Great Song Pirate

Chapter 627 Raiders

Chapter 627 Raiders
The Fubo army's position suddenly burst into flames, and the roar spread, and the Fubo army's position was immediately shrouded in smoke, and thousands of iron particles immediately fell like a torrential rain. Come on.

Uti, who was running at the front, was taken aback. He didn't know what happened, but felt that something was flying in front of him, so he subconsciously swung the Xuanhua ax to block it, but he and many of the fastest runners around him Blood flowers bloomed on their bodies almost at the same time, and hot iron particles quickly penetrated their armors, and then penetrated into their bodies. These soldiers felt a huge shock all over their bodies. , and then felt as if they had hit a wall, and they all fell backwards.

Wuti wore an iron pocket on his head. After the mask fell off, only a pair of eyes remained, which was very hideous. He wore three pieces of armor. In the middle is a layer of chain mail introduced from the Western Regions to the Kingdom of Jin, and the innermost layer is a layer of leather armor. His outfit alone weighs a hundred catties, but he is born with supernatural power and is extremely brave. , although he was wearing three pieces of armor, it didn't affect his actions at all. There was a selected red-maned horse under his crotch, and his legs were also very strong, otherwise he would really not be able to move.

Just after the Fubo army fired, Wuti raised his arm subconsciously to block his eyes, but was hit by some bullets heavily on his body, and his arm was also hit, but fortunately this guy was wearing heavy armor and iron After the grain hit, most of them were blocked by the three-layer armor, and only suffered some minor injuries, but he had the armor on his body, and the horse under his crotch did not have armor, and the horse also suffered a lot of iron grains, and was immediately killed. Blood spewed out from the hit chest and the neck of the horse, Uti groaned, almost fell on his back in pain, the Xuanhua ax was almost lost, and the horse let out a burst of mournful hissing , the footsteps immediately staggered, Uti tried to hold the horse, but the horse was injured too badly after all, and it didn't run very far, then its front hooves softened, and it fell into the dust, and Uti directly fell from the horse's head It was thrown down and fell heavily to the ground.

Those golden soldiers in front were shot down by this round of hot wheels, spraying blood one after another, people screamed and fell down, and the army's charge was immediately choked, many horses were shocked by the sudden sound of the cannon , even if they were not shot, they all started to hop around and scurry in all directions, and the charging formation immediately fell apart and became a mess.

Looking at the chaotic golden army in front of the formation, Li Bo's face was like water, and he ordered coldly: "Don't stop the artillery, and then bombard me! The archers stepped forward to release arrows, and ordered the cavalry regiment to prepare to attack!"

The artillerymen in front of the formation were busy, and the blast guns immediately showed their rapid-fire advantage over the cavalry again. One gunner immediately removed the smoking gun in the tail of the gun, and another gunner immediately filled another gun. After entering, there is no need to aim and reset, just ignite and fire, and a dozen blast cannons immediately began to sound again.

A large number of projectiles flew across the golden army, and the people or horses hit by the bullets kept screaming and fell to the ground. The Uti on the ground was lucky, and the reaction was quite fast, and he was not trampled into flesh by the horses rushing up from behind. Cake, immediately jumped up and snatched one of his men's horses, turned over and jumped on the horse's back again, his heart was full of shock at this moment, is this the kind of thing that his colleagues talk about changing color?so amazing!

He didn't dare to hesitate at all. If he stayed here, he would die sooner or later. It was too late to retreat now. Uti was really a tough guy. He raised it up and yelled, "Don't mess around! Keep going! Otherwise, you'll all die here! Go..."

Then he urged the horse to charge towards the Fubo Army again. Some of his subordinates saw that Wuti was not afraid of death and continued to charge, so they tried their best to hold the startled horse, and started to charge again with Wuti.

The artillery sounded again and again, and groups of golden soldiers were shot and fell off their horses. Wuti's horse was shot and fell to the ground again, and he had already been shot many times at this time, so he got up on the ground and rushed towards the Fubo army.

Looking at the golden general who led the remnant army and continued to charge over, the soldiers of the Fubo army couldn't help but look sideways at him. They didn't know whether to admire his bravery or laugh at his ignorance, but it is estimated that no one would laugh at him at this time. Seeing the golden general who staggered forward with his big ax in hand, Li Bo sighed slightly and said, "This is a strong general!"

Under the command of the command flag, the Fubo Army formation suddenly split in the middle, and a cavalry rushed out immediately, and rushed towards the chaotic golden army in front of the formation. These cavalry had been waiting impatiently for a long time. Now, as soon as the battle started, each of them was as fierce as a tiger descending the mountain. At this time, the main force of the four thousand gold army was already defeated by repeated shelling. They rushed into them again, and after stabbing with their long spears, they gave up their long spears one after another, flashed their bright swords at their waists, and drowned the general Jin who was rushing towards the Fubo army in the crowd.

