Great Song Pirate

Chapter 626 Vanguard

Chapter 626 Vanguard
After Li Bo led his troops to leave Gaizhou City, he soon encountered the vanguard army of the Jin Army who came aggressively. After receiving the report from the scouts in advance, he observed the terrain and chose a high ground as the place for the Chen Army, and took a firm stand. .

In order to support Li Bo's third division to fight, Yang Zaixing took out one artillery battalion from the first division's artillery regiment and gave it to the third division, considering that the third division had only one artillery battalion and was relatively weak. This greatly enhanced the firepower of the third division. , so when Li Bo faced the oncoming Jin army, he didn't fear them at all.

General Wu Ti of the Jin Army is a fierce general under Zonggan. He has a fierce temperament and is said to have the strength of a thousand catties with a sway of his arms. They were all used as vanguards by Wanyan Zongqian, and this time was no exception. As soon as their army arrived in Liaoyang Mansion, and seeing the situation in Liaoyang Mansion, this Wuti was so angry that his lungs exploded.

When was Daikin so useless?Nowadays, a little big Song pirate dares to lead troops to attack Dajin. In his opinion, this is simply hitting a stone with a pebble, looking for a dead end, but he didn't expect that this Fubo army really has two tricks, and even lost consecutively They made a lot of money, and within a short period of time, they rushed to Liaoyang Mansion like a bamboo shoot, which is unacceptable to these battle-tested generals.

So even if Wu Tidang asked Wanyan Zonggan for orders, he wanted to lead the vanguard army to fight, and vowed to crush the Fubo army. Wanyan Zonggan thought about it for a while, and asked about the situation of the Fuzhou battle in detail. Maybe they will have to use the method they used during the Battle of Fuzhou to deal with their own army. The reason why Yan Zongqiang was defeated after the Battle of Fuzhou is that they moved too slowly, giving the Fubo Army enough time to prepare , this time he can't make this mistake again, saying that he can't give the Fubo Army such ample preparation time to deal with himself.

So he agreed to Wuti's request and asked him to lead [-] elite soldiers to Gaizhou City first, ordering him not to underestimate the enemy, as long as he continued to harass the Fubo army outside the city, so that the Fubo army could not build a large number of trenches outside the city Fortifications, so that when your army arrives, you can directly attack the city.

After Wuti took the order, he immediately mobilized his troops out of Liaoyang Mansion, and rushed towards Gaizhou at full speed. Along the way, Wuti saw that he couldn't even see a single person along the way, only one by one burned villages, and even bigger Angry, he repeatedly urged his soldiers to speed up the march, and rushed to the thirty miles north of Gaizhou without stopping.

On the way, Wuti's vanguard army also suffered some cold arrows. Two centurions were shot dead on the horse. The Fubo army slowed down their speed, so they immediately gave up the search and continued to rush towards Gaizhou.

When he arrived at a place [-] miles north of Gaizhou, he suddenly heard a report from Tanma that a Fubo army of more than [-] soldiers appeared ahead and blocked their way.

Wuti immediately became ecstatic, thinking to himself that this Fubo army relied on their heavy weapons to defeat their Jin army in a row, otherwise how powerful would a group of Song people be?It may not be possible for him to go to Gaizhou with [-] cavalry to attack the city, but in such a hilly terrain, his cavalry is still very useful. At first, he did not expect that the Fubo Army would go out of the city to meet him, but now he heard the news After that, he became more confident.

What I'm afraid of is that you won't be able to defend the city. Now that you don't know what to do and go out of the city so far to face your own vanguard, isn't that courting death?Ten thousand cavalry against ten thousand infantry, no need to fight this battle to know who will win!You must know that the cavalry of the Jin Kingdom is far from being an opponent even the Khitan cavalry of the Liao Kingdom. Can a group of Song people who are walking on two legs be able to stop their own [-] cavalry?joke!What a joke!

Wuti immediately sent an order to rest the soldiers and horses under his command five miles away from the Fubo Army to rest for a while, let the horses that had been running for a long time breathe for a while, and save up their horsepower, and then ordered the army to dismount and have a full meal. After he had adjusted his state, he blew the horn, and the soldiers under his command immediately got on their horses, all of them full of energy and murderous, and under Wu Ti's command, they slowly moved towards the Fubo Army's Chen Jun. .

After Wuti took a look at the Fubo army arrayed on a high slope in the distance, he immediately put away some of his heart of underestimating the enemy. After arriving, there was no sign of panic at all. On the contrary, a murderous aura suddenly emanated from their army. This kind of army is by no means an ordinary mob. Only when the most elite soldiers and horses of the Liao army were in charge, did they feel this way, because there was also a kind of pressure that seemed to hit his face, and he couldn't help but re-examine the opponent in front of him.

