Great Song Pirate

Chapter 199 Complete victory (Ask for monthly ticket support)

Chapter 199 Complete victory (Ask for monthly ticket support)
After Xu Yi sent a boat full of children away from the pier, he smiled and waved goodbye to the little heads on board. Counting the children on this boat, the island has received no less than 3000 orphans. Most of these children They are all between the ages of 12 and 15. In time, when the world is in chaos, it happens that these children are basically adults or are about to become adults, and they will be useful at that time.

Xu Yi thinks that he has already figured out this problem, and he doesn't think there is anything wrong with what he did, although he has created a future for these children with his ideas as the core based on a little selfishness, but compared to their current situation In terms of the situation, either starving to death on the street and dumping corpses in the wilderness, or becoming a servant of the rich, maybe the future he created for them may be the best ending!

When he was turning back to Hangzhou from Li's wharf, a fast horse came galloping from a distance, and immediately a vigorous figure flipped and landed firmly in front of his horse. Xu Yi knew who was coming without looking. It must be Qian Gui, this kid, since he learned how to ride a horse, he has to ride a horse to a remote place outside Hangzhou every day to have fun for a while. He has a good foundation, so his equestrian skills are progressing very quickly. This posture of dismounting may even make those people who have lived on horseback since childhood be willing to bow down. Even Xu Yi is a little jealous of this kid's equestrian talent. separated.

"Stinky boy, it's okay to practice martial arts well, and you sneaked out of the horse again, be careful, Brother Li will punish you to squat for an hour! Hehe!" Xu Yi smiled and taught Qian Gui, and Li Bo did it behind Xu Yi. Putting on a majestic look, he stared at Qian Gui, but he couldn't hide his admiration in his eyes. This little Qian Gui is really smart. He was able to make such difficult moves within a few days after learning how to ride a horse. This kid is really amazing. A genius on horseback.

"Hey! Boss, my equestrian skills should be considered outstanding now! Did I look good when I got off the horse just now?" Qian Gui said with a hippie smile.

"Well! That's right, at least it's much better than my current riding skills. However, although your dismounting action looks good, it's not practical. I think it should be regarded as your deliberate show off. Riding a horse is also a kind of skill. It's good to practice more. But you must also pay attention to safety!" Xu Yi nodded and continued to teach him.

"I'm not here for Liuma this time! I'm here to deliver a letter to the boss. Just now Uncle Lin sent back a pigeon. Uncle Xue asked me to send it to you. I'm on a business trip!" Qian Gui said from his arms He took out a small piece of white silk full of small characters and presented it to Xu Yi with both hands.

"Oh? The letter came back so soon? Didn't they just leave for three days?" Xu Yi said while taking the white silk and opening it.

After he finished looking at the piece of white silk, a satisfied smile appeared on his face, he stretched out his hand and patted Qian Gui on the head and said, "Follow me back to the Escort Bureau, let's celebrate Shopkeeper Lin tonight. Drinking! Haha!"

With a cheer, Qian Gui made a somersault, and called his horse with a whistling call, jumped onto the horse's back with another somersault, and led the way towards Hangzhou city.

"Boss, what makes you so happy? How can you celebrate Brother Lin?" Li Bo lifted the rein of the horse and asked inexplicably when he came to Xu Yi's side.

"Look for yourself!" Xu Yi casually handed the piece of white silk to Li Bo beside him.

Li Bo was also literate, looked down, and saw writing on the white silk: "The first encounter with the enemy Chief Lu San, retreat, the fleet is safe! Safety!"

"They really took over the battle! It seems that this wine should be drunk!" Li Bo smiled as he handed the white silk to Xu Yi.

Lu Tiesuo led the seven boats he brought out, followed them all the way and finally caught up with the fleet. Just as he was about to rush over aggressively, he saw seven fast boats coming towards them from a distance. Lu Tiesuo frowned and looked at the fleet. The five fast boats that came up turned their mouths to their ears, and said with a chuckle: "These broken boats dare to play wild on our land, pass down the order, let the brothers sink them, let them feed the fish, and then Stop the fleet for me, I want them to know who is in charge here! Don't just know Jiang Batian, you don't know how powerful I am, Lu Tiesuo!"

