Great Song Pirate

Chapter 521 Dazaifu

Chapter 521 Dazaifu

Isn't it all thanks to him that the world is peaceful now?So Zhao Ji feels that life is getting better and better for him!When Huang Men presented Zhao Xu's memorial to him, he suddenly remembered that he hadn't seen this old seventh son for some time. Although he didn't like this old seventh son, he was still his son!Moreover, since he was grounded in the capital, this old seventh seems to have calmed down a lot, and he no longer ran around all day looking for trouble. It is said that when he is free, he is more frequent with ministers and discusses some political affairs. At least it's much better than when he was old enough to make friends with some people from the rivers and lakes!

So Zhao Ji stretched out his hand to open the memorial. After seeing Zhao Xu's handwriting, Zhao Ji showed a little displeasure. In his eyes, among these sons, Zhao Ji's handwriting made him feel unsightly. In fact, it's no wonder, after all, Zhao Ji is the creator of the thin gold style, and he is well-known in the history of Chinese calligraphy and painting. He also likes to dance guns and sticks, so naturally he is not as skilled in calligraphy as those other brothers.

It is precisely this point that Zhao Xu really does not get the appreciation of Zhao Ji, and his view of Zhao Xu has also affected many courtiers, especially those who are good at adapting to the wind, and they are very fond of Zhao Ji. Xu didn't like to see him very much, and he was too lazy to make friends with Zhao Xu. In the past two years, Zhao Xu didn't really make friends with many powerful ministers in the capital. He is a small official who is reused, so Zhao Xu's influence in the capital is actually not great.

But this situation finally changed at the end of last year. At the last moment, Zhao Xu still listened to Xu Yi's opinion and stood on the side of Prince Zhao Heng, clarifying his attitude of supporting Zhao Heng. The ministers on Zhao Heng's side began to look at Zhao Xu differently, which could be regarded as an unexpected gain from his decision this time!

Zhao Ji lowered his head and read Zhao Xu's memorial, with a mocking smile on his lips, and then he said to himself: "Isn't this Lao Qi too worrying? How can he see the current situation so pessimistically?" What? What a disappointment!"

As he spoke, he put together the memorials and put them on the desk. It happened that Cai Tao (note) was also in the hall, so he asked him: "It is said that the Kingdom of Jin has already captured Emperor Tianzuo of the Liao people. What about this?" How do you see things?"

Cai Tao hurriedly replied: "If you go back to the emperor, this is a good thing. In this way, the Liao Kingdom will be completely wiped out by our Great Song and Jin Kingdoms. Since then, there will be no more troubles in the northern border of the Great Song Dynasty! This is all about you, Your Majesty." Now the emperor has restored the land of Yanyun, which has fulfilled the long-cherished wish of the previous emperors for a hundred years. It is actually beneficial to the present age, and the merits will last forever! Emperor Tianzuo was captured, and Song and Jin were friendship Bang, from now on we Da Song can sit back and relax!"

After hearing Cai Tao's compliment, Zhao Ji was in a good mood, so he laughed loudly: "That's right, what Cai Aiqing said is good! But during this time, someone always told me to be careful of the golden man, saying It is very likely that the Jin people will covet the territory of the Great Song Dynasty after destroying Daliao, do you think the Jin people are trustworthy?"

After thinking about it for a while, Cai Xuan smiled and bowed to Zhao Ji and said, "Your Majesty, you don't need to worry about this matter. It's only been ten years since the founding of the Jin Kingdom. Now that the conquest of the Daliao has just ended, it should have been exhausted, how can it be possible to use troops against the Song Dynasty in such a short period of time? I think that after these ten years of fighting, the soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin have finally After the war against the Liao Kingdom is over, I would like to take a break and enjoy the benefits of mobilizing the Liao Kingdom. How can I continue to work hard and brazenly send troops to the Song Dynasty? This is absolutely impossible! In addition, we are young Giving the Kingdom of Jin a million years of coins every year, they will not cut their own fortunes, so those who say this are nothing more than worrying about the sky! The emperor need not worry about it!"

Zhao Ji smiled and nodded, but immediately shook his head and said: "You are right, I also thought that the Kingdom of Jin would never turn against us right now, but we should be more careful about those Liao generals who surrendered to the Song Dynasty. , I heard that there are quite a few soldiers from the Liao Kingdom led by Guo Yaoshi, and Yan Yun is now the gate of the northern kingdom of our Great Song Dynasty, although there is no danger of the Jin Kingdom invading the frontier, but it should not be underestimated!"

After Cai Tao bowed his head and made some calculations, he offered advice to Huizong: "That's true. After all, the emperor is far-sighted. If the Holy Majesty is not at ease with Guo Yaoshi, he might as well be transferred to the capital, so he can rest assured in the capital. , as long as he arrives in the capital, there is no need to worry about him making trouble again!"

Zhao Ji frowned and said, "If I suddenly order Guo Yaoshi to be transferred back to the capital, will it cause him to misunderstand? If so, if he thinks that I want to cut off his power and position, it will arouse his anger." Dissatisfied, wouldn't it be self-defeating to lead his old troops to rebel against him?"

"This humble minister has a solution. The Holy Majesty might as well confer him the rank of Taiwei and order him to go to Beijing to accept the order. In this way, he can be relieved of his military power over the old ministry. In this way, the Holy Majesty can rest assured!" Cai Tao immediately offered advice.

