Great Song Pirate

Chapter 594 Passing on Zhao Huan

Chapter 594 Passing on Zhao Huan
Although Xu Yi led his army to an unprecedented victory in Jizhou City, everyone knew very well what would happen next. The annoyed Jinren would definitely mobilize an army to besiege them.

There are less than [-] elite soldiers they can really use now, and the firearms they rely on have been exhausted after such a long period of consumption. If they continue to fight the golden soldiers here, the Fubo army can only fill them with people. Moreover, after the two wars, some troops were killed or injured, and they urgently needed to be transported to a safe place for recuperation and treatment, and the tens of thousands of surviving recruits also needed immediate training.

Xu Yi and the generals discussed the plan for the next move. Some people advocated that Jizhou City was finally captured and the Jin soldiers were defeated here. The current situation is hard-won. Attack in the direction of the government, cutting off the supply line and retreat of the Jinren East Route Army.

But Xu Yi finally decided to give up here for the time being and retreat to Salmon Island (Miaodao Islands) on the sea. There are many reasons why he did this. Although the morale of the generals is high now, in fact, they also urgently need a chance to take a rest. Now they just won the two battles with their remaining courage. If they continue to fight, people can't stand it!

The second is that although they are not short of food now, the firearms and ammunition they rely on in their weapons are completely exhausted and need to be replenished urgently. Otherwise, facing the swarms of golden soldiers, heavy casualties will be caused. The Jin people attacked fiercely, and the city wall was already in danger, and it was not suitable for defending at all. Third, although they seem to have a lot of soldiers and horses now, most of them are people who have just been recruited by them. At best, they are just a gang of mobs. Under the circumstances, these rookies are still suffering heavy casualties. If they continue to fight, these people will not only be ineffective, but will become a hidden danger for the Fubo Army. It takes a little time and some basic practice.

The most important factor is that although Jizhou City is relatively close to Yanshan Mansion, it is in the gap between the Kingdom of Jin and the Song Dynasty. If Da Song was angry at them for instigating the war, blame them on the Fubo army. Maybe Huizong, an old bastard, not only refused to fight against the gold, but if he ordered the Song army to stab him in the back, the Fubo army would be miserable and would be defeated. Falling into the predicament of being attacked from both sides, and the people here in the Kingdom of Jin did not welcome their arrival. The old Liao people, whether they were Khitan or Han, did not agree with the Song people at all, and hated that the Song people were attacked by the Jin Kingdom in the Liao Kingdom. At that time, Da Song stabbed a knife in the back, so it is impossible for them to get the support of many local people here. After combining many factors, Xu Yi finally decided to abandon Jizhou City and temporarily retreat to Salmon Island to rest and learn about Da Song. After the current situation, when everything is ready, they will plan to attack the Kingdom of Jin.

At Xu Yi's request, a large number of ships docked and loaded all the soldiers and horses here. Anyway, it was only a short-distance voyage. Salmonella Island is resting, waiting for the replenishment of supplies and personnel from various places.

Less than half a day after Xu Yi led his army to leave Jizhou City, a large number of Jin soldiers killed Jizhou City from the direction of Pingzhou, but this time they rushed to nothing, leaving them stripped all over the place. Except for the naked body of Jin Bing, they didn't even leave the horse hair behind. The general Jin Bing who led the army almost fainted on the spot. From the traces left behind, they knew that the attack on Ji The soldiers and horses of the Song Dynasty in Zhoucheng retreated from the sea again, and they could only stand by the sea again and sigh, but there was nothing they could do. Who made them Jin Guo have no navy?A group of landlubbers will not be able to swim and chase the Fubo army!

This matter has developed to such a point that the Jin people have to pay attention to the Fubo army, and sent many scouts and spies to collect information on the Fubo army everywhere. Now they found out that they used this Fubo army's pretext to attack Song. But he didn't know how powerful the Fubo army was at all.

It was precisely because of these two battles that the Jin soldiers suffered a great loss and had to start moving troops to the coastal states and counties to strengthen the defense forces of the cities along the coast. A large number of troops has already played a deterrent effect on the Jin people.

As for this matter, the two walls of the northwestern walls of Bianliang City were screaming and killing. Wanyan Zongwang finally launched an attack on Bianliang City. However, when Zhao Xu took over the forbidden army from Taiwei Gaoqiu, he knew the situation was bad.

