Great Song Pirate

Chapter 214 Tune the tiger out of the mountain (to)

Chapter 214 Tune the tiger out of the mountain (to)

Lu Tiesuo finally regained his confidence gradually. During this period of time, he bought several boats from his second son, and recruited a group of men from land. Now he basically has more than 1000 men and [-] boats. Although it is slightly less than when the family was not separated, he vaguely controls a considerable territory in the outer sea of ​​Taizhou.

"It's time to settle the accounts for the damn bodyguard bureau. Although I don't have that kind of ballista, I can crush you to death with so many men and ships!" Lu Tiesuo said to himself, gnashing his teeth. .

"Come on, send me someone to keep an eye on the movement of the Hangzhou Security Bureau. This time when their fleet comes out, it's time for us to take revenge!" He sent an order.

This time he thought he was well-prepared. He prepared fire extinguishers such as sand, water tanks, and buckets on board all the ships. He also spent a lot of money to purchase a batch of weapons, bows and crossbows. He is confident that he has the strength to fight head-to-head with the escort , as long as the Clippers of the Escort are captured, the remaining fleet of Hangzhou ship merchants will become fish on his chopping board and let him slaughter. This time he will take back the capital with interest and let Hangzhou Those ship merchants knew how powerful he was, and let them know that it is unreliable to hire an escort agency, so as not to cause trouble for him in the future, Jiang Desheng and Lu Tiesuo went to the water surface of Taizhou.

Regardless of Lu Tiesuo's battle at Yushan Island, Dulong Island is also making final preparations at this time. The sailing ropes and other things of the ships going to battle have finally been checked, the ballistas have also been adjusted, and each ship is fully equipped with pyrotechnic bombs. And Lin Xiong also rushed back to Dulong Island with the Escort's boats. What made Xu Yi happy was not only Lin Xiong's return, but also Grey, who came back with them this time, and brought back a piece that Xu Yi was looking forward to. A gift that has been around for a long time, but this gift is a little bigger. They are two large ships, exactly the kind of Jiangbei sea ship created by Xu Yi, Gong Zhen and others. One is the first trial ship with a load of two thousand stones. The second is a newly built Jiangbei sea ship that is almost double the size and is a mass-produced ship.

This made Xu Yi very happy. He pulled Gray and asked when the two boats were launched. It turned out that the first boat had already been launched before he went to Liuqiu Island. So I didn't catch up and handed it over to Xu Yi. The second ship was just launched. It was rushed out after making slight adjustments on the basis of the first ship's trial voyage. Its performance is better than that of the first Jiangbei sea ship. As a result, the Jiangbei Shipyard has started to build this kind of sea-going ships in batches, and there are two more under construction in the dock. The newly recruited brothers nearby came to help.

Although Gray is not very old, but his brain is very strong. When he has nothing to do, he secretly recruits people nearby. It is obvious that the shipyard is recruiting people, but behind the scenes, he is actually recruiting subordinates for Dulong Island. Most of the recruits have a little ability, either criminals wanted by the government for committing crimes, or some ordinary people who were displaced because of land annexation by big landlords. Anyway, they are some people who can't survive, and they are given by Gray. He was rescued and placed to work in the Jiangbei shipyard. He recruited nearly 300 people like this in a year, and after the trial, after eliminating those who had evil intentions and untrustworthy people, the reliable manpower left behind, This time, more than 200 people were sent back to Dulong Island.

For Gray's move, Xu Yi greatly praised the boy from ear to ear, and called his newly recruited staff to come and meet Xu Yi. Although these people had never met Xu Yi, they had already heard of it. After hearing about his affairs, they originally admired Gray, but now that they saw the head of the family who even Gray was willing to sacrifice their lives, they all came to see him happily, making Xu Yi very busy.

And among the people Lin Xiong brought back this time, many were newly recruited by him and Xue Tu. Among them were some of the brothers who had joined the Fang La Rebel Army that he had secretly retrieved. The government was broken up, drifted to various places, concealed their names, and hid. Lin Xiong knew the whereabouts of some people, so he used his original subordinates to let the wind out, and unexpectedly quickly gathered hundreds of people in Liangzhe, and packed five boats. It was full, and this time it was sent back with the boat.

