Zhao Xu's answer, so she stood up and said, "Since this is the case, then Yiqing has nothing to say, so let's take my leave, Seventh Brother can continue to be your Taiping Emperor!"

Zhao Xu hurriedly stopped her and said, "Look, you and my brother and sister have just met, how can you just leave? I didn't think carefully about this matter. You should stay here for two days. Let me think about it. How about it?"

Although Yiqing was annoyed that Zhao Xu was negotiating peace with Jin Ren, but seeing that he was patient with her again and again and promised to reconsider the matter, she finally agreed, but she also made a request, that is, when she comes back this time, don't make too much noise. People know, she doesn't want to see those relatives of the emperor's aunt.

Zhao Xu thought for a while, and felt that Yiqing's current status would not be very honorable for the royal family if people knew about it. Although Xu Yi's Fubo Army is now famous, he was born as a pirate after all. Yes, as Yiqing is a princess, she might not be ridiculed by the scholars, so she nodded and agreed, and passed on the order. Those who know about this matter today, no one should spread the news of Princess Yiqing's return without authorization. Otherwise, he will be executed without mercy.

Only then did Yiqing settle down in Bianliang, and told Zhao Xu about her life over the years. When Zhao Xu heard that Xu Yi had married four wives, he slapped the table and shouted that he wanted to settle accounts with Xu Yi. Qinggui is a princess, how can she serve her husband with other women?

Yiqing said: "I can't blame Xu Lang for this matter. Before I met Xu Lang, he already had three wives, and they were very kind to me, so don't mention it!"

Zhao Xu thought about it, now that the raw rice has been cooked into cooked rice, Xu Yi can't let Xu Yi divorce the other three wives again!So there is no longer too much entanglement in this matter.

So Zhao Xu asked about Xu Yi's family history. Because of Xu Yi's orders, Yiqing only selectively told Zhao Xu about this matter, but he didn't tell Zhao Xu anything about the core of the Fubo Army.

The two chatted for a long time, until a servant came to report that Wu Min asked to see him, Zhao Xu put Yiqing to rest and summoned Wu Min in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

"Your Majesty Qizuo, the ministers and others have reached an agreement with the Jinren,..."

(Today some brothers suggested that there is no difference between Zhao Xu and Zhao Gou in doing this? It goes without saying that Zhao Xu and Zhao Gou still have essential differences. Ge Dao has repeatedly stated that Zhao Xu and Jin The main reason for people to make peace is to get a chance to breathe, not because he sincerely wants to settle down. His purpose is to reorganize the rivers and mountains, accumulate strength to train troops and store food, and plan the Northern Expedition! But as for how the plot will develop later, I don’t know for the time being. Still have to sell it to Guan Zi! Brothers, keep trying!)

(End of this chapter)

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