Great Song Pirate

Chapter 198 Catching Fire

Chapter 198 Catching Fire
After Lin Xiong listened to this guy's words, a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and he retorted: "I see, isn't this the territory of Jiang Batian? Why did a third master come out? You go back and tell you three Lord, don't make any troubles with the ships from Hangzhou in the future. We are the Weihai Bodyguard Agency in Hangzhou, and we are here to protect the business of these cargo ships. If you don't want to hurt your peace, please take care of yourself and don't let the two sides They're not pretty!"

Weihai Escort?What is this thing?But this leader is not a fool. Although he doesn't know the meaning of the Weihai Escort Bureau, he still understands what they do. What they do is to protect the business of merchant ships, and they have to deal with people like themselves, so their face changed. "What are you guys? To tell you the truth, there is no Jiang Batian now. Our Master Jiang has passed away a few days ago. Now it is our Lord Lu who has the final say here in the sea. You are sincerely trying to steal our jobs." No? What do you think you are? Can stop us from moving these cargo ships? You don’t even weigh your own weight. If you are wise, what should you do when you go back and close the door, don’t come out to seek death!”

Lin Xiong slammed his face back and scolded back: "Don't f*cking shame you, to tell you the truth, standing here to talk to you is to give you face, don't be ignorant of flattery and treat yourself like a big petal garlic , if you have the ability, don’t play tricks, let the horse come over, I will show you how powerful we are, if you want to grab the boat, you come here, if you don’t have the ability, get out, don’t fucking embarrass yourself here! Get out!”

Following Lin Xiong's furious curses, the brothers on his boat stood up one after another, holding a pair of bows and arrows in each hand, with arrows attached to them, drawing them into a full moon, and all aimed at the bow on the opposite bow. The leader of Lu Tiesuo's subordinates made a posture that he was about to shoot an arrow at any time.

Seeing that the other party suddenly turned his back, the leader pulled out the guy. With so many bows facing him alone, a cold air rose from the bottom of his heart and spread all over his body along the spine. If the other party suddenly shot an arrow, he would With his ability, I'm afraid he will be shot into a hedgehog immediately!Subconsciously shrinking his neck, he wanted to hide, but he felt that it would be shameless to do so, so he said hard: "Okay! Okay! You wait, I'm here to deliver a message today, don't be ignorant of flattery, I don't I'm as knowledgeable as you guys, just wait, I'll tell our third master when I get back, people like you look good!" Although the mouth is hard, but the calf is not very hard, after speaking, I feel a little soft in the legs, as if at any time Everyone was in danger of collapsing, so he hurriedly turned around and dodged behind a bulwark where he could avoid arrows. Knowing that with his boat today, dozens of people could do nothing against the opponent, it was really dangerous to stay here, so he put He squinted his eyes and scolded in a low voice: "Grandma, you bastards, why don't you just turn around and go back, waiting here to die, you guys, go back and tell the third master, turn around quickly, you idiots!"

Those people on the cargo ship saw the Escort's ship facing the pirate's ship from a distance, and they couldn't hear what they said, but saw the people on the Escort's ship pull out the guy one after another, and then saw the The pirate ship hurriedly turned around and retreated, so everyone booed the departing pirate ship one after another. It seemed that the money for the escort agency was really not in vain, and the pirates really didn't dare to touch them. The people on the cargo ship felt confident now.

The fleet continued to sail forward, and Lin Xiong sent the outpost ships far away. Once the outpost ships found the enemy ships, they could prepare in advance. Besides, they had already gone to sea anyway. He moved out the ballista, fixed it in the reserved position on the ship, and made preparations. He knew that after Lu Laosan's ship returned, they would definitely not let it go, so it was better to make preparations in advance.

As Lin Xiong expected, after that Lu Laosan's subordinates hurried back to Yushan Island, they jumped off the boat without even waiting for the gangplank to be set up, and rushed all the way to where Lu Tiesuo was.

"You came back pretty fast, boy! How did things go this time? What did the people on the boat from Hangzhou say?" Lu Tiesuo asked in surprise after seeing this subordinate come back.

"Reporting to the third master, don't mention it. This time, the ship merchants in Hangzhou hired a few ships from somewhere. They said it was Weihai Escort Bureau, which specially escorted their merchant ships. I met the boss of the Escort Bureau. He said As long as their bodyguards are here, let us avoid the idea of ​​attacking the fleet escorted by them in the future, let alone the arrogance, and almost fight with us. I think they are powerful, so I came back to report to the third master first. ! They simply don't take you seriously!" The guy replied truthfully, and there was a strong hint of provocation in his tone.

