Great Song Pirate

Chapter 522 Pseudo Korean Pirates

Chapter 522 Pseudo Korean Pirates

"How many ships and pirates are there from the skeleton pirates who attacked your Black Island this time? You can't even figure out how many of them there are!" Fujiwara Toshi asked Oshimaemon angrily. .

"My lord general, the skeleton army going to attack our Black Island this time must have at least 1000 to [-] ships, and the number of them is not less than a few thousand. All of them are very fierce. I only have [-] people, and I am not their opponent at all!" Oshimaemon hurriedly replied that he still exaggerated the strength of the Fuba army, so that his guilt would be less.

Fujiwara Toshi waved his hand to make Oshima retreat, and then asked the officials in the hall, "How do you think we should deal with this matter?"

A Wei Zuo named Xiaochuan Deren put his hands on the ground, and said to Fujiwara Junjin, "I think this time the skeleton pirates must have come to avenge the pirates they used to. The skeleton pirates have just come here, and their foothold is not yet stable. We should immediately mobilize a large number of ships and soldiers to go to a decisive battle and wipe them out in one fell swoop, so as to avoid future troubles. Otherwise, in time, these new pirates will definitely die Using the Black Island as their home base, another large-scale raid on our coastal countries will definitely cause us huge losses. If they are allowed to disperse and regain a foothold on our coast, it will be very difficult for us to conquer them in the future. It will be much more difficult! Maybe they will be like the skeleton pirates before, making it difficult for us to destroy them. You must know that we wiped them out last time, but it took a huge amount of troops. I hope you will make up your mind early!"

His words immediately attracted the second opinion of many officials and assistants, who agreed with his opinion, and asked Fujiwara Jun to make up his mind as soon as possible to wipe out the skeleton pirates who came this time in one fell swoop, so as not to cause greater losses.

Fujiwara Jun said with some embarrassment: "Everyone is right, but there is still a group of Koryo pirates who are also active in our West Kaido area. If we recruit a large number of ships and soldiers to fight against skeleton pirates, I am afraid that this group of Korean pirates will threaten us. The safety of this place makes it impossible for us to look after each other!"

The man from Ogawa immediately went on to say: "Master Quan Shuai, although there are still such Koryo pirates haunting our Western Kaido area, after all, they are much smaller in number, and they also happen to be haunting the Hizen country area. As long as we Immediately mobilize the ships, depart from the seaport here, just passing the Goto Islands, just in time to wipe them out in one fell swoop, if the Koryo pirates dare to offend my Yamato again, then we will ask the Emperor Tianhe to mobilize the whole country's troops and horses, before we wipe out the pirates. After we got rid of these skeleton pirates, we went to Koryo to punish them and raise the prestige of our country!"

Fujiwara Jun bowed his head and thought for a while, so he also made up his mind. If these two groups of pirates are not eliminated, the Kyushu Island under the jurisdiction of Dazaifu will inevitably have no peace. Place: "This time the skeleton pirates came to retaliate, we must have made sufficient preparations, so we can't be careless. When we wiped out the skeleton pirates last time, we encountered their tenacious resistance, which caused us a lot. In order to deal with the loss, I ordered that all parts of the West Kaido immediately recruit elite soldiers and ships to gather at Bozu Port in Satsuma. In addition, I quickly sent an order to Miyamoto Koji who was stationed in Tanegashima, ordering him to send ships to patrol Tanegashima and Yakushima. Be careful Attacked by skeleton pirates, Taro Yamamoto of the Osumi Kingdom was ordered to send ships to support Miyamoto, and the fleets of the Bungzen Kingdom and the Bungo Kingdom must arrive here within five days, and together with the ships of the Chikuzen Kingdom, go to the Hizen Kingdom. By the way, wipe out those Korean pirates in one fell swoop!"

After hearing Fujiwara Toshi's order, the officials in the hall immediately leaned over to receive the order, then exited Dazaifu and began to send orders to prepare to go.

Putting aside the busy work of the Japanese, two fast boats sailed rapidly on the sea south of the Goto Islands in the Hizen Kingdom, always maintaining visual contact with the northern islands to prevent getting lost, and the sailors on board patrolled non-stop. Looking at the dots of boats appearing on the sea, they came out of Cancer Island this time to go to the Wudao Islands to find Fang Shu's fleet. When they tortured the Japanese prisoners a few days ago, they didn't ask Fang Shu. As for the whereabouts of the book fleet, I heard from them that a relatively small group of Koryo pirates appeared in the area around the Wudao Islands.