When did the Song people actually have such a powerful army?Wu Ti didn't dare to underestimate the enemy as before, because the distance was still relatively far, he could only see some vehicles lined up in front of the Fubo army formation, and he couldn't see exactly what it was. Some refused horses to intercept the charge of their own army, and the two wings were covered by swordsmen and pikemen. A small number of cavalry lined up on both sides of the army. It was clear at a glance that the opponent was also a general who was good at using troops. In command of this large army, the soldiers deployed are in an orderly manner without any chaos, giving people the feeling of an iron bucket, which makes him a little bit at a loss.

But after all, Uti is also a battle-tested warrior, he has never seen such a formation, and soon he came up with a way to order two meng'an (thousand commanders) to lead two thousand soldiers and horses to spread out to the two wings , Forming a pincer shape to the Fubo army, and his personal command of four thousand elites is in the middle, and two thousand cavalry are in the rear. The army stood still.

His method of warfare is a very effective cavalry-to-infantry method. It takes advantage of the disadvantage of the infantry's difficulty in changing formation. The method of riding and shooting is to attack the two wings of the Fubo army. If the Fubo army does not change its formation, the two wings will be broken up, and at least they will suffer a lot of losses. After two rounds, the two wings will be in chaos, and then their own two wings The cavalry can choose to attack and disrupt the formation of the Fubo army; if the Fubo army changes formation, then his chance will come, and he can immediately lead the main force of the Chinese army to press up, and the Fubo army will definitely lose sight of the other , The formation was chaotic.

As long as an infantry army is in a disorderly formation, it will become the target of cavalry massacres. The most important thing to rely on now is the formation of troops, not the scenes that appear in later movies and TV shows. After the two armies meet, one When they talked about starting a war, they charged together in a chaotic manner, and then got entangled, and the two sides slashed at each other with big knives and spears. Such a situation could only happen when street gangs were fighting in groups, and it would never be in a regular war in ancient times. Appear.

Although Uti is brave, he is by no means a brainless idiot. He is quite experienced in commanding operations. His method is very correct. If he encounters an ordinary enemy army, he will easily If he succeeds, unless the opponents he meets are some guys who are not afraid of death at all, there is no possibility that his [-] fine riders will fail again.

But it is a pity that he met the opponent of the Fubo Army today. Although it is still an infantry army, the infantry of the Fubo Army has far surpassed this era in terms of tactics and firepower. Wuti's wishful thinking fell through. up!
In the sound of the low-pitched horn, the two Jin armies on both sides began to leave the formation under the leadership of their respective Meng An, and began to move towards the two wings of the Fubo army at a slow speed. Under the control of the soldiers, they gradually increased their speed, starting from a slow walk and gradually changing to a fast walk, and then increased to a jog. When they got closer to the ground, all the golden soldiers started to roar at the same time, I don't know whether they are trying to build up their courage or scare the Fubo army with their roars. With their roars, the horses are urged by them and start to gallop. Arrows ready for firing.

Li Bo lives in the middle army, carefully watching the Jin army who is coming from the opposite side, and has thought up a lot of ways to deal with the Jin army's attack. Under such terrain, he will not be so stupid as to march forward and hedge against the Jin army cavalry Well, and this kind of terrain is by no means a terrain that can be defended for a long time, so his purpose is very clear, that is, to rely on his own advantages, temporarily withstand the impact of the Jin army, kill a large number of enemy troops, and then swing the army Covering and killing the opponent, this battle cannot be fought for a long time. It must be eliminated with one blow and drive them back. Otherwise, you may suffer a loss.

When he saw the two wings of the Jin army start to move, he quickly figured out the opponent's next move. He secretly sighed that the opposite general of the Jin army was definitely not a reckless man. This move was indeed vicious, but unfortunately they chose the wrong one today. opponent.

"Steady the two wings, hold the swords and shields and hold the shields to guard against arrows, and the spearmen resist! Don't let them rush to the wings, prepare the bows and crossbows, prepare in a swarm! The cavalry is in the rear, don't let them detour behind us to launch a surprise attack! Hold on!" Li said. Bo also began to issue a series of orders to his generals, but he didn't let the army make any changes.

Looking at the two-winged golden army that started to run wildly, there was a slight vibration when the horseshoes trampled on the ground, and the five thousand new troops in the rear of the Fubo army began to have a little commotion. After all, these people were fighting for the first time. Well, only some squad leaders and platoon leaders in the army are veterans who have experienced some battles, and the rest have not seen blood yet!Although after some practice, it seemed that there was no problem in arranging a formation, but once they saw the menacing golden army approaching, many of these people became timid, and there was a commotion in the rear formation.

