Great Song Pirate

Chapter 583 Everyone's Responsibility

Chapter 583 Everyone's Responsibility
After hearing Shui Sheng's words, Xu Yi's heart sank immediately, and he hurriedly asked: "Let me ask you again, who is the general who is stationed in Yanshan Mansion?" Xu Yi suddenly remembered a very important matter. Xu wrote to him, asking him to pay attention to the guards of Yanshan Mansion, and try his best to persuade the old man Huizong to replace the Liao generals Guo Yaoshi and others stationed there, and replace them with Song generals, at least to ensure that the Jin people will not get a lot The accomplices of the rebellion can also stop Jin Bing for a while, and buy Song a little time to react!But after the year he sent troops to the Wa country, he didn't know how the matter was going.

Shuisheng thought for a while, and immediately replied: "The magistrate of Yanshan Prefecture is Wang Anzhong, the Tongzhi is Guo Yaoshi, and the transfer envoy is Lu Yihao!" Answered.

Xu Yi was shocked when he heard this, and he jumped up and said, "The Great Song Dynasty is in danger! The Great Song Dynasty is in danger!"

Seeing Xu Yi's panic, Gao Jun consoled him: "My lord, don't get angry like this. Although the Kingdom of Jin aggressively invaded the south, there are not many soldiers in the northern part of the Great Song Dynasty. There is Liu Yanqing's army on Hebei Road, and Zhongzhong Army on Hedong Road. With more than [-] men and horses, even if the Jin men attacked Song, it would not be so easy!"

Xu Yi smiled wryly and shook his head: "Gao Jun's words are different. The Song army has a lot of redundant soldiers, and they dragged their families along to march and fight. We all know what kind of combat power they have, and the Jin people have been fighting for more than ten years. They are all fierce soldiers who grow up immediately. Now is the time when they are strong and strong. Don't look at the Song army outnumbering the Jin soldiers, but how can they be the opponents of the Jin soldiers, and what I said is that the Song Dynasty is dangerous. They are talking about this Guo Yaoshi, Xiao Jianfeng should be familiar with this person! Can you tell me about this person's situation?"

When Xiao Jianfeng heard what Xu Yi said to him, he quickly got up and said angrily: "Guo Yaoshi is an out-and-out villain. Back then, Daliao recruited a resentful army to defend against the Jin people, so he took him as the commander. He led the resentful army not only did not want to resist the gold, but repeatedly made troubles. Later, after being recruited, he did not think about repaying, but instead led the army to join the Song Dynasty. According to Chen Bing's Yanshan Mansion, from his humble position, I am afraid that Yanshan Mansion is no longer safe at this time, and maybe this person will turn against the Jin people, the Lord must have seen this person's face clearly, so there will be Da Song sighs with emotion at the danger! Da Song appointed this person to stay in Yanyun and other places, it seems that it is really a big foolish trick!"

Only then did everyone know why Xu Yi said that, but everyone was a little strange. Xu Yi rarely walked on land, so why was he so familiar with this Guo pharmacist in Yanshan Mansion in the northern Xinjiang?But at this time, no one would go to the bottom to find out about this matter, and everyone's thoughts began to focus on the matter of the Jin people's invasion of the south.

Because Shuisheng had left the mainland for a long time, Xu Yi couldn't find much useful information from him, so he ordered him to go down to rest, and began to count the things in front of him.

Now he has just captured Dazaifu in West Kaido, and captured Dazaifu commander Fujiwara Jun and other officials. Basically, he has controlled the situation in West Kaido. Come on, as long as there is another one or two months, as long as the reinforcements sent by the Japanese country are completely defeated, with his strength and the strength of the servant army, there is still no big problem in controlling Kyushu Island, but it happened at this time. After this incident, his original plan was completely disrupted.

