Get the taxi system at the start

Chapter 86 A Touching Scene

Chapter 86 A Touching Scene

"Car God, this fire rescue is not like last time, the temperature this time is very high!"

"If you don't tell me, I'd have forgotten. The last time I drove a bus into it, when it came out, the whole bus was almost scrapped, especially the tires, all melted away!"

"The Xiali car shouldn't be able to withstand this high temperature!"

At this moment, the voice of the system in Chen Nuo's mind also finished speaking, and a virtual button modified with high-temperature materials appeared on the front windshield.

Chen Nuo confirmed directly!

The next moment, a mechanical sound came from the Xiali car. The whole car suddenly increased in height. With a burst of shaking, Xiali began to modify it!
First of all, the multi-chassis, especially near the fuel tank, is equipped with white high-temperature-resistant and high-heat alien materials, and the tires have also become special high-temperature-resistant tires.

The outside of the taxi is also covered with high temperature resistant materials!

Near the hood, a miniature water gun is slowly rising. Its main function is to cool down the engine.

In just 1 minute, Chen Nuo's one-click modification has been completed, and the whole process is just one word, awesome!

Later, Xiali's bumper was replaced with a bulldozer style, which can ignore any road, even if there is a building in front of him, Xiali can rush over without hesitation!

It can be said that on the mountain road, it is unimpeded.

Although the appearance is not as exaggerated as in sci-fi movies, this Xiali car can already withstand the high temperature of the wildfire!
Everyone in the live broadcast room was dumbfounded by this series of operations.

"Fuck, this is still a Xiali car, with so many parts, the car must weigh at least three tons!"

"What's all the fuss about? The car has a lot of high technology. I remember there were mountain tires and a nitrogen rapid device. As for the fireproof materials that appeared, I can only say, haha."

"Hey, seeing the car god so calmly breaking into the blockade area, I thought there was no return, but now I finally understand, it turned out that I was well prepared."

The next moment, Chen Nuo directly stepped on the accelerator, and the Xiali car entered the high temperature area again.

At this moment, Chen Nuo had just entered the high temperature area and saw that the entire tree in front had been burned to pieces.

All of them are lying on the road, maybe the trees have been burned out, but at this moment, the fire here is not so big.

A faint cry for help came: "Is there anyone, come and save me, I'm in so much pain!"

It can be predicted that the few firefighters who went in just now have already suffered casualties.

A young man in a firefighting suit was crushed under a big tree, and there was a charred corpse beside him. From his clothes, Chen Nuo couldn't tell the difference.

What is even more heartbreaking is that there is a boy under the charred body, who is tightly protected by him. Obviously he knows nothing, but he can't see anything and can only cry.

At this moment, the young firefighter stretched out his hand, gently stroked the little boy's cheek, and said softly, "Don't be afraid, uncle is here..."

In a disaster, this is an extremely shocking scene. The fire is constantly spreading and will soon engulf this place.

The young firefighter was a member of the Chengxi District Fire Brigade, and he was also the target of Chen Nuo's search. However, he did not expect to meet him so soon, and in such a way.

They rescued this little boy from the front line. They originally wanted to send him to the rear, but the fire was too intense. When they could react, a big tree that was burnt fell directly towards them.

One of them, at the moment it fell, was tightly protecting the little boy, but he also paid his own life, and the other was also broken in his leg.

The surrounding temperature is getting higher and higher. At this moment, the young firefighter is ready to sacrifice!
There was a roar, and at this moment, in the thick smoke, a ray of light loomed, which seemed to be a car light, and it was accompanied by the roar of the engine!

The firefighter was excited and held the boy's hand: "The fire truck is here, you are saved!"

Later, the young firefighters saw that it was not a fire truck passing through the thick smoke, but a taxi, a silver Xiali!
"Why is it a taxi?" The firefighter was a little surprised. Why is it not a fire truck? Does the captain think that a taxi can withstand such a high temperature?
At this moment, Chen Nuo was driving the modified taxi and was advancing all the way. The shovel in front was under the engine modified by Xiali, and the whole car was like a large bulldozer!
At this moment, Chen Nuo shoveled the charred trees on both sides aside, stopped the car, opened the door, and Chen Nuo picked up the little boy and put him on the back seat.

With the help of the jack, Chen Nuo successfully rescued the firefighter whose leg was broken by a big tree, and also helped him into the rear seat of the car.

It's just that the two of them seemed to be breathing well, but soon after getting into the car, they began to breathe rapidly.

They all collapsed on the back seat, especially the boy, who was crying when he first got in the car, and now he has begun to pass out!

The most serious one was the firefighter, who had gone into a brief shock and had blood on his legs.

At this moment, many people in Chen Nuo's live broadcast room saw this scene.

"What's the situation? The two of them were fine when they didn't get in the car. Why are they getting more seriously injured now that they're out of danger?"

In the live broadcast room, there were also many medical students. Seeing this scene, they hurriedly brushed up the barrage.

"These two people are now in danger of life and need to be sent to a safe place immediately!"

"This young firefighter's leg was broken by a big tree, and he was pressed tightly under the big tree. This also caused the blood to be unable to flow, and naturally there would be no hemorrhage. But once the pressure disappeared, Blood spurts out immediately."

"Although this little boy was tightly guarded by the dead firefighters, no injuries can be seen from the outside, but the child's respiratory tract is relatively immature, and he cannot tolerate any smoke and dust. On the airway."

At this moment, Chen Nuo also understood the crisis between the two of them, and immediately stepped on the accelerator!

Xia Li accelerated directly and rushed out of the ruins at a speed of three hundred kilometers!
Three minutes later, the Xiali car returned to the fire fighting scene of the West City Fire Brigade.

Outside, the medical staff who heard the sound of the engine were waiting anxiously.

Now here, the fire has weakened slightly, and the faces of the medical staff are all covered with dust at this moment!
As the sound of the engine got closer, in a second, Chen Nuo drove the Xiali car straight out!
The medical personnel reacted immediately, because they knew that Chen Nuo must have come out with the wounded!
Right now, the head nurse led the nurses under him and quickly came to Chen Nuo's car. The door opened, and there was a firefighter and a little boy inside.

In addition to burns, there were also bruises, among which the little boy was the most serious and had already developed a respiratory infection!

The situation was urgent, several nurses worked together to put the two on the stretcher!
The head nurse said: "Send it to the ambulance immediately, and at the same time let the deputy director see the doctor in person. After the treatment is completed, send it to the nearest hospital, especially this child!"

The nurse under him pushed the two of them away!

(End of this chapter)

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