The so-called 15 forbidden army is simply a numbers game. After deducting the amount of empty pay, it is about 9 to [-] people. They have not undergone any training. To put it bluntly, they are a group of people supported by the imperial court. Their jobs are just a group of wage earners who work full-time for Comrade Gao Qiu Gao Taiwei for free. On weekdays, they only need to work to make money. They are all owned by Commander Gao, and they don’t need Commander Gao Gao to pay their wages, but all the servants in Gao Qiu’s mansion are soldiers of the Imperial Army, and they do the work of serving people, and most of the generals are bought with money. What's more frightening is that these soldiers don't know how to fight at all. When Zhao Xu rectified the city defense, he ordered the archers to shoot arrows, only to find that these archers, let alone hit The target is set, and they don't even have the ability to draw a bow. The arrows they shoot can't fly very far, so they fall to the ground, let alone let them hit the target!
After seeing such a situation, Zhao Xu almost fainted out of breath, isn't this a joke?It is simply a fantasy for these people to resist the tiger and wolf division of Jinbing, so he hurriedly consulted with Li Gang and others in the city to discuss countermeasures, and finally managed to sort out [-] usable soldiers and horses. Most of these people are the instructors of the forbidden army , I still have some skills on my body, and then focus these people on the city walls on both sides of the northwest to strengthen the defense force there, and recruit some martial arts or strong civilians from the people of Bianliang City to go to the city Assisting in defending against the enemy, at the same time there was really no useful general, so he had to put Li Gang and other civil servants on the four walls, and commanded the soldiers and horses to stand firm on the city wall. Cavalry, but more than half of these cavalry can't even ride a horse. If they go out to fight the golden soldiers, it is tantamount to sending their necks under the golden soldiers' knife and letting them chop at will, just looking for death.

Now they can only rely on the strong walls of Bianliang City to stand by and wait for help. Apart from this, there is no other way!So Zhao Xu ordered the craftsmen in the city to rush to make a large number of throwing carts and place them on the city wall without stopping for days, and they also brought in a large number of bricks and stones to serve as shells. They could only rely on these things!

After Wanyan Zongwang arrived in Bianliang City, he sent someone to shoot a letter of persuasion into the closed Bianliang City, asking the soldiers who stood firm in the city to open the city and surrender immediately to ensure their safety, otherwise they would wait until their Jinbing When the city is broken, it is impossible to surrender.

After the persuasion letter was delivered to Zhao Xu, Zhao Xu didn't even read it, so he threw the letter on the ground, stepped on it, and said angrily: "The Jin people are really deceiving people too much. Tell them, if you have the ability, you can do it." Come in! We would rather fight to the death on the city, and never surrender to them! If you dare to come here and shoot in the letter of persuasion, let me shoot them to death with arrows!"

After Wanyan Zongwang was rejected by Zhao Xu, he began to prepare to attack the city. Under Guo Yaoshi's idea, they collected a batch of small boats from the upper reaches of the Jinshui River, loaded them with firewood and other materials, and poured water on them. The grease was dragged outside the city, ignited the firewood on the boat, and rushed down the Jinshui River towards the northwest water gate of Bianliang City. The offensive and defensive battle of Bianliang City kicked off.

A large number of Jin soldiers gathered at the water gate in the northwest and Wansheng Gate of Guzi Gate, and began to advance towards Bianliang City. He rushed towards the city wall with the ladder and other objects.

Seeing the ferocious golden soldiers swarming in, the defenders on the city wall all showed panic expressions. They hadn't undergone much training at ordinary times, but they cramped their feet and played with bows and arrows for two days. Many of them were terrified to death. However, there were also some stubborn Song soldiers who saw the Jin soldiers attacking the city, and immediately began to shoot their bows and arrows. Arrows began to fly all over the sky, and the two sides began to attack each other.

And the general guarding the water gate in the northwest saw the fire boats going down the river, and immediately ordered his subordinates to prepare a large number of long pennies at the water gate. Swim out of the water gate, and start laying some hidden stakes outside the water gate. When the fire boats rushed out of the water gate, these fire boats were resisted by a large number of pennies and the hidden stake ropes laid in the water, and could not move forward. The blazing fire outside actually blocked the golden soldiers following behind, preventing them from getting close to the water gate in the northwest, and the two sides began a fierce battle in the area of ​​the water gate.

And a group of golden soldiers, under the command of the golden general, went around to the north of the city, and at the same time started a fierce attack on the Fengqiu gate in the north.

