Chapter 602
Zongwang looked at Jin Wushu, and felt that the method Wushu said was not bad, so he nodded and said: "Wushu is right, this is also a good way, and it is not bad to use Han to control Han, but you Which of these Song officials is more suitable?"

So Zongwang sent people to report their decision to Jin Emperor Wu to beg for it, and at the same time announced the abolition of Emperor Huizong and Emperor Zhao Heng. After the captured ministers heard about it, many people burst into tears and begged Zongwang not to do so. Doing this, but Wanyan Zongwang would not respond to their pleading, and ordered someone to go up and take off Zhao Huan's dragon robe on the spot. As a result, a Song official wanted to stop him, but he was immediately chopped to the ground by the golden man. So no one dared to stop him anymore, and could only watch helplessly as Zhao Huan's dragon robe was stripped off by the golden man.

Poor Emperor Zhao Huan, he is really useless to the extreme. When he ascended the throne, he was forced to wear a yellow robe by the ministers and placed on the emperor's seat, but within a day of ascending the throne, he was arrested by the Jinren After getting up, he became the captive emperor of the Jin people, and within a few days, the dragon robe on his body was forcibly stripped off again, ending his short career as emperor. Such a useless emperor, this world is really Rare!Huizong was also stripped of his dragon robe, and the two became deposed emperors!

After abolishing the two emperors Huizong, Zongwang immediately said to these ministers: "If you want to live, then you should elect someone to be the emperor! Of course, if one of you becomes the emperor, you should submit to the emperor." Our Dajin is a vassal, just obey our Dajin's orders!"

These ministers looked at each other, and everyone knew that this so-called emperor was definitely not a sweet pastry. Whoever sat on it, I am afraid that whoever would be unlucky. For them, they were still officials of the Song Dynasty. If the Zhao family is restored, it will definitely be a great crime to punish the nine clans!So no one took this matter as a good thing, shirked and argued with each other, and after a day of doing it, not even a single candidate was selected.

After Zongwang and the other gold generals heard about it, they were furious and threatened to cut off their heads. They frightened a group of Song officials to the bum, and after a lot of deliberation, all of them turned red-eyed after one night. No result was negotiated.

In the end, Zong Wang and the others got really impatient, so he personally rowed among these Song officials. The first thing that came into their sight was Cai You. A well-known treacherous official, it is absolutely impossible to appoint him as the puppet emperor. It is estimated that the whole country of Song Dynasty will rebel as soon as the order is issued. Among them, ministers who are called treacherous villains cannot be considered. It is best to find someone whose reputation is not too bad, whose status is not too low, and who is also timid and fearful. The person came out to top the tank, and after pulling it over for the last time, the golden man finally locked his eyes on a person.

When Comrade Zhang Bangchang heard that the Jinren wanted him to be the emperor, he fainted on the spot. After being rescued with difficulty, he sat on the ground and burst into tears. Still loyal, this golden man should be damned, how can he be put on the damned throne?This clearly wants him to die!He would rather be cut off now than do this thing, so Zhang Bangchang is a rogue and refuses to be this ruined emperor, and he is anxious with whoever persuades him. Zhang Bangchang still does a good job in this!
Zong Wang heard that Zhang Bangchang refused to resign and said that he would not do anything to the puppet emperor, so he immediately became furious, brought these down-and-out ministers here, and told them that as long as Zhang Bangchang didn't do it, they would all die with him!Not only are they going to die, but their family members are also going to die together, but if they persuade Zhang Bangchang to take the throne, they will frighten a bunch of bastards, so they jointly persuaded him to come in, asking Zhang Bangchang to be the false emperor no matter what, Zhang Bangchang was also cruel this time, he still refused to agree to what he said, you should die if you die, anyway, you were arrested by the Jinren, and you have long since refused to report your honor, then die!

