Great Song Pirate

Chapter 162 Yangzhou General Judgment (arrived)

Chapter 162 Yangzhou General Judgment (arrived)

Two days after the boat sailed, there was another strong wind on the sea. Fortunately, the strong wind this time was not too strong, and they sailed in the direction of the wind, so no damage was caused, but the turbulence was really severe, and the people on board were soaked by the sudden heavy rain. Wet, but for these people who sail the sea all year round, this is already a habit.

In order to fight against the wind, all their ships had half of their sails furled, but the big ship was still sailing along the wind, passing through the waves, sometimes being thrown onto the top of the waves and sometimes falling into the valley, just like a few leaves. The others were fine, but it was Cuiyu who had just gotten used to the feeling of being on a boat, when he ran into strong winds and waves again, and suffered from seasickness all of a sudden, and almost vomited out everything in his belly. Lying in the cabin, I didn't even have the strength to get up.

There is no need for Xu Yi to do things on the boat. The bosses of each ship are experienced, and they can handle it by themselves. Xu Yi simply took care of Cuiyu in the cabin, so that Cuiyu was very moved. It would be bad if there was no weather forecast. If I had known earlier If there is a storm, they will come out a few days later to avoid the limelight.

In order to avoid the strong wind, they didn't bother to sail directly to Yangzhou, but first found an island near the coast to avoid the wind and waves for a while, and finally landed on the shore, only to find that there were already ships here to avoid the wind and waves Everyone took a closer look and found that the ship was actually an official ship. The side of the ship was damaged. But now the sea is very windy and rough, if they dodge, they will have to return to the strong wind and waves, Xu Yi thought for a while, and sent an order to continue docking, anyway, he brought the boat out as a businessman, and the boat was full The goods will not attract their attention.

The people on the island had already seen their ships, and there were people standing on the shore waving to them from afar, watching Xu Yi and his ships dock, and the people on the official ship that landed first on the island braved the wind and rain. Came over to help, caught the cable thrown by them, pulled it to the shore and found a huge stone to fasten it, and then Xu Yi and the others got on the springboard. Xu Yi carried Cuiyu, who had already fainted, and brought Li Bo and others down to the island.

Now that they have landed, people always want to be courteous when they meet officials, and they help pull the cable for them, so they have to go over and say thank you. Xu Yi handed Cuiyu to Li Bo to support him, and walked up to the place by himself. A place where you can take shelter from the rain, there are already dozens of people standing or sitting there, the leader is a man in official uniform, who is frowning and looking at him up and down, probably can't stand the turbulence on the boat, Go down to the island and take a rest.

Before Xu Yi could get close to the official, he was stopped by two men in official uniform holding the handles of their sabers, and shouted to Xu Yi: "Your Excellency, please rest here, please don't bother me!"

At this moment, the official waved his hand to get the two servants to step aside and said, "Hurry up and let this young man come over and talk. We still have to ask others. How can we let someone stand in the rain and talk?"

"Caomin has seen your lord, because the sea is too stormy, let's take shelter here for a while, I don't know that your lord is also taking shelter here, offend you!" Xu Yi took two steps forward and said to the official.

The official raised his hand to excuse Xu Yi, and said with a smile on his face: "You are welcome, we also encountered wind and waves, and we came here to shelter from the wind. Injury, I am also worrying here, now that you are here, you have helped me a lot, otherwise, after the wind and waves stop, I still don’t know how to continue my journey! By the way, let me ask, are you Where are you taking the boat to?"

Xu Yi replied truthfully: "Caomin is going to Yangzhou to transport goods this time. I don't know where my lord is going?"

The official was overjoyed immediately: "Just in time, we happened to be on the way, and I was going to Yangzhou to take up the post. I think you look like a businessman. I don't know your last name? What kind of business are you doing?"

When Xu Yi heard that there were so many coincidences in this world, and that such a big sea met an official who was still on the way, he hurriedly replied: "Caomin dare not call you noble, Caomin's surname is Xu Mingyi, and they mainly do some trafficking business. , and there is also a shipyard in Yangzhou, I wonder if you want to go to Yangzhou for any job?"

The official hadn't spoken yet, and a man in official uniform stood up beside him and said, "This is our Master Luo. This time we are going to Yangzhou to take up the post of Yangzhou general judge. Why don't you hurry up and greet?"

