Chapter 584
Just when Xu Yi led thousands of soldiers and horses to rush all the way from Japan to Bohai Bay, the situation on land had developed to an extremely dangerous point.

Wanyan Zonghan's West Route Army sent troops from the clouds, defeated the [-] troops of Zhe Keqiu and Liu Guangshi in succession all the way, defeated them across the board, surrounded Taiyuan Mansion in one fell swoop, and started a continuous siege attack on Taiyuan Mansion .

What was even more surprising to Song Ting Huizong and others was that Wanyan Zongwang's East Route Army spontaneously began to attack Yanshan Mansion. Guo Yaoshi, who was trusted by Tong Guan and guarding Yanshan Mansion, led an army of 30 to meet Wanyan Zongwang. In front of Jin Bing, his army collapsed at the touch of a touch, and it did not play any role at all. As Xu Yi said at the beginning, Guo Yaoshi led his so-called ever-victorious army to transfer the envoy of Yanshan Mansion within a few days after the defeat. Lu Yihao was tied up, made another gorgeous turn, and took refuge in the Kingdom of Jin, and was immediately appointed by the Jin to stay behind in Yanshan Mansion, and served under Wanyan Zongwang's subordinates.

The sudden change made the Song army on Hebei Road defenseless, and Liu Yanqing's soldiers did not respond at all, and were completely defeated by the continuous assault of the Jin soldiers, and fled in all directions, while the officials of the state capitals were frightened. People are in danger, and there are not many people who send troops to intercept Wanyan Zongwang's army.

And Wanyan Zongwang also adopted the strategy offered by Guo Yaoshi, and gave up Zhucheng to attack the state capitals on the Hebei Road. Instead, he led his tens of thousands of troops and began to drive straight in, bypassing the fortified cities of the state capitals, burning and killing all the way without stopping. Looting, using what he got as supplies, rushed towards the Yellow River.

Emergency reports from all over the country flew to Bianliang, Tokyo like a snowflake, completely shocking the entire government and the public, but at this time, Da Song fled back to Bianliang, Tokyo without any sufficient preparations in advance, and Tong Guan, a bastard. , the soldiers and horses throughout the north lost a unified command and deployment, and all the soldiers and horses fell into the chaos of fighting on their own. As long as the army far exceeds the Jin soldiers, most of them will collapse at the first touch. Except for sending a large amount of supplies to the Jin soldiers, it has no effect at all. On the contrary, the Jin soldiers have no shortage of supplies. , More soldiers simply chose to flee before the golden soldiers arrived, without making any resistance at all.

Looking at the urgent reports from the north piled up on the table, Huizong's hands and feet were cold and his lips were trembling. The current situation was completely beyond his expectations and beyond his control. Instead, he simply lay down and made a gesture of resignation. At this time, the court and the public began to be in chaos. Regarding this situation, all the ministers in the court began to point their finger at Huizong's incompetence and his improper employment.

In desperation, Huizong hastily produced an imperial edict of guilt, announcing it to the world, admitting that he was using inhuman beings, and again ordered to stop the distribution of Huashigang from all over the country, and canceled the rented lessons of the Internal and External Manufacturing Bureau and the Xicheng Institute, and sent the Xicheng Institute's lectures to the West City Institute. Including the return of the land to the original owner, the dismissal and reduction of the officials in the Dasheng Mansion, Xingxing Bureau, Jiaofang, and Genyue Palace who were dedicated to serving Huizong's willful entertainment, so as to call on the officers, soldiers and people from all over the country to fight for the king and resist the Jin soldiers' invasion of the south. The imperial edict dispatched the elite from Yongxing Road to summon Yao Gu of the Western Army and the soldiers and horses in the Zhongshi to Hedong Road and Hebei West Road to defend against the invasion of the Jin soldiers. Huizong made a gesture of preparing for resistance for the first time.

