Great Song Pirate

Chapter 595 The Shame of Xuanhe

Chapter 595 The Shame of Xuanhe

So Zhao Heng made up his mind within a few minutes after he took the throne temporarily. , there must be no mistake, if you can't stop Jin Bing, you will kill yourself!"

Tong Guan was immediately dumbfounded, but at this time, as the commander in chief of the army, he could only accept the order, so he summoned a group of soldiers from the Chinese army and ran towards the rear. Have passed such an edict!
Comrade Zhao Heng then issued the second imperial decree. Everyone discarded the heavy things and fled to Ningling County immediately. After entering Ningling County, make plans again!

As a result, there was a sudden chaos in the team. At this time, people no longer cared about any valuables, and threw away these precious things in a frenzy. Like a group of bereaved dogs, they rushed towards the direction of Ningling County, but haste made waste. The team under the chaos huddled together on the official road on the spot, and the cars could not pass at all. His majesty's chariot was also squeezed on the road, making it difficult to move an inch.

Panicked, Zhao Heng immediately ordered Habayashi Wei to clear the way. These damned fellows, at this time, actually don't care about him, the new emperor, and the Supreme Emperor. Wouldn't it be treasonous to dare to fight with the emperor?
Habayashi Wei was also impatient, he swung the guy away, who cares who you are, and beat the person who was blocking the way to the side of the road. As for those who dared to resist, they were also cruel. Zhao Heng saw that although he couldn't bear it, he didn't care about the lives of these people in order to escape for his life. After clearing the road, his chariot and Zhao Ji's chariot were pulled by the imperial horse, the driver lashed the imperial horse frantically, and rushed towards Ningling County on the official road. Zhao Heng and Huizong jumped up and down in the bumpy car, but this I don't care about being comfortable or uncomfortable for a while, it's more important to run for my life.

After the magistrate of Ningling County received the news that the emperor was going to pass by their county seat, he went out of the city for twenty miles to meet him, but he was startled when he saw the dust flying on the official road from a distance. After the chariot battle, I was even more stunned, because I have never seen a royal chariot running so wildly on the official road, and the guard of honor was thrown behind, what is this?Are you really running for your life?
But they didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately led the officials of the county seat to kneel down on the side of the road to meet them. A fast horse arrived in front of them first, and the guards in front of the palace roared: "Hurry back to the city, the golden soldiers will kill you!" coming!"

Only then did the magistrate of Ningling County understand why the emperor's chariot was in such a mess, so he quickly got up and let the imperial chariot run away in front of them. Seeing that Huizong was holding onto the side of the car tightly with both hands, throwing his head out of the car window, it turned out that Huizong's old man would also get motion sickness!

Wan Yanchang, the general of the Jin people, led ten thousand elite soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin, all the way around the Bianliang City, and hurriedly chased towards Yingtianfu. As long as the horses were tired from running along the way, they would immediately transfer to another They didn't dare to delay at all. They observed the ruts on the road all the way, and they couldn't miss Huizong's chariot team. After a night of chasing, they really saw a team winding along the official road from a distance. Yan Chang was overjoyed.

"Warriors of the Kingdom of Jin, the Emperor of the Song Dynasty is in front. If we catch them, we will destroy the Song Dynasty! Get up and kill me! Capture the Emperor Song! Kill!" Wan Yanchang said to the accompanying soldiers screamed.

"Kill!..." The soldiers of the Jin soldiers were also completely excited. You must know that capturing the emperor of the Song Dynasty was a miracle. Roared up!

The Jin soldiers headed by Wan Yanchang drew out their swords, iron spears and other weapons one after another. Some of the Jin soldiers were powerful and took off long-handled barbed wire from their horses and held them in their hands. With a bow and arrow, screaming wildly, he galloped his horse and rushed towards the Song army in front again.

At this time, Tong Guan had just arrived at the rear army. At this time, the rear army had not yet fully set up a defensive formation, and the entire front line was in chaos. Tong Guan was also a man who understood soldiers. After seeing these Habayashi soldiers with bright armor , I know it's over!
These Yulin soldiers look very majestic, but to put it bluntly, they are specially selected officials' children, who are more beautiful, and the things they usually use to show off can only be regarded as a group of guards of honor at most, and they are really out of gold and jade. , It is absolutely impossible to fight against the Jinren. After seeing this situation, and looking into the distance, I saw that the Jinbing had already appeared in their line of sight, and even the light of the sword in the Jinbing's hand was enough. Seeing it clearly, Tong Guan was shocked, and his opponents yelled wildly: "You stop them! Otherwise, you will all die!" As soon as the words fell, he steered his horse and galloped towards the direction of Ningling County, leaving him once again. The general who became the first deserter, this fellow, despite being a eunuch, feels that his life is more precious than anyone else!
The Song army saw their commander Tong Taishi and the prince fleeing first, and their morale plummeted, and the battle line became more chaotic. Before they could react, they released the first round of arrows at the Jin soldiers who were chasing after them. The leading soldiers and horses of the soldiers slammed into their formation heavily, and immediately set off a bloody storm all over the sky.

