Great Song Pirate

Chapter 172 Trapping and Killing the Jiang Bandit (To)

Chapter 172 Trapping and Killing the Jiang Bandit (To)
After finishing all this work, Xu Yi has come to Yangzhou for some days, and the things in Hangzhou can't be left behind. He should take advantage of this opportunity to set up a big shipyard there, or else such a good opportunity will be wasted. Lost.

After making up his mind, he handed over the affairs of the shipyard to Gray and Gong Zhen. I specifically told Gray not to be too impulsive. Yangzhou is no better than Dulong Island. You can let your temper go. You have to be careful here.

After suffering from Jin Jiu's loss this time, Gray calmed down a lot and calmed down a bit. He nodded and agreed, "Don't worry, Master. Gray understands. I won't do anything if I can. It seems that we still have to learn to be the master, playing tricks is better than grabbing!"

Xu Yi stretched out his hand and slapped him with a smile: "Are you praising me or hurting me, boy! What are you playing dirty? Do I look like the kind of person who likes playing dirty?"

Li Bo and his trusted staff around him nodded at this time, and Li Bo took the lead and said: "Yes! Like! I think it looks like too! Haha!" In fact, they are roughly the same age, and Xu Yi is still relatively young among these people, but after staying with them for such a long time, they get along like brothers. Although these people respect Xu Yi, Xu Yi never He doesn't boss around and put on a posture of being in a high position, and likes to talk and laugh with them when he is free. His prestige among these people has not been lowered by this, on the contrary, it has made these people determined to follow him. his side.

If you go to Hangzhou, you have to tell Li Mutian to see if he will go back, so Xu Yi found Li Mutian, but when he met Li Mutian, he saw the bitterness on Li Mutian's face, so he hurriedly asked: "What's wrong with you? With a bad face, could it be that you have encountered some trouble?"

Li Mutian replied with a bitter face: "Brother Xu came at just the right time, little brother is indeed in trouble!"

After listening to Li Mutian's words, Xu Yi also felt that this matter was troublesome. It turned out that Li Mutian had just received the news that their Li family's ship coming back from Yangzhou was attacked by Jiang bandits again in the Chongming generation, and the goods on board were robbed. Not to mention all of them, several crew members were killed, and the rest were thrown off the boat, and even the cargo ship was burned by these Jiang bandits!
"Isn't the Chongming area patrolled by government ships? Why do Jiang bandits dare to haunt here?" Xu Yi asked strangely.

Li Mutian smiled wryly and shook his head, "What can the government do! They patrolled Chongming with great fanfare for a few days, how could those Jiang bandits rob in front of their faces? So they put down their flags and went into hiding, and these government ships patrolled for a while After that, they found nothing, so they withdrew back, and as soon as they left, these Jiang bandits came out again, and it is said that they were looking for ships with the Li flag, and this time we were killed by them!"

Xu Yi slapped the table angrily: "These bastards are going to be exterminated. Don't worry about this matter any more. Since the matter is caused by me, Xu will naturally solve it for you. You call the sailors who were victimized." Come, let me ask them!"

Li Mutian was overjoyed when he heard that. The Li family had nothing to do about such a thing, but it didn't mean that Xu Yi had nothing to do. He had a lot of people under his command, but they were all ruthless characters, and his skills were much better than those gangsters. It would be best if he was willing to come forward, so he quickly thanked Xu Yi and sent someone to find the sailors on the returned victim ship.

Xu Yi asked the sailors who came, "Did these Jiang bandits say anything when they robbed your ships?"

A sailor stood up and replied: "Returning to shopkeeper Xu, those Jiang bandits once came to our ship to question all the crew members and forced us to tell who killed their brothers. We didn't know, so they killed us." , snatched the goods on our ship, drove us off the ship, and set fire to our ship!" While speaking, these people were full of fear.

When Xu Yi heard it, it was true that these gangsters came after him. Some of the gangsters they met that day must have escaped, or they would not have targeted the Li family's boats. This matter is really true. He asked him to settle the matter, so he continued to ask: "I want to ask you, how many Jiang bandits you encountered, do you know the general idea?"

