Great Song Pirate

Chapter 167 Looking for a lottery (to ask for a monthly pass)

Chapter 167 Looking for a lottery (to ask for a monthly pass)
The officer looked at Jin Jiu and Xu Yi who were standing aside, hesitated, but said truthfully: "Just now those Jin Jiu's people heard that the people in the shipyard near shopkeeper Xu called for punishment to shopkeeper Jin. , he threatened the people on Shopkeeper Xu's side, which aroused public anger, but they were not as many as Shopkeeper Xu's side. Now that the two sides are facing each other, they are about to fight! My lord, you should quickly find a way to suppress it Bar!"

Master Mei has also heard about this Jin Jiu's personality, and knows that this guy has no good reputation in Yangzhou, but he never thought that his people would dare to threaten others outside the yamen. Isn't this kind of behavior sincerely looking for trouble?So he glared at Jin Jiu, and shouted: "It's all good deeds you guys did. If you don't get me down and restrain your subordinates, get out of here and go home. If you make trouble here again, be careful and I will seal you off!" Your casino! Lock them all up and go to the prison to eat!"

This Jin Jiuwen secretly scolded these bastards under his subordinates, they couldn't help him at all, and it was a disservice to him, so he got up and ran outside to restrain his subordinates.

Master Mei also turned to Xu Yi and said: "Master Xu, this is an important place for the government, please also restrain the people in your shipyard, and don't let them make trouble here, I will handle this case fairly! "

Xu Yi bowed in response, and also turned around to leave the lobby. As soon as he came out of the lobby, he saw that it was a chaotic scene outside. The people in the shipyard were really timid, but how could the people from Dulong Island who brought him be afraid of gold? Jiu, these local rascals, who are pulling their arms and sleeves, are about to rush over and beat up these subordinates brought by Jin Jiu. They surround these people in the middle, and they are about to start. Xu Yi didn't dare to delay, so he pretended to hold his fists He said to these people: "Mr. Xu, thank you for your generosity. After all, this is a government office. Please restrain yourself. The magistrate has already said that we will deal with it fairly, so please go away! Mr. Xu, thank you all!"

Seeing that Xu Yi came out to speak, these people also stopped their posture, and pretended to say: "After hearing this, we passers-by think that this surnamed Jin is really deceiving people too much. If an official If we don't deal with it fairly, we won't agree! Let's go, let's go! Since the principals say it's all right, we have the right to believe that the magistrate will make decisions for the common people!" After finishing speaking, the brothers on Dulong Island They dispersed in all directions, and the people in the shipyard also bowed to Xu Yi, and then turned back to the shipyard.

Jin Jiu is so angry!As soon as he went up, he slapped his leading subordinate, raised his fat leg and kicked the guy, cursing angrily: "Get lost, you useless things will only do me a disservice. Hurry up and get the hell out of here, you'll be ashamed of yourself here!"

His subordinates hurriedly lifted the injured man in a desperate manner, turned around and ran back to the casino.

"Master Jin Jiu is really majestic, Xu admires it, admires it! Hehe!" Xu Yi triumphantly teased the ashen-faced Jin Jiu.

Jin Jiu glared at him fiercely, the kind-hearted face just now was gone, and what was left was a ferocious face that wanted to eat people.

After the two of them saw that the people outside had gone almost clean, they both turned back to the lobby. At this time, Lord Luo who had not spoken at all said, "Master Mei, shopkeeper Xu was not in Yangzhou when the accident happened. I just happened to be there. I can testify that when I arrived at the Yangzhou Wharf a few days ago, I happened to meet the shopkeeper Xu’s boat just arrived at the Yangzhou Wharf, so I have seen this shopkeeper Xu. Mrs. Mei also saw it just now. Jin Jiu’s subordinates came to the Yamen and dared to threaten the craftsmen of shopkeeper Xu. It can be seen that their actions are rampant. If there is trouble in the shipyard, I believe their people are the first to make trouble That's right, I don't know what Master Mei is thinking?"