Zhang Bangchang continued to insist that he could not resign, causing a bunch of bastard ministers to cry for their fathers and mothers, and they had to call him Grandpa Zhang Bangchang, but Zhang Bangchang still refused. In the end, Zong Wang simply came to a more ruthless one, threatening Zhang Bangchang: "If you If you dare not agree, that’s fine. Did you see? These ministers and their families, as well as the 10,000+ people in the Daming Mansion, will die because of you. As long as you don’t agree, we will immediately bloodbath the Daming Mansion, Kill everyone here!"

After the news spread, the people of the Daming Mansion quit. Whoever loves to be the emperor will be the emperor. Don't get involved with ordinary people like us!Anyway, the emperor of the Zhao family hasn't done many good things for the common people in these years. If they change, they will be changed and pulled down. Don't make trouble and we will be killed too!So a very paradoxical scene appeared in the Daming Mansion. A large number of ordinary people flocked to the streets to demonstrate and march, insisting that Zhang Bangchang be enthroned as the emperor.

During this period, Zongwang's army was not idle either, they wantonly collected property in the Daming Mansion, and at the same time sent troops to storm Xiangzhou to the west and threaten Xingzhou to the north. They burned, killed and looted along the way. A large number of refugees fled to Jingdong East Road and the south. It is not an exaggeration to say that this area is a thousand miles away.

But at this time, when the Jin people attacked the Xingzhou area, they finally encountered resistance. Those who resisted the Jin soldiers were not regular Song soldiers, but most of them were volunteers. up.

These volunteers are not actually fighting for the Song Dynasty. The main reason why they copied the guys and the Jin people was self-defense. They not only fought with the Jin people, but also beat the Song army fiercely, because compared with the Jin people, these Song soldiers The army is even more hateful to the extreme. They dare not fight with the Jin people, but they plunder the people, but they are relentless. Is it Jin Bing or Song Bing, as long as you dare to trouble us, I will do it with you!The Hebei area was completely chaotic.

Fortunately, there is a new magistrate in Xingzhou, who stepped forward at this time, and began to recruit volunteers from all over the place, gathered the remnants of the defeated army and gathered in Xingzhou, and began to organize the anti-golden cause. Speaking of Zongze, he was just a civil servant. He didn't know anything about military affairs, but he had a strong determination to fight against the gold. When he first arrived in Xingzhou, he began to reorganize his armor, repair the city, recruit village heroes, and practice soldiers and horses. Weifeng didn't have many soldiers, so he could only watch the golden soldiers cross Xingzhou. Now after some preparations, he gathered a large number of rebels and gathered many defeated soldiers. The area began to drill and deploy defenses. When Zongwang's army appeared in the area of ​​Xingzhou, Zongze immediately sent troops to ambush the Jin soldiers. Many people began to rush towards the Xingzhou area, defected to Zongze's army, and joined the anti-gold ranks.

After Zongwang heard the news, he felt that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time. After all, they were too far away from the Kingdom of Jin. Once the Song people gathered together, he was determined to fight them. If they let them chop casually, they would blunt their swords. So he immediately ordered Zhang Bangchang to ascend the throne in the Daming Mansion, and gave Zhang Bangchang the title of "Great Chu". Zhang Bangchang had no choice but to face the east and ascend the throne, carefully becoming the false emperor of the Great Chu, and history seemed to return to the original track Above, but the location was changed from Bianliang City to Daming Mansion!
At this time, both Zong Wang and Zhao Xu received a piece of news, both of them were worried and happy, because at this time, the news from the Kingdom of Jin said that in the Liaodong area of ​​the Kingdom of Jin, a powerful army from the Song Dynasty suddenly crossed the sea, Captured the Suzhou Pass and Fuzhou in the Liaodong area, and firmly controlled the Liaodong area, ordered Zongwang's army to return to Liaodong immediately and presided over the extermination of this group of Song bandits.

After Wan Yan Zongwang heard about it, he and his subordinates were all shocked. They fought all the way to the Song Dynasty, but they didn't expect that someone in the Song Dynasty would dare to go to their lair and insert it on their Jin Kingdom's belly. One knife, this incident seems to be a bit unbearable for these Jin people. Song people are like lambs in their eyes, and they can be slaughtered at will. How can they be allowed to attack their own Dajin Kingdom?

