Chapter 603
After Zhang Bangchang got Zhao Xu's approval, he immediately led these down-and-out ministers out of the Daming Mansion and headed towards Bianliang, Tokyo. He was often scolded by passers-by along the way, and finally returned to Bianliang, Tokyo.

Zhao Xu took people out of Bianliang City, and Zhang Bangchang led the officials to kneel down again to plead guilty, and raised the jade seal left to him by the Jinman over his head and handed it to Zhao Xu.

After Zhao Xu took over the jade seal, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. He said that he announced his enthronement in Bianliang, Tokyo, but he always felt that there was something wrong with his name, and he didn't have the seal of the jade seal when he issued an imperial edict. He always felt that he didn't look like an emperor. Now that Zhang Bangchang returned the jade seal, Zhao Xu finally felt relieved.

As for Zhang Bangchang, Zhao Xu did not deal with him, but ordered him not to go out at home, and essentially put him under house arrest. For those ministers who came back with Zhang Bangchang, Zhao Xu did not give them much good face. It turned out that their After this turmoil, all the official positions were removed, and they were ordered to return to their homes and sent to guard them all. Although these people were not reconciled, after entering Bianliang City, the streets and rows were full of Bianliang people. The common people in the city, these common people hated these ministers to death, not for anything else, just because when the Jin soldiers approached the city, these people abandoned the country and followed Huizong out of the city to escape. If the new emperor Zhao Xu had not stayed behind to turn the tide , I am afraid that the people of the whole city have already suffered.

As soon as they saw these cowards coming back, the common people were immediately excited and threw stones at them one after another. Many people were beaten to death immediately. If it wasn't for the protection of the accompanying officers and soldiers, they would have been beaten to death on the spot On the street, these ministers were like rats crossing the street, scurrying around with their heads in their arms, and ran back to their homes to hide, never daring to show their heads again or to write a letter to express their dissatisfaction with Zhao Xu's treatment.

After Zhao Xu ascended the throne, he changed his year name to ZTE, which is a metaphor for the ambition of ZTE in the Great Song Dynasty. He reassigned civil and military officials, worshiped Li Gang as Taizai, and Wu Min as Shaozai. A team finally gave Da Song another imperial court to be loyal to!

After Zhao Xu ascended the throne, the ministers immediately brought up the old accounts. No one dared to point the finger at Huizong for the reason why the Song Dynasty was tossed into the current virtues, but everyone pointed the finger at Tong Guan, Wang Fu, Cai Jing, Cai You, Zhu Yu, Li Yan, Yang Jian, Gao Qiu and others called them "eight thieves" (to expand the scope of attack, the six thieves are too few! Just add two more!) They wrote letters demanding severe punishment people.

In fact, Zhao Xu already hated these things to the core. If they hadn't been flattering and flattering every day, his father Huizong wouldn't have tossed the Song Dynasty to such an extent. Now even his father has been arrested by the Jinren. According to Da Song, this face was completely lost. When the Jin soldiers came to the city, there was a student Chen Dong who wrote a letter to impeach these bastards. At that time, he was unable to do so because of his status and war issues. Now the Jin soldiers have retreated. Now, I can finally settle with these guys, so Zhao Xu immediately delivered an order to arrest all these guys. Tong Guan had been shot to death under the city of Bianliang. I was taken captive, but I don't know where this guy died, and I can't find it!Zhu Yan was fifty-one years old, but this guy didn't die, and this time he ran back with Zhang Bangchang, and Wang Fu was lucky enough to survive, and they ran back together!Li Yan and Yang Jian were both eunuchs. They disappeared after being captured by the Jin people. They are probably still by Huizong's side, so they can't be found!Gao Qiu's life was lucky, when Huizong abandoned the city and fled, this guy was seriously ill, and before Zhao Xu ordered to arrest him, this boy kicked his legs at home first!Cai You was lucky, and ran back this time. The eight thieves only caught three!