Mrs. Mei originally accepted Jin Jiu's gift and wanted to help him a little bit, at least let Xu Yi pay him some medical expenses or something like that to save him some face, but after the trouble just now, He didn't dare to speak for that Jin Jiu easily anymore. He thought to himself that this matter was not because I refused to help Jin Jiu, but because you messed up the matter yourself, and you can't blame me, so he turned his heart to the bottom and shouted. : "Jin Jiu, after seeing what you did today, I realized that this matter was indeed not the fault of shopkeeper Xu. If you hadn't gone to be rude and make trouble, this kind of thing would not have happened. Now I sentence that The person who was arrested was released without charge, and you owe money to Wu Quanshui to ask for it, do you have anything else to say?"

Jin Jiu's chubby face was as ugly as a bitter melon, but since the magistrate had already spoken, this matter could only be left alone, so he quickly bowed and wiped his sweat and said, "Yes, yes, yes! It's all the villain's fault. If the adults deal with it like this, the villain has nothing to say!"

"Slow down! My lord, Xiaomin still has something to say!" Xu Yi said at this time.

Prefect Mei originally thought that the matter had been settled after this, but he didn't expect Xu Yi to jump out and quit, so he turned his head and frowned and asked Xu Yi: "Master Xu, are you still dissatisfied with my sentence?"

Xu Yi bowed and saluted: "Xiaomin dare not, adults have nothing to say when dealing with fair villains, but Xiaomin thinks that adults must have forgotten one thing, that is, Xiaomin also sued this Jin Jiu, and adults still have nothing to say. Didn't mention it!"

After Mei Zhifu heard about it, he slapped his head straight. He had completely forgotten about Xu Yi suing Jin Jiu for sending people to his shipyard to set fire to him because of the disturbance just now. It must be unreasonable, so he hurriedly said: "Yes, yes! Since you sued Jin Jiu for sending people to set fire to your shipyard, this is also the same case, so let's deal with it together! Someone, bring someone to commit crimes against Ximen Go to the hall!"

Just now, Jin Jiu was glad that the magistrate didn't mention his arson by the side of Ximen. Now after hearing Xu Yi's objection, he stood beside him and yelled in his heart. In the past two days, he often asked people to go to the prison to see that Ximen However, this Luo Tong judge specially ordered that no one should go to see that guy privately, but after the prison bosses got the order, they dared not let anyone in. Jin Jiu was very angry because of this matter, and he didn't know whether Ximen Pan really knew him. Has this matter happened, now it seems that he is a little bit more ominous!

Not long after, a guard came to the prison and brought Ximenpan out. This guy hadn't seen him for a few days and almost lost his shape. He was not very strong, but now he lost a lot of weight. His face was sallow and his legs were weak. After being dragged to the lobby, as soon as the guard let go, he fell onto the lobby with a plop, struggled to kneel down, and kowtowed to the magistrate.

"Hmm! Is the one kneeling down by the west gate?" Mei Zhifu slapped the gavel and asked this fellow.

This Ximenpan no longer had the toughness he had when he was captured by Li Bo, he kowtowed and replied, "It's the villain!"

Ever since Jin Jiu was brought into the hall, Ximen Pan kept winking at this guy, but Ximen Pan didn't look at him at all, but glanced at Xu Yi from the corner of his eyes from time to time, making Jin Jiu angry , but in front of so many people in the hall, he didn't dare to speak out to warn this Ximenpan, sweat dripped from his fat forehead.

"Let me ask you, Shopkeeper Xu has accused you of being ordered to set fire to his shipyard. Do you have anything to say about this?" the magistrate asked this guy.

Ximenpan's body trembled, and he quickly kowtowed and replied: "The grass people have nothing to say, it's true, it's true!"

When Zhifu Mei heard this, he thought to himself, yes!This guy is really soft-boned, and he admitted it immediately, but you kid took care of this matter by yourself!I might as well block your boss, but if you admit it like this, how can I speak for your boss!Jin Jiu, this bastard, why did he use such a soft-boned guy to do things!But now that Ximenpan has already pleaded guilty, he can only continue to ask: "So you were indeed ordered by someone to set fire to the Jiangbei shipyard? Then look up, is there someone who ordered you to do so?" person?"