And Zhao Xu heard the news from Li Bo. Since Zhao Xu arrested him for taking the lead in shooting arrows and wanted to question him, even though he was acquitted in the end, he still took off his military uniform. , took his people and left Zhao Xu's palace. No matter how Zhang Hu persuaded him, he insisted not to enter the palace. He just stayed around the palace. When necessary, he could help Zhao Xu. Pop felt somewhat apologetic.

One day, Li Bo came to the palace suddenly and asked to see Zhao Xu. Zhao Xu, who was discussing with the ministers, immediately dismissed the ministers and recruited Li Bo into the palace. After rejecting it with a straight face, he took out a letter from his pocket, handed it to Zhang Hu, and asked him to pass it to Zhao Xu.

"Report to the lord! This is my son's handwritten letter, please pass it on to the lord, please have a look!" Li Bo knelt and said to Zhao Xu.

Zhao Xu originally wanted to catch up with Li Bo, but when he heard Xu Yi's letter, he immediately took it and took out the letter paper to read. There were not many words on the letter paper, so Zhao Xu hurriedly read it, and saw Xu Yi wrote on it:

"I was shocked to hear the great changes in Tokyo, and I am deeply impressed by the prince's courage. The matter of the second emperor's dust is irreparable. I hope that the prince will express his condolences. At this time, the country will not be left without a master for a day. The prince will immediately ascend the throne and inherit the rule, and try his best to turn the tide from danger." Among them, to reorganize the rivers and mountains of the Great Song Dynasty and restore the lost land of the Great Song Dynasty. In the current plan, the prince must settle down to defend against the enemy outside the country. I have led the army to capture Sufu and other places in the Jin Kingdom, Liaodong, and other places. I am willing to hold back the Jin soldiers for the prince. Prince Wanwang quickly ascended the throne to inherit the great rule, reorganized the army and directly attacked the Kingdom of Jin, taking the shame of the Song Dynasty! Xu Yi bows!"

After Zhao Xu read the letter, his heart was filled with emotion. His generals of the Great Song Dynasty were beaten to the ground by the Jin soldiers, but Xu Yi led his army into the territory of the Kingdom of Jin. Such behavior may be enough to make the whole country of the Great Song Dynasty The soldiers were ashamed!
"My lord, I also heard that our son broke through Jizhou City and Kaizhou City in the Kingdom of Jin a few days ago, where he defeated the Jin army and beheaded more than ten thousand people. After hearing the news, the Jin people will definitely retreat. I also hope that the prince will reorganize the army of the Song Dynasty as soon as possible, break the siege of Taiyuan, and regain the lost land! Now that the situation in Bianliang City has been stabilized, King Qin’s army has arrived, and the prince is not short of people. I will leave here and hope to catch up with our son and Jin. A great battle between people!" Li Bo was also in a good mood today, so he told Zhao Xu what he knew. I don't know the prestige of Fu Bojun, but he somewhat regrets that he can't follow Xu Yi's side and participate in it, so he took the opportunity to ask Zhao Xu to resign.

After Zhao Xu heard Li Bo's words, he was even more pleasantly surprised, and hurriedly said: "The news has been cut off these days, and I haven't heard that the Fubo Army has done such a great thing. Da Song can have such a loyal person as Mr. Xu." , is indeed the great blessing of my Great Song Dynasty! If the soldiers and civilians of the Great Song Dynasty all have the ambition of your son, then why should the Great Song Dynasty not be able to rejuvenate?"

After sending Li Bo away, Zhao Xu immediately summoned all the ministers to discuss matters. With Xu Yi as a surprise soldier, Zhao Xu also felt that he had some confidence in his heart. There is nothing to hesitate, the fubo army's disturbance in the Kingdom of Jin is bound to restrain a large number of troops of the Kingdom of Jin, and for Da Song, it will also win a certain respite for Da Song, Zhao Xu finally made up his mind After making up his mind, Da Song is probably the only one who can stand up to stand up to the throne now, and he can't just watch the Zhao family's century-old foundation collapse like this!