Zhao Xu immediately issued an order to arrest Zhu Mian, Wang Fu, and Cai You, and took them directly to the Meridian Gate to ask for beheading, but the people refused to do it, thinking that beheading was too light, so Zhao Xu changed the sentence to Ling Chi, and the three of them The giant thieves were scraped alive outside the Meridian Gate. When they were executed, thousands of people in Bianliang City flocked outside the Meridian Gate to watch the three thieves die. It was really satisfying.

After killing these three people, the homes of all the eight thieves were searched by Zhang Hu personally led by Zhao Xu. All the relatives of their families who were officials were dismissed on the spot, and all of them were sent to Qiongzhou for labor. There were as many as ten million taels of yellow and white things that were confiscated, and the rest of the valuables were countless. After reading the list of confiscations, Zhao Xu was shocked. These eight people were greedy for so much money and things. Can Da Song not be unlucky?
In addition, in order to stabilize the political situation, Zhao Xu did not expand the scope of the attack. Instead, he asked all the ministers who were greedy for a large amount of property to hand over their property and let the past go. The frugal style left by the ancestors, the upper and lower levels work together to prevent the external darkness.

After the news of these things Zhao Xu did spread, it was really pleasing to the hearts of the people, especially after the people in the Jiangnan area heard about it, they all expressed their support for Zhao Xu's succession.

Although confiscating the homes of the eight thieves greatly enriched the treasury, Zhao Xu still felt that the treasury was empty, so he sent someone to take his letter and went to various places to collect military resources, especially in Sichuan, which was called the richest place in the Song Dynasty. He had never suffered a military disaster, so he ordered Sichuan and other roads to escort the money and goods to King Qinqin as soon as possible. So far, the Song Dynasty finally regained a glimmer of life.

In addition to doing these things, Zhao Xu is too busy. His father and the princes and brothers are all captured by the golden man, and he can't just sit idly by. Unfilial, so he immediately sent an order to the officials in the northern roads, ordering them to immediately stop Zongwang's army from returning to the north, and strive to capture Huizong and Emperor Zhao Huan. Although to be honest, he really didn't want to see these two people come back, but Now he is plainly a house-keeping emperor, Zhao Huan is the rightful master in name, this posture still needs to be put on!What's more, there are people like Li Gang clamoring every day, asking him to send troops to chase after Jin Bing. If he wants to secure the throne, he can't ignore the opinions of these main fighters.

Fortunately, after a period of rectification, the main war faction in the DPRK and China gained the upper hand, and the call for the Northern Expedition became louder and louder. Zhao Xu then ordered the Zhongshi to lead an army of [-] outside Bianliang City to cross the north immediately and rush to the north. East Road solved the siege of Taiyuan, and as soon as Zhong Zhong recovered from his injuries, he ordered him to garrison the Yellow River and garrison troops along the river. Can't do it again!

After doing these things, Zhao Xu still did not forget to issue an order to the officials on Jingdong East Road, ordering them to support the Fubo Army that is attacking the Liaodong area of ​​the Kingdom of Jin as much as possible, and to order all roads along the coast to fight against the enemy as much as possible. The Bo army provided convenience, so that the Fubo army could get some support as soon as possible. Regarding Xu Yi's battle in the Kingdom of Jin, he actually had no idea, and it could even be said that he did not report much hope. In the Liaodong area, it is enough to give him a little time to reorganize the rivers and mountains by staying a little longer!

After receiving Zhao Xu's imperial edict, most of the government officials in various places expressed their obedience to Zhao Xu's order, regarded Zhao Xu as orthodox, and began to follow Zhao Xu's order to mobilize soldiers and horses to escort property to Bianliang, Tokyo. So far, it can be regarded as more or less on the right track!
Let's talk about Zong Wang leading the army back on the way back north. When the army marched to Xingzhou and Cizhou, something unexpected happened to them. With little effort, they crossed the Yellow River and arrived at Bianliang City, but now on the way back, they found that things were getting a little tricky. There were soldiers from the Song Dynasty constantly harassing them along the way, and they wanted to find a resting place along the way It was not easy, but some people from the Song Dynasty were caught later. After questioning, I learned that during this period of time, Zong Ze, the veteran governor of Xingzhou, prepared his armor, recruited volunteers from the village to fight against the gold, and also implemented the tactics of fortifying the walls and clearing the fields. The rural people in Xingzhou, Cizhou and other places were moved into the city for resettlement, or simply moved into the mountains to hide, and the soldiers and horses were ordered to demolish the houses in the countryside, transport the grain away or simply bury it on the spot, so that the Jin soldiers Do not get these supplements.