Zhao Ji was overjoyed when he heard this: "This plan is very clever. According to what Cai Aiqing said, quickly draw up an order to add Guo Yaoshi as Taiwei and order him to enter Beijing to be appointed. You can do this matter quickly. In addition, order Tong Guan , in the name of patrolling the border, go to Yanyun and other places as soon as possible to check the situation there, and then report to me!"

So Cai Tao hurriedly accepted the order, turned around and went down, and went to deal with it according to Zhao Ji's instructions!
After Zhao Xudang heard his father Zhao Ji's arrangement, he also heaved a long sigh of relief. Although his father did not accept his suggestion, he did not pay attention to the threat from the Kingdom of Jin, and he had no plans to increase troops in northern Xinjiang. However, there were still some reactions to Guo Yaoshi's matter. If Huizong did this, at least the issue of Guo Yaoshi and the Liao people surrendering generals would not be a serious problem!

A few days later, Tong Guan, who was far away in Cangzhou, received Huizong's order, took some entourage, and drove to Yanshan Mansion in a mighty way, and started his border patrol. He said it was a border patrol. Give him a chance to make a fortune!

At the same time, Wang Anzhong in Yanshan Mansion also received Huizong's secret decree, so he immediately sent someone to Guo Yaoshi's barracks to read Huizong's decree to him, and made Guo Yaoshi a Taiwei, and ordered Guo Yaoshi to go to Bianliang to receive the decree. .

It turned out that Guo Yaoshi was sick and refused to go to Bianliang. The matter was soon reported back to Bianliang, so Huizong also began to have doubts, and ordered Tong Guan to go to Guo Yaoshi's residence to check as soon as possible. If Guo Yaoshi had any objections If so, they quickly took it down and carried it into the capital.

After Tong Guan was ordered, he went to Yanshan immediately, but Guo Yaoshi went out of the city dozens of miles to greet Tong Guan, and called Tong Guan his father, and presented a large amount of gold, silver and jewelry to Tong Guan. Pharmacist also organized a grand military exercise for Tong Guan in Yanshan, which made Tong Guan happy.

Tong Guan repaired a letter and sent someone to Bianliang, telling how loyal Guo Yaoshi was, and praised him as good as a flower!He also said that Guo Yaoshi can definitely be trusted, and with his soldiers and horses, he can definitely hold on to Yanshan Mansion and other places.

After Huizong received Tong Guan's secret note, he was completely relieved, who is Tong Guan!That's his confidant, capable man!

After Zhao Xu heard the news, he had to look up to the sky and let out a long sigh, and then summoned Zhang Hu and gave him a secret order. After Zhang Hu got the order, he immediately sent Kuaiqi to Jingdong Road and Hebei East Road...

At this time, the Dazaifu on Kyushu Island was also in turmoil. In the mansion of the Dazaifu Quanshuai, a person knelt under the court, and a large group of Dazaifu officials and generals sat on the tatami mats on both sides, all showing their faces. He looked at the man kneeling in the middle in amazement.

"What did you say? The skeleton pirates attacked our country again? How is your black island and your fleet?" Fujiwara Toshi asked in shock.

It turned out that Oshimaemon Susu, who was stationed on Cancer Island, which is also called Kuroshima by the Japanese, fled back to Dazaifu in Chikuzen Kingdom with dozens of his subordinates, and came to report the matter to the commander-in-chief Fujiwara Jun. At this time, he had one arm hanging, and a white cloth was still wrapped around his arm. There was a lot of blood oozing out of it. It looked like he had gone through a fierce battle. This bastard is not stupid. He knew that if he ran back unscathed, , It will definitely not end well, so he cut himself on the arm halfway, it seems that after a fierce battle, it will be easier to explain when he comes back.

After hearing Fujiwara Jun's question, he hurriedly replied: "Reporting to my lord, those skeleton pirates suddenly attacked my Black Island in the early morning, which caught us off guard. After I led the soldiers to resist tenaciously, due to the There were a large number of people, and they were extremely ferocious, so they broke through the encirclement, seized two boats and rushed back, and reported to the general! The rest of the ships and soldiers had already died in a fierce battle. Please, the general quickly mobilize troops, horses and ships to return this time. Take revenge on those skeleton pirates!"

Toshi Fujiwara thinks that one head and two are big, and it took a lot of effort to wipe out the skeleton pirates that have been entrenched on the Black Island last year. He thought everything would be fine, but unexpectedly, a group of pirates came from Koryo at the beginning of this year. Attacked Tsushima Island, carried out a massacre on it, and almost pulled out several villages and towns on Tsushima Island. The level of ferocity was not weaker than that of the skeleton pirates before, and they also came and went without a trace. Two days later, news came from the Goto Islands of Hizen Kingdom, saying that the Koryo pirates had actually killed there and plundered everywhere, causing panic among the people of Hizen Kingdom. But once again came back with a large-scale killing, where did these pirates come from?Why did they choose to have trouble with their Yamato country?
(A brother said that I deliberately flooded the last chapter. Let me declare that it is paving the way for the future! The time must match, so I have to explain it. Brothers, you can express your misunderstanding!)
(End of this chapter)

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