"I know! I know! There are about one or two hundred of them. They all rowed small boats, and they came and went like the wind in the reed marshes on the Chongming side. They were very careful and quick, and they were hard to guard against!" The sailors replied.

After asking some questions, Xu Yi asked them to retreat and rest. After discussing with Li Mutian, he turned around and made arrangements.

At dawn the next day, Xu Yi took Li Bo, Lin Xiong and others disguised as sailors, boarded two cargo ships full of sand and gravel, hoisted the banner of the Li family company, and made a They left the pier with a full load of goods and sailed straight to the Yangtze River Estuary.

It didn't take long to get from Yangzhou to Chongming. After arriving in Chongming, Xu Yi ordered the two ships to slow down, and everyone else hid in the cabin. Only a few necessary sailors were left on the deck. , and they moved the boat as close as possible to the river bank, making an appearance of being cautious. There were no passing ships on the river at the moment, and the two of them looked a little lonely.

Xu Yi stood at the bow of the boat and built a pergola with his hands, watching the reeds along the way. It was quiet inside, and there was no movement at all. The boat was just slowly sailing towards the sea.

"Boss, the Jiang bandits heard some rumors, or didn't come out today! If we continue to move forward, we will go to sea!" Lin Xiong became a little anxious at this time, came out of the cabin, and came to Xu Yi asked beside him.

Xu Yi shook his head: "I don't know about this either. If there is any news that leaked, we used our own people to come out this time. Although the boat belongs to Li's family, those people were all transferred by Li Mutian. There are not many people there, as to whether they will not come today, let alone that, maybe they grabbed enough things a few days ago, and now they are enjoying themselves somewhere! Let’s not worry, if today they If we don’t come, let’s just sail out to sea, and we’ll turn back here after the day passes. We have to find these guys this time, and let them know how powerful we are. Sailing is troublesome! Are the brothers below ready?"

"It's all ready. Last time they had a good time in Jinjiu's Fortune Gambling Workshop, and their hands are itchy again these days. Isn't it just to deal with some gangsters? Now they have been trained for so long , Although I dare not say that one counts as ten, at least it is more than enough to deal with ordinary people, haha!" Lin Xiong replied confidently.

"That's good. It's good to let them have nothing to do. Once you use it, you have more chances to save your life. Don't be afraid of them suffering. They all understand this truth. You must bring these brothers to walk on land in the future. They restrained their gangster spirit, here is no better than the sea, we can come and go freely, always fight and kill, we must have a normal mentality!" Xu Yi confessed.

"Lin Xiong understands, don't worry, Master Xue, Master Xue and I have told these boys a lot of this truth, and they all understand when to do something and when not to do it, these people are all picked out, there is no What's the problem!" Lin Xiong said.

The two stood at the bow of the boat chatting, the boat continued to move forward slowly, and when it was about to pass Chongming, suddenly there seemed to be movement in the reeds in the distance, Xu Yi shrank his pupils and said: "Okay, these people It’s finally here, we didn’t make this trip in vain, after they’ve all boarded the boat, it’s not too late for us to start, first let the people on the deck bear it, provoke them, let them all attack the boat, Li Bo, wait for them After most of them board the boat, bring down those brothers who are the best at water, and kill the people on their boats, this time we must catch them all!"

Lin Xiong and Li Bo immediately agreed, and went to greet others to prepare.

When the reeds in the distance swayed for a while, a group of breams (a kind of fast boat driving on inland rivers) rushed out, and under the oars and paddles of the people above, they rushed towards Xu Yi and his two cargo ships. When they came over, the bluffing momentum of the people above waving sharp long knives and short knives was scary.

Xu Yi watched intently. There were as many as 200 scorpions that came, and each boat contained ten or more people, and there were less than [-] people in total. These small boats are very suitable for traveling. Used in this kind of environment, it is very suitable to deal with passing cargo ships. No wonder the government has nothing to do with them. Even if they are found, they may not be able to catch up with them.