"Hold on! Hold on tight! Now you all have your eyes wide open, watch carefully! See how we deal with the Jin army! Don't be afraid! Don't be chaotic! You all know the military discipline on the battlefield, and those who dare to retreat Kill Wushe, the more you are afraid of death, the faster you will die! Hold on to me!" The officers of the new army in the rear began to yell at the new troops under their jurisdiction, trying to suppress these newcomers their fears.

When these new troops saw that the veterans on the front and on the two wings faced the onslaught of the Jin army, the expressions on their faces did not change at all, and everything was prepared in an orderly manner according to the order passed down by the general Li Bo, their calmness made the behind These recruits began to quiet down, a little ashamed of their timidity, they are all human, look at the veterans one or two are fine, but their legs are weak, they just want to pee their pants, and they can't even grab the guy , these people felt embarrassed, so they all took deep breaths as taught by the previous coaches, and tried their best to calm their sudden heartbeats. This was very effective, and soon the recruits behind them also quieted down.

Li Bo looked back at the recruits watching the battle behind him. Seeing that their turmoil had begun to calm down, he smiled slightly. He didn't blame them. , Naturally, I will no longer be afraid.

Seeing that the golden soldiers rushing on both wings had reached extreme speed and started to enter the range of the Fubo army's bow and crossbow, Li Bo immediately ordered loudly: "Shoot the arrows! Shoot the swarm!"

Following Li Bo's order, the crossbowmen who had already been prepared on the two wings immediately loosened their bowstrings, or pulled down their triggers. With a swishing sound like a locust, they left the string together, like a puff of light smoke, covering the golden army rushing towards the two wings.

The Jin army is also firing their bows, and when they get closer, they will shoot arrows to attack the two wings of the Fubo army, but before they can release the arrows, the opponents have already started to shoot arrows before them, and many Jin soldiers are terrified. Looking at the rain of arrows coming towards them, without waiting to react, he changed the bow in his hand, took off the shield on the horse's back, and the rain of arrows had already plunged into their formation.

Amidst the numbing sound, the two golden soldiers on the two wings let out a howl of misery. A large number of golden soldiers were hit by arrows and fell to the horses. Trampled to death on the ground.

For such a blow, the officers of the golden soldiers are prepared. It is impossible for the cavalry to charge the battle without being hit by arrows, so every golden soldier is mentally prepared, just to see who is blessed to escape the rain of arrows and who is unlucky He just became the first victim, so they were somewhat surprised that the robes and the horses fell down screaming from their horses, and the golden soldiers who missed the arrow didn't even look at it, and continued to charge towards the formation of the Fubo army. What's more, I didn't expect that there were so many archers in the Fubo Army, and the arrows fired were so dense that they caused a lot of damage to the cavalry on their two wings, but no one cared about this at the moment.

Without the Jin Jun's fierce order, when they ran to the range of the bows and arrows, the Jin soldiers also loosened the bowstrings in their hands, and immediately responded to the Fubo army, and the golden soldiers' arrow rain immediately fell on the Fubo army. Among the two wings of the Polish army.

The sword and shield fighters at the forefront of the Fubo army immediately raised their shields, forming a shield wall to defend against the arrows of the golden soldiers. The arrows shot by the golden soldiers fell on the shield and made a sound like a The hailstone hit the shield of the Fubo army, but many of them almost crossed the shield wall and shot into the formation of the Fubo army.

Some unlucky Fubo soldiers immediately groaned miserably, and those who were hit by the arrows fell to the ground one after another, and began to scream out of pain.

Some gaps began to appear in the neat tofu-like formation, but the Fubo army was not moved by it. No one collapsed because a brother fell down around them, and they still stood still. It can be seen that these veterans have now grown to the point of danger. The degree of chaos.

Just when the golden soldiers rushed to the Fubo army in a dense manner, some strange-shaped boxes placed in front of the knife shield hand suddenly began to emit smoke trails, and then these boxes seemed to be stabbed Like a hornet's nest, a large number of rockets swarmed out with a screaming sound, and went straight to the oncoming Jin army. The Jin soldier who had just fired a round of arrows saw the arrow before taking out the second arrow from his quiver. At this weird scene, I was taken aback on the spot. As a result, many golden soldiers and their horses were nailed into hedgehogs by the torrential rain of rockets, and they fell into a ball on their backs.