The combination of the two made the Dulong Island, which had already started to be stretched, re-enriched. Xu Yi ordered people to bring these new recruits and looked around the island. Except for the gunpowder workshop, soap workshop and blacksmith workshop, other places Let them turn around, and when they saw the thriving scene on the island, these people were completely at ease. They really didn't expect that Dulong Island is really like a paradise, as Gray Linxiong and the others said, where they can live What luck in a place like this!After seeing the thousands of orphans taken in on the island, these people admire Xu Yi even more. Most of them are bitter, knowing the difficulties of this world, and Dulong Island can take in so many at a huge cost. If the homeless orphans were not kind-hearted, they would never have taken such a move. Therefore, after these people arrived on Dulong Island, they immediately felt a sense of belonging, and felt that they had finally chosen the right place this time. Xu Yi and the others went to do something to encourage them, so they were determined to stay and serve.

Although there was a delay in accepting the newcomers, it didn't have much impact. Since the newcomers hadn't been trained yet, the old men from Dulong Island were still used for this dispatch, and only a few more newcomers were sent to the ships. Everyone agrees with Xu Yi's arrangement. After some adjustments, the fleet, led by Xu Yi, bid farewell to the people staying on the island and sailed out of Dulong Island.

This time Xu Yi brought out a total of twelve boats, and the momentum was quite majestic. No one had any doubts about whether he could defeat Lu Laosan. After a long period of training, Dulong Island is no longer comparable to the original. Now they are already a regular army, and it is not an exaggeration at all. All the people on the ship perform their duties and have a clear division of labor. Except for the ballistas loaded on the ship, even the knives, guns, bows and crossbows are all top-grade. The equipment on the ship is not inferior, and the crew on the ship have been trained for a long time, and they are all strong and fierce. If they take these brothers to wipe out a little Lu Laosan, if they still can't win, Xu Yi himself feels that Forget about committing suicide with a knife, it's a shame to be alive, and the morale of those tribesmen is even higher, eager to fight, and the leaders don't need to do anything like mobilization.

Counting that Dulong Island has experienced a lot of sea battles in the past two years, but has never tasted a defeat. Everyone knows the reason. If there is no Xu Yi, no one knows what kind of virtue they are now, so even the new Those who joined Dulong Island also admired Xu Yi. This time Xu Yi personally led the team to play, and everyone was holding back to perform well.

Poor Lu Tiesuo is still staying on Yushan Island, dreaming of Qingqiu's big dream that one day he will seek revenge from the Escort, but he doesn't know that a fleet of ships has already come towards his Yushan Island aggressively.

On the way to the boat, Xu Yi carefully understood the performance of this Jiangbei ship. As he expected, the ship's navigation performance is really outstanding. Under the condition of using the same sail, the speed of Jiangbei ship is much higher than that of other ships. It is more than [-]%, and the steering is very flexible. The degree of turbulence encountered by the waves is far less severe than that of other ships. After understanding the benefits of this kind of boat, the bosses were a little jealous, wishing that they could own such a good boat now, but Xu Yi put their boat in one sentence. This expectation was completely shattered.

"We can't use such Jiangbei ships now. All newly built ships will be assigned to Shuimao in the future. They live overseas all year round, and the degree of danger is much higher than ours. Only by using these good ships can we treat them more It's safe, so everyone should wait until the replacement is over there!" Xu Yi said this, making these eager-eyed guys immediately sigh loudly, but he didn't feel dissatisfied in his heart. It is worth working hard for such a boss, knowing For the needs of the brothers, the water cat stays in Fusang all the year round, and often brings back good things to Dulong Island. They are all brought back with their lives. Compared with their side, it is much more dangerous. The warships of the Fujiwara family fought a battle, Xu Yi made such an arrangement, and they had nothing to say. They could only hope that their two ship yards could be built faster, so that they could use such a good ship as soon as possible.