His subordinates immediately beat the drum to send an order, and after the sound of the drum, his subordinates screamed, lying on the side or bow of the ship with knives, and rushed towards the fast boat of the Escort Bureau.

Lin Xiong is actually not good at water warfare, but most of his men are elites from the island, and this time he was accompanied by a man named Dong Wei who was even more proficient at this. Of course, he was not afraid of these people on the opposite side. Under his prompting, Lin Xiong ordered the fleet to change its course suddenly, avoiding the sharp edge of Lu Tiesuo's fleet, and grabbed the limelight. Although they are small ships, they have the flexibility advantage, and the brothers on these ships have already practiced the battle formation against the enemy many times, so their fleet appears to be maneuverable and flexible when dealing with Lu Tiesuo who is aggressively approaching. After rushing over, they just cut behind them. When Lu Tiesuo ordered to turn again, they had already seized the limelight.

In naval battles at sea now, it is very important to gain the upper hand. Facing the enemy against the wind is a big taboo. When Lu Tiesuo saw the opponent's five boats ordering them like arms, they drew an arc in front of them in a uniform order, and quickly gained the upper hand and turned to start again. When facing his own fleet, he realized that he was definitely not facing a mediocre man this time, and his heart jumped a few times, but when he saw that his ship was much bigger than the opponent's ship, and his own It was obvious that the number of manpower and ships was much higher than that of the opponent, so he was relieved. He was not afraid that the opponent would gain the upper hand. Even if they had the upper hand, they would not dare to collide with their ships, so he ordered the fleet to disperse. Open, forming a pocket formation to enclose the opponent's five boats, as long as they rely on the gang, they can be eliminated, Lu Tiesuo thought so, and loudly encouraged his opponents: "Brothers, clean them up, let's catch them!" Go fat sheep! Come on!"

But the opponent clearly saw his intentions, and the five clippers maintained a dense arrow-shaped formation. Relying on their advantage of seizing the upper hand and their flexibility, they rushed straight to the left wing of the Lu Tiesuo fleet, where he The two weakest ships in the fleet, although large, are very inflexible. For ships like this, Dulong Island has already been eliminated as a cargo ship. What Lin Xiong valued was their clumsiness, so the first to attack The target selects them.

Lu Tiesuo is not a fool, and he can be said to be a veteran of naval battles. He immediately realized the opponent's plan, and hastily ordered the two ships on the left to shrink towards the middle, and ordered the ships on the right to attack to the left, but he did not have such a convenient means of communication. Although I thought about it in my heart, the command of the fleet was far less flexible than that of the opponent. I saw that the five ships of the Escort quickly cut to the left wing of his fleet, and immediately formed a local advantage of [-] to [-]. Before Lu Tie locked the ship The team reacted, and a dozen black, smoking, and fire-breathing things flew out of the five ships, and rushed straight to the two ships on the left wing. They were ready to fight, but they didn't expect the distance to be so far away, and the opponent launched an attack. They could only watch the dozen or so black guys flying towards them, but they didn't know what method the opponent used to throw these things over. Yes, I don't even know what these smoking things are, but when these black guys landed on their boat, they realized that things seemed to be very bad. The fragments flew around, and the measuring juice sprayed out of it, and then burst into flames, and with a bang, they burned violently on their ship, and many pirates who were caught off guard also ignited the fire. These guys cried for their father and mother, howled cleverly, turned over and jumped into the sea, even if they drowned, they couldn't let the fire burn them alive!

Just a short meeting, the two boats on the left wing of Lu Tiesuo caught fire, and the pirates on top were immediately burnt out, jumping up and down and shouting to put out the fire, and they couldn't care less about fighting the Escort's boats anymore, but they haven't yet Thinking of a good way to put out the fire, the other party's second batch of kerosene bombs came roaring over again. This thing is the best against wooden boats like theirs now. The boats are all wooden, and they are painted thick Thick tung oil paint burns easily in case of fire, and the sail is also a canvas painted with tung oil, which is even more afraid of fire. There are two fire oil tanks in the middle of the sail, and when the oil tank bursts, the sail is immediately burned into a huge The beards and hair of the nearby pirates scorched by the raging flames all curled up, so the pirates on the two ships became completely confused.

