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Chapter 87 Entering the Lockdown Area Again

Chapter 87 Entering the Lockdown Area Again

Suddenly, there was a huge explosion, and everyone at the scene was shocked!

At the same time, the monstrous flames hit the sky with billowing smoke, and the heat wave continued!
The fire chief of Chengxi District said blankly: "It's over, the flour mill exploded. This is only the first explosion, and there will be more to come!"

"Everyone, act fast. The rescue channel must be opened. The flour mill has already exploded. We can't let him have a second explosion, or the whole Qingcheng will be over!"

Chen Nuo knew the seriousness of the matter at this moment and said to the captain: "I'm sorry, there is another firefighter I can't save. There is no room in the car and I can't take his body out."

When the captain heard this, his expression suddenly became sad. As the captain, he had seen this kind of scene a lot, but seeing it again, he still felt uncomfortable.

The disaster is ruthless. As the captain knew it, he nodded silently and said, "We will find his body!"

After finishing speaking, the team leader saw Chen Nuo getting into the Xiali car again, obviously he still had to go in.

Then he said to Chen Nuo: "Put on this equipment, the temperature inside will be higher than here, so be careful!"

Chen Nuo nodded. Although the car body was made of fireproof materials, the body might still be burned when he went out to rescue people.

As a result, after equipping, Chen Nuo said: "I just entered the mountain fire area, and only saw two missing team members. The ones not found should be at the forefront."

"Now there is another explosion there, they continue to rescue, I will bring out all the seriously injured!"

After the words fell, Chen Nuo started the Xiali car here, and rushed in again!
The wildfire is getting bigger and bigger. In the blocked area, Huang Tao is walking on the street in the dormitory building of the flour factory staff, carrying a little girl with severe burns on his back.

At this moment, there are fires and smoke all around!

The road ahead has been severely damaged, and the fire has engulfed it all!

Huang Tao was surrounded by firefighters from other branches, young firefighters who were the same age as him.

After Huang Tao rescued the little girl, he found that the way back had been blocked by the mountain fire, and there was no possibility of getting out!
I had no choice but to carry the little girl on my back and continue deeper, trying to find a way out elsewhere!
However, as he walked, he discovered that he was surrounded by fire and there was no way out!

While looking for the exit, he met several firefighters who had broken in before. After contacting them, Huang Tao learned.

They are all young firefighters in Chengxi District. The oldest among them is only 25 years old, and the youngest is only 19 years old.

Except for the oldest one, the rest had just joined the fire brigade. When faced with a sudden fire, even the newcomers did not have any fear and rushed to the scene immediately.

Even at the moment when the fire in the rescue channel was extinguished, they broke in directly.

At this moment, a few of them are frantically looking for an exit, looking for a way out of here!
They still underestimated this mountain fire. The mountain fire ignited from the depths and spread in four directions. It followed the direction of the mountains and burned everything along the way.

When they entered here before, they successfully rescued a little boy and took two people to escort them back to the rear for treatment.

After they all searched and rescued, they were blocked by the fire, especially after the explosion of the flour mill, the aftermath destroyed all the buildings.

At this moment, Huang Tao and several young firefighters were taking turns carrying the little girl on their backs. Looking around, they could clearly see that the road here had been buried by buildings, and they couldn't tell the direction at all.

And the fire is getting bigger and bigger. Their only option is to break out. Although they will be burned by the fire, it is better than sitting still and waiting to die!
"No, I can't get out here at all, the fire is too big!"

At this moment, it was Huang Tao who was carrying the little girl on his back, and hurriedly shouted: "Everyone, follow me to the flour mill. There has just been an explosion there, and the fire should die down!"

"Although there may be a second explosion, there are still our people there, and they can still be rescued!"

Several other firefighters also knew that there was nowhere to go except the flour mill.

Then, several young firefighters ran directly towards the back mountain. At this time, Huang Tao took out his walkie-talkie and shouted frantically: "Hey, hey, hey, I'm from the city center fire brigade, Huang Tao, we are heading to the flour mill now. , there is an injured little girl here, please support!"

In mid-air, firefighting helicopters dispatched from Qingcheng began to sprinkle water from the air in the flour mill area.

Suddenly, I heard the news from the intercom that someone was trapped.

The helicopter pilot said: "This is a firefighting helicopter. Please tell me the specific location and situation. The fire is too big now, and it is difficult to find you!"

On the intercom, Huang Tao's voice came: "At present, we have five firefighters and one injured little girl. The residential buildings here have been searched and rescued. There are no trapped people, but we are trapped."

"The location cannot be confirmed at this time. We are heading to the flour mill at this time and we will meet there!"

Afterwards, the helicopter flew over in mid-air, and the driver desperately looked down, but there was nothing but fire below.

Suddenly, the pilot in midair spotted a silver-white Xiali!
He said hurriedly: "I saw a silver-white Xiali driving through the woods at a very fast speed. After a drift, it disappeared again. Is that you?"

The driver was frantically confirming through the intercom, and at the same time marveled at the driving skills of the Xiali driver.

On the other side of the walkie-talkie, Huang Tao was a little confused, the silver Xiali?Still drifting, even disappearing?
Suddenly, Huang Tao's mind flashed, this should be the car god!

Just ask, is there any taxi driver who can drive a car into a fire, and it's a Xiali car!

Besides my own idol car god, who else could be so desperate and have such driving skills?

Huang Tao suppressed his excitement and said, "We're not driving this. I can only tell you that the driver of the Xiali car is a very good driver!"

However, excitement is still excitement. At present, Huang Tao and others have not completely escaped from the predicament.

Huang Tao and others ran towards the flour mill and said, "We are evacuating to the flour mill now, and we will arrive in about 10 minutes!"

"Requesting helicopter rescue. I am also carrying a five-year-old little girl on my back. She is very pitiful. I don't want anyone to die, especially this little girl!"

In mid-air, the pilot: "Understood, I will use a helicopter to sprinkle water on the flour mill to rescue you in 10 minutes, to delay you, remember, don't go deep, there is still a possibility of explosion!"

"At present, the fire is relatively large, and the chances of finding you are very low, but don't give up!"

The driver's tone was very dignified. In the face of natural disasters, all rescue efforts are futile!
(End of this chapter)

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