Great Song Pirate

Chapter 16 The Death of Li Tong

Chapter 16 The Death of Li Tong

Li Tong, who was running desperately ahead, saw that Xue Laoer's boat was finally caught up by Jin Huo. He couldn't help closing his eyes, and then turned around. He didn't want to see his big boat turn into fire. The tragic situation of the boat, but in my heart I hope that Xue Lao Er can resist desperately, drag Jin Huhu for a while, buy him some time, and at worst, give Xue Lao Er a ranking after he escapes from birth, and burn the money every year. Give him a few pillars of high incense, after all, my death is not as good as his death, and Xue's second son deserves to die too. His prestige among his brothers has also increased a little over the years.

"They launched, they launched!" Someone with sharp eyes shouted, and the men gathered at the stern exclaimed.

But after a while, the big ship behind did not burst into flames as expected. Everyone was discussing in a low voice, but they couldn't figure out why.

After a while, someone shouted: "The sails are down, the sail of Xue'er's ship is down!"

The pupils of Li Tong's eyes shrank suddenly, he turned around abruptly, and looked at Xue Laoer's boat. As his subordinates shouted, all the sails on his boat fell down, and everyone knew that this meant What, there is an unwritten rule in sea battles, that is, the lowering of the sail by one side means that the side has given up resistance and surrendered to the opponent. Everyone fell silent and turned to look at Li Tong.

Li Tong snorted angrily, turned around and walked towards the bow. He couldn't figure out why Xue Laoer's boat didn't catch fire, and he didn't expect Xue Laoer to drop the sails and surrender so easily. He was very angry, but also very helpless, angry The most important thing is that Xue Laoer did not resist to the death, but he had no choice but to do anything, although he also knew that Xue Laoer would be burned to death or drowned in the sea even if he resisted, the result was the same as surrendering, he lost the original His big ship.

But there was a hint of comfort in his heart, because although Xue Laoer did not resist desperately, but chose to surrender, his surrender may buy him more time to escape. Now that Xue Laoer surrendered, Jin Huo must To receive that boat, to receive that boat, it is not enough to rely on only one person on the boat, at least he needs two people on the boat to control Xue Laoer's boat. It will take a lot of time to come to the number of people, even if they are bundled one by one. After Jin Huo is done with these things, if he wants to chase his boat, he may have disappeared on the sea level long ago. As long as he arrives on the island, He still has more than 200 people. No matter how powerful Jin Huo is, there is nothing he can do about them. Thinking of this, he gradually calmed down a lot.

But things don't always seem to develop as Li Tong imagined. When the sails on Xue Laoer's boat fell, Jin Huo just ordered them to cut all the ropes of the sails and throw all the cables and ropes into the sea, and then left Xue Lao Er's boat continued to chase Li Tong's boat, but never boarded Xue Laoer's boat to accept the surrender.

Looking at Jin Huo and his two fast boats leaving, Xue Lao Er's second-hand subordinates, a hundred or so people, looked at each other, wondering why Jin Huo let them go, only Xue Lao Er said to himself: "Jin Huo The tiger is so ruthless, it seems that he has an expert here! From now on, this water area will be ruled by Tiger Jin!"

The people under his command asked if he could find a way to raise the sails and leave, Xue Tu said with a wry smile, "Leave? Where can we go? Just wait, Tiger Jin will be back soon."

"Then shall we just wait here for him? They are just a little more powerful than us, but there are no more people than us. When they come back, we simply fight with them. There are so many of us, so we don't necessarily have to do it." But those people!" Someone suggested.

"Jin Laohu won't be so stupid! Do you think we have a chance? What if we raise the sails, can we go faster than their clippers?" Xue Tu asked back. After speaking, he turned and went back to the cabin , After the subordinates were stunned for a while, they each found a place and sat down listlessly, but they all secretly rejoiced in their hearts, at least they didn't have to die.

After Li Tong escaped for a while, he was finally caught up by Jin Huo's boat. Xu Yi didn't persuade Jin Huo any more. One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. Li Tong must die today. This means that the owner of this water area has changed. He just took the initiative. He picked up a ballista and was ready to launch. Fat Guang put the kerosene tank into the chute on the ballista and prepared the torch. Others gathered around the ballista and waited excitedly. That said, Yingchun hasn't come out since she ran to the cabin. This girl's face doesn't look as thick as she imagined!

When chasing after two arrows from Li Tong's warship, Xu Yi was the first to pull down the trigger of the ballista, and the smoking oil tank fell straight towards Li Tong's warship, and shattered. A brilliant fireball burst out in the crackling sound, and then other ballistas also fired one after another. The fire oil tanks exploded into balls of fireballs on Li Tong's warship, and then the two crossbows on Qian Laoben's boat on the other side The gun also started to speak. None of the six fire oil tanks failed, and six fires burst out. The robbers on Li Tong's boat ran around like headless chickens, trying to put out the fire. Xu Yi directed and fired again. It took five rounds to stop. At this time, Li Tong's warship had turned into a sea of ​​flames. Even from such a distance, he could feel the heat waves blowing against his face, and his skin felt bursts of burning pain. Many of them jumped into the sea water one after another, howling and struggling helplessly in the sea water.

Jin Laohu supported the side of the boat and looked at the flames, and just said: "It's a pity for this good boat!" Then he turned around and went back to the cabin, and taught Xu Yi how to deal with the aftermath.

Xu Yi ordered: "Start to save people, forget about the serious injuries, find Li Tong, and see the dead if alive!"

Everyone obediently put down their boats and began to salvage those who fell into the water. If they were seriously burned, they would make up for them and let them sink into the sea. As for Xu Yi, no one treats him as an ordinary person anymore, so he came here In just three months, and only a few days of real effort, the huge fleet of Li Tong was wiped out. Who else has this ability?Sometimes people refuse to accept it, but their brains are easy to use, and it seems that better days will come in the future.

In the end, the people on the two boats rescued more than 70 people, and the rest were buried at the bottom of the sea. Li Tong was never found, because the person who jumped off the boat at the end said that Li Tong went back to the cabin when the boat was over, and he was never seen again. Come out, the huge warship is still burning at the moment, it seems that Li Tong has indeed been buried in the sea of ​​flames, this person is at least a bit bloody, and he lived and died with his warship, this is an evaluation Xu Yi gave him .

After finishing all this work, the sky has already dimmed. In just one and a half days, Li Tong's name and his fleet have become a thing of the past, and will be replaced by Jin Huo's name. Of course, no one will forget Xu Yi role in this matter.

The two ships set sail and returned, after all, there was still a ship waiting for them to receive.

Pida stayed up all night to write a book, and his eyes were bleeding!It is still being updated, everyone, don't think that the number of words is small now, it will be updated faster if you collect it!

(End of this chapter)

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