As soon as the battle started, there was a huge gap between the combat power of the two sides. The Golden Soldiers were veterans who had experienced battles for many years. They had already been familiar with the methods of siege for many years, and the Golden Soldiers had strict military discipline. , not afraid of death, each of them stepped forward bravely. Although the archers shot from their backs, they still caused huge damage to the Song army on the city. Although the Song army was condescending, most of the arrows shot were not as far as the arrows of the golden soldiers. Only some crossbow arrows caused certain damage to the golden soldiers, but the golden soldiers were not moved by these casualties and continued to hold their shields. Carrying the ladder and rushing down the city wall, they showed their overwhelming advantage in the first battle, and the Song army on the city wall began to commotion.

Because of the huge pressure on the east side of the city wall, Li Gang was appointed by Zhao Xu as the envoy of the four walls, and his main focus was on the east side of the city. When the Jin soldiers began to attack the city, he personally boarded the city wall. As a civil servant He didn't have to do this at all, but he still carried a sword, ran and screamed on the city wall, commanding the Song army on the city wall to fight desperately, and was almost injured by the arrows of the Jin soldiers several times, but he didn't do it at all. Moved, he continued to shout with his sword, and personally beheaded a few cowards who wanted to escape the city wall. The rest of the Song army saw that he was so brave as a scholar, and under his encouragement, they also began to muster up their courage , stood up and attacked the golden soldiers under the city.

People are such things. Once they are not afraid, they will naturally be much stronger. After the running and agitation of Li Gang and others, the Song army on the city became more emotionally stable, and the counterattack became more violent. The small resistance killed quite a few golden soldiers.

The first wave of golden men attacked at noon, and they began to retreat. Seeing the golden soldiers receding like a tide, there was a burst of cheers on the city wall. After the first resistance, the morale on the city wall increased a lot. Soon, the Huotou army delivered food to the city wall, and another group of people carried the casualties off the city wall. With the help of the soldiers and civilians in the city, the city wall was quickly cleared. , The soldiers were no longer as scared as they were just now. They picked up their rice bowls and ate them. After eating, they immediately picked up the food and got ready again.

The first tentative attack on the Jin soldiers failed, and Wanyan Zongwang learned about the defensive forces in Bianliang City, and also let him know the determination of the Seventh Prince Zhao Xu in the city to fight, and he couldn't help but feel a little depressed. It seems that Guo What the pharmacist said is right, Bianliang City is now under the command of this Zhao Xu, and it is really more difficult to fight than expected. This Zhao Xu is really determined to defend Bianliang City to the death!
After Wanyan Zongwang ordered the soldiers to eat the battle meal, he summoned the generals and asked them to storm Bianliang City again. After these generals of the Jin soldiers agreed, they led their own troops and launched another round of offensive towards Bianliang City again. , the two sides started a fierce battle under the city again in the afternoon.

Although the Song army defending the city suffered heavy casualties, under the instigation of Li Gang and other officials who were not afraid of death, they became more and more energetic. The brutality of the soldiers, they are the forbidden army, most of them have relatives in Bianliang City, and they are looking after their homes and homes for their own families. Unfortunately, with such ideological support, the Song soldiers finally exploded their potential. For a while, arrows rained down on the city. It even fired in turn, smashing bricks and stones down the city wall. There is no guarantee that they will hit the golden soldiers. At least they are not as good as the golden soldiers if they are covered. When they arrived under the city wall of Bianliang City, many Jin soldiers were smashed into meatloaf by the rolling wood and rocks falling like raindrops on the spot. They didn't even erect the ladder on the city wall, and the generals of the Jin soldiers just screamed angrily.

During the fierce battle, Zhao Xu personally climbed onto the east wall where the battle was fiercest, and personally cheered on the defenders on the city, encouraging them to fight the enemy to the death. Now history is in his hands. Fortunately, Huizong, a super coward The father and the prince brothers all ran away, giving him a chance to become the boss in Bianliang City without being restrained by them, and most of the officials and generals left in the city also strongly advocated resistance, which did not cause him too much harm. Resistance, Zhao Xu is determined to hold on to Bianliang and turn it into a city that the golden soldiers cannot break through. Now for Bianliang City, Zhao Xu still has many advantages. After a day of fierce fighting in the city, the soldiers and civilians in the city finally united. , with the same hatred, determined to withstand the attack of Jin Bing.

After fighting like this for a whole day, Wanyan Zongwang paid the price of more than 3000 casualties. Apart from killing and wounding a large number of Song troops on the city wall, he did not step on the city wall of Bianliang City. After strengthening their determination to persevere, seeing that it was getting late, Wanyan Zongwang had no choice but to order the troops to withdraw.

