Great Song Pirate

Chapter 215 The Destruction of Lu 3 (The 470th monthly ticket plus update)

Chapter 215 The Destruction of Lu San (The 470th monthly ticket plus update)
You Luo was sharp-eyed and found the letter on the crossbow, so he climbed up the tree and tore the letter off, and ran to Lu Laosan in a panic.

At this time, Lu Laosan also received the news. In shock, he brought his cronies to the pier from his residence on the island, and ran into this guy who was holding the letter. He took the letter, let alone , this Lu Lao San was actually literate, and when he opened the letter paper, his face turned pale with anger, he tore the letter to pieces, and said angrily: "The bastard bullied me too much! A few hundred people in an escort agency The boat wants me to surrender, damn it! Brothers get on the boat, let’s go see them again today, this lifeless escort, today either they die or we die! Give me something to do with them!”

After hearing this, the minions on the island also yelled and cursed uncleanly, and rushed to the boat with their guys. Under the command of the leaders, they set sail and sailed out of the fish in a threatening manner. Shandao Wharf rushed towards the Escort fleet not too far away.

Lu Tiesuo drew the bow himself, stood at the bow of the ship, yelled at the fleet of the Escort Bureau in the distance, and commanded his ships to outflank the two sides, looking like he was going to do his best.

After Lin Xiong saw that all the fleet on Yushan Island had sailed out, he smiled and ordered: "Teasing them first, don't let them get entangled, serve them with stone bullets and crossbow arrows!"

The fleet immediately accelerated with full sail, avoiding Lu Laosan's fleet, and just entered the range of the ballista, both of them fired at the same time. There were a few kerosene bombs mixed in, and Lu Laosan's fleet used the bed crossbows on their ships to fight back. The two sides chased each other on the sea and fought together. From time to time, a ship of Lu Laosan's fleet was hit The oil bomb ignited a flame, but it was quickly extinguished by the gangsters on the boat with sand or sea water. It seemed far less embarrassing than when they faced the Escort last time.

Seeing his own fleet chasing and beating the Escort's fleet fiercely, Lu Tiesuo stood at the bow directing and yelling, and his confidence became more sufficient. The Weihai Escort in Hangzhou was too entrusted with it. The boat wanted to surrender himself, and he didn't look at how many boats and manpower he had on his side. This time, he had to destroy this damn bodyguard, otherwise he would really have no face in the sea in the future.

Lin Xiong saw that Lu Laosan's fleet was powerful, so he didn't feel sorry for them. He adopted guerrilla tactics and kept dealing with them, and quickly killed his two smaller ships. There were too many, they were gradually squeezed together, and the room for maneuver became smaller and smaller. At this point in the battle, Lin Xiong saw that it was almost the same, so he gave an order, and the five boats turned around at the same time and headed towards the open sea At this time, a lot of crossbow arrows were inserted into their ship, and casualties began to appear on the ship.

Seeing the five Escort boats turning around and sailing away, Lu Laosan roared with a ferocious face: "Brothers, chase me, this time I can't let them run away. Don't let them get away, wait until I rush over to clean them up!"

Following Lu Laosan's hysterical roar, the boats under him spread their sails and chased them desperately. A spectacular boat race was formed on the sea. After chasing, all the boats braved the wind and waves, and the sound of drums and horns became one. Lu Tiesuo was so happy, he could finally vent his anger, catch up with the boats of the Escort, and leave no one behind. They kill them and feed the fish, Lu Tiesuo thought flirtatiously while grinning.

"Third Lord, Third Master! Something is wrong! Look over there, there are many big ships coming towards us! Look, there are two fast boats coming behind us, this... this... something is wrong Ah!" one of his men panicked and shouted to Lu Tiesuo, pointing to the sea in the distance.

After being reminded by this subordinate, Lu Tiesuo also saw those sail shadows appearing in the distance, and his mood sank when he just recovered. , he knew that the other party had no good intentions at all, and pointed the finger at his fleet, and one of the ships was astonishingly large. It was the Korean ship named Pu who once dominated the Liangzhe Sea. The other party's identity was clearly revealed, and three words "Dulong Island" flashed in his mind!
"Damn it! The people from these bodyguards have colluded with the people from Dulong Island. They want to drive us all to death! We have been duped as the third master!" His subordinate is also an old thief who has been walking on the sea for a long time. There were some clues, and he cursed loudly.

"I know! Hurry up and let the brothers gather together, don't chase any more, they don't have as many boats as us, we may not be able to beat them, quickly beat the drums and gather together, gather together!" Lu Tiesuo forced himself to look calm, Hastily ordered.

With the rapid drumming sounded on Lu Tiesuo's boat, his boats also slowed down, gave up the pursuit of the Escort fleet, and gradually gathered up, and the results of the training during this period were also revealed , at least these subordinates can obey the deployment.