Ximenpan tremblingly glanced at Xu Yi, Xu Yi sneered at him, this Ximenpan finally trembled again, why did he have to hide something for his master now!Life-saving is the most important thing, who are the shopkeepers around Xu!After catching him and beating him violently, he didn't even leave him with any trauma. That Li Bo could crush a rock with a pinch, and trying to take his life isn't like playing games!And when sending him to the official, Xu Yi, who looked like a smiling Buddha, poured something into him, saying it was seedling Gu, and he could die whenever he wanted , threatened him that if he dared to make a false statement when he went to the court, he would kill him immediately and let him die with a broken stomach. He kept grunting and had diarrhea all the time. He was almost scared to death. At this moment, he just wanted to get the antidote from Xu Yi after he had finished his honest confession. What Jin Jiu!So he nodded quickly and pointed at the fat man Jin Jiu with his iron-shackled fingers, and shouted: "It's him, the one who asked me to set the fire! I have five taels of silver, but the villain was not careful, just sneaked into the shipyard and lit the fire, and was caught by the people of the shipyard, the small one deserves to die, the small one deserves to die, please give me a lenient sentence!"

Jin Jiu, who was standing by the side, almost fainted on the spot, and immediately shouted: "My lord! He is lying, he is just framing me, I am a well-known good man in our Yangzhou! How could he send a scoundrel to set fire to the shipyard?" What about it? My lord, hurry up and punish him, let him confess honestly, don't frame up good people!"

"Bold! How dare you, Jin Jiu, dare to yell at the court. What do you think this is? This is the prefect hall. How can you tell me what to do here? Is it you or the prefect who is judging the case? Prefect, this Ximenpan has already pleaded guilty, this Jin Jiu still dares to yell at the court, my lord should deal with it according to the law!" Sitting beside him, Luo Tongjuan immediately got up and reprimanded this Jin Jiudao, then turned around and said to the prefect, urging the prefect Mei to clean up this Jin Jiu Nine.

The yamen servants and others next to him immediately roared in unison: "Mighty!" Jin Jiu was so frightened that he shivered, and immediately shut up.

This Mei Zhifu is angry!Jin Jiu found him a radish to sit on, it seems that it is impossible not to let him suffer a bit today!So he said angrily: "Come here, Jin Jiu is roaring in the courtroom, drag me down for twenty slaps! Come up and talk!" He took out a lottery from the table and threw it down.

A servant servant hurried over to pick up the stick, and two other people came over and clamped Jin Jiu's arm. Jin Jiu shouted: "My lord, please spare my life! My lord, please spare my life! The little one dare not, and the little one will never again!" Dare!" Before he finished speaking, he was dragged down by the yamen servant.

The yamen servant who took the stick followed, picked up the stick, and beat his fat face head-on and back-to-back. Someone was counting beside him. After the twenty sticks were drawn, Jin Jiu became even fatter. After a circle, blood came out from the corner of his mouth, as embarrassing as he could be!

Fortunately, the yamen servant who held the mouth knew this Jin Jiu, and had used his small money before, so he deliberately let him drink water when he slapped his mouth just now, otherwise it would be someone he didn't know, and the twenty lottery tickets would be exhausted. Human teeth have been knocked out, Jin Jiu can be regarded as a bargain, it seems that it is better to spend money in advance, but he Jin Jiu did not expect that he was the one who was beaten today, and the pain caused him to cover his face and shiver Angry, he was dragged back to the hall.

Jin Jiu was brought back to the lobby with a whimper, and he didn't dare to threaten that Ximenpan anymore. He mourned his swollen face, knelt in the lobby and dared not speak, Zhifu Mei snorted and reprimanded him: " You, Jin Jiu, are really bold and reckless. You just go to other people’s shipyards to make trouble for no reason. You actually dare to hire murderers to set fire to other people’s shipyards. Fortunately, the fire was extinguished early, and there are hundreds of people on and off the shipyard. If it's a big deal, it's a matter of human life, what else can you say now?"