This has caused a lot of trouble for the Zongwang army. They fought all the way to Bianliang City, not relying on the support of the Jin Kingdom's logistics and supplies, it can be said that they relied entirely on looting along the way for a living, and they left the Daming Mansion. Afterwards, they carried the belongings that they plundered along the way for a long time, each of them was carrying a bag full of valuables, but food became a problem. Zongze's tossing made this method of fighting against the wall and clearing the field , immediately caused a shortage of food and grass for Zongwang's army, which caused Wanyan Zongwang quite a headache.

Finally, after discussing with the generals, Zongwang immediately led his army to attack Cizhou City in order to ensure food and grass for their return trip. The Cizhou defenders stood firm and fought fiercely with Zongwang's army in Cizhou for three consecutive days. However, under the onslaught of the Jin soldiers, the Song army in Cizhou City also suffered heavy casualties. On the night of the fourth day, Wanyan Zongwang ordered his army to raid Cizhou City at night , caught the defenders of Cizhou by surprise, and traitors appeared in the city again. A guard guarding the south gate saw the menacing Jin soldiers, so he opened the city gate and surrendered to the Jin soldiers. As soon as the city gate opened, the Jin soldiers immediately After pouring into the city of Cizhou, the city guard led the army to start a street battle with the golden soldiers. After a night of fierce fighting, they finally lost to the fierce golden soldiers. Finally, they were defeated and killed, and Cizhou fell into the hands of the golden soldiers.

The first batch of Zongwang army to enter the city was Wan Yanchang. This man had a fierce temperament. Because the attack on Cizhou City was blocked and his subordinates suffered a lot of casualties, he actually ordered his golden soldiers to slaughter the city. Pity the tens of thousands of people in Cizhou City. All the men, women, old and children in the city were murdered by the golden soldiers. Blood flowed into rivers and corpses littered the streets in Cizhou City, which was directly killed.

After the Zongwang Army captured Cizhou City, they obtained a large amount of food and grass here, so they did not delay. After setting fire to the Cizhou City, they immediately raised troops to attack Xingzhou. The battle was fierce, but it was a hasty army after all. Zongwang's army had achieved some small victories, but they still couldn't withstand the fierceness of the Jin soldiers. They were finally defeated by the Jin soldiers and retreated into Xingzhou City. Afterwards, the army no longer wanted to attack Xingzhou by force, and was eager to return to the Kingdom of Jin, passing around the city and headed north.

Zongze had a great battle in Xingzhou, but he failed to intercept the second Emperor Huizong. After seeing the Jin soldiers going around the city and returning to the north, he immediately sent a general to chase the Jin soldiers out of the city. This general led a thousand soldiers and horses to pursue them Zongwang's army unexpectedly caught up with the rear army of Zongwang's army in Neiqiu Town. After nightfall, this general led an army to attack the rear camp of the Jin soldiers, broke into the camp in one fell swoop, killed several golden generals in a row, and even robbed a group of royal families The concubines waited for the female prisoners, and then led the army to retreat safely. The generals of the Kingdom of Jin in Zongwang's army were furious and vowed to take revenge.

This general will be successful in this battle, and thus he will become famous all over Hebei, and his reputation will spread hundreds of miles away. General, so far Yue Fei has finally stepped on the stage of fighting against gold, and has become a fierce general under Zong Ze.

The reason why Yue Fei appeared here is still inseparable from Xu Yi. Xu Yi had mentioned him many times in front of Zhao Xu, saying that he was a wise and brave general in Tangyin, Hebei. He is definitely a handsome talent, so when Zong Ze left Beijing to take up his post in Xingzhou, Zhao Xu remembered the name of Yue Fei, and ordered Zong Ze and Zhang Suo to investigate the whereabouts of this person in Hebei, but Zong Ze passed by Tangyin County At that time, I made a special trip to visit Yue's family in Tangyin County. It happened that Yue Fei was returning home from Zhending Mansion, so he strongly invited Yue Fei to join him. Seeing Zongze's sincerity, Yue Fei agreed to him, and followed him to Xingzhou He went to office and became a low-ranking officer Hoyoshiro.