After the Jin soldiers retreated, Zhao Xu immediately opened the storeroom, took out a large amount of money and goods to reward the soldiers who made meritorious service that day, and at the same time ordered people to record the names of the soldiers who died and died, and ordered people to comfort their families. The rewards were quite generous. It also inspired the perseverance of the soldiers and civilians in the city. If Xu Yi were here, I am afraid that he would be very emotional. History finally did not repeat itself. The situation in Bianliang City and what happened in the history of later generations have undergone earth-shaking changes.

However, Zhao Xu didn't know that while he was here to fight Yan Zongwang's siege, an elite cavalry group of golden soldiers had already bypassed Bianliang City and chased them southeast. up!
He killed Huizong, an old man, but he didn't expect that he was going to escape, but he became the target of the Jin people. During his escape, he even assumed the posture of the emperor on a parade. Surrounded by them, he still has the heart to stop and go to look at the scenery, but he doesn't know that a fierce golden soldier is chasing after him with his tail.

The weather in the early summer was already very sweltering, a group of pampered guys were screaming from the heat, and even the Habayashi soldiers who escorted them were sunburned lazily. If they didn't reach Yingtian Mansion, it can be seen how slow their progress was!

Fate seemed to be a doomed thing. When Huizong was still retreating in the direction of Yingtianfu, he had just walked to Ningling County, and before he reached Ningling County, the official road in the distance behind them finally started to rise A piece of dust, and they should be unlucky. When Huizong, the emperor of the Song Dynasty, fled, there was not even a scout behind him. When the officers and soldiers of the imperial guards saw the yellow dust rising in the distance behind them, they thought about it. They went to send someone to check what happened, but within a short time, the person they sent ran back with a look of panic and reported to the guard general: "Qi...Qi...Master General! A large number of... A large number of golden soldiers are chasing us with their tails..." The scout was pale, and he couldn't even speak well, and he stuttered to report to his general.

After hearing this, the officer of the Forbidden Army shook his head immediately, and almost didn't fall down immediately, his lips trembled immediately, as if he couldn't believe his ears, he hurriedly asked: " say it again! We are behind ...what happened behind?"

The scout spoke sharply now, and reported loudly: "My lord general, there are a large number of banners of golden soldiers behind us, and a golden soldier is chasing us quickly!"

Now General Song no longer suspected that his ears were faulty, so he immediately yelled: "Quickly line up, line up! Stop the golden soldiers and protect the Holy Majesty!"

The rearguard army was in chaos, and the soldiers panicked and dispersed on the official road under the command of their capital. The chaos was like a swarm of headless flies. He rushed forward and sent the news to Tong Guan. He learned that Tong Guan is still Huizong's most trusted subordinate and has become the commander of the army retreating southward.

When the news reached Tong Guan, he was so surprised that he almost pulled off his few beards on the spot. It was strange to say that this guy was a eunuch, and he even had a beard. The commander-in-chief of the Northwest Army was also promoted to be the king of Guangyang County, but now he doesn't look like a county king at all. Like the soldiers of the Song Army behind him, he was also frightened stupid on the spot.

After figuring out that this was not a joke, Tong Guan didn't dare to delay any longer, and immediately informed Zhao Ji who was sitting in the dragon carriage. Poor Zhao Ji, a great artist, a super prodigal son, and the useless Emperor of Song Dynasty, heard about it After the news, there was a cluck on the spot, and he was frightened and fainted in the dragon carriage, unconscious. Tong Guan and others were so frightened that they pinched people and fanned them, and finally saved Huizong. After waking up, Huizong burst into tears. After crying for a long time, he didn't know what to cry. He remembered the ministers asking him to abdicate, and asked for a pen and paper. Zhao Heng!" Then he fainted again with a cluck, never waking up again.

Only then did the ministers realize that Huizong had abdicated at this time, he was too emperor, he was dizzy, and it was time to talk to the new emperor!Poor Prince Zhao Heng, after hearing the news, he was determined not to be the emperor, but he was forced to put on a yellow robe by those ministers, and forced to kneel down and kowtow to him, saying "long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live". Huan Fu ascended the throne.

Poor Zhao Huan is the only emperor in the history of China who ascended the throne like this. Huizong refused to abdicate the throne earlier, and it was not until this time that he abdicated the throne to him, so that he finally sat on the throne and became the emperor of the Song Dynasty Your Majesty, but the golden soldiers were only less than five miles away from their fleeing army.

Comrade Zhao Heng, who has lost his claws, has no idea about this matter. This place in Ma Pingchuan is overtaken by Jin Bing. Of course, their fate can be imagined.

(After thinking about it, it is better to update a chapter with [-] words, so as to save everyone from waiting for the next chapter!)

(End of this chapter)

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