However, these things did not stop Jin Bing's footsteps, and it seemed a little too late. Although the local government received the imperial edict to send troops to serve the king, their military equipment is usually weak. Even if they want to send troops, it will take some time to prepare Although officials in a few places were willing to send troops, they could not reach them quickly because of the long distances. Seeing that the Jin soldiers' offensive did not diminish at all, Huizong panicked even more!
What they didn't expect at this time was that the Xixia Kingdom, which had been in peace with the Song Dynasty for several years, actually chose this time to start looting, and provoked trouble at the junction of Xixia and Song Dynasty. The most elite soldiers and horses of the Song Dynasty on Yongxing Road and Qinfeng Road were dragged in place. Although Yao Gu and the Zhongshi had received Huizong's transfer edict, they could not move and could only stay in place. He led his troops to resist the invasion of the Xixia army, and was unable to mobilize troops to the north to fight against the gold. There were still major changes in history, which made the Song Dynasty fall into crisis even more.

After the news reached Bianliang, Tokyo, it caused an uproar even more, because everyone knew that if the soldiers and horses from all walks of life in the Song Dynasty had the most combat effectiveness, they could only be counted as the Zhaoxi Army on Yongxing Road and Qinfeng Road. Because of the tense relationship between the Song Dynasty and Xixia, the soldiers and horses in these two places have not slack in training and equipment, so they still maintain a considerable combat effectiveness, even better than those soldiers and horses of the forbidden army who are pampered in the mainland all day long. There are many elites, but the Xixia Kingdom took advantage of this opportunity to make trouble, and cooperated with the Jin Kingdom to launch an offensive against the Song Dynasty at the same time, completely dragging the Song Army, which is currently the only one that can fight the Jin Bing head-on.

Huizong finally knew that he had brewed a cup of bitter wine himself. In such a big Song Dynasty, he had no way to stop the Jin soldiers. At this moment, Huizong, instigated by a group of people who were greedy for life and afraid of death, had the idea of ​​fleeing south.

Huizong ordered the crown prince Zhao Heng to be the shepherd of Kaifeng and stay behind in Tokyo.

The news had just spread, and it caused an uproar in Bianliang, Tokyo. The ministers who had long held grudges against the extravagant and luxurious Huizong finally couldn't bear it, and began to explode. Many ministers, headed by Wu Min, began to write letters to Huizong, He stood up to prevent Huizong from fleeing south, and said nothing to allow Huizong to leave Bianliang, Tokyo at this critical moment.

Even Prince Zhao Heng was annoyed at the moment, thinking to himself, you old guy, why didn't you think of letting me take power before?Now Jin Bing is about to threaten Tokyo, but you want to leave this mess to me to clean up, let me sit in Bianliang, Tokyo, and you run to the south to seek refuge. Is there such a father in the world?
At this time, King Ji Zhao Xu was completely disappointed with his useless father, so he secretly contacted those princes and ministers who were loyal to the prince Zhao Heng, and expressed his thoughts in a very cryptic manner, and immediately got many ministers. In response to them, a storm began to brew in Bianliang City.

When the situation became more and more tense, and seeing Zongwang's army, led by Guo Yaoshi, attacking the Xingzhou area with great force, Huizong finally couldn't hold back anymore, and summoned the ministers to his hall to discuss matters. Announced that he would leave Beijing today and go to Bozhou for pilgrimage.

"Dear dear friends, now my Great Song Dynasty is being attacked by Dajin and Xixia. In order to keep the country's fortune alive, I plan to set off today and go to Bozhou to pay homage to our ancestors and gods, so as to protect the prosperity of our Great Song Dynasty and think of our century-old foundation. It has not come easily, and I hope that you will help the crown prince here, and government affairs must not be abandoned just because I leave Beijing!" Looking at the civil and military officials gathered below, Huizong expressed his thoughts with some embarrassment.