The early southward invasion of the Jin people was a big trouble for him. Now he is caught in a dilemma. If he immediately raises his troops and returns to the Song Dynasty, he will give up the good prospects he has finally built in the country of Wa. However, If Da Song is left alone, but he feels that his conscience is really uneasy. After all, Da Song is Han. Now that he has come to this era, he doesn't want to just watch the Han people being ravaged by the Jurchens in the north. Thousands of years of Chinese civilization have been destroyed under such catastrophes. The Great Song Dynasty was at fault, but the fault was on the royal families like Huizong, not on the people of the Great Song Dynasty. Besides, the most politically enlightened people in all dynasties and dynasties are probably the most enlightened We can only count the Zhao family in the Song Dynasty, otherwise, the civilization of the Han people would never have been pushed to the extreme in this dynasty.

The generals looked at Xu Yi bowed his head in silence, with worried expressions on his face, and began to discuss again. At this time, the opinions of the generals began to disagree, and some people headed by Yang Zaixing decided to go back as soon as possible to raise troops. Prepare equipment, and do something for Da Song if you can do something for Da Song. You can't just watch the Jin people bully Da Song. After all, they are all Song people. Xu Yi never changed their identity for them until On the way to Japan, Xu Yi kept ordering people to engrave the words of the Great Song Fubo Army on the islands they passed by in the Ryukyu Islands. Therefore, although they were generals of the Fubo Army, they still recognized the fact that they were still from the Song Dynasty.

However, Lin Xiong and other generals of the navy became representatives of the opposing side, angrily complaining about the faults of the Song Dynasty court and Huizong's old man, and opposing returning to the army. Their reasons are also very good. For several months, they have spent so much effort , finally took down the Dazaifu of Xikaidao in the country of Japan, and now returning to the teacher can be said to be a waste of all previous efforts, which is tantamount to completely giving up on a good future. They are the Fubo army, not the soldiers of the Song Dynasty. It's better to get some benefits in the Wa country and consolidate the power of the Fubo army, or it's not worth going back now!
The two sides were muttering and arguing below. Gradually, both sides raised their voices. From the debate to the quarrel, one and two held their own opinions and expressed their opinions one after another, accusing each other of their faults. He also joined the quarreling battle group, and urged the troops to go back quickly, so that the Jinren can see how powerful the Fubo Army is!He has never forgotten the fact that the Liao Kingdom was destroyed by the Jin people. Now that the Song Dynasty is being attacked by the Jin people, he naturally wants to take this opportunity to take advantage of the strength of the Fubo army to clean up the Jin people and replace them. Get revenge.

The hall is very lively now, the sound of quarreling can be said to be shaking the roof tiles, and the noisy guards outside are all poking their heads in to look around. I don’t know why these generals, who are usually brothers and sisters, suddenly quarreled .

Xu Yi started to think about this matter only for himself, he didn't care about the arguments of the generals below, he was always weighing the matter at hand, trying to find a way to have the best of both worlds, but after thinking about it, he was quarreled by these guys below The noise couldn't be quiet anymore, and when I opened my eyes, I saw a group of people with red faces and thick necks arguing below, so their faces immediately sank.

"Presumptuous!" Xu Yi was rarely really angry, grabbed the teacup on the table, and threw it heavily on the ground in front of the table, shards of tea splashed everywhere, and roared at the same time.

With Xu Yi's anger, the following people who were arguing immediately realized what this place was. Usually they were used to being casual in front of Xu Yi, and they were a little carried away, but when Xu Yi became angry today, they immediately realized their own They quickly knelt down and claimed that they were guilty, asking Xu Yi to punish them.

Xu Yi looked at the group of people with pouting buttocks below, and reprimanded them in a deep voice with anger on his face: "How decent is it? You guys, if you have an idea, you can tell me, why are you arguing down there? Is there a lord like me?"

After hearing this, the generals below knew that Xu Yi was really angry, and they didn't dare to take a breath. They bowed their heads again and pleaded guilty, asking Xu Yi to punish him.

Seeing their respectful attitude, Xu Yi calmed down a little, and waved his hands: "Get up and talk to me, don't quarrel with me anymore, this matter happened suddenly, let me think about it for a while, you guys first Go on, no one is allowed to spread this news again, so as not to cause confusion below, after I think it over, I will naturally tell you what to do! Ma Zhe stays, I have something to ask you! The rest of the people retreat, Rest when you should rest, search what should be searched, restrain your subordinates, and stop killing wantonly!"