At this time, a strange scene appeared on the sea. A few ships drove most of the ships into the middle, and it was quiet for a while. The fleet was stuck in the middle.

A strange thing suddenly stood up on the bow of the Shenzhou Zhenhai, and people of later generations would laugh when they saw it. This is a huge copper horn, which was produced by Dulong Island!A man with a loud voice yelled at Lu Laosan's boats with all his strength.

"Third Lu and his subordinates on the opposite side have heard that you are surrounded now. Our master has said that God has the virtue of good life, and our master is unwilling to do more evil. As long as you put down your weapons and surrender, we will I will definitely not treat you badly, and I can still let you feel at ease. In the future, I will eat with our big family. It will definitely not be worse than you are now. This is the last chance. You should surrender quickly! From now on, we will be a family!" The voice followed The brass trumpet was heard far away and reached the ears of all Lu Tiesuo's followers.

Lu Tiesuo almost didn't get angry, jumped to his feet and cursed: "You bastards from Dulong Island are so immoral, you actually collude with the people from the Escort Bureau to deal with us, I will fight with you today, just rely on you broken boats , I don’t have as many boats as ours, I just want Lao Tzu to surrender to you, I’m sorry! You can dream, I’ll see your ancestors for eight generations, brothers, don’t be afraid, they don’t have as many people as us, I’m afraid they’ll be a bird, kill me, Kill the other party alone, I will reward you ten taels of silver, and kill all these bastards!"

Not to mention, Lu Tiesuo's broken voice roared like this, and there must be a brave man under the heavy reward. His subordinates were still a little panicked, but under his encouragement, they actually got up the courage to follow Lu Laosan With the sound of war drums from the ships, each ship chose its target and rushed over one after another.

"Things that don't know how to live or die, order each ship to prepare for a thunderbolt and a thunderbolt, and let them see how powerful we are, so that they don't come over!" Xu Yi sneered and ordered, he was used to such a scene, Not only did he lose the nervousness he had before, but instead he felt a sense of excitement. This feeling was very wonderful, and it made him feel the pleasure of controlling the world.

Just as Lu Tiesuo's fleet dispersed, they pounced on the surrounding enemy ships, and saw some black spots flying out of the opponent's ships. They are used to this attack method now, isn't it just a few cupping cans?If it really falls on the head, as long as it is not too much, it can still be extinguished.

But what happened next was beyond their understanding, because within a few breaths, a dozen or so red sky thunders suddenly sounded in the fleet, and a burst of smoke and flames rose from many ships, and then there was an explosion in the fleet. There was a tragic cry, and some broken limbs and arms flew out of the side of the ship, mixed with the pungent gunpowder smoke was the splash of blood, and everyone was stunned.

On Lu Laosan's boat, something like this exploded. The loud noise caused many people to lose their hearing for a short time. They stared blankly at the strange and terrifying scene before them. They had never seen such a thing before, but Seeing the great power of this kind of thing, a big hole was blown out on the ship's plank, and the ship's plank several inches thick was blown away. The victim twisted his body and struggled on the boat. After an unknown period of time, they gradually recovered their sense of hearing. Only then did they hear a scream. A minion was stunned by what happened in front of him, and tried to wipe it off with his hand. Wipe his eyes to see if he was hallucinating, but when he raised his hand, he realized that one of his palms had disappeared, and what was left was a stump that was splattering blood. Only then did he feel the pain, Involuntarily let out a heart-piercing scream, and the shrill scream resounded through the sky...

The sudden explosion frightened the people in Lu Laosan's fleet, and the morale that had just been mobilized by Lu Laosan suddenly fell into the abyss, and the people on board ran around in a panic. They unconsciously thought that they had been struck by lightning, what in the world could make such a loud noise?They didn't know, but they knew that these explosive things came from the other party's ships, and the fleet that had just assembled became chaotic again. At this time, the ships from Dulong Island rushed into their space like tigers. Among the fleet, the huge hull hit their boat, first there was a loud noise, and then their hull made a toothsome creaking sound, and finally the ship board finally couldn't bear the huge force, click it The cracks broke one after another, and the sea water poured into the hull from the cracks like a fountain, which also heralded the end of the ship's fate. They jumped out of the side of the ship screaming, and fell into the sea and swam desperately, trying to get out of their boat. They have lived at sea for a long time, and they know that if they don't get out of the sinking ship as soon as possible, when the ship sinks, the kind of feeling will be formed. The huge whirlpool will drag them into the bottom of the sea, no matter how good the water is, they will not escape bad luck.