When the golden soldiers crossed the border, Yue Fei showed his super military ability. He led Wang Gui and a group of young men to attack the golden soldiers' flanks repeatedly, and gained a lot. The state's righteous and brave right army is in charge, and Yue Fei finally got the opportunity to lead the army. Instead of becoming Wang Yan's subordinate as in history, he was soon promoted to the same position as Wang Yan.

This battle was the battle for Yue Fei's fame. Under his command, the Thousand Volunteers unexpectedly showed strong combat effectiveness. Wanyan Zongbi was so angry that he was half dead. Fortunately, Wanyan Zongwang had considered the importance of Huizong and Zhao Huan and other princes in advance, and detained him in the Chinese army. The second emperor was snatched back!And they should be unlucky, just missed this rare opportunity.

Although the rear army was attacked by Yue Fei, it was not considered a serious injury to the army of the Jin Kingdom. Considering Wu Qimai's decree urging them to return to the Kingdom of Jin quickly, Wanyan Zongwang still gave up here and Zongze. The idea of ​​a decisive battle between the army, after dawn, once again raised troops and headed towards Zhending Mansion, breaking away from Zongze's army.

Zong Ze saw the Jin soldiers returning to the north, and while sending people to escort the concubines and concubines that Yue Fei had rescued back to Bianliang City, to plead for Yue Fei's credit, he ordered Yue Fei, Wang Yan and other troops to lead the army to follow the Jin Kingdom's army northward. Waiting for an opportunity to rescue Emperor Huizong again, but after all, they were infantry, and most of the Jin soldiers were cavalry, far behind the speed of Jin soldiers, and completely lost hope of rescuing Emperor Huizong in Xingzhou.

Just when Wanyan Zongwang led the Eastern Route Army back north, the atmosphere in Liaodong became unprecedentedly tense. Jin Bing, who had been defeated by the Fubo Army many times in a row, began to re-examine the opponent in front of him this time. The Kingdom of Jin had never suffered such a big loss before, but it was defeated several times in a row by the Song pirates, and even lost to a large area of ​​land in Liaodong. This time they added caution and began to mobilize troops from various places Ma Hui went to Liaoyang Mansion, while collecting various information about Fubo Army.

The Jin people are busy, Xu Yi is even more busy than the Jin people. He ordered Yang Zaixing to send a large number of local scouts and Fubo army scouts to sneak into the area of ​​Liaoyang Mansion on Dongdong Road in the Kingdom of Jin to investigate the movements of the Jin soldiers so as to know ourselves and our enemies. just work.

Xu Yi attaches great importance to this battle of Fuzhou City. This battle will be related to whether his Fubo Army can gain a firm foothold in Liaodong. If he fails, he will lose his main force and be driven back into the sea. It is difficult to recover their strength quickly, and they have made a comeback. If they succeed, there will naturally be a lot of benefits. It is equivalent to sticking a sharp knife in the belly of the Jinren, making them restless, and they have to focus on Liaoyang In the area around the mansion, guard against the attack of his own Fubo army, and have no time to look south, so he can relieve the pressure to some extent, buy some time for Zhao Xu's succession to reorganize the rivers and mountains, and be prepared to resist the Jin soldiers. After all, if the Song Dynasty wants to practice It will take quite a while to form a group of troops strong enough to compete with Jin Bing. With their current combat strength, even if Zhao Xu takes power, it may be difficult for him to be the opponent of Jin Bing. Among the famous generals in the Southern Song Dynasty in history, only Han Shizhong has appeared However, Yue Fei, Zhang Jun, Liu Guangshi, Wu Jie and other famous generals have not yet become famous, and these famous generals are far from being able to stand on their own, so if he wants to help Zhao Xu, he can only be firmly nailed here and drag on. Stay on the back legs of Jin Bing so that they can't look at each other from head to tail, otherwise, even if he leads his troops back to Song Dynasty, it may not be of much use.