Everyone hurriedly got up to leave, and left the lobby one after another. They went back to do what they should do. Only Ma Zhe was left behind by Xu Yi, and the two discussed it.

"Mr. Ma, how do you deal with this matter?" After seeing the silence in the lobby, Xu Yi stood up and walked towards the backyard. Ma Zhe followed him step by step, and Xu Yi asked him.

Ma Zhe carefully pondered Xu Yi's thoughts secretly. He guessed some of Xu Yi's thoughts just now by looking at Xu Yi's face, so he replied carefully: "The humble staff thinks that this matter should not be too impatient. If If the lord wants to come back to help Da Song, we need to settle the matter here first, otherwise, our previous efforts will be wasted!"

Xu Yi nodded: "That's right, you are very smart, and you can see my thoughts. Although we are not generals of the Song Dynasty and do not eat the salary of the Song Dynasty, in the final analysis, we cannot take off the clothes of the Song people. As the saying goes, when the country is in trouble, everyone is responsible! No matter who we are, when the country is in crisis, we should temporarily put aside those trivial matters and consider whether we can do something for the Song Dynasty. I don’t want to Helping the faint king of the Song Dynasty, it is the people of the Song Dynasty who suffer the most from the disaster of swords and soldiers, not those powerful people. As for those powerful people, they deserve to suffer a little bit. The reason for this situation is that they, the people in power, cannot escape the blame , I just want to do something for the people of Song Dynasty! Don't think that I will cling to the court and take the opportunity to get officials to do it!"

After Ma Zhe heard Xu Yi's words, he immediately said: "It's good to say that everyone is responsible for the country's troubles. It's a good statement! The lord is so high-spirited and upright that Ma feels ashamed. As for the lord's job of being an official, he won't be so humble. After thinking about it, now the lord is all over the world, and there are few opponents. With the strength of the Fubo army, why bother to work for the court? Naturally, the lord will not think so! It's just that what the generals said just now is also reasonable. It's just the starting point of the matter. It’s just different, the quarrel is only for the good of our Fubo army, please calm down, my lord!”

Xu Yi smiled and said: "You worry too much, it's okay, I know what they think, I'm just in a dilemma now, if I leave now, all my previous efforts will be wasted, if I don't leave, my conscience will be disturbed, you have more ideas, see if there is anything that can be both A good idea?"

The two walked to a gazebo in the backyard, and after sitting down, Ma Zhe said with a smile: "Humble job really has an idea..."

Immediately after Fujiwara Toshi surrendered, he was thrown into the prison in Dazaifu, and was closely guarded, and no one gave them food. After starving for a whole day, he felt miserable and regretted. How would Bo Jun deal with them, so he yelled at Mu Teng in the cell next door, saying that he had listened to him, and now he could not survive but die.

Muto Hirobumi bowed his head and said nothing, now he didn't know how the Fubo army would treat them, so he had to let Fujiwara Jun abuse them.

Toshi Fujiwara cursed for a while and felt dizzy from hunger, so he fell down and sat on the wet and foul-smelling ground, gasping for breath, when suddenly a few soldiers in armor came in from outside, opened the cell door, and Fujiwara Jun dragged him out, and put him out of the prison. Fujiwara Jun was so frightened that he thought he was going to be dragged out and chopped up, and he immediately relaxed again.

In the end, things didn't seem to be as bad as he had imagined. The soldiers of the Fubo Army sent him all the way to a clean room, gave him some food, and then retreated to the side.

Seeing that there was something to eat, Jun Fujiwara thought to himself that he might not be trying to kill him, so he relaxed a little bit, looked at the food, swallowed for a while, then started to eat without caring about what else was being served.

As soon as they put down the bowls and chopsticks, a few people stepped into the room. The leader looked very young, but he had an extraordinary bearing, with a vague air of superiority and arrogance. Fujiwara Jun was also a person with more experience. Then he saw that this person must be the one who made the decision, so he quickly wiped his oily mouth with his sleeve and stood up.