Following the impact of the cavalry, the Fubo army led by Li Bo attacked the entire army, pressed down on the disorganized Jin soldiers, and covered and killed them all the way. The Polish army got entangled together, and a group of Jin soldiers couldn't bear such a blow, turned their horses and headed towards Liaoyang Mansion in a rout.

Needless to say the rest, after covering up the kill, the Fubo army chased them out for twenty miles, and then retreated under Li Bo's order to clean up the battlefield. In this battle, they killed all of them at the cost of less than 300 casualties. There were more than 4000 Jin soldiers, and two thousand Jin soldiers were captured alive. The rest of the Jin soldiers fled back to Liaoyang Mansion with infinite fear, and all the baggage brought by the army were thrown to Li Bo and the others.

When cleaning the battlefield, Li Bo specifically inquired about the whereabouts of the general of the Jin army, and went to his body in person. He saw wounds all over the mountain, his three-layer armor was hacked with a spear and a knife. Half of it was also cut to pieces, and there were still some corpses of Fubo soldiers scattered around. He was seriously injured and faced with the siege of many Fubo soldiers, he still killed more than a dozen Fubo soldiers. It can be seen that this man The level of ferocity.

Li Bo looked at the dead body of Uti, knocked his feet, stood up straight, and gave Uti a military salute. A true warrior would respect even an enemy.

After Li Bo finished the battle, he took away Wuti's body, buried him on the high slope, and ordered his men to set up a wooden raft with his identity written down, and bring the main force of the Jin army to come over. At that time, let them find Uti's body and move him back to his hometown.

When Li Bo led the army to escort the prisoners of war and many trophies back to Gaizhou, the city of Gaizhou was full of joy. In this battle, Li Bo commanded the third division to completely retreat the morale of the Fubo army to a peak again. Moreover, this battle Li Bo also set a model for the Fubo Army to fight against the Jin Kingdom cavalry in the future. It can be called a classic combat power. When the cavalry of the Kingdom of Jin began to charge in large numbers, they had to be steady and not lose their positions no matter what kind of casualties they suffered. Otherwise, when the two wings were attacked, the defense of the Fubo Army would be relatively weak.

For the five thousand recruits, this battle also greatly boosted their morale and made them more confident in the Fubo Army. After seeing a lot of corpses and bleeding, I believe their nerves will be much stronger !This will play a very important role in the next Gaizhou offensive and defensive battle, so this battle also played a role in training troops.

Xu Yi and Yang Zaixing really praised Li Bo and his soldiers, sent the secretary to record their military exploits, and after rewarding them, they began to prepare nervously again.

This battle bought a lot of time for the Fubo Army, allowing them to more fully deploy various fortification lines inside and outside Gaizhou City, and their confidence in winning was much greater.

After the vanguard army's remnants and defeated generals ran all the way back to Liaoyang Mansion, the news spread because of the uproar in the Jin army. They all knew who Wu Ti was, and they had heard of his reputation a long time ago. They knew that this man was not only brave Unexpectedly, he led the army out for less than five days, and the bad news came back. Wuti was defeated and died, and less than half of the [-] soldiers he took away returned. The fiasco defeated the morale of the Jin army again.

After hearing the news of Wuti's defeat and death, Wan Yan Zongqian also completely put away his contempt for the Fubo army. When he came, he patted his chest and promised that he would lead the troops and that he would definitely wipe out the Fubo army. In the city of Xuefuzhou, Yan Zongqiang suffered the shame of defeat, but by this time, his confidence was not as strong as when he left Beijing.

Wanyan Zongqian didn't dare to be too big anymore, and immediately sent someone to find the generals who had fought against the Fubo Army, and learned about the situation of the Fubo Army from many sources. Finally, he came to a very bad conclusion for him. It was so simple when he came here.

First of all, the Fubo Army is by no means a mob composed of a gang of rioters. Its main force is no less elite than that of the Jin Army. Moreover, the soldiers of the Fubo Army, like the Jin Army, are fierce fighters tempered in blood and fire. Pawns, when they killed people, they were as ruthless as the Jurchen soldiers. Anyone who dared to underestimate them would have to pay a heavy price. Wanyan Zongqiang was the best example.

