Great Song Pirate

Chapter 15 Persuade to surrender

Chapter 15 Persuade to surrender
After seeing the end of his fast boat, Li Tong could no longer have the idea of ​​chasing and killing Jin Huo. He just wanted to go as far as possible. Not an idiot, after seeing the boss's boat turning the rudder, he hurriedly ordered his men to turn the rudder without the boss's order, and followed Li Tong's boat towards their lair.

There was such a strange scene on the sea, two big ships were chased by two much smaller ships on the sea and fled in a hurry, not to mention that there was a serious warship among the big ships. In the past, no one would have believed the scene of being beaten to death, but it happened in today's sea.

At this moment, Li Tong is no longer proud of this big boat that can sail across the sea under his seat. If possible, he would rather exchange this big boat for the water cat's water flying, but obviously there is no such thing now. People will come to make this deal with him, so he can only ask his men to raise all the sails and speed up the boat as much as possible, hoping to avoid the pursuit of Jin Huo from behind. It's not that he doesn't have the courage to fight Jin Huo. It's just that this battle is really impossible to fight, the opponent will never give him a fair chance to fight, all the weapons on his ship can't even touch the opponent's side, but the opponent can easily kill them with that unknown and terrifying weapon. Burned into a roast pig, he has no other way but to escape. Maybe the situation will be much better on land, but he still feels desperate because his island is still a long way from here.

The big boat behind him was even worse. They had clearly seen the fate of the brothers on the clipper just now. If they were replaced by them, they also thought that they would definitely be better than the brothers on the clipper. They I really can't figure it out, I haven't seen Jin Huo for a few months, how did Jin Huo get such a powerful guy?It turned out that when I saw Jin Huhu all the time, Jin Huo would retreat immediately, but today I never thought that he would be thrown into the wild and flee. As the saying goes, feng shui turns in turn, but it turned a little too fast order it!Looking at the two fast boats approaching behind them, they almost felt that these two fast boats were more terrifying than the impermanence of their lives. They wished they could find oars and lie there to row the boat, so that they could speed up the boat and avoid this disaster, but There was everything in such a big boat except the oars they wanted.

When Jin Huo's two fast boats arrived on both sides of the big ship, almost everyone on board was desperate. They looked at the two fast boats two or three arrows away from them, and they didn't know what they could do. What, I can only look at the two life-threatening fast boats with great fear, waiting for those terrible black spots to fly over, but after waiting for a long time, I don't see the expected scary things coming. What I saw was the contemptuous smiles of the people on the opposite boat. In the eyes of those people, I seemed to be like flies, and they couldn't arouse their interest at all. This kind of contempt made them feel ashamed. With such eyes, what they often see are the terrified and desperate eyes of the people on the robbed ship, but today everything is reversed. At this time, someone on the other side shouted: "Our Boss Jin said, either You lower your sails and wait to be sent down, or we burn you into roast ducks, you choose yourself!"

Xue Tu stared at his men standing on the deck below with a dead face. He had never felt so powerless before. Putting down the sails meant that Xue Tu's reputation throughout his life was over, but if he didn't put down the sails, it would mean that Immediately, he and his brothers jumped into the sea by themselves, just like the brothers on the clipper ship just now. He didn't know what choice he should make. A few black dots flew out, and they landed on their ship in the blink of an eye, and slammed heavily on one side of their ship and on the deck, and the debris of the plank that was hit immediately flew around, and the thick plank was actually smashed There were several holes bigger than the washbasin, and the people on the boat let out an exclamation. An unlucky child was caught in the chest, and immediately floated out of the boat like a rag in front of everyone's eyes, and then fell into the sea. The smarter people immediately picked up the buckets that had been prepared and pulled the rope and threw them into the sea to fetch water, ready to use it to put out the fire, but when the water came up, they were surprised to find that there was no fire on board, and someone ran into the cabin. Holding out a stone the size of a human head, he shouted: "Second leader! They used stones!"

Everyone's high-hanging hearts were relieved a little bit, but at this time there was another shout from the other party's boat: "Is Mr. Xue there? Our boss said that this time it was just a warning. If you don't lower your sails, there will be no such thing." It’s cheap, Master Xue must know what is flying over, we will make dozens of noises, if you don’t lower your sails, we will start fighting!”

At this time, a familiar voice sounded: "Brother Xue! I'm a water cat, and I'm with Jin Dangjia now. Jin Dangjia said that as long as you surrender and surrender, Jin Dangjia will definitely not embarrass you!" It suddenly became even uglier. Everyone knows Shuimao's temper. He is a hard stubble, and now even he has been demoted!
"One... two... three... four..." The other party began to count the number of people, and the counting one after another hit the hearts of everyone on the boat like a boulder, and everyone once again set their sights on them On Xue Lao Er in the middle.

"" The sound of counting continued, and everyone's hearts were raised in their throats. Xue's second son's face was tense, and he was finally counting to eighth When making a sound, two words burst out from between clenched teeth: "Luofan"

The sailor who had already prepared immediately pulled down the sail with a huff, and the speed of the boat dropped rapidly, and finally stopped gradually, floating on the vast sea.

"Military division! They really set sail! Haha..." Fat Guang stood beside Xu Yi with a strange smile, as if he had come up with this idea. Jin Huhu, who was standing on a high place, also smiled. Yi really has a way, and he actually got another good boat just like that, what a talent!What a talent!God is really kind to me, Jin Huhu, and actually sent me such a character, he thought in his heart.

More people also stared at Xu Fan with the same admiration, and Xu Fan's status in everyone's minds has risen again invisibly, Xu Yi was a little embarrassed to be stared at by these people, and laughed a few times , I reached out and touched my nose habitually, this is just the simplest psychology, it’s really nothing, but it’s really nice to be admired so much, should I go get a lupine and shake it?At the beginning, Zhuge Liang always liked to shake his fan and feel like he was pulling. Xu Yi was actually thinking about this, sweating profusely!

(End of this chapter)

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