"Master Dazai Shuai, Xu is so polite. I have surprised Mr. Taizai these two days, please forgive me!" Xu Yi greeted Fujiwara Toshi to sit down and talk with a haha.

Fujiwara Jun looked at Xu Yi in surprise, didn't dare to say anything, and quickly sat down on his knees, but someone brought Xu Yi a chair. After Xu Yi sat down, Fujiwara Jun seemed to kneel down for Xu Yi It was normal, which made Fujiwara Jun very embarrassed.

"I think Mr. Tai Shuai must not know my identity, so let me introduce myself first. I am the commander of the Fubo Army. My surname is Xu and my name is Yi! I think you probably hate me, don't you?" ?” Xu Yi said to Fujiwara Jun with a mocking smile.

A translator immediately translated Xu Yi's words to Fujiwara. Fujiwara Jun thought about the anger of the Fubo Army these days, and his face was very bad, so he was so angry that he raised his head and said angrily to Xu Yi: "Why are you so angry? Do you want to treat our Yamato country like this? Our Yamato country has never offended you, why did you come to us from a thousand miles away, burning, killing, and looting?"

Xu Yi looked at the furious Fujiwara Toshi, and said with a sneer, "I don't think I need to explain this to you. Anyway, you won't understand. Our identities are pirates, and what we do is robbery. It's the same to rob everyone. Can’t come to your Yamato country? I don’t need to ask about this matter again. We didn’t intend to deal with you in such a way, but you cheated and killed thousands of my subordinates. , all of this was caused by yourself, no wonder we are here to retaliate against you! No more nonsense, I just want to ask you a question, do you want to live or die?"

After hearing Xu Yi's words, Fujiwara Jun's face turned green and pale, and the other party didn't reason with him at all, so what else could he say?And now he asked bluntly that he wanted to die and live, so he immediately let go of the little courage he had just summoned up. After hesitating for a while, he stared at Xu Yi and asked, "How do you say this? Why do you want to die or live? "

Xu Yi stared coldly into Fujiwara Jun's eyes, making Fujiwara Jun shiver involuntarily, and quickly shrunk his neck. No matter what, he felt that he and this pirate leader named Xu Yi had a blood feud, but he just couldn't figure it out. question.

After Xu Yi saw Fujiwara's reaction, he said, "This matter is simple. If you want to die, you don't have to listen to me. I'll let someone pull you out now. Just chop it up. It's very easy!"

Fujiwara Jun felt a chill on his neck, so he quickly asked, "What if I don't want to die? What do you want me to do?"

Xu Yi sat up straight and said with a slight smile: "If you don't want to die, it's easy. To tell you the truth, we've already taken revenge on you, and now we don't want to continue to kill. I want to do something with you." A deal, if you agree, we will leave here, you will continue to be your Dazai handsome, and our previous affairs will be exposed, do you want to hear it?"

Fujiwara Junwen felt a little unbelievable, so he nodded and said: "General, if you have something to say, just say it clearly, let's see if I can do it!"

"Well! It seems that you are still a person who is very knowledgeable about current affairs, so this kind of thing will be easy to handle. We have been out for so long, and we feel a little bored, but if we leave like this, we are a little bit unwilling. After all, we came here Once, I finally laid down your Xikaidao, so it seems unreasonable to just give up and go back. I am very embarrassed! So I thought, if you can still be the Dazai here in the future, if you can reach an agreement with us, If you pay us some offerings every year, this business can be done. We are looking for profit but not for money. You continue to be your Dazai handsome, and I will go back and continue to be my pirate. As long as you promise to give us a certain amount of offerings every year, Then I can take our people away and return this Dazaifu to you, are you willing?" Xu Yi said to Fujiwara with a smile.