And Cai You, a group of treacherous people who are greedy for life and afraid of death, immediately shouted long live, flattered them like a cloud, and slapped them over, saying that they were wise and wise, but before their flattery was finished, Minister Wu Min came Chu Lie said angrily: "It's nonsense! Now is the time when the Jin soldiers are aggressively attacking the Song Dynasty. As the lord of the country, how can the Holy One choose to leave Beijing at this moment? At this time, the Holy One should work together with the subjects of the Great Song Dynasty to resist the Jin soldiers' southern invasion. , instead of leaving Beijing and going south to offer incense, otherwise it will definitely chill the hearts of my subjects in the Great Song Dynasty. As a result, the morale of the army will be shaken and the hearts of the people will be lost. Encouraging the Holy Majesty to leave the capital, speaking of you, you are also living on the court's salary, but you have no consideration for the court. It is really a misfortune for the country to have you as a sycophantic minister in the Song Dynasty!
Now that the country is in crisis, the Holy Majesty is really to blame for such a situation. If you want the army and the people of the Song Dynasty to unite as one and fight against the darkness, the ministers have a proposal, please ask the Holy Lord to give the throne to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and make His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. Only when the soldiers and civilians of the world work together to resist foreign humiliation can the danger of our Song Dynasty be relieved!Your Majesty, please think twice! "

As soon as his words fell, Huizong shook his body on the dragon throne a few times as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer. He was stunned by the thunder. Usually, this is an absolute treason, but before he reprimanded Wu Min angrily, many ministers in the court, led by Li Gang, Tang Ke and others, came out of the court and knelt down one after another, begging Huizong to abdicate and Prince Zhao Heng ascended the throne, leading the army and the people to defend against the enemy together!
Li Gang pointed out all kinds of wrongdoings of Huizong, scolded Cai You and other treacherous officials for harming the country and the people, and even begged Huizong to tie up Cai You, Tong Guan and others immediately, leave the Meridian Gate and behead them in public. There was an uproar.

Cai You, Tong Guan and the others were shocked when they heard this, and quickly knelt down and shouted, if Huizong falls, then they will have a difficult life in the future, but at this time, their voices can no longer be suppressed The voices of many ministers, a chaotic scene in the court.

Huizong felt dizzy for a while, and fell headlong on the dragon table on the spot, and fell into a coma. He didn't know whether he was really fainted or faked. Anyway, he was lying down now, and the court meeting couldn't go on. Seeing that Huizong had fainted, and the surrounding Huangmen were in chaos, he helped Huizong down and announced the end of the court meeting, and the meeting will be held after the Holy Majesty wakes up and recovers.

This court meeting completely divided the ministers in the court into two factions, and the matter of Huizong's flight to the south was abandoned, and the matter of Zhao Heng's ascension to the throne was not said, and the whole Tokyo Bianliang was completely messed up.

Zhao Xu stared dumbfounded at this scene in the court hall. He was also the instigator, and it was his idea to encourage all the officials to ask his father to abdicate, but what he didn't expect was that his father was stunned in front of the court, making him The matter was put on hold in this way, not only did not help the prince Zhao Heng to the throne, but the matter became even more out of hand.

Before returning to the palace, he saw a guard rushing over from the direction of the palace, stopped Zhao Xu's sedan chair, and said that he had something important to report to King Ji.

Zhao Xu hurriedly asked him to come over, and the guard delivered an urgent report to Zhao Xu. After receiving it, Zhao Xu immediately started to read it.

The guards on the side didn't know what happened, so they immediately asked the bearers to pick up the sedan chair and rushed back to the palace. After returning to the palace, Zhang Huping retreated to the crowd and waited. Zhao Xu said to Zhang Hu with an angry face: "Hebei On the other hand, our people failed to block the Jin soldiers, Zhang Rong’s troops were defeated by the Jin soldiers, and Zhang Rong was also killed in the rebellious army. The soldiers and horses we managed to build on Hebei Road are completely over!"

Zhang Hu couldn't help being shocked. This Zhang Rong was brought out by him. Under Xu Yi's instruction the year before last, he sent Zhang Rong to carry out activities along Hebei West Road. He gathered more than ten thousand soldiers and horses. When the Jin soldiers attacked the Song Dynasty, they prepared to fight against the Jin. Unexpectedly, Zhang Rong was so ineffective. The power of Hebei Road was lost. The two forces they managed to operate in the north were only Zhang Qing's troops on Jingdong East Road, and the Jinbing invaded southward this time. Hebei West Road, so Jingdong East Road Zhang Qing didn't have time to rush to Hebei West Road to intercept Jin Bing!
So far, the situation has completely entered an irreversible situation.