Jin Jiu knelt on the ground and still wanted to deny it: "Your Excellency, the villain really didn't hire that Ximenpan to set fire to the shipyard!"

"Bold! Are you still going to deny the matter now? Ximenpan! You say you were ordered by Jin Jiu, do you have proof?" Mei Zhifu is also angry at this meeting, and he no longer cares about accepting the gold. Jiu's gift, he slapped the gavel and yelled at Jin Jiu and Ximen Pan.

The gavel of Mei Zhifu made these two guys tremble, Ximenpan was even more excited and quickly kowtowed and replied: "Yes! Yes! The money Jin Jiu gave me is still hidden under the stove in my house. Woolen cloth!"

"My lord, this man is talking nonsense. The silver he hid may not have been given to him by the villain!" Jin Jiu immediately shouted for injustice.

This Ximenpan saw Jin Jiu's denial, so he didn't care about being afraid of him any more. His life was the most important thing at the moment, and he shouted loudly: "Who is it if you didn't instruct me? Shopkeeper Xu from the shipyard and I have another meeting." He has no grievances, why would he go and set fire to his boatyard in the middle of the night?"

"I know why you are going to burn his shipyard? You kid usually likes to steal chickens and dogs. You are not a good person. Maybe you can't steal someone's house. Now you want to wait for an opportunity to take revenge. When you fuck me, you want to frame me On my head? Let me tell you Ximenpan, if you dare to frame me again, I will..." Jin Jiu was really impatient, and forgot where this place was, and threatened this Ximenpan.

Ximenpan is also impatient now, if this guy refuses to admit it, then he will take the blame himself, how can he bear such a crime?So he also shouted: "I said Jiuye, I usually do a lot of immoral things for you! You can't let me be the top of the tank! Last time the Zhang family in the east of the city offended you, it was you... Ugh! "It was only when he said this that he realized that he had slipped his mouth.

This Jin Jiu was really impatient, when he heard that Ximenpan almost threw him out, he was so angry that he rushed over to grab this Ximenpan's neck, and now the lobby was quite lively, Zhifu Mei's nose was almost all over Angry, he slapped the gavel and shouted: "Come on, pull them away! Pull them away! What's the matter, what's the matter! Come, let me pull them away!" Thirty boards, hit me!"

The yamen servants on both sides rushed out and pulled the two bastards who were fighting together, and dragged them out with their arms intertwined. Xu Yi stood aside and almost laughed out his teeth. After receiving [-] big mouths, and now he is going to be pulled out to beat the board again, it is really relieved, so relieved!Ha ha!
When Jin Jiu was dragged out, he realized that something was wrong, and quickly shouted: "My lord, my lord, I was wrong, don't hit me, if you hit me again, I will kill you! Please, my lord!"

That Ximenpan also called out: "My lord, what the villain said is true, my lord knows it! My lord knows it!"

But their yelling was definitely useless at this moment. After the two were dragged to the hall, the yamen servants naturally came over and held down their hands and feet, took off their pants, swung the board, and beat them loudly. When they got up, the two guys were beaten until they were crying and screaming.

The executioner used Jin Jiu's silver. While being beaten, Jin Jiu winked at the servant who was beating the west gate. Immediately understood what he meant, so he swung the board round, moved a little above Ximenpan's buttocks, and hit it down hard with all his strength, only to hear the Ximenpan scream, and the click stopped. He yelled, but the boards on his buttocks continued to fall. The executioners, assuming they didn't see his condition, continued to beat thirty boards one by one.

At this time, a yamen servant pretended to exclaim: "Oh! This Ximen Bank seems to be dying! Hurry up and report to your lord!"

(The [-]-character chapter is here. Brothers, if you have renewal tickets or monthly tickets, please send some to Geda! Geda is working hard today!)
(End of this chapter)

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