After listening to Xu Yi's words, Fujiwara felt a little ecstatic. Such words are really a good thing. After all, he has already been defeated, and the defeated general must pay a price. , can things be this cheap?Besides, I am a handsome Dazai, if I pay tribute to a bunch of pirates every year in the future, wouldn't it be ridiculous to say it?This face seems a bit unreasonable!
Seeing the changing cloudiness on Jun Fujiwara's face, Xu Yi knew that he was engaged in an ideological struggle, so he went on to say: "You don't have to agree, then we might as well stay and not go, anyway, we will settle down wherever we go, stay here It's not bad here, we can still beat your Yamato country from time to time, we don't care, and I also know that the relationship between your Fujiwara family and your bird Shirakawa is not harmonious, Shirakawa forced your Fujiwara clan There is no way out, the territory that is really still in your hands, I am afraid that there are not many other places besides this Xikaidao! If you lose this place again, I am afraid that your Fujiwara family will have a really hard time in the future! I'm thinking about your Fujiwara family, think about it for yourself, anyway, I'm not in a hurry, just wait for your Emperor Shirakawa to send troops over, we are confident that we are not afraid of his soldiers, and it doesn't matter if we kill more, but you are afraid that in the future There will be no more chances!"

After finishing speaking, Xu Yi got up and took Li Bo, Ma Zhe and others to leave. Toshi Fujiwara was in a hurry. He was worried that once Xu Yi left this room, he might be dragged out and have his head chopped off. , So I didn't dare to hold on any longer, and shouted: "Wait a minute, General, I agree, but I don't know how much the General wants me to give you every year?"

Only then did Xu Yi stop, and smiled. He had played a lot of psychological warfare, and now that he was in a strong position, of course he could do whatever he wanted, so he turned around and handed Fujiwara a piece of paper, and Fujiwara accepted it tremblingly. He came over, opened his eyes and immediately widened his eyes...

Two days later, after Xu Yi reached an agreement with Jun Fujiwara, he really started to withdraw his troops from Dazaifu as promised, and transported the carloads of belongings to the wharf of Hakata Port, and loaded them on the ships separately. Accompanied by him, he respectfully went to Hakata Port to see Xu Yi off in person. After watching the fleet of the Fubo Army start to set sail and slowly sail away from Hakata Bay, Toshi Fujiwara breathed a sigh of relief, please God It's easy to send God away, but now that the killing gods have finally left here, it's time for him to clean up the mess, but what makes him depressed is that this damned Xu Yi actually left him with a big problem, his own The soldiers and horses were dispersed, but Saburo Takeuchi was left to him, and he was forced to appoint Takeuchi as the master soldier, Dazaifu Shaoer, to assist him in controlling the entire West Kaido. Hoop it?

He looked down on Zhu Nei at all, and he hated Qiu Rong, the seller of Zhu Nei, but under Xu Yi's coercion, he had no choice but to say what Xu Yi said and what he promised, otherwise they would be killed by the Fubo Army. He won't leave here, and his family and Muto's family are also in danger. As a last resort, he can only agree to all Xu Yi's requests, and only wants to send these plague gods away as soon as possible. He said that he was really terrified by the terrible combat power of the Fubo Army. He had never seen such a way of fighting. He gathered more than 2 soldiers and horses, and tens of thousands of people died in the battle with the Fubo Army. The rest were beaten and fled in all directions, but the Fubo army paid the price of less than 1000 casualties, and most of the casualties were Takeuchi's servants, and the main force basically suffered little loss. He didn't expect such a terrible combat power at all. Although the Fubo army has already started to leave here, he dare not even have the idea of ​​tearing up the contract. He is afraid that he will annoy the Fubo army again and provoke them back At that time, I am afraid that I will never have such a good life again.

After watching the huge fleet of the Fuba Army leave Hakata Bay, Fujiwara Toshi immediately rushed back to the ransacked Dazaifu under the supervision of Takeuchi, immediately repaired a letter, and sent someone to send it to Heianjing immediately. He lied that he had defeated the Skeleton Army in the Chikuzen Kingdom, and now that the Skeleton Army has been completely defeated, Xikaidou has relieved the threat. At the same time, he wrote another book and sent it to his father, Fujiwara Sutra, explaining the situation, please Fujiwara Sutra Lie must prevent Shirakawa from sending troops to Dazaifu. With their current strength, Takeuchi's servant army may not be able to stop Shirakawa's army.