After sailing for two days, they entered the sea off Taizhou. In order not to disturb the passing cargo ships, they did not take the channel where many ships appeared, but detoured to Yushan Island from the outside.

When a hazy outline of an island appeared on the water horizon, there were no ships on the entire sea. It seemed that Lu Laosan was really lax!

Just attack like this?This question was put in front of Xu Yi. Seeing that the time was still early, it was not until noon, so he called the captains of the ships (this is his new name, and he always called the boss of the ship bad) to the boat where he was sitting. On the giant boat.

"Everyone think how we should deal with Nalu's youngest this time?" Xu Yi followed his old habit and wanted to listen to everyone's ideas first.

"Now Lu Laosan didn't expect us to attack suddenly. It's a good time for us to catch a turtle in our urn. When we attack him, he will be caught off guard. We will have dinner at his Yushan Island tonight!" Diao Bin was the first to stand up and say.

Most of the other people also have this opinion, but Xu Yi is always a little dissatisfied, so he shook his head and said: "Of course it is good to fight without declaring war. Come out, I am afraid that if we attack Yushan Island directly, we will not be familiar with the terrain here in hand-to-hand combat, and we may not have more people than them. I also understand that I don't want to see our brothers lose their lives in vain, the better days are still to come, there is no reason to let the brothers lose their lives to this small place!"

Think about it, everyone. What Xu Yi said is indeed reasonable. Their biggest advantage is naval battles. In terms of land battles, except for the personnel left behind on the ship, there may not be as many people who can go to the island to fight. It would not be worthwhile to be eaten by others, so they all looked at Xu Yi to see if there was anything he could do.

After Xu Yi lowered his head and thought for a while, he raised his head and said: "The fleet retreats ten miles, let's transfer Lu Laosan out of his lair and deal with him!"

"How to call him out?" These people all had question marks on their foreheads. It was no problem for them to fight with their lives, but it was not their strong point to use their brains, so they all asked.

"Guess who Lu Laosan hates the most now?" Xu Yi smiled and asked them instead.

Everyone looked at each other, Diao Bin scratched his head and said with a smile: "How do we know who Lu Laosan hates, we are not the worms in his stomach, how do we know this!"

But Lin Xiong understood a little bit, and said with a simple smile: "The boss is not talking about me! Last time I beat Lu Laosan very hard. I heard that this kid's leg was burned like a Jinhua ham by us. , lying down for a long time, if you say he hates me the most, it should be me! Hehe!"

"Hehe! That's right. If it's not what I expected, this Lu Laosan must have hated you and the Hangzhou Escort Bureau. When I met him a few days ago, this guy probably led the fleet here. Drilling, maybe we are waiting to seek revenge from you! So let’s take advantage of his mentality and let him come out! This time I’ll bother brother Lao Lin, and I’ll write a letter of persuasion to Mr. Lu for you. If the arrow hits their island, this guy will definitely go crazy. When they come out to hunt you down, lure them over. Let's make dumplings for them at sea, and then clean up his lair. Everyone see What's my idea?" Xu Yi said with a smile.

"The boss is going to play tricks again, admiration!" Diao Bin said eccentrically, then slapped Li Bo heavily, and fled away. Everyone burst into laughter.

The fleet quietly turned the rudder and retreated, and sailed out of Yushan Island. Lin Xiong took the surrender letter written by Xu Yi to Lu Laosan. The boat made a small circle and headed towards Yushan Island.

After their five boats approached Yushan Island, they were discovered by Lu Laosan's minions, and the island was in a mess. They didn't expect that the five escort boats that made them suffer last time dared When they came to their lair, the clappers on the island made a lot of noise, but after Lin Xiong's boat sailed close to the shore, without waiting for the minions on the island to release their arrows, they used a ballista to shoot a crossbow bolt with a letter tied to it. It hit a big tree on the island, then turned the rudder and retreated.


There are two more chapters tonight.Eight point one chapter, ten point one chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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