Lu Tiesuo was directing his boat to turn towards the boats that were going to block the Escort. He didn't see what happened, but he saw the two boats on his left hand burned into a ball, and he was shocked. What's going on? ?How could the other party be able to land his boat before entering the land of a stone's throw?What is so powerful?
"Did you see clearly what happened just now?" He grabbed a subordinate beside him and asked.

"Third Master! I didn't see it too clearly, but I saw a few black spots flying out of the opposite boat, and then our two boats caught fire! They... what's on their boat?" His men were a little He replied inarticulately.

"Idiot! I can't even see this clearly. What's the use of you? Get lost!" Lu Tie locked up the fire and kicked the guy away.

This guy slipped away for a long time, and muttered in his mouth: "I'm an idiot? Didn't you see clearly? I don't know who is the idiot! Cut!" But he didn't dare to let Lu Tie lock heard.

"Catch up with them, I want them to die!" Lu Tiesuo shouted angrily.

Lin Xiong and his five boats left with one blow, and they didn't care about fighting. After quickly igniting the two boats, they immediately cut across the left flank of Jiang Desheng's fleet, sailed far away, and turned to the left hand again. At this time, Lu Tie The remaining five boats have just completed their turn. As for the two burning boats, he can't care about them. Let them put out the fire on the boat by themselves. He will take the remaining five boats to solve it quickly. At this moment, Lu Tiesuo has put away his contempt for the ships in the Escort. The opponent's performance is too unexpected. This is the first time he has encountered such a style of play. Apart from getting close to the opponent as soon as possible, he should There is no other way.

But the five boats of the Escort were as slippery as loaches, Lu Tiesuo was anxious but couldn't catch their tails, Lin Xiong didn't have any regrets with them, he dragged Lu Tiesuo's fleet around the sea, and it wasn't long before Lu Tiesuo's fleet Because the boats were of different shapes and did not deliberately cooperate, one boat soon fell behind. Lin Xiong immediately seized this opportunity and ordered the two boats on his right hand to leave the fleet, draw an arc, and circle around Lu Tiesuo At the back of the fleet, the single boat was seized, and with a fire bomb and a stone bomb, the guys on the boat were beaten to the point of crying. The panicked pirates shot dead and wounded a lot. Although they didn't kill it completely, the ship was already useless.

Lu Tiesuo was almost mad with anger. It was like a duel between a heavyweight boxer and a lightweight boxer. The heavyweight boxer clearly had an absolute advantage and could finish off his opponent with just one blow, but the opponent was so flexible in jumping up and down. He He was so anxious that he would not be able to hit his opponent, but instead he was played around by his opponent, and he was punched hard a few times, making him dizzy. He has been at sea for so many years, when has he suffered such a disadvantage?

After all, he is also a veteran, not an idiot. He saw that the bodyguard bureau wanted to drag them away and break them one by one. Moreover, they had terrible mysterious weapons on board, which could launch long-range fire attacks. The arrow can only leave a few arrows on the opponent's ship, but it can't hurt anyone on the opponent. He intends to continue chasing, but he also knows that it will be difficult for him to catch the opponent, so he has no choice but to adjust his strategy. The boat was gathered up, not daring to disperse anymore, rolled his eyes, thought of an idea, gritted his teeth, waved his hand and said: "Turn the bow, let's stop chasing, go find the bad luck of those cargo ships! Force them to come to us , prepare more water on board for emergency!"

Lin Xiong also reorganized his five boats, and suddenly saw the remaining four boats of Lu Tiesuo turning their bows and heading towards the cargo fleet, he knew the opponent's plan, and it seemed that the opponent had already seen it. Their strategy was to attack the cargo ship first, so they stopped hesitating and ordered: "Brothers! They are going to find the cargo ship's bad luck! We can't let them succeed, catch up and let them taste our power Bar!"