Xu Yi was too lazy to care about Fujiwara Jun's busy schedule. Before leaving Dazaifu, he had already discussed with the generals all night and discussed the next action plan.

Before leaving the Dazaifu, Xu Yi convened a discussion with the generals, and angrily reprimanded Lin Xiong and other generals who opposed returning troops to rescue the Song Dynasty. I blame you for thinking like this. After all, you are all from poor backgrounds, and you have received a lot of bullying from the government, but I also want you to remember that no matter where you go or what you do, you must not forget your identities. We are all Han people, and it was the people of the Song Dynasty who raised us. Although we do not submit to the control of the imperial court, we cannot just watch the people of the Song Dynasty being trampled by the iron hooves of the Jurchens! There are still countless of you living in the land of the Song Dynasty Brothers, sisters, fathers and folks, don't you have the heart to watch them being slaughtered and ruined by the golden man?
I don't know if you can tolerate it, but me!I, Xu Yi, will never tolerate such a thing happening!No matter who is in charge of the court, if we are in a hurry, we can rebel against him, but we will never allow those golden men to ravage our compatriots!When the country is in trouble, everyone is responsible!No matter why we did this business, the fact that we are Song people cannot be forgotten!
Please remember what I said today, we are not working for the court, we are working for the people of the Song Dynasty!If you don't want to follow me to fight the Jinren, you can!Stand up now, I won't blame you, you can turn to Liuqiu Island and watch how I lead my troops to kill the golden soldiers!Is there anyone who doesn't want to go?It's not too late to speak out!Otherwise, when they return to the land, those who dare not fight before will be killed without mercy!I, Xu, will do what I say today! "

After saying these words, Xu Yi went to inspect the generals below. Lin Xiong and other generals who opposed returning troops to aid the Song Dynasty two days ago, after hearing Xu Yi's words, their faces were flushed with shame, and they all bowed down. But Yang Zaixing, Gao Jun and other generals who advocated returning to the Song Dynasty looked at Xu Yi with eager eyes and reverence. Xu Yi's words really touched their hearts. The matter was suffocating, and now they finally understood Xu Yi's thoughts, and each of them admired Xu Yi from the bottom of their hearts.

Lin Xiong couldn't stand it any longer, he came out and bowed in front of Xu Yi, and said in a rough voice: "My lord! Don't say it! I, Lin Xiong, am about to be embarrassed to death today. I didn't think so much at the time. I only thought about not giving my life to the imperial court, and I didn't think about it at all. After listening to the lord's words today, I finally understood that the lord is definitely not as short-sighted as us big bastards. Lin Xiong has no other skills, but he is dying. He is willing to follow the lord on the saddle and horse back, and go to fight the Jinren. We were also raised by our parents, and our parents are also from the Song Dynasty. We can't look at the people of the Song Dynasty like this Ruined by the golden man! My lord, just give orders, even if Lin Xiong is to fight the golden soldiers alone, if I say no, I will be considered a son of a bitch!"

Without waiting for Xu Yi to speak to Lin Xiong, the other generals who did not agree to return to the army also came out and knelt down and pleaded guilty: "I have made a mistake! My lord, please punish me! My lord is willing to go to land with my lord to fight to the death with the Jin soldiers, and I must not It has fallen into the name of our Fubo army!"

And Yang Zaixing, the main fighters, also knelt down one after another, and shouted in unison: "I am willing to follow the lord to the death! Fight to the death with Jin Bing!"

In the lobby, everyone knelt down and shouted: "I am willing to fight to the death with the lord and the Jinren!" Everyone's voice echoed in the lobby for a long time, until everyone felt excited.

Xu Yi was completely relieved now, he was afraid that the return of troops to aid the Song Dynasty would cause conflicts among the generals under his command. The reason why the Fubo Army has grown to such an extent after such a long time is because of these brothers The unity of the Fubo army depends on the unity of the people of the Fubo army to develop to such a scale. Once there is a gap because of this matter, even if he wants to do something big in the future, I am afraid that the internal contradictions alone will be enough to make it difficult for him to move forward. But now he doesn't have to worry. After all, they are a group of passionate men. With his encouragement, these people finally reached an agreement, and things will be much easier in the future!