When the ministers arrived at the palace, Zhao Xu first told the ministers the news about the Fubo Army. After hearing the news, all the ministers were shocked. It turned out that they had all heard of the name of the Fubo Army, but they really valued them. But there are not many people. They just know that the Fubo Army is a pirate force in the sea. It seems to be very strong. If they hadn't attacked and killed the envoys of the Kingdom of Jin, the Kingdom of Jin would not have turned against the Song Dynasty. It's just that they were only busy defending against the Jin people during this period, so no one proposed to send troops to encircle and suppress this Fubo army.

But what they didn't expect was that when the country was in crisis, all the troops of the Great Song Dynasty were defeated and retreated under the iron heels of the Jin soldiers. Instead, this Fubo army, in the name of the righteous army, took the initiative to attack the Kingdom of Jin, and even broke the Kingdom of Jin. City, defeated the golden soldiers for several battles in a row, if these words hadn't come from King Ji's mouth, and they said it so firmly, these people could hardly believe it was true.

At this time, news also came from Jingdong East Road, saying that Wu Jielang Han Shizhong, the defender of Cangzhou on Jingdong Road, sent someone to report that the Fubo Army defeated tens of thousands of Jin soldiers under the city of Jizhou and beheaded countless people. The Jin people Pingzhou City forced the reinforcements sent by the Dading Mansion of the Jin State to commit suicide and apologize. At the same time, they also heard that the Fubo army defeated an army sent by the Liaoyang Mansion of the Jin State at sea, causing heavy losses to the Jin people. It was really confirmed that this matter was true, and Zhao Xu was not lying to them, so the people in the hall were immediately excited, and they all expressed emotion.

Looking at the expressions on the faces of the ministers in the palace, Zhao Xu also felt a little more relaxed. After all, it has been a long time since these ministers showed any smiles. After this good news, for the soldiers and civilians of Song Dynasty, Undoubtedly, it was a shot in the arm, at least to let everyone in Song Dynasty know that Jinren is not an invincible myth, and it is not that no one in Song Dynasty can defeat Jinren. For the whole country, this matter has completely played a role. The role of boosting the morale of soldiers and civilians.

After the news spread, there was an uproar inside and outside Bianliang City. Those who had been yelling at the Fubo army also changed their attitudes, and began to re-examine the pirate army, and they all asked how many there were in the Fubo army. How could a man be so powerful that he suffered such a big loss from beating the Jin man?
For a moment, the prestige of the Fubo Army immediately seemed to have grown wings, flying to various places, which cheered up the whole country, and the pessimism eased a lot.

Zhao Xu also brought up the matter of presiding over the overall situation again, and the ministers immediately asked Zhao Xu to ascend the throne and inherit the Datong immediately. The news of being promoted to the throne has also spread to Tokyo Bianliang, and there is another uproar in Tokyo Bianliang.

After Zhao Xu heard about it, he didn't dare to procrastinate any longer. If it continues like this, God knows if countless emperors will appear overnight in the Song Dynasty, then the Song Dynasty will be completely over!
Although the jade seal is not in Tokyo, the emperor's ceremonial equipment is still there. Even if he announced his succession to the emperor's brother Zhao Huan, he announced his enthronement and proclaimed himself emperor, and sent a large number of messengers to various places in the Song Dynasty to issue orders, demanding that local officials profess him as ministers, and at the same time Because it is a hidden danger for these King Qin's army to stay in Bianliang, Tokyo, they cannot fight, and they fight for food and other things all day long. The masters of the king's army and horses from all over the country entered the city to face the king.