Furthermore, the Fubo army is well equipped. They have many unheard of weapons in their army, which are so powerful that they are irresistible. This has been confirmed by the golden soldiers who have fought against the Fubo army several times. It is the kind of cannon that is said to breathe fire and smoke, make a loud noise, and shoot iron bullets or iron sand. Its power and range far exceed the thunderbolt cars and throwing cars they currently have. The weapons to compete with it, and according to the defeated army in Fuzhou World War I, their Fubo army possessed a lot of such weapons, and there are other things that can breathe fire from their buttocks and explode on the ground, etc. I don't know how to resist these sharp weapons.

What's more, the opponents are a bunch of extremely tricky guys, far more cunning than the opponents they have encountered before. It can be said that they are full of tricks and hard to guard against. This is another headache for Wanyan Zong. He is not afraid of fierce opponents. He has enough troops and there are many powerful soldiers. When they attack, he does not believe that there are soldiers and horses in the world. They are afraid that their opponents will not give them this opportunity, and they will be in trouble if they repeatedly send out surprise soldiers to play tricks!Rather than saying that Wanyan Zongqiang lost to the opponent's weapon, it is better to say that he lost to the opponent's trick. This is the conclusion Wanyan Zongqian came to after analyzing the Battle of Fuzhou!This is like a fight between two people, no matter how powerful you are, you can only use straight punches, while your opponent is not as strong as you, but always uses dirty tricks, such as kicking the crotch, inserting eyes, so that no matter how strong you are, you can't use it. no solution anymore!

After summarizing the information about the Fubo Army, Wanyan Zongqian really had a headache. Originally, he planned to take all kinds of supplies and only take Gaizhou City with his army, but after figuring out these things, he started again. After hesitating, he suddenly felt a lot more pressure on his shoulders.

He ordered people to find many Han craftsmen to inquire about what kind of weapons the Fubo Army possessed, but after asking and asking, no one could give him a correct answer, and some people even attributed it to the magic weapon Among the ranks, I don't know who did it intentionally or guessed. There is a saying in the city that Xu Yi, the leader of the Fubo Army, is the reincarnation of Lei Gong and can control Tianlei. This kind of statement is quite a blow to the Jin Army. .

Wanyan Zongqian also heard about this, so he immediately ordered that no one should believe such nonsense. If anyone dares to say that the leader of the Fubo Army is the reincarnation of Lei Gong, he will be regarded as collaborating with the enemy and beheaded on the spot to show the public. Finally, such rumors were suppressed, but whether there was anyone saying that behind his back, he Wanyan Zonggan didn't know!

But the hard work paid off, and finally someone told Wanyan Zongqian that the sharp weapons of the Fubo Army must have something to do with the gunpowder of the Song Dynasty, because there was a workshop specializing in the production of gunpowder in the Song Dynasty Military Supervision, which produced tribulus fireballs, poison Firework balls, and rockets, etc., but these weapons owned by the Fubo Army seem to be much sharper than those made of gunpowder from the Song Dynasty. They don't know the specific reason!

It turned out to be gunpowder!Wanyan Zongqian had heard of this thing before, but he had never seen it before, so he immediately sent people to investigate around Liaoyang Mansion to find out who would make gunpowder, and they were rewarded with a lot of rewards, so they found someone who was unknown before. What do they do, but he said he could make gunpowder, so Wanyan Zongqian immediately ordered him to start making gunpowder. This man asked for a lot of money and a lot of things, including black powder such as saltpeter, sulfur, and charcoal. The main raw materials and a lot of other irrelevant things were brought in, mixed together, and after being ignited, it actually made this guy explode, but the golden soldiers who had seen the power of the Fubo Army's artillery shook their heads one after another. , It's not a high-grade thing at all, it's probably okay to scare people, but it's too far away if you want to use it to hurt people, there's a lot of smoke, it's not very useful!
Wanyan Zong wasted three days, and finally got such a result. In the end, he had to give up this idea. It seemed that he could only bite the bullet, so he led the army out of Liaoyang Mansion, and drove a large number of people out of Liaoyang Mansion. The siege implements are on the road.

The news was soon sent back to Gaizhou City by the sentry, and at this time Gaizhou City has already made all preparations, just waiting for the golden soldiers to come to the door!
After the joint efforts of tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians in the past few days, Gaizhou City has already been turned into an iron barrel by the Fubo Army. Compared with Fuzhou City, it is only worse than Fuzhou City. Lin Paibu, the city was covered with ravines and barriers, and the morale of the soldiers was high. After Xu Yi and Yang Zaixing checked again and again, they couldn't find any faults, so the people were evacuated from Gaizhou City or entered the city, and the whole army rested on the spot. , provide them with good food and drink, let the army recharge their batteries, and wait for the war to start.