The Jin soldiers who came to chase Huizong this time were veterans who had experienced many battles, and they were the most elite soldiers and horses in Wanyan Zongwang's East Route Army. Their fierceness far exceeded the expectations of the Song army who resisted them. It was only when the golden soldiers crashed into their lines that they shot arrows wildly under the command of the general, trying to resist the golden soldiers, but at this time their resistance seemed too insignificant. People's famous saying, if the Jurchens are less than [-], and if there are [-] and no enemies, in front of the Jin soldiers, the defense line composed of these Song troops is as fragile as paper, and it did not stop their sharp offensive at all, so they were killed on the spot. Their forwards tore apart the line of defense, and before a large number of Song soldiers could react, they were beheaded by the Jin soldiers in front of the formation. Some Song soldiers were hit by galloping horses and flew out on the spot. His tendons were broken and his bones were broken, and it seemed that he could not survive, and then he was trampled under his feet by the golden man's war horse. When a large number of golden soldiers galloped past, they had been trampled into a puddle of flesh.

The sword swung, the light of the sword was shining, the spear pierced out like lightning, and the golden soldier swung the barbed terrier bone, and the barbed hammer hit Song Bing. The line of defense that Yi had just formed was torn into pieces by the golden soldiers in one fell swoop. A large number of golden soldiers roared past, rapidly expanding the gap in a sagittal shape, tearing apart the entire Song army's defense line, and directly killing the Song army. Fleeing in all directions, what people are most afraid of is not death, but unbearable pressure. Seeing that their robes were still alive and kicking before they took a breath, but they became scattered corpses in an instant. These Habayashi soldiers who usually only know how to roam the city The generals knew how powerful the Jinren were, and their fighting spirit disappeared immediately, and they began to retreat.

"Don't be in love with them, rush over and catch Huizong old man! Hurry up!" Looking at the subordinates who were chasing and killing Song Jun, Wan Yanchang was furious!

Under his command, the Jin soldiers no longer entangled with the defeated Song army, so they all urged their horses, passed the fleeing Song army, and chased the chariot team in front. There were discarded valuables and things scattered everywhere, and the golden soldiers were clamoring to get off their horses and fight for these things, but Wan Yanchang gave an order that no one should pick up these things. Continue to chase forward at full speed. Anyway, no one wants these things now, and sooner or later they will belong to them. Wan Yanchang has always kept his head on this point.

After another rush, they finally caught up with the chariots blocking the road. The road was crowded with frightened royal family members and family members of officials and eunuchs. A group of Song soldiers turned their heads again and tried to intercept the Jin Jin who was chasing and killing them. soldiers, but how could they be the opponents of these fierce golden soldiers?It was another charge, and most of these Song soldiers were killed immediately, and the rest could only flee in all directions again, leaving these unarmed people behind.

Wan Yanchang was overjoyed, and he was finally caught up, so he immediately had a few paralyzed Song people arrested, and after questioning, he learned that Huizong, Prince Zhao Heng and other important members of the royal family were in front They fled towards Ningling County, so they left behind a thousand soldiers and began to arrest these men and women who were left behind. On the way, they raised their knives and cut the person blocking the way into two pieces, leaving a piece of flesh and blood wherever they passed.

The road leading to Ningling County was suddenly plunged into a sea of ​​blood, and people from the Song Dynasty were crying and howling everywhere. Where have these people seen such a cruel scene? Some men and women fainted from fright on the spot. The soldiers said that they didn't care about their lives. They stepped on their horses, and a group of people were trampled to death on the spot. Then, led by Wan Yanchang, the army roared and chased in the direction of Ningling County.

Although the imperial chariots are pulled by six imperial horses, these imperial horses look like steeds, but for the safety of the emperor, they are the most docile horses selected and trained. Beat them, but it doesn't mean that the horses can run fast. No matter how they beat the royal horses, they can't escape the pursuit of the Jin soldiers. Finally, about five miles away from Ningling County, Huizong and Zhao Heng Finally, the chariot battle still did not escape the pursuit of Jin Bing, and was surrounded by the army led by Wan Yanchang.

Seeing that there was no way to escape, both Huizong and Zhao Heng sat down on the imperial chariot with ashen faces...