After Xu Yi heard about it, Dang even laughed: "This Fang Shu has learned to be cunning in the past two years. Even after receiving my order, he led a team to trouble the Japanese, but he didn't forget to give the Koreans a hand. Fill in some trouble, it is clear that he is blaming the Koreans. This guy seems to want to provoke the relationship between the Japanese and Korean countries! Not bad! It is quite thoughtful! This also just makes the Japanese relax their attitude towards them. Be vigilant, it seems that Fang Shu is getting smarter and smarter!"

Xu Yi immediately ordered Sun Hai to send a ship to the Wudao Islands to find the whereabouts of Fang Shu. After finding them, he ordered them to gather the fleet immediately and go to Cancer Island to meet with him. This time he will concentrate all his strength. Now Here is an unprecedented large-scale sea battle with the Japanese, let the Japanese see their brand-new naval warfare mode, and by the way, beat the damn Japanese of Kyushu back to a state of full farming, and remove their ability to fight at sea!

And these two boats were the two fast boats that Sun Hai sent to search for Fang Shu's fleet. Along the way, they also killed two Japanese cargo ships, robbed them of all their belongings, and then The two cargo ships were set on fire and turned into torches, saving them from running back to report.

After entering the big island at the southern end of the Five Islands, they kept a distance from the coastline, so that they would not get lost, and they would not have to worry about being intercepted by the Japanese warships here. Their ships were all remodeled The sea swan ships themselves are relatively fast, and Gong Zhen also modified their sails during this expedition, which increased their speed by at least [-]%. , there will be no danger at all. Even if the warships of the Japanese see them, they can only chase after their butts and sniff their farts. It is even more difficult to catch them.

However, it only took more than half a day before they bypassed the southernmost island of the Five Islands, turned north, and searched for the central islands of the Five Islands. This is the most likely place for the Fangshu fleet. The place to hide, there are many small islands here, and the waterways are complicated. In addition, there are no Japanese soldiers and horses stationed on many islands. The traffic between them, so when they set off, the water cat told them the situation here, and asked them to focus on this place to search.

When they arrived here, they finally understood what the water cat meant by the complex waterways. The islands here have a large number of bays, which can be said to be one after another, making them unclear which bay may be Being used by Fang Shu to hide the fleet, they had no choice but to slow down the speed of the ship and start searching the various bays here.

In order to show their identities, so as not to be missed by the brothers of the Fangshu fleet, even when they approached the coast, they did not lower the skeleton flag on the topmast. Ferocious skeletons, it is easy to identify their identities.

There are some Japanese people living on the Wudao Islands, who are farming or fishing here, and their doing so greatly increases their chances of exposure, relatively speaking, it also increases their danger, not just bypassing the Fukue Island at the southern end, They encountered two Japanese ships, and judging from the sails, these two ships were warships belonging to the Hizen Kingdom. When they rounded the cape, they happened to encounter these two Japanese warships. No one was found. When they met, the two parties were not far away!

One of the two ships that came out this time was called Flounder and the other was named Swordfish. They were named by the brothers themselves. The captain of the Swordfish was Lu Sheng who was in charge. When there were two Japanese ships, I was a little startled, and immediately looked around, and found that there were only these two Japanese ships nearby, so I immediately sent an order to go down to prepare for the battle, and ordered the other Flounder to be ready at the same time , and approached his Swordfish.

Although these two ships are not very eye-catching in the fleet, they are only relatively weak warships in the fleet. According to the division of the Fubo Army against warships, they can only be regarded as third-class warships. As far as flat-bottomed boats are concerned, they are considered big boats. After all, they are also ships with a weight of more than a thousand stones, and they are quite sturdy, so they don't take these two Japanese boats seriously at all.

"The ballista is ready, the archer is ready, the jump helper is in place, and ready to attack!" Lu Sheng issued a series of orders. There was no chance for his ship to be equipped with thunder cannons, but six ballistas were equipped, and there were still a few on board. There are ten crossbows just installed, that is, the kind of crossbow specially made by Yang Wenzhong for the navy. The armament is not small, and there are twenty archers and thirty jumping helpers on board. They all have bows and crossbows. Once they fight, there are dozens of arrows fired in one round, which is quite powerful!
The two Japanese boats met Lu Sheng and the others suddenly. The two Japanese boats were startled. The Japanese people on board immediately panicked. They didn't know the news that the skeleton army had returned to the Japanese country. After the skull flag hoisted high on the two opposite boats, I was frightened out of my wits, so the sailors on the boat started to turn the rudder desperately, trying to avoid them, but these Japanese boats were Lu Sheng and his two boats. In addition, when they met, the distance between the two of them was already very close, and it was already an impossible task to escape at this moment.

(Also, some brothers said that the progress of repairing the little devil is too slow. I can't make a chronology, say when and where the pig's feet were laid, and then the two chapters end. Isn't it just the process? Or else I can finish the book directly! Or I can finish the book by posting the outline directly! Is that possible? Brothers, don’t you?)

(End of this chapter)

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