Chapter 171
A hairless phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken, but when this sentence is applied to Jin Jiu, it should mean that a fat pig without money is not as good as a pig!

Because of this incident, Jin Jiu's years of savings were ransacked by the gamblers, and the rest of the yard was also seized and confiscated by the government. All he was left with was the old dilapidated courtyard where Wu Quanshui escaped. At last, the small broken courtyard that was left behind was not completely wiped out.

Jin Jiu was lying on the bed and couldn't get up at all. As for those subordinates who saw that Jin Jiu was down and out, they immediately scattered. The little money he had was also looted, and Jin Jiu became a pauper. As for his concubines, of course they would not suffer with him, and they all left. Only his wife was left. She can go anywhere, stay by his bed all day to wash her face with tears, scolding him for doing too many evil deeds and receiving retribution, relying on selling some of her jewelry, treating Jin Jiu's wounds, living a miserable life.

The story of the Fortune Gambling Shop quickly spread throughout Yangzhou City, and the people who had suffered from Jin Jiu's scourge all clapped their hands and applauded. The huge Jin Jiu was knocked to the ground, but as for those big and small gambling houses, they felt a little panicked, and privately put Xu Yi on their blacklist, and asked the gatekeepers to secretly visit the shopkeeper Xu. When this person came to their gambling house, he would immediately notify the shopkeeper, and the shopkeeper would welcome him, but their worries seemed unnecessary, and they never saw Xu Yi go to any gambling shop to make trouble. Rest assured, and even secretly thanked him for not causing trouble for himself.

Xu Yi has reaped a lot this time. The amount of silver his subordinates broke into Jin Jiu’s backyard and snatched it was as much as ten thousand taels. He put it together and packed a few boxes. The brothers who participated in the disturbance this time sent a red envelope to the craftsmen of the shipyard as a reward for their work achievements these days.

Of course, Xu Yi couldn't forget the benefits of Lord Luo's police officers, and each of them wrapped a big red envelope for them and sent them over, and also sealed a decent gift for Lord Luo. Because of this, Xu Yi He also took the opportunity to get to know Zhifu Mei, and gave him a generous gift. So far, he has firmly established himself in Yangzhou, and no one dares to easily seek trouble at the shipyard of him, an outsider!
After dealing with Jin Jiu, Xu Yi devoted himself to the affairs of the shipyard. The plan when he bought the shipyard began to be gradually implemented, expanding the berth and digging the dock. After the main body is completed, water is put into the dock to make the boat float directly, which reduces the trouble of launching the boat. This technology was also created in the Song Dynasty. He just improved the lifting device of the dock gate to make it more convenient. many.

In addition to these, Xu Yi also used the materials of this era to design lifting equipment, and a large number of combined pulleys were used to make the handling of some heavy objects in the shipyard much easier. Not only these, but also the tools in each workshop. Corresponding improvements were made, and those that could not be bought were built. Anyway, with his improvements, the efficiency of various equipment has improved a lot. These designs of Xu Yi opened the eyes of these craftsmen. Before, they thought that Xu Yi He is just a son of a rich family, but now it seems that he is a very capable person, very proficient in these strange skills and obscene things. Dare to entrust big.

In order to expand the shipbuilding scale of the shipyard, he also recruited a lot of craftsmen, and took in a lot of craftsmen who were cut down by other shipyards. The shipyard originally only had more than 200 people. After this expansion, the number of people has more than doubled. , reached more than 500 people, which can be regarded as solving the local employment problem in Yangzhou, and was unanimously praised by the prefect Mei adults and others.

Seeing that various affairs in the shipyard began to enter the normal track, Xu Yi began to drill into the house again, and worked with several top shipbuilders in the shipyard to make ship models. Now the shipyard can produce these ship models earlier, He is not very interested, he hopes that his shipyard can build a cargo ship suitable for oceangoing like a large Fuchuan, instead of this flat-bottomed square boat.

Combining what he knew before, Xu Yi told these shipwrights his idea, and put forward his idea and rough ship shape requirements, so these boatmen started to make various ship models according to what he said.

After more than ten days of busy work, Xu Yi looked at the simple ship models made by these shipwrights, eliminated those ship models he was not satisfied with, and selected two ship models he was more satisfied with, and asked them to continue to improve. A brand new ship type has been produced, which is very similar to the Fuchuan ship in Fujian but has absorbed some of the advantages of Guangzhou Shipyard, and to some extent also has some advantages of Western sailing ships.