When they saw them approaching, the people on the boat panicked and raised all the sails as if they were about to escape. In front of the public, and the two cargo ships were also tightly leaning together, the sailors on the deck picked up long objects such as boat poles and stood on the side of the ship, making a posture of preparing to resist.

These Jiang bandits quickly surrounded the big boat with their small boats. Inside, there was a guy with a thick face and a team of cross-eyed guys standing on the bow of a small boat and yelling at the cargo ship: "Hurry up and stop the boat for me!" , if you don’t stop the boat, wait for us to go up and kill you bastards in a while, stop the boat quickly!”

The people on the cargo ship looked panic-stricken and looked at Xu Yi who was standing on the deck. Xu Yi was dressed as a businessman today, and he was the owner of the cargo on the ship. He also said in panic: "You can't stop the ship. , stop my cargo and it will be over, you hurry up and speed up the boat, if you go out to sea, I will give you two slings of money each! Run quickly!" He started pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger again, and Li Bo secretly laughed at the side , Xu Yi stepped on his foot.

The bandit leader below also heard Xu Yi's yell, and immediately showed a look of joy on his face. It seems that he caught a big fish again today. They noticed the two cargo ships just now, and they were both fully loaded. It was loaded with good stuff, otherwise the cargo owner would not have spent a lot of money to make the sailors flee in the boat, so he pointed at Xu Yi on the big boat and cursed: "Your grandma's bastard, how dare you stop the boat? The first one to go up will kill you bastard, stop the boat for me, what we want is goods, don't want your life, you sailors are also working for others, there is no need to work for these profiteers! Hurry down! Stop the boat, or we will attack!"

Xu Yi was even more frightened, dancing and jumping on the slaughter boat, shouting: "Don't lower the sails! All my belongings are in your hands! I beg you, please don't let me down!" Don't stop the boat! My property and life will be at your hands! Those robbers want to kill me! If you can help me stop these robbers, I will give you ten taels of silver each, no... I will give you no 20 taels of silver per person!" Xu Yi jumped up and down while shouting, still laughing inwardly, why didn't I realize that I have such a good acting talent before?If I didn't become a sailor, but an actor, would I still be famous?Zhou Xingxing and Liu Huahua are nothing but my acting skills!

Watching Xu Yi's performance, Li Bo couldn't help it. In order not to let the gangsters below see him, he simply squatted on the boat plank, pounding on the boat plank and laughing silently. He is so talented , It's even better than an actor!Ha ha!
Cooperating with Xu Yi's performance, the brothers on the boat also acted like they were dying for money. They all agreed that Xu Yi would grab something like a boat pole and lie on the side of the boat in a posture of preparing to resist. Shouted: "Treasurer Li, you have already said that if we help you escape this catastrophe, you can't break your promise! Everyone has to give us 20 taels of silver to make it happen!"

Xu Yi nodded his head like a chicken eating rice: "No, I won't break my promise! As long as everyone helps me escape this catastrophe, I will give everyone 20 taels of silver! Brothers fight with them!" It's gone!"

The gangsters below were almost annoyed. Today, I met a group of guys who want money and life. It seems that there must be good things on board. He resisted them desperately, so the leader of the Jiang bandit stopped discussing with the people on the big boat. He raised the shiny waist knife in his hand, stared at his cross-eyed eyes and shouted: "Brothers, we must have caught Fatty today!" The sheep are gone, go up and kill them, we will definitely get rich, go for me, snatch them all, and throw these people into the river to feed the fish! Go up!"

After hearing this, his Jiang Bandits subordinates immediately followed and yelled and moved closer to the side of the big ship.


Brothers, since my grandfather passed away due to illness in the early morning, there are only two shifts today.Here, I guarantee that there will be at least two updates every day this week.The number achieved by the monthly pass will still be increased.After next week, the pimples will continue to break out to make up for the missing chapters in these two days!Hope you brothers can understand.Pimple is here to thank you! !

(End of this chapter)

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