After the big ships of Dulong Island crashed into some of Lu Laosan's fast boats, they didn't stop at all, then turned to the next target and continued to attack, while those fast boats of Dulong Island blocked those who were trying to escape from the battle. The ships of the regiment, the ballistas fired stone bullets or crossbow arrows non-stop, crushing or nailing the minions on the opponent's ship to death on the ship, and the archers stood on the side of the ship like hunters, looking for the ones to shoot target, and Lu Laosan’s tribe has long since lost the will to resist after the explosion. They just want to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible. The other party's opponents, so the ships no longer listened to the command of the war drums on the three ships of Lu Lao, and the army was defeated for a while, and they fought on their own, just trying to protect themselves.

Those minions who have lost their fighting spirit for a long time now only know how to avoid the arrows that are pounced on them like locusts. How can they have the interest or courage to take up weapons and fight against each other?The archers dropped their bows and arrows one after another, and hid in the cabin, while others were even more helpless. Some simply knelt down on the board and raised their hands, hoping to save a life.

Lu Laosan was completely stunned, and he was as panicked as his subordinates. He didn't know what the other party used. Looking at the chaos in front of him, he didn't know how to deal with it. But there were very few men on his boat who actually took up bows and arrows to shoot at each other, let alone those men on other ships. At this time, he was completely desperate, so he ordered the drums to retreat, and told his men to retreat to Yushan Island and give up. In this naval battle, after shouting for a long time, they did not hear the sound of the drum, so they turned their heads and glared at the place where the war drum was placed, but what they could see was a mess. The war drum had obviously been hit by a flying stone and broke The drummer's head was smashed into pieces, and he fell to the ground holding the drumsticks. The yellow and white brains were splashed everywhere. Is it over?This thought flashed through Lu Laosan's mind.

A boat from Dulong Island approached his boat. Diao Bin raised his bow-holding arm, narrowed one eye, and slowly adjusted the angle, looking for his favorite target. With a cold smile, the two fingers holding the arrow tails suddenly let go of the bowstring. The bowstring slid across the finger on the finger, and there was a buzzing sound. The sharp arrow flew out like lightning, and flew towards the target selected by Diao Bin.

Lu Tiesuo stared blankly at those subordinates who were running around, only hatred was left in his heart, he wanted to vent, even if he died, he still wanted to fight face to face with the opponent, his eyes were full of anger Yan Yan raised his head, but a black spot in front of him suddenly enlarged. When he realized that the black spot was an arrow, it was too late. He didn't even have time to dodge it. The arrow feather passed through his throat, blocking the ah sound he was trying to make in his throat, his body also fell out with the impact brought by the arrow feather, and fell heavily on the ground On the deck of the boat, looking at the blue sky still wafting with thick smoke, Lu Laosan suddenly had a kind of understanding, why did he have to fight Dulong Island to the death?Maybe I can continue to survive if I surrender to them, but this idea seems to come a bit late, and the things in front of me are a little blurred...

This was an absolutely unfair battle. The boats under Lu Laosan were controlled by the people of Dulong Island one by one, and those wrecked boats also began to sink slowly, and there were people falling into the sea everywhere on the sea. You guys are desperately struggling and calling for help, just like what Xu Yi thought when he led the team, there is no suspense in this battle, the only suspense is how long it will take to resolve this battle.

"Brothers Lu Laosan listened, your master is dead, don't do any useless resistance, it is still too late to surrender, our master promises never to kill prisoners, as long as you surrender, we will still give you a bright future, hurry up Surrender, don't do unnecessary resistance anymore, now all lower the sails, stop the ship on the spot, and wait for our reception, otherwise we will be really rude!" The loud voice on the Zhenhai held the brass horn again and started Yelling, as his yelling spread, all the tribesmen on the boats on Dulong Island followed suit and yelled at the remnants who hadn't surrendered yet.

Under their yelling, many of Lu Laosan's desperate followers heard that even their third master had died, and it was pointless for them to resist any longer, so they dropped their weapons and knelt down on the boat. On the board, although some leaders were not reconciled and tried to escape by boat, they were quickly overtaken by two new sea boats from Dulong Island. They had to lower the sails and stop the boat under the pressure of many bows and crossbows. They were afraid that they would not be able to escape. If you leave, you will be hit by a few things that will explode. Such things cannot be resisted by human power. No matter how good your martial arts are, you can't withstand such a blow.It seems that they won't be able to. Their boats board much faster than theirs, so where can they escape!

All the boats on Dulong Island put down their sampans one after another, and salvaged those who fell into the sea. Those who were rescued no longer had the strength to resist. They climbed on the boat and kowtowed to thank them. They actually gave a helping hand and let them escape. At this moment, all they have left is gratitude.

According to Xu Yi's instructions, Lin Xiong took the five fast boats of his escort agency and headed straight to Yushan Island. There were not many guards there. Time killed all the gangsters on the island who tried to resist. Some smart gangsters put down their weapons immediately after hearing that Lu Laosan was dead, knelt down and surrendered, and luckily saved their lives.


Oh, a chapter of [-] words.hey-hey.

(End of this chapter)

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