Judging from the current situation, the situation of the Fubo Army is not optimistic. The power balance between the two sides is too disparate. So far, the elite soldiers and horses he can use are Yang Zaixing's more than 3000 infantry and accompanying troops. The thousands of sailors who went to war against the Japanese kingdom, plus the Miao Fang 1 stationed in the Bohai Bay, totaled no more than 3 people, and there were more than [-] other soldiers and horses, but these people had just accepted it for a short time. Even if the new recruits in the drill are not a mob, they are not much higher. Once the war breaks out, it is impossible for these recruits to collapse on the spot, and there is even the possibility of turning against each other, because these people have not followed the Fubo Army for a long time His loyalty is really worrying. The only thing he can hope for is that the reinforcements from Liuqiu Island will come quickly at this time, as well as Wangfeng's left-behind station on Fujian Road, Kongqingxi's station on the coast of Guangdong, and Diaobin's station on Liangzhe Road. They all rushed here, otherwise, it would be hard to say with just these people.

And the news came back from the Liaoyang Mansion that the Jin people had been completely enraged by their Fubo army. At the same time, they began to mobilize troops and horses from many places to move towards the Liaoyang Mansion. Now Liaoyang Mansion has gathered tens of thousands of Jin soldiers. , and the reinforcements from all over the Kingdom of Jin are still coming in the direction of Liaoyang Mansion in a steady stream. The reason why the Jin people did not act immediately is probably because they waited for more soldiers and horses to arrive before they waved their troops over in an attempt to kill themselves. All the people were wiped out in the Liaodong Peninsula.

The Jin people became more careful this time, and collected a lot of information about the combat power of the Fubo Army from the defeated troops in Jizhou and Pingzhou City, as well as the defeated troops in Fuzhou City and Chenzhou City. After summarizing, The Jinren generals scratched their heads a little, because all this information showed a problem, that is, the Fubo army possessed several weapons they had never seen before, which were extremely sharp, and there was a rumbling sound of thunder when fired, and even more so. Breathing smoke and fire, they just couldn't figure out what it was, so everyone became a little uneasy, and they also heard that this Fubo army was equipped with excellent armor and had a strong army , not at all weaker than their Jurchen iron cavalry, all kinds of information have shown a problem, that is, this Song pirates are by no means ordinary volunteers or pirates, they are not only powerful at sea, but also have a team that can fight on land. The vertical and horizontal iron army.

With this unified opinion, the generals of the Jin people no longer dared to underestimate the Fubo army, and put away their contempt for the Song people, and began to seriously prepare for this battle. Ordered, most of the Jin soldiers near Dongdong Road began to gather towards Liaoyang Mansion in Tokyo, making a posture that they would not give up until they completely wiped out the Fubo army who dared to attack them.

In order to strengthen the defensive strength of Fuzhou City, Xu Yi also ordered Sun Hai to unload most of the Leigong cannons equipped on the naval warships from the ship, and transport them together with the gunners on board to Fuzhou City and hand them over to Yang Zaixing for unification. Scheduling, anyway, the Jinren don’t have a navy for them to repair. The warships are too far away from Fuzhou City, and the range of the Leigong Cannon is not enough to support Fuzhou City. During the process, all kinds of ammunition on the ship were also unloaded to the shore, and they were pulled into the city of Fuzhou with the ox carts they found. After Yang Zaixing got these things, his confidence immediately increased. Wa Kingdom only carried forty Leigong Cannons, which was a bit too small. After the Leigong Cannons from the navy were delivered, he had nearly 150 Leigong Cannons under his command, which greatly strengthened his strength. The strength of the defense, so Yang Zaixing immediately placed these Lei Gong cannons on the city wall, and at the same time placed some on several easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack key points outside Fuzhou City, so as to firmly control the commanding heights.

(I'm going to give Jin Guo a hard time! This time I want them to look good!)
(End of this chapter)

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