Great Song Pirate

Chapter 166 Proceedings

Chapter 166 Proceedings

Xu Yi found a few dice and handed them to Li Bo, and asked him to perform. Li Bo grabbed the dice and shook them casually. After throwing them away, he threw Xu Yi whatever Xu Yi wanted, and then Xu Yi shook the dice. No matter what points he rolled, Li Bo could hear the points he rolled, and now Xu Yi felt relieved, haha, it turned out that there was a God of Gamblers by his side!Now it's developed!

Jin Jiu was very annoying. He knew that he had bumped into an iron plate this time, but now that the incident has come to an end, he can't just be numb just because the person surnamed Xu knows the new general judge. He should be prosecuted for false accusations, not to mention that Ximenpan is still in prison!Now he is still riding a tiger, thinking that if he can climb up to the magistrate, the lawsuit may go on this time, but he usually makes friends with some lower-level officials in the government, and he really has not climbed up to the magistrate Liu. My lord, if you want to hug Lord Liu's thigh for two days, and let Lord Liu fall to his side, the matter is not so simple, not to mention that Muxiu these few days, the new Lord Luo will definitely take the opportunity to communicate with the prefect Well, he's been a little stuck for the past two days, and now he can only hold on. Fortunately, he still has the IOU that Wu Quanshui made in his hand, and this Wu Quanshui has long since disappeared!It is estimated that it can be entangled for a while, and with the support of those officials who make friends on weekdays, it is estimated that it will not lose too badly!Otherwise, it will be difficult for him to be in Yangzhou in the future!
Hangzhou is not too far from Yangzhou, and it will take less than two days for a fast horse to go back and forth. After Xue Tu received the news from Xu Yi, he didn't dare to delay, so he immediately asked Lin Xiong to take brother No. [-] to rush all the way, and finally arrived three days later Yangzhou, met Xu Yi.

Xu Yi asked them to live separately in some inns in Yangzhou. After waiting for the official end of this matter, he would clean up that Jin Jiu of the Fortune Casino. After Lin Xiong obeyed his orders, he took people to settle down first. They all wear all kinds of clothes, and they are not here to rebel. It is more than enough for a gambling house!

Xu Yi found a few of Lord Luo's subordinates in private, treated them well in the restaurant, and gave them some gifts, making these people think that Xu Yi is a good person and a reasonable person , After drinking and eating, everyone patted their chests and said that as long as there was something to do, just take Xu Yi's orders, and Xu Yi nodded in response.

Under Master Luo's interrogation, the magistrate of Yangzhou soon promoted the case between Jin Jiu and Xu Yi, and Xu Yi saw Jin Jiu for the first time.

Jin Jiusheng's white and fat appearance looks kind, like a kind gentleman. If he didn't know his identity and character, he might have been deceived by his appearance. When Yi looked at Jin Jiu, this Jin Jiu also looked Xu Yi up and down.

Jin Jiu was also a little surprised. He only knew that the new shopkeeper of the shipyard was a person surnamed Xu, but he didn't expect to find out that Xu Yi was still so young when he saw him today. There is no beard, white and clean, but it does not have that kind of weak feeling. On the contrary, it gives people a kind of introverted heroism, and there is a kind of calmness and sophistication in every gesture, which makes Jin Jiu have a feeling that he dare not underestimate him. Feel.

Because the two parties are enemies now, although they have not reached the point where they are jealous, after examining each other, the two of them did not say anything to each other, but stood under the hall waiting for the county magistrate's summons.

Following the yelling of the yamen servant, Lord Mei, the magistrate of Yangzhou, called the two parties into the lobby, because neither of them had any fame. On the name.

Xu Yi took a sneak peek, Master Luo was also listening to the trial in the hall, and secretly gave him a wink to reassure him, so Xu Yi had a bottom line in his heart, maybe it was the result of both parties' sports, this time hearing Mei The adults did not let them kneel down to ask questions, but asked them to stand up and answer. After looking Xu Yi and Jin Jiu up and down, Zhifu Mei asked, "Jin Jiu, are you suing the shopkeeper Xu of the Jiangbei Shipyard for the debt?" Also, and even raped slaves, do you have evidence?"