"By the way! The situation is so critical now, why didn't you listen to the Fubo army?" After being depressed for a while, Zhao Xu suddenly thought of this question.

"Reporting to the lord, I just received the news that the Fubo army has already started to move! However, as far as my subordinates know, that Mr. Xu is still in the country of Japan and has not yet returned. Obviously, I don't know that the Jin soldiers have begun to invade the south, but they are entrenched Thousands of soldiers and horses in Bohai Bay have already started to act first. When the prince went to court this morning, the news from the north said that they sent troops to land in Jizhou area, where they started to fight with the Jin people. The current situation It's not clear, I only know that they caught the Jin people's Jizhou defenders by surprise. As for whether Jizhou was taken down, I don't know! But although they started to act, they basically did not affect the overall situation. It can only serve as a little restraint behind the golden man, but it can't quench the near thirst now!" Zhang Hu replied with a wry smile.

Zhao Xu said angrily: "This damned Xu Ning, oh no, it's Xu Yi who is right, why didn't he go to fight the Wa country sooner or later, why did he choose this time to attack the Wa country? Now is the time to employ people, but his figure I can't find it, it's really hateful!"

Zhang Hu persuaded from the side: "Although Mr. Xu has done a good job in the sea and has considerable strength, the humble official thinks that this time the Jinren sent troops and things happened suddenly. It is also difficult to react so quickly. We have so many Song troops, and we can't stop the Jin people from going south. Besides, they are just a bunch of pirates. How can they stop the Jin people from invading our Song Dynasty? I think we should find a way to contact Luzhou and Hebei as soon as possible. The generals in Weizhou and other places, please His Highness the Crown Prince issue an edict ordering them to stick to the Yellow River ferry area, completely burn down the pontoon bridges on the Yellow River, prevent the Jin soldiers from crossing the river, and contact the soldiers and horses from all over the country to come to serve the king quickly, otherwise, once the Yellow River If the ferry is lost, then Bianliang City will really be in danger!"

Zhao Xuwen felt that it made sense, so he let go of Xu Yi's matter, left the palace in a hurry, and went to the East Palace to meet the crown prince Zhao Heng. Please, Zhao Heng, at this time, don't care about whether he is enthroned, and send people to the Yellow River. North, the liaison guard must resist the golden soldiers no matter what, and cannot let the golden men cross the river. Zhao Heng followed Zhao Xu's suggestion. At this time, he felt that among so many brothers, only this Zhao Xu could still help Go to him, the other brothers are all in shock at this moment, how can they have the leisure to take care of these things!So he paid more attention to the seventh younger brother Zhao Xu who was usually not liked by them princes.

However, things did not proceed as discussed by Zhao Xu and Zhao Heng. Under the leadership of Guo Yaoshi, who was familiar with the situation in the Song Dynasty, Wanyan Zongwang's army advanced far faster than Zhao Xu and others imagined. In the Xingzhou area, except for being intercepted by a group of Song soldiers who looked like militias, they basically did not encounter any organized resistance. , It took only three days to kill Junzhou (Junxian County, Henan Province), and after receiving Zhao Heng's order, Liang Fangping, the guard north of the Yellow River here, originally planned to fight against the Jinbing, but it didn't happen. The speed of coming was so fast. Before his troops were ready, the vanguard of Zongwang's army, led by Guo Yaoshi, went to Junzhou and arrived in front of them.

Liang Fangping and these Song soldiers are simply a group of soldiers who have never been trained, and they only know how to do nothing all day long. Even if they were killed, they would never expect that they would be far away from the northern border, and there would be a day when they would go into battle with swords to meet the Jin soldiers. Liang Fangping is even more of a Waste dim sum, when he saw the golden soldiers appearing in front of them, he panicked even more than the soldiers below. More than 2 Song soldiers had no time to make any resistance in front of the two thousand golden soldiers, so they were shot by the golden soldiers Charge, completely collapse.