Wan Yanchang looked at the team of captives strung together by ropes that stretched for several miles, needless to mention the beauty in his heart. As a general of the Jin Kingdom, he would completely reach the pinnacle of his life in this battle. In more than a day, he unexpectedly The royal family of the Song Dynasty was basically wiped out, and more than 1000 male and female royal family members below Huizong were captured. Song Huizong Zhao Ji and his sons, in addition to the seventh son Zhao Heng who was still staying in Bianliang, Tokyo, and the No. 18 son Xin Wang Zhao Zhen did not know what to do Outside, the rest of the people have all fallen into the hands of their golden men. Thinking about such a feat, Wan Yanchang wants to laugh. This Huizong is so cute. There were as many as hundreds of courtiers captured in the Song Dynasty, not to mention the imperial concubines, concubines, concubines, princesses, etc., and the wives and concubines of the ministers were countless.

At this time, Huizong and Zhao Heng were also specially detained in a car, and the two of them looked at each other, and their intestines were already green with regret at this moment, why bother if they knew this before?It's not that no one persuaded them not to leave Bianliang City, Zhao Xu said that it was more dangerous to leave Bianliang City, but they thought that Jin Bing would value the property of Bianliang City and would definitely besiege Bianliang City, so they didn't listen to others at all He wanted to escape from Bianliang and go to a safer place in the south, but in the end he could not steal a lot of rice, and his group was captured by the golden men, and they all became the captives of the golden men. The most deplorable thing It was Zhao Heng, who might have become the shortest-lived emperor in the world. From the time his father gave him the Zen throne to the time he became a prisoner of the golden man, he had only been the emperor for more than an hour in total, and he was considered to have stepped down!

Huizong looked at Zhao Heng, who was in tears at this time, crying with snot and tears, yelling at the golden man for treachery, but he didn't find fault with himself at all. The old man died, and he closed his eyes and leaned against the side of the car, not knowing what to think.

Speaking of which, there were as many as [-] forbidden troops escorting Huizong to escape, but in the first battle just now, thousands of the [-] forbidden troops were beheaded and killed by the golden soldiers on the spot, and countless were trampled to death, and the rest were no match for the golden soldiers. Afterwards, they dispersed with a bang, and had already disappeared without a trace at this time, so how could they care about the life and death of people like the emperor!

Wan Yanchang led the army all the way, collecting the belongings that were just discarded by the royal family and officials, and just loaded them with the captured carts, and meandering all the way back to Bianliang, Tokyo, and those captured people never returned. It’s not as comfortable as leaving Bianliang City at the beginning. They can only be strung together by ropes and move slowly with their legs. All of them are miserable. The soldiers rushed over and whipped them down, causing them to roll all over the ground, and the sound of crying and howling resounded through the sky.

Wan Yanchang is not a good guy either, he was a lustful man in the Kingdom of Jin, and while escorting these captives back to the camp outside Bianliang City, he sent people to select beautiful women among the captives, and send them They were detained separately for their own lustful use. As for the other women, he didn't care about them, and they would be rewarded to his subordinates sooner or later.

The brigade of golden soldiers escorted these Song people, and they couldn’t walk fast at all. Under the high temperature, there were constantly weak people falling down and dying by the roadside. Ropes, throwing them to the side of the road, such corpses were discarded everywhere along the way, which looked horrible.

After night, Wan Yanchang ordered the army to set up camp, and the camp was even more miserable. The excited Jin soldiers chased the women everywhere, dragged them aside, and began to rape. Watching their women being raped by the Jin soldiers, some men tried to stop them. As a result, he was hacked and killed by the golden soldiers on the spot, so that when the golden men went to forcefully pull the women from the crowd, no one dared to come out to dissuade them. There is the sound of crying and howling of those women. Some women are strong and desperately resisting the golden soldiers, but they are just some weak women. The body was forcibly occupied, and some women were hacked to death by the enraged golden man on the spot because of their fierce resistance. The situation was too horrible to describe.

Listening to the crying voices of these women, Huizong Zhao Ji and Zhao Heng wished they could find something to plug their ears, what a dignified royal woman they are!But now they have become the playthings of the Jin people, these men really deserve to die to the extreme, Zhao Heng remembered that the seventh younger brother Zhao Xu had repeatedly dissuaded him, persuading him to take orders to garrison Bianliang City and guard the Jin soldiers together, if he agreed, Why should he be humiliated?Zhao Heng kept bumping his head against the railing of the car in remorse, but he was immediately stopped by the golden soldiers who were guarding them, and he got a big mouth. He was supposed to be an emperor, but he actually had to get a little The slap in the face of the little golden soldier is really not as good as a hairless phoenix!

Just stopping and going like this, Wan Yanchang escorted the prisoners and walked for three days before seeing the city walls of Bianliang City again, and outside Bianliang City there was still the sound of shouting and killing.

