Great Song Pirate

Chapter 161 Arabic Numerals (To)

Chapter 161 Arabic Numerals (To)
Xu Yi stayed on the island for a few days and looked around the island, especially the utensils made by Qin Huzi. As far as it is currently entirely made by hand, it is not easy for Qin Huzi to make these things, and the craftsmanship can be gradually improved. At least he has made a good start, which shows that Qin Huzi really has a set of craftsmanship.

Moreover, Qin Huzi has been able to gradually grasp the ratio of pig iron and wrought iron in the furnace under the idea that Xu Yi said to him, so that he can smelt relatively trial steel, and the production efficiency has improved a lot. The fineness of forged knives and guns is not as good as that of the famous knives made by Seiko, but it is not the same as the swords made by ordinary blacksmiths. Xu Yi took out the treasured sword that Pu Yinjian gave and the one made by Qin Huzi. These swords bumped a bit, although there were still gaps left on these swords, but it was not like the previous swords, which broke after being cut.

Qin Huzi was busy turning on the furnace to melt the copper materials, and opened molds for the gunpowder workshop to cast copper milling mortars and other objects. Xu Yi looked at it and felt that if it is to make cannons, it is still possible to use copper to cast them in accordance with the laws of historical development. Although the cost of guns is higher, it can reduce some risks. In addition, in the high-humidity and high-salt environment at sea, using copper guns can also reduce the difficulty of maintenance, which is also in line with the development history of artillery. Everything cannot be accomplished overnight. There must be a process of development, right?Xu Yi secretly made up his mind. Copper cannons have the benefits of copper cannons. Otherwise, copper cannons would not have been used as the main combat weapon until the Napoleon era in history. If we were to make cannons, we should start with copper cannons .

In the past few days, Fat Light has been tinkering with various spices, experimenting and improving the soap process, trying to make the soap that Xu Yi said, but after all, this is not something that can be done in a day, and the problem of just one fragrance is not good now Solve it, enough for him to be busy for a while, and Xu Yi doesn't know the specific method of making the essence, so let Fat Guang figure it out by himself.

The pigeon population on the island is expanding day by day. As soon as Yiqing came back to the island, she immediately took over the work of raising these pigeons. Her care for the little pigeons is even worse than her chubby father. Xu Yi Seeing that she liked it, she let her take charge of this matter. Anyway, now Yiqing can be regarded as the head of the Dulong Island Pigeon Farm, and also the director of the Dulong Island Communication Department. This may make her feel better.

Seeing that various things on Dulong Island are developing in a healthy manner according to his predetermined direction, with Yingchun and Qian Laoben sitting on the island, he has nothing to worry about. The shipyard in Yangzhou is more important. , There are already a lot of goods hoarded on the island now, and it is better to turn them into silver, so Xu Yi sorted out these things, and then filled three big boats, and then said goodbye to Yingchun and Qian Laoben, and took After boarding Li Bo and others, they went out to sea again and headed towards Yangzhou. They couldn't go to Hangzhou to place the goods, so they simply went to Yangzhou to place the goods. Anyway, Li Mutian also agreed to stay in Yangzhou.

This time when Xu Yi came out, it was very difficult for Yiqing who was also a newlywed. Even if she was reluctant to give up, she was helpless. After all, her identity was different from Cuiyu and the others, and her following Xu Yi would only increase Xu Yi's troubles. Maybe it will put Xu Yi in danger, so even if she is reluctant to give up, she can only send Xu Yi away with tears in her eyes. Of course, Yingchun can also see her thoughts, and she is relieved that she can understand the general situation, so in Xu Yi Before Yi left, he gave Xu Yi to Yiqing. Naturally, this night was endlessly reluctant to part with. Yiqing also tried her best to meet Xu Yi, presenting her beautiful body to Xu Yi again and again, Until Xu Yi was too tired to be happy, Xu Yi also knew what she was thinking, so he also deliberately comforted her, hoping to use his tenderness to soothe Yiqing's reluctance to part. I fell asleep with my neck crossed in exhaustion.

"Do you still feel seasick?" Xu Yi asked Cuiyu who was standing next to him. This time he came out, he brought Cuiyu out again. The reason was that Yingchun said that he could not live without a woman to take care of him, otherwise he might not be able to bear it when he landed. Going to find flowers and ask Liu, in fact, the real reason is that Xu Yi discovered that Cuiyu is actually very talented in accounting. He needs money for transactions on land. It is always convenient to have an account manager by his side. Cuiyu is his personal secretary with him Keeping accounts for him during the day and serving him in bed at night can be said to kill two birds with one stone. He, Xu Yi, has also pioneered the use of female secretaries in China!Xu Yi thought eagerly.

"It's much better this time. After taking the boat a few times, I don't feel so uncomfortable anymore, but this time I came out with you again, which made Yue Hong a little unhappy. She hid secretly and cried a few times. Yu'er felt very uncomfortable. It's good!" Cuiyu replied, she was able to accompany Xu Yi this time, which made her overjoyed, but Yuehong didn't have such a blessing, and she cried to her secretly, which made her feel a little unfair to Yuehong. Kindness, so she told Xu Yi about this matter, after all, she also followed Xu Yi with Yue Hong.