After the generals entered the city, Zhao Xu immediately left them behind and ordered them to send people to select the best soldiers and horses in their army, and put them in the army of Zhongshi Dao on Qinfeng Road. , the rest of the old and weak miscellaneous soldiers were immediately disbanded on the spot, and they were ordered to return to their original places, otherwise they would be punished in the name of a certain chaos. I'm idle, although Li Gang and others objected, but Zhao Xu still insisted on this opinion.

The generals of these soldiers and horses from all walks of life saw that there was no other way, so they had to send people to accompany the generals of Qinfeng Road led by Zhong Shizhong, the younger brother of Zhongshi Dao, to the camp outside the city to pick out the young and strong soldiers and horses, and announce that Zhao Xu Xu's imperial decree ordered the rest to return to their respective places of origin immediately.

The unselected miscellaneous soldiers outside the city immediately went into an uproar, trying to rush into Bianliang City to seek Zhao Xu's comment. They felt that they came to King Qin and shouldn't be dismissed like this, but Zhao Xu was also prepared and ordered to rush to the capital immediately. Yao Pingzhong led troops to repress them, and at the same time ordered the forbidden army in Bianliang City to close the city gates and stand ready. He ordered those stragglers who tried to make trouble to disperse immediately, otherwise they would serve them with bows and arrows.

In desperation, these old and weak soldiers who were eliminated had no choice but to set off to return to their respective hometowns under the guard of soldiers and horses led by Yao Pingzhong. Everyone was full of complaints. After sending these people away, Zhao Xu heaved a long sigh of relief. First, although it seems that the number of soldiers and horses in Bianliang, Tokyo has been reduced by more than half, it is relatively convenient to control them, and the biggest advantage is that these soldiers and horses are relatively elite. Under the leadership of Yao Ping and other generals, at least they have some combat effectiveness!You must know that the Shengjie Army is quite prestigious in Song Dynasty!

Although Zhao Xu solved the problem of the messy soldiers and horses gathered in Bianliang City, the disadvantages of doing so were also obvious. Became a rogue, started to run around, became a victim of various places, and caused him a lot of trouble in the future.

Zhang Bangchang reluctantly proclaimed himself emperor after the Daming Mansion’s unjust and unjustifiable name, issued a fake edict to amnesty the world, which can be regarded as a temporary appeasement to the golden man. After seeing Zhang Bangchang’s enthronement, Zongwang immediately announced Bei returned to the Kingdom of Jin and asked Zhang Bangchang if he would leave some soldiers and horses to look after him. Under the instigation of the ministers, Zhang Bangchang said no, Zongwang immediately raised his troops and left the Daming Mansion, escorting Huizong, Zhao Huan and other royal family members, Abandoning the captured officials to give Zhang Bangchang a facade, he headed north.

Zhang Bangchang watched Jin Bing leave the city, and immediately called all the ministers of the Daming Mansion together to discuss how to deal with the next thing. Returning to Bianliang, the relinquish the imperial power to King Ji who stayed behind in Bianliang, Tokyo. After all, in their eyes, only King Ji Zhao Xu can be regarded as the authentic royal line right now.

After Zhang Bangchang heard this, he didn't dare to be negligent. He said that he was appointed as the emperor of Great Chu by the Jin people, but his subordinates can say that there is no soldier.So he immediately wrote a letter of apology, sent someone to Bianliang, Tokyo, repeatedly pleaded guilty to Zhao Xu, and said that he was willing to take these ministers back to Bianliang, and give up the seat of the shitty emperor of Chu.

At this time, Zhao Xu just awarded the injured Zhongshi Dao as a member of the Privy Council of Tongzhi, and also served as the Xuanfu envoy of Gyeonggi. He was in charge of the [-] new troops outside the city. The puppet emperor, but at this time Zhang Bangchang's letter arrived in Bianliang, Tokyo.

(Many friends have already guessed that King Ji is definitely going to take over the mess of Da Song, but don’t make wild guesses about the development of the plot in the future, come out and yell that pig’s feet are dog legs, because the plot will have new developments !)

(End of this chapter)

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