The five boats of the Escort were full of sails, cutting through the waves and chasing after the four boats belonging to Lu Tiesuo. Obviously, their boats were faster than Lu Tiesuo's. That's why Xu Yi equipped them with fast boats. To allow them to have enough flexibility, this battle just showed their advantages, and soon they caught up with Lu Tiesuo and their fleet, and began to prepare to launch kerosene bombs to serve Lu Tiesuo and the others Big ship.

At this time, Lu Tiesuo also knew that it was time to confront the Escort's ships. If they didn't kill the Escort's ships, they would suffer a big loss today. I'm afraid they won't even get a fart!So he gritted his teeth and ordered to turn the bow of the ship to meet the ships of the Escort Bureau. The bed crossbows on their ship were also stringed up one after another, and the thick crossbow arrows were placed on the crossbow frames.

The two sides launched an attack almost at the same time. The Escort ship fired kerosene bombs, while the Lu Tiesuo ship fired back crossbow arrows, and the crossbow bolts of the bed crossbow were faster than the kerosene bombs fired by the ballista on the Escort ship. One move, hit the Escort ship first, with huge inertia, the crossbow arrows were deeply inserted into the board of the ship, making a loud bang, which made people feel frightened, but fortunately most of these crossbow arrows hit the ship's side, If it hits the shield held by a person, I am afraid that there is no shield that can withstand such a huge force, and it will be pierced by the crossbow arrows even the shield and the person. Although these crossbow arrows are very powerful, for a ship, They are a bit like toothpicks shot at elephants. They can be scary, but it is still impossible to cause substantial damage to the ship.

In contrast, the kerosene bombs fired by the ballista on the Escort ship are much more powerful than this bed crossbow. They are surface-destroying weapons, and when they fall on the ship, they burn a large piece. It also has a lot of lethality, so it stands out in terms of long-distance confrontation between the two sides. There is almost no damage to the bodyguard, but every ship on Lu Tiesuo's boats has some casualties, and the rest of him All four boats were also on fire.

Fortunately, these pirates are not stupid. After seeing the tragic situation of the three boats on their side just now, they prepared some buckets filled with seawater on the board. Under the first round of blows, three ships were able to quickly extinguish the fire without spreading, but one ship was obviously unlucky, and all three sails caught fire. As a result, the fire immediately spread upwards, and the pirates In a hurry but unable to extinguish the fire, he almost roasted the lookout in the bucket on the middle mast into a roast pig. Under the smoky fire, he no longer cared about whether he was tall or not, so he jumped off the bucket, thinking He was going to jump into the sea, but he overestimated his jumping ability, and instead of falling into the sea, he fell heavily on the board of the ship. His brains burst on the spot, and he almost killed a pirate below.

The Escort's boats unhurriedly wound up the ballista again, preparing for the second round of firing. Compared to the Escort's calmness, Lu Tiesuo's side was not so lucky. Before they had time to string their bed crossbows, they saw the other party's second round of kerosene bombs flying over again, and the boat was in chaos again.

Lao Gao, who was jumping from Lu Tiesuo, some of his subordinates took a bucket and poured him wet, and then extinguished the flames on one of his legs, but they still burned this guy and screamed, looking at the other boats. In the thick smoke and flames, he finally ordered to retreat. Although none of the seven ships sank, each ship was severely burned, and each of them had dilapidated sails, staggering and retreating towards the open sea.

Lin Xiong looked at the retreating boats of Lu Laosan and did not continue to pursue them. It was not his responsibility. Naturally, someone would deal with them. Instead, he gathered five boats and headed towards the fleet. The men on board Everyone cheered loudly. This battle was fought beautifully. It can be said that they ended the maiden battle of the Escort with a complete victory.


Brothers, today is another [-]-word burst.hey-hey! !For the sake of Piada's hard work, let's count the votes!

Pida yelled again: "I want a monthly ticket, a reminder ticket, a food ticket, a virgin ticket... Uh... hurry up, get the wrong person, and get out of here.

(End of this chapter)

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