Because there were too many siege equipment this time, Wanyan Zonggan's army walked very slowly, but most of the road was in the plains, so there were not many cold arrows. Only when passing through some densely forested roads would there be cold arrows Shooting out, the golden army was full of grass and trees. For this reason, Wanyan Zongqian specially dispatched elite soldiers to search and advance in front of the army in a small team. Whenever they encountered woods or high ground, they had to search closely to clear the army behind. Road, this really had some effect, and the activities of the snipers of the Fubo Army were suppressed a lot.

Anyway, he knew that it was too late to rush to Gaizhou City, so he was not in a hurry, so he walked slowly, thinking about how to take down Gaizhou City and take revenge, but he couldn't think about it. What a good way to make Wanyan Zong's head as big as a fight, and after finally discussing with the generals, he can only adopt a steady and steady approach and gradually advance, instead of imitating Yan Zongqiang's aggressive advance, and finally suffered heavy losses and completely collapsed. For this point, Wanyan Zongqian still has the style of a general who accepts lessons learned from the past.

They finally arrived at the area north of Gaizhou City. Some scouts found Wuti’s tomb. After Yan Zonggan learned about it, he went to pay homage in person. Then he had Wuti’s body taken out and brought back to him. When they arrived here, they could still clearly see the corpses of Jin Jun discarded everywhere. This was also intentionally done by Li Bo, so that when Jin Jun passed by here, he could see the tragic state of their robes. After the Jin army saw these corpses, their morale dropped a lot.

Wanyan Zongqian had no choice but to order the army to walk all the way to restrain the corpses of the golden army, and then constantly ordered the generals to encourage the soldiers below to improve the morale of the army. When they arrived here, the mountain road became rough.

Suddenly, a local Jin soldier said that he had something to report to the commander, so he was summoned by Wanyan Zonggan. The Jin soldier knelt down and said, "Report to the commander! The little one has a plan to catch the Bo army by surprise!"

Wanyan Zongqian was overjoyed when he heard that, and hurriedly asked: "What's your plan, tell me quickly, if your plan works, I will definitely reward you!"

The golden soldier said: "Back to the commander! The little one was born and raised here since he was a child, and he is very familiar with the terrain here. The little one knows that there is a small road in front of Feiyunzhai, which can be detoured to the back of Gaizhou City. As long as the commander sends A group of elite soldiers can make a sneak attack on the Fubo army behind Gaizhou by going around this small road. The Fubo army here will be wiped out!"

After Yan Zongqian heard about it, he was overjoyed. He was worried that he would not be able to deal with this difficult bone of Fubo Army!Now someone finally gave him a useful idea, of course he felt in a good mood, so he immediately asked someone to bring a map and asked the little soldier to point out this way.

The little soldier looked at the map, shook his head, and said, "Commander! I really don't understand this, but I remember this road in my heart, and I will never forget it, and I am willing to lead the way, but this small road is too small. It’s dangerous, riding a horse is definitely impossible, you can only walk on foot, and there are not too many people, otherwise it will inevitably not alarm the Fubo army, if they are informed in advance, they will not be able to play the role of surprise soldiers!"

Wanyan Zongqian heard it, so he immediately nodded and agreed, and promised to give this person a thousand taels of silver on the spot, and promised that after taking down Gaizhou, he would record his first meritorious service and give him a hard time!
As soon as this guy heard that the beauty had reached the sky, if he could become Meng'an as a soldier, he would have reached the sky in one step, so he assured that there would be no problem.

Wanyan Zongqian immediately dispatched one of his generals to pick out [-] strong men from the army, set off early with this guy, and then took advantage of the darkness to enter the mountain. This mountain road is really difficult to walk. The mountain path used by hunters is narrow enough for only one person to walk sideways, but the wealth and glory are in front of their eyes, and none of these golden soldiers complained. They followed this local pawn and walked through the mountains all night long. up.

After having this surprise soldier, Wanyan Zonggan's confidence recovered a lot, so he ordered the army to suspend and rested for a day to give the surprise soldier a period of time so that they could reach the rear of the Fubo army in Gaizhou City.

A day later, after a good meal by the generals in the army, and another day of rest, eating and drinking, the morale of the Jin army finally recovered a lot, and once again led by Zonggan, they headed towards Gaizhou The city opened.

All the actions of the Jin army were under the surveillance of the Fubo Army, but no one noticed that a Jin army had suddenly disappeared into the mountains. With ditches and barriers, Wanyan Zongqian began to have a headache again.

(It’s the [-]st of every month again, brothers, if you like to watch it, you might as well leave your precious monthly pass to Geda, don’t let Geda rank too low and lose face, thank you everyone! Please! )

(End of this chapter)

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