This time, the Fubo army on the two wings was not in chaos, but the Jin soldiers were completely in chaos first. They originally wanted to rely on their own high-speed movement, and first severely attacked the two wings of the Fubo army, but in the end they were given back by the Fubo army. They beat them hard, and immediately caused huge casualties to them, so the remaining golden soldiers saw that they were invincible, so they had to turn their horses and rush out. After getting ready again, he fired another round of shots at the golden soldiers on the two wings without hesitation. Now the golden soldiers charging on the two wings couldn't bear it anymore, and another group of soldiers fell from the horse with arrows. They had never seen such a fierce attack. The arrow array, this is still making people live or not!

The surprise attack of the Jin army on the two wings did not disrupt the formation of the Fubo army on the two wings, but was shot by a man who turned his back on his back and lost his troops. This result was unexpected by Uti. After seeing the golden soldiers scattered from both sides approaching the Fubo army, he immediately Raising the Xuanhua ax in his hand, he urged the Chinese army to slowly move forward, and gradually accelerated. When the two wings of the Fubo army were in disorder, he began to accelerate and attack the front of the Fubo army from the front, but he did not expect that the two wings His offensive was actually completely contained by the Fubo army, and he felt a little embarrassed when he moved, and his wishful thinking fell into nothingness.

Now that his central army has activated, he originally thought that his style of play would definitely cause chaos on the opposite side. In order to cooperate well with the two-wing offensive and maximize the results of the battle, this kind of coordination is the most perfect cavalry charge In one fell swoop, the Fubo army can be beaten to pieces, and as soon as the Fubo army starts to collapse, the two thousand cavalry behind the rear will charge again, and the Fubo army will not be able to gather if they want to. Didn't they let them hack and kill?

What should we do now?The attack on the two wings is invalid, and the central army has already activated, should we charge or not?All of a sudden, Wuti's heart became chaotic. Once they stopped their steps now, their morale that had just been built up would be hit, and they might plummet. Well done!
After thinking about it for a while, Wuti's ferocity was also aroused. If the two wings failed, could it be that this battle could not be fought?Could it be that the Fubo army is all three-headed and six-armed?Not to mention that he has so many cavalry in his hands, even when he was facing the Liao army, he once led only [-] fine cavalry, charged directly at the Liao army and surpassed the [-] army, and even smashed the Liao army into pieces , Afraid of him a bird!rush!I don't believe that this large formation of the Fubo army can't be broken!
Wuti raised the big Xuanhua ax in his hand high, and roared: "Golden soldiers, charge me!"

As soon as the words fell, he immediately started to mobilize the horses. The four thousand main elite soldiers under his command saw that Wuti had started to accelerate, so they all lowered their bodies, slammed their feet on the horse's belly, and put their knives and guns away. Ping, the army made a loud sound of rumbling horseshoes, and rushed towards the front of the Fubo army.

Li Bo stared wide-eyed at the oncoming main force of the Jin army, and thought to himself that the main general of the Jin army could not play cards uncommonly!Now that his attack on the two wings has failed, but he still led the army straight to the main formation of his central army, is this guy out of his mind?At this time, he should gather the remnant soldiers on the two wings, change his tactics again, and fight himself again!

But after seeing the Jin army rushing towards them aggressively, Li Bo had no choice but to fight, so he immediately ordered: "The artillery is ready, load the shotgun! Three hundred steps ahead, prepare to light the fire!"

The Fubo army already had experience in dealing with such cavalry attacks. Solid bullets did not do much damage to them, and scattered bullets were the best. So the artillery placed in front of the formation immediately made preparations according to Li Bo's requirements.

It's still more convenient for those blast guns, just plug the loaded sub-gun into the tail of the cannon, which is not as time-consuming as Lei Gong cannon, and the second sub-gun is held by a gunner and ready to go.

It has to be said that Jin Jun really cares about eating but not fighting, but this can't be all blamed on Uti's recklessness. After all, he just came here and hasn't seen the power of the Fubo Army's artillery. I couldn't form a specific concept in my mind, so I stupidly waved my army to face the Fubo army and killed them. If it was at night, the Fubo army might not have such a big advantage, but he didn't know what to do Dealing with the artillery of the Fubo Army, he should be unlucky!
Under the urging of Wuti, the main force of the Jin army rushed to the front center of the Fubo army, intending to rush into the center of the Fubo army and completely bloom in the middle, but they were the first to bloom. When rushing into the front of the Fubo Army for about [-] steps, I only saw those strange vehicles placed in front of the Fubo Army on the opposite side suddenly burst into flames one after another, and then heard a huge roar... …

(It’s the end of the month again, so book your monthly pass for next month in advance, brothers, and don’t forget to save it for Pimple! Thank you, brothers!)

(End of this chapter)

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