The whole ship is divided into upper and lower floors, and the bottom layer is the ballast cabin. The whole ship is divided into ten watertight compartments, which can effectively maintain the stability and anti-sinking performance of the ship. The length and width ratio of the whole ship is moderate, and the bow is tall and front The two sides float out, the bottom of the ship is V-shaped, and there are bilges on both sides of the bottom, which can play the role of stabilizing the ship when it encounters wind and waves at sea. The ship can be equipped with different numbers of sails according to the size. It has the taste of Fuchuan, and also has the taste of western ocean-going sailing ships of later generations. It gives people a different feeling. When this ship model appeared in front of Xu Yi, Xu Yi finally felt a lot more satisfied. This is what he wanted. type of ship.

He asked the shipbuilders to seal the ship model and put it in a newly dug pool for them to conduct various tests. These shipbuilders found that the new ship model was far less resistant than the square boat they had built before. Many, with the same sail, the speed can be increased a lot, and the ship with the addition of the bilge is also quite good in terms of anti-sway performance, which is not much worse than the square boat. These shipwrights include Gong Zhen Inside, they are all experts. After seeing this boat, they immediately saw the superiority of this kind of boat. But if you think about it carefully, he just put forward some suggestions and ideas based on what later generations saw. It was these craftsmen who actually completed the ship model.

"You don't need to praise me, I just sailed on the sea for many years, I have seen many kinds of ships, I know the advantages and disadvantages of some types of ships, I just said a little idea, in fact, it is you masters who made this type of ship in the end, I don't have much credit, but I have made you all work hard for a long time. You are the ones who are indispensable. In the future, we will no longer build other ships in our shipyard. To build this kind of ship, everyone will have to work hard Ah!" Xu Yi smiled and said to the shipwrights.

"Don't worry, shopkeeper. As long as we have this ship sample, we will definitely be able to build such a good ship. It's just that the shopkeeper is too polite to us. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't even think about it if we were killed." Such a good product came out, and if it weren’t for the shopkeeper, I’m afraid we would still be squatting at the pier competing with others to carry the goods! How could we have such a good life! Now it’s all over, we not only have food to eat, we don’t need to I was worried that there would be no rice in the pot tomorrow, and I was very proud. Now when we go out, we only need to say that we are from Jiangbei Shipyard, and people outside will look at us high. When did we have such a face before? Ah! These are all gifts from the shopkeeper. We all keep them in our hearts. You don’t need to tell us. As long as someone wants this kind of boat, we can cut the materials and rush to build it as soon as the dock is completed, so as to ensure that the shopkeeper’s handover will not be delayed. Goods!" Gong Zhen took the lead to speak, and the shipwrights all nodded in agreement.

Xu Yi stretched out his hand and patted Gong Zhen's shoulder, and said with a smile: "I am like this, if others don't provoke me, I will never bully others, but if others bully my brother, I will He must pay a higher price. As long as you work hard in the future, no matter what time you are, I can guarantee that you will eat well and wear well, and you will never treat everyone badly. For some days, I still have a lot of things to take care of, so please do your best. There are still many inadequacies in this ship that need to be revised. It must be perfect, and then draw a ship plan based on this ship sample. It's convenient to build, this ship was created by our Jiangbei shipyard, everyone should keep it a secret for now, don't let others learn, then our jobs will be taken away by others! Haha!"

The shipwrights immediately assured after hearing this: "Don't worry shopkeeper, we have spent so much effort these days to modify and modify, and it's hard to get this thing out, it's not as difficult as it is for a woman to have a baby, just like us Our own children are average, who would sell their own children? Those of us will guarantee with our heads that we will never reveal the shape of this ship. If someone dares to sell the secret of our ship, there is no need for the shopkeeper to come forward. Let's tear him up and feed him to the dogs!"

Xu Yi nodded and laughed.

"Boss, our ship has a rough shape. It is different from other ships. If it is built in the future, it must have a name, right? Or if people ask about it in the future, no one will know! You say Isn't it?" Gong Zhen said suddenly.

This is true. Xu Yi didn't think about it at first. Originally, his idea was to build a Fuchuan ship here, but in the end, he didn't think of creating a ship that was different from the Fuchuan. Gong Zhen That's right, if this boat is built, it can't be called a blessing boat!Whatever you say, you have to give him your own name, which is enough prestige, so he lowered his head and thought for a while, and immediately said: "You are right, you are right, we should have our own name, I think this The ship will definitely be first built in our Jiangbei shipyard in the future, and it can be regarded as born in our Jiangbei shipyard, so we can simply call it Jiangbei sea ship in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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