This Jin Jiu quickly bowed and replied: "Returning to my lord, there are proofs for the grass people to sue him for debts and murder. I have the IOUs that the shopkeeper of the shipyard gave to the villain as evidence, and that day. When I sent people to the shipyard to collect the debt, many people saw that the people in the shipyard not only failed to pay their debts, but also hurt others. !"

After Mei Zhifu finished listening, Xu Yi turned his head aside and asked, "Xu Yi, let me ask you, is what Jin Jiu said true?"

Xu Yi bowed and replied: "My lord, Jin Jiu's words are all lies, not a word of the truth, I have not been in Yangzhou for a long time, and I have never known this Jin Jiu, so how can I say that I owe him money? Even if the former shopkeeper owed him money, what does it have to do with me? This Jin Jiu took the IOU from the previous shopkeeper and sent many people to my shipyard to make trouble for no reason, and even took the lead in beating the people in my shipyard , These things have been seen by many people, as for his people being injured, it can be said that it is their own fault, no wonder the people in my shipyard, please judge clearly!"

After the prefect Mei had heard the statements from both parties, he turned to Jin Jiu and asked, "The shopkeeper Xu said he never knew you, but you said he owed you money, why is that?"

When Jin Jiu heard this, he quickly took out a note from his bosom and asked the yamen servant to present the big case, saying: "The villain doesn't know this shopkeeper Xu, but the shipyard was originally owned by that Wu Quanshui, but That Wu Quanshui once borrowed 500 taels of Wenyin from the villain, and said that he would take the boatyard as a mortgage, but he transferred the boatyard to this shopkeeper without permission, and the villain heard that when he transferred the boatyard I have already transferred all his debts to this shopkeeper Xu, so I can only ask this shopkeeper Xu for his debts. The servant who sent someone to beat me to collect debts, and ask the Lord to make the decision for me!"

The prefect Mei looked at the IOU, but on it was a temporary loan of 500 taels of Wenyin, which was signed by Wu Quanshui, so he turned around and asked Xu Yi: "Since Jin Jiu has already taken out this IOU, what else do you have?" Is there something to say?"

Xu Yi said calmly: "It is true that I have taken over the shipyard from Wu Quansai and assumed his debts, but when I took over his shipyard, I already told him The accounts of my account have been liquidated, and the debts that should be borne by me have been sorted out at the beginning, and there are still proofs, which are clearly written and signed by Wu Quanshui, and there is no mention of the money owed to Jinjiu. And as far as I know, when Wu Quanshui made an IOU for this Jin Jiu, I had already sold his shipyard. Should I be responsible for his debts after I sold the boatyard? Jin Jiu knew that These things, and sending people to my shipyard to harass me, isn’t it just bullying others? Please learn from me, my lord!” After speaking, he submitted all the certificates signed with Wu Quanshui to Zhifu Mei.

Zhifu Mei took a look at the evidence, then checked the IOU submitted by Jin Jiu, his face sank suddenly, and he shouted at Jin Jiu: "You, Jin Jiu, are simply messing around. It is clearly written on it, and there is no such thing as your debt, and the day when he took over the shipyard, it was before Wu Quanshui owed you the debt, so why should he pay Wu Quanshui's debt on behalf of Wu Quanshui? What do you mean? Wu Quanshui owes you money, you should go to Wu Quanshui to ask for it, but you don’t know this and go to shopkeeper Xu to ask for it, isn’t it intentional to blackmail shopkeeper Xu?”

Jin Jiuyi was overwhelmed. He dared to feel that when Wu Quanshui and Xu Yi handed over the shipyard, he actually made things so clear. He had nothing to sing this time, so he hurriedly knelt down and confessed: "My lord, forgive me. When I went to collect the account, I didn't know that Wu Quanshui had already transferred the shipyard to this shopkeeper Xu, and I didn't know the agreement between them. If this was the case, I would not ask this shopkeeper Xu for the account anymore. That’s right, but even if I was wrong, he couldn’t let his subordinates injure one of my men, this matter can’t be faked! My injured man was also brought here, and I asked the adults to give it to the little one. call the shots!"

As soon as he finished his words, someone in the hall started yelling, it was so miserable, as if he couldn't live anymore, and then a group of people shouted in the hall: "Severely punish the murderer! Severely punish the murderer!" This Jin Jiu actually started a people's movement.