Wanyan Zongwang has led his army to storm Bianliang City for three days, but after these three days, Bianliang City not only did not become weaker and weaker, but became more energetic. The defenders in the city, who were accustomed to the threat of death, experienced three days After a long time of tempering, I am no longer so afraid of the golden soldiers. Some ghosts who were afraid of death now dare to carry stones and smash down the city, smashing the golden soldiers who were trying to climb the city. The two sides are so deadlocked After entering the city of Bianliang, Wanyan Zongwang did not step into the city of Bianliang for more than three days.

Now Wanyan Zongwang has also begun to believe what Guo Yaoshi said, once the soldiers and civilians in Bianliang City are under the command of that Ji Wang Zhao Xu, they will be unable to attack for a long time against the strong city walls of Bianliang City. A few days later, Wanyan Zongwang also began to feel a little discouraged. After all, Bianliang City was the strongest city he had ever seen, and the number of soldiers and civilians in the city exceeded one million. How can they break through Bianliang City in one fell swoop?
Not only that, although they killed and wounded a large number of Song troops defending the city, but looking at it in the past two days, the number of defenders on the city wall has not only not decreased, but has increased, and even some civilians in civilian clothes have also gone to the city to fight with the defenders. Resisting their attack together, relying on stones, bricks, throwing carts and other objects in their hands, they beat them hard and suffered heavy casualties. This was the first time he had encountered such tenacious resistance since he sent troops to attack the Song Dynasty. Come on, the [-] soldiers and horses have lost more than [-] to [-] percent. If the fight continues like this, I am afraid that all of them will be lost under the city of Bianliang!
Wanyan Zongwang, who was commanding the siege, received two pieces of news almost at the same time. The first one was good news. Wanyanchang lived up to expectations. He really caught up with Huizong and his party who fled from the city, and almost all the male royal family members of the Song Dynasty were arrested. When he came back, he also captured a large amount of property and the ministers and women of the Song Dynasty. He was about to return here, and Wanyan Zongwang burst out laughing on the spot. He finally made a feat that no one can match!

But the news that came later surprised him again. Under the leadership of Wanyan Zonghan, the West Route Army was blocked in Taiyuan City and was unable to come to join his East Route Army for a long time. The area around the state was defeated by Qin Fenglu's strategic envoy Zhong Shizhong, who led the army to fight to the death, and returned in a big defeat. He didn't get the slightest advantage. Yao Gu on Yongxing Road saw that the fighting in the west was easing, and immediately sent troops to Bianliang to help. Now Yao Gu's tens of thousands of troops have passed Luoyang, Xijing, and are advancing towards Zhengzhou. There are also tens of thousands of troops each, and they are heading towards Bianliang, Tokyo. They have already joined Yu Yingchang's mansion, and it is only a hundred miles away from Bianliang, Tokyo. This news is not good news for Wanyan Zongwang!
Bianliang City has been unable to attack for a long time, and his army has no danger to defend on the flat plain outside the city. Once the army of King Zhuluqin arrives here, the number will far exceed him by several times, and it is impossible for him to go deep into the hinterland of the Song Dynasty alone. With any support from the Kingdom of Jin, most of the food and grass supplies come from looting, and the reserves are not very large. If the army is defeated, the whole army may really be wiped out. .

And Wan Yanchang finally escorted a large number of royal family members and ministers back to the camp, and attracted a large number of Jin soldiers to watch. The morale of the Jin soldiers who had been frustrated for several days suddenly rose again.

Wanyan Zongwang really praised Wanyanchang a lot, which made Wanyanchang grinning from ear to ear. After discussing with each other, the two decided to temporarily stop the army on the spot, lifted Zhang Bangchang out of the camp, and ordered Zhang Bangchang to go to Bianliang City Meet with King Ji Zhaoxu in the city, and tell him that Huizong and many of his imperial brothers have been captured, so that he immediately leaves the city to surrender. At the same time, in the name of Huizong and Zhao Heng, Zhao Xu was ordered to leave the city to surrender, and at the same time, Hebei West Road and Hedong Road were ceded to the Kingdom of Jin.

In desperation, Zhang Bangchang had no choice but to agree to Wanyan Zongwang's request, and was sent outside the Wansheng Gate by the Jinren, and began to shout to the city.

(When you read this chapter, you will definitely not feel comfortable, but compared with what actually happened in history, this is actually nothing at all! In the Jingkang disaster in actual history, the royal women and civilians who were taken away by the Jin people The number of women is as high as 6000, and may even reach 4000. Their tragic fate can hardly be expressed in words! So when writing this paragraph, Ge Da has tried to avoid this issue as much as possible!)

(End of this chapter)

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