Liang Fangping took the lead and jumped onto the Yellow River pontoon bridge, retreating towards the south bank. The entire pontoon bridge ferry was in complete chaos. Knowing how many people were squeezed into the Yellow River and became drowned ghosts, more Song soldiers began to flee in all directions, and the entire Junzhou Yellow River Floating Bridge Ferry fell into the hands of Guo Yaoshi and other golden soldiers.

After Liang Fangping jumped across the pontoon bridge, he found that the Jin soldiers had already killed to the north end of the bridge. Shocked, he ordered to cut off the pontoon bridge. The Song army on the road actually turned against each other and fought with the south bank defenders who were trying to break the bridge. Even the Song army on the south bank was overwhelmed by these routs who fled desperately. After a large number of routs rushed to the south bank, they did not wait Going to cut off the pontoon bridge, the Jin soldiers chased them down on the pontoon bridge, completely changing the war history of later generations. At least in history, when the Jin soldiers invaded south, the pontoon bridge was set on fire by the Song army, so that the Jin soldiers could only rely on it. Some small boats collected by the river crossed the river, which delayed the Jin soldiers for several days and gave Bianliang City a few more days to strengthen its defenses. But now everything has changed, and the Jin soldiers captured the Yellow River in Junzhou almost effortlessly. pontoon.

When Wanyan Zongwang drove the main force to the Junzhou pontoon ferry, even he couldn't believe his eyes, there was actually a complete Yellow River pontoon in front of him. It's really unbelievable. I can't even figure out why the Song people are so stupid. They didn't even cut off the only passage connecting the north and the south, and threw it to them so that they could swagger across the Yellow River. This thing is too ridiculous. Bar!

When the broken soldiers sent the news back to Bianliang City, Bianliang became even more chaotic. The dignitaries and civilians who were pampered here also panicked. Some people wrapped their belongings and began to flee from Bianliang City. People of backbone began to flock to the streets to demand to fight against the enemy with the defenders, and the imperial city became even more hectic. Huizong didn't dare to waste any time, and ordered to pack up the soft things overnight and lead people to escape from Bianliang City.

Not only Huizong was packing up his things and wanting to flee, but those timid and fearful ministers like Cai You were also busy at home, starting to pack up their belongings and planning to flee the city together in the name of escorting them. He made a plan to escape from Bianliang City.

After the news reached Zhao Xu's ears, Zhao Xu was furious when he heard it. He pulled out the sword from his waist and angrily split the table in front of him in half. All fragments.

"I'm going to kill that Liang Fangping myself!" Zhao Xu roared in rage.

After Zhang Hu heard the movement in the house, he ran into the room immediately, with the same expression of anger on his face. No one thought that this damn Liang Fangping even lost the Yellow River floating bridge, and shamelessly brought a bunch of routs. The soldiers fled back to Bianliang city to report the news, and now even Zhang Hu has the heart to eat this guy alive.

"Follow me to the prince's mansion immediately, and ask the prince to come forward and kill this damned Liang Fangping, turn the tide, and organize the soldiers and civilians of Bianliang City to defend against the enemy together!" Zhao Xu said angrily, and after finishing speaking, he raised his leg and walked out of the house.

At this time, the entire Bianliang street was in chaos. Refugees who fled into Bianliang from the north crowded the streets and alleys. At this time, a group of young and strong people who acted quickly and vigorously walked in the opposite direction, took advantage of the chaos and entered the city of Bianliang, split up against the current, and walked quickly towards the direction of King Ji's mansion. When they appeared in front of Prince Ji's Mansion, they were immediately stopped by the guards of Prince Ji's Mansion.

The leader raised his head and said to the gatekeeper: "Please tell me that Mr. Xu's servant Li Bo of Hangzhou is begging to see His Royal Highness King Ji..."

(End of this chapter)

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