Xu Yi nodded and said: "There is a little bit of it, but when I come back later, I will just spend more time with her. At worst, I will take her with me when I come out next time. In fact, you also know that every time I come out , Yingchun stays on the island by herself, although she never said it, but I also know that she actually wants to be with me, but there are many things on the island, and she knows that if I am not around, she has to take care of many things, so I never made this request, there is no absolute fairness in the world, right? Don’t think so much, I will teach you some methods of keeping accounts, which can make it much more convenient for you to keep accounts!"

Cuiyu nodded repeatedly, followed Xu Yi to the cabin, Xu Yi took out a pen and paper, wrote ten Arabic numerals on it, and said to Cuiyu, "Do you know these?"

Cuiyu looked at the things written by Xu Yi like a ghostly talisman, shook her head blankly and said: "Yu'er has never seen these things before, so what are these?"

"These are Arabic numerals, which are much easier than we use Chinese characters to record books, and it is also much easier to use to calculate accounts. Let me teach you. This represents..." Xu Yi began to teach Cuiyu these Arabic numerals.

Cuiyu is actually very smart, and what Xu Yi taught is not difficult, just convert the traditional Chinese characters she usually uses into these Arabic numerals. It replaced those Chinese characters and numbers, and it didn't take long for her to understand the continuous numbers written by Xu Yi with these numbers.

Although Xu Yi has not had much experience with accounting, he still knows the relationship between loans and loans on the ledger. It can be said that any student who has graduated from primary school in modern times can do these things is pediatrics. After Cuiyu learned these Arabic numerals, he again She began to teach her to use these numbers to keep accounts, and drew out the form of accounting, and taught her how to use these forms. After Cuiyu understood these, she soon found that Xu Yi's method of keeping accounts was better than the way they used to. The Chinese character bookkeeping method is indeed much simpler, and it can be seen at a glance. A form can clearly see all the payments and balances.

"Sanggong! Why do you know so many strange things? Usually, Yu'er doesn't see you reading books often, but you still know so many things. Are you really a genius? This thing is so convenient to use! After learning these things, It will be much easier for me to keep accounts for you in the future! No matter how large the number is, using this number to express it saves a lot of pen and ink, and if you use this number to keep accounts, if you don’t know this number, it’s like reading a book from heaven. No one will ever try to understand our account book!" Cuiyu looked at Xu Yi with admiration, in her eyes, Xu Yi is now much greater than when she first met him, what in this world is still his fault Don't know?
Xu Yi habitually touched his nose and said with a smile: "In the future, you will gradually know, but I still know a lot! Reading? Who said I don't read? I often read, but I have read it now. Quite a lot, only those ignorant and uneducated people hold books and gnaw dead books! I don’t need to learn from them as a genius! Haha! But you are right, if you use this number to keep accounts, you still have to keep it secret Its function, no matter how others look at it, they can’t understand it! This is a little secret between you and me!” Xu Yi immediately started to say that he was fat, and he gasped.

Seeing Cuiyu practice writing Arabic numerals non-stop, Xu Yi sat and watched, Cuiyu's serious appearance actually had a special flavor in Xu Yi's opinion. Compared with when he first met Cuiyu, Cuiyu has changed a lot now. The sad expression that used to show between her brows unconsciously has already passed through this period of time, and has been transformed into a happy expression, and there is no longer any unhappy expression on her, and she was originally a little thin After this period of exercise and recuperation, his figure has gradually become plump and even more beautiful. While admiring the beauty of Cuiyu, Xu Yi secretly pondered another matter. Now that there are no Arabic numerals If you know English, few people know English. If you use English as the password for sending orders, wouldn't it be considered a very safe thing?But he immediately dismissed this idea. Since the Song Dynasty, there have been many foreign businessmen in coastal cities. It is estimated that English is not safe, and these guys on the island don’t even know a few Chinese characters. Let them learn English. !It is estimated that they will not be able to learn even if they have suppressed Yone Tiangong!hehe!What about pinyin?This seems to be simpler and easier to learn!Well, I will try it when I have a chance!

I was dizzy today, and I went to Huiming when I was free, and I actually posted a Dulong Island there, and it was also a pirate’s den who didn’t know that they would almost think that I copied other people’s things. I was depressed for a long time, and I will explain it again. Book The Dulong Island in the movie does not actually have this island, but a place set up on the ground. Don't use Baidu to search, otherwise it may be wrong!


Although it didn't reach 120 monthly tickets by twelve o'clock, Pida always kept in mind the friendship between the brothers.No nonsense, at least four chapters broke out today!Now pass on a chapter first.There is another chapter at eight o'clock, and one chapter at noon.One chapter at six o'clock in the evening, the rest of the time depends on the situation, hehe!If the monthly ticket has exploded, the five chapters will explode!Huh... Brothers, the monthly ticket list has fallen, and the position is very dangerous, and it will fall off the list at any time. .Brothers come on and support Pimple! !Thank you! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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