When Xu Yi heard it, hey, this official is actually the second in command in Yangzhou. If you count the magistrate, this is the one. It's a good idea. Let's establish a relationship first. Maybe he can be used in the future, so he bowed quickly Shili said: "Caomin just now didn't know that your lord is the general judge of Yangzhou, what an offense, I hope you will be more tolerant!"

This Luo Tongjuan did not have too much airs, he waved his hand and said: "You are welcome, it is due to the storm that you and I met in this place, it is a fate, and when the wind stops, I will rely on you Going to Yangzhou to take office! I wonder if you can help me with this?"

Xu Yi quickly said: "The grass people are lucky, as they should be. It's just that the grass people's boat is far less comfortable than the adult's official ship. As long as the adults don't dislike it, the grass people will definitely send you to Yangzhou!"

The official saw that Xu Yi spoke decently and was willing to send him to Yangzhou to take up his post, so he was overjoyed and ordered someone to show Xu Yi a seat. What kind of stool is there on this deserted island!So a man in military uniform who looked like a guard simply moved a stone to Xu Yi and used it as a stool for Xu Yi to sit on, but Xu Yi didn't sit down, but said: "There is an adult here!" Here, how can there be a seat for grassroots! Caomin will take my leave first, my wife is very seasick, and it is raining here, so let me go down and settle down, I don’t know what my lord needs here, Caomin can ask my servants to bring some over!"

Hearing what Xu Yi said, Lord Luo didn't stop him, so he waved his hand and said, "In this case, Mr. Xu can just go and do his work. I don't need anything here. We just wait for the wind to stop and the rain to stop, and we will hurry up and get on the road." Yes!"

After Xu Yi bowed and saluted, he turned and went back into the rain. Under the umbrellas of his subordinates, they found a place far away that could shelter them from the wind and rain, and sat down temporarily.

"Boss, this time we just ran into an official, and this official doesn't look too young. It's so windy and rainy, and they don't have many people. Why don't we just make a vote, anyway, they don't know it. Yes, let's see what kind of good things this official ship has brought!" A leader named Diao Bin who came out with Xu Yi came over and whispered an idea.

Xu Yi was taken aback when he heard that, this guy is too bold, he actually wanted to take the opportunity to kill these government officials and grab a ticket, it seems that these guys are really courageous, after becoming a pirate, they can be said to be unscrupulous , so he hurriedly glanced at the place where the government officials sheltered from the rain, and saw that it was far away and under the heavy wind and rain. Unexpectedly, when they heard something, they turned their heads and gave Diao Bin a hard look, and whispered to him. : "Why are you so bold? Do you know who this official is? He is the new Yangzhou general judge. How much fat does an official who has just taken office have? And I think that although this person is not a small official, he is He doesn't look like a vain and arrogant person, maybe he is a good official, we are doing legitimate business this time, not out to rob, pass down the order, let us brothers be strict with me, and be polite to these people Some, Yangzhou has its own shipyard and business, and maybe we will use this person in the future, don’t show me any tricks, if you come up with such a bad idea again, see if I don’t drive you back to Dulong Go to the island to farm, and don’t follow me out in the future!”

This Diao Bin was originally excited, but was scolded by Xu Yi, so he shrank his neck, shrugged his shoulders at Li Bo who was laughing at him, and hurried to inform the other brothers that this Diao Bin could follow Xu Yi. When Yi came out, he was also a person Xu Yi could trust, but he was usually too courageous, but he still obeyed Xu Yi's words.

After the strong wind blew all night, the wind gradually slowed down a lot at dawn. Xu Yi ordered the cook on board to bring some food over, and then took someone to Na Luo Tongpan and others to send it over.

"My lord has worked hard all night here, and I asked the cook on the boat to make some breakfast. If your lord is not too rough, you can use some. Now the wind and waves are much calmer. I will ask the craftsman on board to check your ship. Let’s set off for Yangzhou together, and I happen to be in the ship yard, and when I get there, I will make a thorough overhaul of your ship, what do you think about it?” Xu Yi said to Master Luo said.