When the shouts of the generals calmed down, Xu Yi held them up with both hands, and said: "With everyone's words, Xu will be relieved. Now that the country is in crisis, if the people of Song Dynasty have you like this If you have the courage, how can you worry about the unhappiness of the Song Dynasty? It is my great fortune to have your help, Xu Yi, and I am here to thank everyone!"

After unifying the opinions, the remaining things will be much easier to handle. After some discussion, everyone began to prepare nervously.

In the same night, Li Bo took his poisonous snake team and left Dazaifu quietly at night. He chose the fastest ship in the fleet to board the ship, sailed out of Hakata Bay, and became the first group to return to the Song Dynasty. Basically, no one knows why Li Bo returned to the country early. This matter was completely arranged by Xu Yi in private, so only Li Bo and the closest people know about it. What is the purpose of rushing back this trip ahead of time.

When the army withdrew to the pier and all the valuables were transferred to the ship, the fleet sailed out of Hakata Bay and immediately divided into two teams. Kong Qingxi and Wang Feng led a sub-team full of belongings and left the big ship. The team turned to the south and drove back to Tanegashima along the coast of Xikaido, where a large number of property and slaves looted from the countries of Xikaido were stored there, and they needed to be transferred back to the chicken coop and village on Liuqiu Island as soon as possible. The placement of Danshui Village, otherwise, if it is left behind, it will be a waste of time. Although their trip to the Wa Kingdom was abandoned halfway because of the war between the Song and Jin Dynasties, they did not do their best, but at least this time The battle against the Japanese kingdom was quite fruitful. Not only did they plunder a large amount of gold and silver treasures, but they also acquired a large amount of food, craftsmen, women, etc., which greatly enriched the financial resources and manpower of the Fubo army, and laid a solid foundation for Fubo for a long time to come. Army expenditures are well stocked.

And Xu Yi looked at the Kyushu Island that was gradually moving away, and his heart was full of regrets. The time was too short, otherwise he might really turn the country upside down. He is quite sure that he will not be able to go to the sea. It is all caused by this damn golden man. The good situation he managed to create can only be ended in such a hasty way. Xu Yi feels angry when he thinks about it. Even more annoyed.

On this return voyage, Xu Yi did not take the route of the Ryukyu Islands. Instead, he chose to go directly to the west and arrive at the Bohai Bay as quickly as possible. The team and soldiers returned to Liuqiu Island to rest and prepare, so they could only use the method of dividing the troops into two ways to return to land as soon as possible.

He returned to the voyage this time, leaving the most elite ships in the fleet with him, and Yang Zaixing, the infantry, and most of the jumping helpers and archers in the fleet returning to Liuqiu Island stayed in his fleet. Eight thousand soldiers and horses got up, and the rest were handed over to Wang Feng and Kong Qingxi to serve as the transport team back to Liuqiu Island.

For him, the current situation couldn't be worse. This time, they went all the way to fight the Western Kaido. The various firearms in the fleet were consumed a lot, and the situation of the infantry was even worse. During the Battle of Dazaifu, because they did not expect such an accident to happen, in order to reduce casualties, they used firearms to bombard the city of Dazaifu regardless of the cost. The ammunition was less than one-tenth of what it was when it arrived, and the arrows left were very limited. In this way, their future combat power was greatly weakened, and their greatest advantage was greatly affected. The most important thing is food and grass, and the captured food loaded on each ship is enough for them to eat for a year without any problem.

But right now they don't have time to go back to Liuqiu Island or Dulong Island to replenish supplies. Everything can only be done step by step. At this time, Xu Yi has no choice.

(Today, there will be a chapter of [-] words, the trip to Japan is over, leave a mess for the Emperor and the Fujiwara family! If you enjoy watching it, please continue to support it! Feel free to count tickets, anything! Haha! )
(End of this chapter)

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