Snapped!Lu Tiesuo slapped the table angrily, stood up, and said angrily: "Weihai Escort Bureau? What Weihai Escort Bureau? What do they do?... I remembered, it seems that there was such a thing that appeared in Hangzhou after a year. What kind of Escort Bureau, I heard from my elder brother that they are the ones who dare to love! Okay! They really don’t pay attention to us, these stupid things really dare to ask someone to escort their ships, I want to see Look, what kind of thing is this Weihai Escort Bureau, dare to take their business, go to gather brothers, order a few boats out, I am going to meet that Weihai Escort Bureau!"

The leader pouted his buttocks and ran out in response. After a while, Yushan Island, which was originally quiet, became lively. A large group of Lu Laosan's subordinates ran out of the stockade in a mess and rushed to the pier. , boarded a few boats in a mess, and then Lu Laosan brought a few cronies and his men out of the water village, and got on the biggest boat, which he ordered in Fujian this time. His boat is a large boat that can hold at least five thousand shi. The boat is divided into four floors and is as tall as a building.

Following Lu Laosan's order, several selected ships immediately lifted anchor and set sail, sailed out of the wharf of Yushan Island, and rushed towards the channel all the way. On the side of the ship, they seemed to be waiting for food like vicious dogs. These people have been following Jiang Batian in this kind of ship robbery business for many years, and they have long been accustomed to this kind of life. Anyway, when they go out, most of the time they only need to scare them. Scared the people on the cargo ship, and those people stopped the ship obediently, and let them ask for it. Some people on the ship tried to resist, but they couldn't hold back their numbers, and they would soon be hacked to death by them and thrown into the sea. In their eyes, Going out to rob is a very common thing, so they don't feel nervous, and they have some expectations, because every time they come back, they either grab a lot of goods or a lot of money and other things. A few women come back, then they are considered to be meat, they have to have a good time when they come back, and women with wine and meat are definitely indispensable!Some time ago they were forced to go south. Although they did some things to hijack ships, after all, that was not their old nest, and they always felt that they were not as smooth as they did here. This time they came back, and they finally had a good time again!
Lu Laosan led his fleet and sailed to the predetermined route of the cargo ships. The watchmen on the buckets, the bosses with staring eyes, set up awnings and tried their best to face the distant sea. Search, for fear of missing the trace of the fleet.

The hard work paid off, and after they sailed out of Yushan Island, it didn't take long for a sharp-eyed guy to shout from the bucket on the mast: "I saw it! I saw it! There is indeed a big one in the northeast. Fleet, brothers! Today we caught a fat sheep! Ha ha!"

Following his yell, the ship heard the sound of a conch, and then the watchmen on several other ships also spotted the target and shouted one after another.

Lu Laosan ordered to adjust the course, and led his fleet to sail towards the fleet that was heading south.

Ever since he ran into Lu Laosan's boat in the morning, Lin Xiong didn't relax in the slightest. He asked the watchmen in the buckets on the masts of each boat to keep a close eye on the nearby sea. After the shooting, they checked the bows, arrows, weapons and other items on the ship, and made all preparations. The bodyguards also rested on the spot, recharging their energy, and waiting for the upcoming battle.

"Professor Lin! The ship in front sent back a signal saying that seven ships were approaching our fleet. It seems that they came with bad intentions. Please make a decision, Manager Lin!" A flag bearer ran to Lin Xiong to report.

"Well! It's still here after all! Tell the brothers to set up the ship's side shields, it's time to get up and work, notify the cargo ships in the fleet, let them gather in formation, don't be single, our ship will go forward, meet them, Don't let them get close to the cargo ship, it's up to you now!"

After the signal from the Lin Xiongzuo ship reached all the ships in the fleet, the atmosphere in the fleet suddenly became tense, and the people on the cargo ships became a little uneasy again, because this time the Escort Bureau asked them to gather together and had no choice but to I left the team without permission, and the Escort's ship quickly adjusted its course, sailed out of the fleet, and sailed towards the distance. People standing in the low places have not seen the pirate fleet appearing on the sea level so far. On the way, the boatmen on many cargo ships were lying on the side of the ship nervously watching the ships of the Escort Bureau gradually sailing away, begging God in their hearts not to let them fall into the hands of pirates.

After the five ships of the Escort left the fleet, Lin Xiong's ship formed a frontal formation and greeted the few pirate ships that were speeding in the distance. They were about to welcome the Escort after its opening. the first test.


Brothers, where is the monthly pass?I can update it too.It's only noon now?Want to explode again?Monthly tickets, reminders, all tickets are smashed!

I yelled again: "I want a monthly pass!!"

(End of this chapter)

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