Get the taxi system at the start

Chapter 24 Pandas are precious, and so is panda blood

Chapter 24 Pandas are precious, and so is panda blood

Poof, the girl laughed and said loudly: "Master, this sentence is outdated, but I still want to thank you!"

"Oh, remember my money!" After saying that, the car started and Chen Nuo drove away with Xiali.

Looking at Xiali's leaving figure, the girl couldn't help but said, "This man is really weird. The fare is 1000 million. Fortunately, I'm an odor smeller, and I can earn it back in half a year."

Odor smellers mainly monitor and analyze the impact of odors on the urban environment, especially some odors that cannot be identified by instruments, and the salary of this occupation is also very high.

Back at Xiali, Chen Nuo knew the reason from the time the girl got in the car and told her the destination. In order to save a life, he drove around in circles near the girl's house until the girl felt better.

The total fare was 50 yuan, and she said 1000 million, and asked her to write an IOU, also for the sake of the girl, people are the most face-saving, especially when they owe money.

The purpose is to prevent, after Chen Nuo left, the girl would take someone else's taxi and go to Binjiang Bridge.

After experiencing this incident, Chen Nuo arrived at the university town smoothly. Sadly, there was not a single passenger among the university students.

In other words, Chen Nuo only had one passenger a day, and hadn't made any money yet, but instead left an IOU.

Another day later, Chen Nuo left the car as usual, but today's luck was overwhelming. Just after eating, the sky turned black instantly, and after a while, it started to blow wind and then rain!

Moreover, the wind was so strong that several trees were uprooted by the roadside, and even billboards were blown down.

No one would go out in this damn weather, let alone take a taxi.

In desperation, Chen Nuo could only drive to the underground parking lot of the shopping mall, planning to wait until the rain stopped before continuing to drive out.

After parking the car, Chen Nuo took out his mobile phone and began to read novels. Why is the system of others so good, but his own system can only provide such rubbish things.

The live broadcast is not just when Chen Nuo is driving. Sometimes, it will only be broadcast when there are passengers.

Moreover, Chen Nuo will not know when the live broadcast will start. Everything is a system operation. Even the Chinese text interaction in the live broadcast is also a system operation.

Pretend to be an administrator, ban and kick people.

While Chen Nuo was reading the novel, a shocking thing happened.

"Damn it, what's going on, the three of them are all panda blood, it's too miserable..."

"How could there be such a serious car accident? What's going on!"

At this time, in the silent parking lot, a few voices suddenly came out.

This was also to avoid the rain, so he stopped here. There was a news on his mobile phone, which was about a serious traffic accident.

After clicking on it, the video continued to play, and it was the news from the hospital that said the panda was bleeding.

On the hospital bed, a seven or eight-year-old girl was lying on it. Even the quilt was stained red. Doctors and nurses were trying to stop her bleeding.

There are two adults who are also rescuing her. The little girl's hands have been shaking, and she is still shouting: "Mom, mom, Ronger has been very obedient recently."

Although these few videos were released intermittently, they also caused hundreds of comments on the Internet.

Attract the attention of the whole network!
In the video, a little girl, only seven or eight years old, has multiple fractures all over her body, and one leg is gone.

The most heartbreaking thing is that the little girl has not been in a coma, she has been looking at her mother, her eyes are extremely clear and bright, as if she still has a lot of expectations for this world, and she wants her mother to love herself.

She wants to live!

In just a few 10 minutes, this video has already had hundreds of thousands of comments.

"Oh my God, this little girl is so pitiful. I beg the great doctor to save them quickly, and don't let the girl lose her mother, and the mother loses her own child."

"I also have such a big daughter, the worst thing is that my daughter is hurt, especially after the injury!"

"Little girl, you are really strong, you didn't cry, you just called your mother."

"Oh my God, my heart is going to break!"

An hour later, the first hospital, emergency room!
Several patients with varying degrees of injuries advanced into the ward. In the corridor, the director of the No. [-] Hospital and experts from various fields gathered!

The expressions on everyone's faces were very serious.

"Get out of the way, don't block the way!" At the end of the corridor, several doctors pushed a stretcher cart and rushed towards the emergency room frantically!
"Xiao Rong'er, my sister is by your side, don't sleep, Mom and Dad are still waiting for you!"

"Sister will not let you die!"

Next to the girl was a nurse in her 20s who kept talking to Rong'er, her eyes were red.

At the scene, when all the medical staff saw the little girl, especially the director, who had seen so many doctors and patients, at this moment, seeing the clear eyes of the little girl, they couldn't help being touched.

The injury was so serious, one leg was gone, and the pain was so severe that not a single tear fell!
In the operating room, several attending doctors were disinfecting the little girl's body. After taking off the little girl's clothes, their expressions became even more serious.

The little girl was not only fractured, but also had small burns all over her body.

"This is too serious. Too many parts of her body were injured, especially her chest. Three ribs were broken, and one of them pierced her lung!"

"The burn is easy to treat, but the little girl won't be able to walk normally in the future."

"Dididi" sounded from the instrument next to it!

Danger!This is a danger signal!

Leng Ming shouted: "Hurry up, adrenaline, the patient's heart rate has dropped, and he urgently needs a blood transfusion. Go to the blood bank and make sure the patient's blood volume is sufficient!"

"It's bad, Director, the blood bank is running out of blood!" A little nurse ran over and said hastily.

"What, it's impossible! The blood bank has all the blood you want, it's impossible not to have it!" Leng Ming didn't believe it, the blood bank is the most important place in the hospital, how could it be possible to use up all the blood in the blood channel just because of one patient!

"The little girl has RH-negative blood! That's panda blood. No one in Jincheng has this blood type!" Just as the little nurse finished speaking, another little nurse rushed in.

"Director, the little girl's test report has come out. She has severe uremia and needs to find a suitable kidney source!"

At this time, the vice president came in and said, "How long can the little girl last?"

Leng Ming said: "I am suffering from severe uremia, my body has become disordered, and I need a kidney replacement, and the blood volume of the fracture is not enough, so I can't perform surgery."

"Can't do surgery, what are you eating, bring the test report!" The director's face changed instantly when he got the test report.

"RH negative blood, do we want to watch the little girl like this!"

Leng Ming: "Unless there is a suitable kidney source and enough RH-negative blood, then we can save the little girl's life!"

"Kidney source, I remember that a few months ago, a hospital in Beijing had a matching kidney source, and Beijing is a first-tier city, so there must be enough plasma!" There were too many things that happened just now, and I remembered this after I calmed down. matter.

Leng Ming heard that there was hope for treatment and said directly: "The best treatment time is only three hours. If we can arrive within three hours, I guarantee that the girl will be safe!"

(End of this chapter)

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