Zhifu Mei frowned. In the past two days, he actually took Jin Jiu’s silver from his subordinates. Although he was wrong about this matter, it was true that his people were beaten. He couldn’t just take the money and give nothing away. Let's do it, but the embarrassing thing for him is that this new general judge is also his deputy, but this Luo Tong judge is obviously on the side of the surnamed Xu, this matter is not easy to handle!After thinking about it for a while, he said to Xu Yi: "Master Xu, it is always true that your people injured the person of Shopkeeper Jin. Let me ask you, is this true?"

Xu Yi sneered slightly, bowed and replied: "What Jin Jiu said is a bunch of nonsense. When the accident happened, I was not in Yangzhou, so why did my subordinates beat Jin Jiu? When I first came to the land of Yangzhou, if they hadn’t been rude to collect the bills first, and beat the people in my shipyard first, how could we beat their people? And after I came back, I also asked about this matter, our shipyard All the people said unanimously that Jin Jiu's people were unreasonable. They forcibly broke into my shipyard and destroyed them everywhere, and even pulled things by force. Such behavior is simply like a robber. They demolished the shipyard, and they chased and beat them everywhere without fighting back! If there are witnesses, all the people in my shipyard are witnesses. As for how his people were injured, in that chaotic scene Next, I’m afraid no one can tell clearly! Besides, many people in my shipyard were injured by them. I haven’t sued him Jin Jiu, but he sued me first. Since he can lift people Go to the hall, my people can also be carried here, my lord, the injured people in my shipyard have also arrived at the hall now, please make decisions for the villain! If Yangzhou allows this kind of scoundrel to run rampant in the city, just take it If you can collect debts at will with an incomprehensible IOU, and harass the common people everywhere, will there be a peaceful life in Yangzhou City in the future? As for the people arrested in our shipyard, please be released without charge It is!"

Xu Yi made an impassioned speech, speaking loudly, with an air of righteous indignation. As soon as his words fell to the ground, there was a louder voice outside, this time, more people shouted than the person from Jin Jiu just now. He said: "Jin Jiu is bullying people, please learn from me! Please also release innocent people, or we people will not agree!" The voice quickly attracted many passers-by who passed by the yamen. This Jin Jiuye was suing, and knew that Jin Jiu was bullying others again this time, so more people followed suit and shouted, the yamen was so lively for a while!

They made such a fuss, but this Mr. Mei broke out in a cold sweat. He was worried that if this matter was handled unfairly, once there was a civil uprising, his prefect would be regarded as the end. Think carefully, this matter It was originally Jin Jiu's fault. If he hadn't been a rogue and went to other people's house to make trouble for nothing, how could there be any rumors that his people were injured?

Jin Jiu was also taken aback by the noise outside. He recruited some people to carry the beaten guy outside to make a noise. He was the victim, and he wanted to put pressure on the government. If he couldn't punish the shopkeeper Xu, he would force the government to deal with Gray, but he didn't expect Xu Yi to gather more people around outside, shouting much louder than his people. The yelling was immediately overwhelmed by the people from the shipyard and the people from Dulong Island brought by Xu Yi, and the yelling from his subordinates could no longer be heard.

At this moment, the corner of Master Luo's mouth twitched, he wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, and secretly gave Xu Yi a thumbs up, which meant that you are strong enough, you can completely suppress this Jin Jiu Arrogant!Xu Yi laughed a little. He also asked someone to bribe one of Jin Jiu's subordinates privately. He heard that he was going to come here to make such a scene, so he made preparations early and gathered more than Jin Jiu's subordinates. There were a lot of people, wandering around the yamen a long time ago, when they heard Jin Jiu's people yelling, they immediately brought a few bags of "wounded people" who looked like rice dumplings and surrounded the yamen, denouncing Jin Jiu loudly , Xu Yi secretly laughed, Xiao Mian, you are a little too young to play mass movements!

At this time, an officer from outside hurried in and reported back: "My lord, something is wrong, there is going to be a fight outside..."

Mrs. Mei jumped up immediately upon hearing this and hurriedly asked, "What's going on? Tell me quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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