"Thank you Mr. Xu for your thoughtfulness. I just happened to be a little hungry, so I won't be polite. Since you have an accompanying craftsman on this boat, please show me it. Otherwise, it would be a pity to lose it like this. If you don't If it’s a serious problem, we’d better not throw it away, after all, a boat is worth a thousand taels of silver, you can see that it’s done, but don’t delay too long, I’m still in a hurry to get on the road!” Lord Luo thanked.

It seems that Master Luo is not the kind of guy who ruins his family. At least he knows how to throw away a boat at will. Xu Yi nodded and asked his subordinates to put these meals in front of Lord Luo. The amount of meals he prepared was quite enough. This Lord Luo and his party had a meal, and then he ordered his men to go to the official ship of Lord Luo to see the situation.

Before Xu Yi had breakfast, the craftsmen who went to inspect the official ship turned around and said to Xu Yi: "The official ship was not damaged much, but it was a little bit cracked when it docked, and some things got into the ship. As long as the water is simply repaired and the accumulated water is washed out, there is no problem at all when traveling to Yangzhou, but there must be no room for people in the cabin below, and a lot of food is soaked in seawater. The boatman on their boat is too poor , Surprisingly, you can't even do a simple ride on the waves, you're just a bunch of idiots!"

Xu Yi smiled and said: "Just know it. It's not easy for these boatmen who are officials to work for a living. You go and repair his official boat. I will let other brothers go to help you wash the water so that the boat can run smoothly." Just go!" Several craftsmen who accompanied the ship went down, found wooden boards, iron nails, hemp ropes and other things, and went to work on the official ship.

Xu Yi then ordered Diao Bin to bring some people with buckets and other things to the official ship to wash water for the ship. Seeing Xu Yi summoning people to do it, Master Luo also sent all his men to the ship to fight with Xu Yi. The men started working together.

The damage to the official ship was not serious. After half a day of repairs, the water inside was almost washed out. It seemed that there was no problem with the boat, but Master Luo's men were still not at ease, so they asked Xu Yi and him After discussing, let Master Luo sit on their cargo ship, and the others follow Houmi in an official ship. Anyway, they are on the way, and asked Xu Yi if it is okay.

Now that the officials have said that even if civilian ships are requisitioned, ordinary people can only give up their own boats to the officials, and they probably don’t even dare to fart, although Xu Yi and the others don’t pay much attention to the officials , but since he didn't intend to touch him, he would do it to the end, so Xu Yi could only nod in agreement. Who would let him be an official?And it's not necessarily a bad thing, many friends have many paths!

Xu Yi was still entertaining lunch. There was too much whale meat on the boat. Let Master Luo and his party eat it. Anyway, this thing is also fresh, and few people have tasted it. Master Luo and others tasted the whale meat. I feel that the quality of whale meat is not very delicate, but Guizai has never seen this kind of food before, and they were very satisfied after eating it, and their attitude towards Xu Yi became much better.

After the meal, Xu Yi invited Lord Luo to his boat, packed two clean cabins for Lord Luo and his two subordinates, and settled them on the boat. The rest of Lord Luo's entourage also boarded. After boarding the restored official ship, a group of ships raised their sails and anchored, and headed towards Yangzhou.

This Master Luo is really not a big official, walking around on the boat, asking this and that from time to time, he doesn't act like an official, but like a curious baby, when Xu Yi asked later, it turned out that this Lord Luo My hometown is from Tanzhou. After winning the Jinshi, I went to Fujian as an official. This time, I was promoted to Yangzhou as a judge. I was curious, so I took a boat and went by sea. I had never been to sea before. The first time I went to sea, I met I almost lost my life in a big storm, and I was very scared. Now that I have Xu Yi's fleet, I feel relieved. That's why I feel curious about everything, which is human nature.

Xu Yi accompanied him around on the boat. Anyway, he met him, so he deliberately flattered Mr. Luo, so he deliberately took out some soap, glycerin, whale skin, ambergris, Whale gallbladder and other things were given to Mr. Luo. These things are worthless to Dulong Island, but to Mr. Luo who has never seen soap, glycerin or whale skin, they are precious and rare things. It made Mr. Luo very happy. He patted Xu Yi on the shoulder and thanked him repeatedly. He said that he must visit his shipyard when he arrived in Yangzhou. friend.

(End of this chapter)

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