Chapter 118

Qin Cai was playing a game of fighting gods with the concubines in the harem.

Dangchao Taishi rushed in hastily.

Your Majesty, congratulations to Your Majesty, congratulations to Your Majesty.

The 200 million army of the Fruit Dynasty was wiped out, and our army has already approached the capital of the Fruit Dynasty, Orchard City, hahaha.

Qin Cai stared at the words:
Bold, didn't you see that I was playing a game of fighting gods? How dare you break in without permission and ruin my event.

back off.

The grand master turned pale with fright, and hurriedly confessed his crimes, while retreating from the harem.

At the same time, Orchard City, inside the Imperial Palace.

Little Apple, the Emperor of Fruit, looked at Prime Minister Watermelon and said angrily:
You traitor, how dare you do that.

Watermelon's face sank, and he scolded:

Hunjun, if I don't do this, do I still want to watch you destroy the foundation of your ancestors?

In addition, let me inform you that I am no longer the prime minister, but the regent of my court.

From now on, all important matters in the country will be decided by this king with one word.

After finishing speaking, he ordered to his son Smelly Watermelon:

The king ordered you to lead five thousand elite soldiers to act as the Imperial Forest Army and take over the imperial palace guards.

From now on, no one is allowed to enter or leave the imperial palace without this king's order, and those who disobey the order will be killed without mercy.

Stinky Watermelon hurriedly intervened and said:

Son obeys.


In the middle of the night, in the secret room of Chengzi's mansion, Shangshu of the Ministry of War.

Orange said:
Now the watermelon rebelled, proclaimed himself the regent, deceived the king and threatened the ministers.

As important officials of the imperial court, we must not turn a blind eye to this, what do you think?

Cheng Zi's voice just fell.

Miju, the servant of the Ministry of War, said sharply:

Eradicate national thieves, death protection design.

Seeing this, other people expressed their opinions one after another.

Cheng Zi nodded in satisfaction.

Well, tonight I will lure the watermelon into my house, ambush the killer secretly, and kill the thief on the spot.

Tangerine servant led Deadpool to the palace to rescue His Majesty.

The others all assist Tangerine Minister.


Watermelon is reviewing the memorial in the study.

The subordinates rushed in and delivered Master Chengzi's invitation letter.

Watermelon glanced lightly, and couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Seeing this, his youngest son Rotten Watermelon couldn't help but wonder:

Why is father like this, whose letter is it?

Watermelon handed the letter directly to his son.

Rotten Watermelon couldn't help showing doubts after seeing it, and then his face changed drastically, and he said in a surprised voice:
No, Chengzi is probably trying to murder his father.

Watermelon frowned: Why do you see it?

Rotten Watermelon said:

Father, please think, why did he ask his father to come to the house in the middle of the night, and this man has always been the emperor, so how could he be so eager to curry favor with his father.

After hearing this, Watermelon couldn't help being shocked, and then said angrily:
Good thief, so audacious.

Come on.

The watermelon just finished drinking.

Two warriors rushed in:

What orders does the prince have?

Watermelon looks gloomy:

Immediately dispatched [-] elite soldiers to the mansion of Shangshu Chengzi.

Regardless of men, women, young or old, no matter who they are, they will all be captured, and anyone who dares to resist will be killed.

The two warriors felt a chill in their hearts, and said in unison: "Of order."


Go and go.

Kill and kill.

Overwhelming, boundless.

Ten thousand elite soldiers rushed to Chengzi Mansion with their swords, guns and halberds.

Cheng Zi couldn't help but lose his wits when he heard the shouts of killing.

He quickly shouted to the warriors around him:
The trick has been revealed, and now he can only put all his eggs in one basket and fight to the death.

Warriors, follow me to kill.


Rumble boom boom boom.

In an instant, the earth was shaken, and the earth was shaken.

The streets outside the entire Orange Mansion were in complete chaos.

Cheng Zi led more than 2000 troops, and immediately fought with the [-] elite soldiers sent by Xigua.

The voice of crying father and mother can be heard everywhere.

Blood spatters can be seen everywhere.

This fierce battle took more than an hour to kill before it was considered over.

Chengzi finally led more than 100 people to break out of the siege.

He ran straight to the gate of the city and fled.

When Watermelon heard the news, he couldn't help becoming angry from embarrassment, and cursed:
A bunch of trash.

With so many soldiers and horses, they couldn't even catch an orange.

According to the king's handbook, whoever catches the orange will be rewarded with a thousand gold, and whoever releases the orange will be buried in the pit.

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, and hurried away.

As soon as they left, someone came in and reported:
My lord, something is wrong, Miju, the servant of the Ministry of War, is attacking the palace with [-] soldiers and horses.

Master Smelly Watermelon is about to lose his hold.

Watermelon was horrified when he heard the words.

He quickly led his youngest son, Rotten Watermelon, and rushed straight to the palace with an army of [-].

That night, the entire Orchard City was in chaos.


In the camp of the Chinese army of Qin Cai's army.

Lieutenant General Leek looked at Generalissimo Carrot, and tentatively said:
Now the generalissimo is invincible, and he is about to destroy the entire fruit dynasty.

But our Majesty only thinks about playing the game of gods fighting all day long, he is purely a fool.

Why doesn't the Generalissimo follow the example of the ancients and replace them?

Carrot turned pale after hearing this:
How dare you make such a rebellious statement.

You are damned.

Although Leek saw Carrot, although his tone was full of anger, he couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Then he knew that he had long wanted to rebel, and he couldn't help but feel happy.

Quickly continued:
The generalissimo's words are wrong.

The emperor's throne is occupied by a virtuous man. How can he take advantage of a foolish emperor, Mo Jiang, who is not talented, but is willing to follow the generalissimo to the death and make achievements.

Help the Grand Marshal win the throne.

Carrot thought for a while:

Although what you said has some truth, but with our own strength, I am afraid it is not enough to rebel?
Leek smiled and said:

Generalissimo, you can immediately invite the four generals to discuss together.

If they agree, let's work together. If they don't agree, just kill the four of them first.

When the time comes for their soldiers and horses, the Generalissimo will just take over directly.

Carrot was overjoyed and said repeatedly:
Clever plan.

Come on.

Quickly invite the four generals from the front, back, left, and right to come and discuss important matters.

It will take a while.

The four generals from front to back, left and right rushed over one after another.

Carrot has already ambushed the swordsman.

As soon as he saw them coming, he went straight to the topic and said:

Emperor Qin Cai is fatuous and innocent.

The Marshal intends to follow the example of the ancients and replace them.

Four generals, what do you think?

When the four generals heard this, they couldn't help being surprised.

They stood there in a daze, unable to react for a while.

A cold light flashed in Carrot's eyes, and he was about to order the knife and axe to rush out and kill the four of them.

The former General Tofu hurriedly said:

Mo Jiang is willing to make contributions with the Generalissimo.

He made such a statement.

The other three generals also quickly echoed.

They expressed their opinions one after another.

Seeing this, Carrot smiled with satisfaction.


Pass down the order to temporarily stop attacking the Fruit Dynasty, and secretly withdraw the 100 million troops back to our capital vegetable market.

Marshal Ben will replace the faint king Qin Cai.


The four generals, front, back, left, and right, had just returned to their tents.

Left General Tofu stared at former General Tofu and said angrily:
Do you really want to help the rebels rebel?
Tofu quickly waved his hands.

Three don't get me wrong.

I am absolutely loyal to His Majesty.

How willing to assist the rebels.

It was just a stopgap measure.

(End of this chapter)

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