Get the taxi system at the start

Chapter 23 Wishing you a bright future!

Chapter 23 Wishing you a bright future!

Even Lin Wan'er, who was on the side, couldn't help being stunned for a while. After a while, Lin Wan'er thought she had heard it wrong, and said again: "The signing fee is 5000 million, and the annual salary is [-] million. At this price, I believe all the bosses present I won’t give it to you, it has surpassed all racers in the world!”

Chen Nuo's expression remained calm, he took a sip of his drink and said, "Yeah, [-] million is really high, but I just want to be a taxi driver."

"And, I don't need money either!"

Indeed, Chen Nuo is not short of money, as long as Ms. Zhang can unfreeze his fifteen-digit bank card, she won't be able to only open Xiali now!

After listening, Lin Wan'er didn't say much, and left the box directly. After leaving the hotel, she took out her mobile phone and made a call. It showed Ms. Zhang Ya.

The phone was connected, and the voice from the other side came: "Wan'er, how are you doing, did Chen Nuo agree?"

Zhang Ya was also very curious that such a man would not be tempted by such a high annual salary, so he could only say helplessly: "No, I feel that he doesn't care about money. He probably won't agree to us if the annual salary is high."

On the other end of the phone, Zhang Ya was silent for a while, and then said: "Is there nothing I can do with an annual salary of [-] million? Could it be that I misread it?"

Lin Wan'er: "Why don't we try again and get in touch with him more, what if there is a chance?"

"No need, it's fine to refuse. After a long time of contact, if it arouses his vigilance, then the loss outweighs the gain." Lin Wan'er thought carefully for a while, and said to Lin Wan'er.

"Also, I didn't expect him to join the team."

When Lin Wan'er heard this, she didn't know what to do for a while. You were the one who invited you into the team, but now you don't want to. The boss is so casual, okay?

But Lin Wan'er is the owner of the team, and she still didn't give up and asked: "He is a taxi driver, and he uses a modified Xiali to hang and beat professional players. If such a person enters the team, it will bring us profits!"

"It seems that the parts he modified are all the best, leaving Zhang Zhen's Ferrari behind!"

"As long as we follow up in real time, we will definitely find the flaws and we will definitely win Chen Nuo at the lowest annual salary!"

On the other end of the phone, Zhang Ya's voice suddenly became louder: "I said before, Chen Nuo can only accept an annual salary of [-] million, don't even think about the rest, and don't you think such a man is very attractive?"

After finishing speaking, the phone was hung up, and now Lin Wan'er was the only one left in front of the hotel.


The next day, Chen Nuo drove his own taxi back to downtown Jincheng alone. Last night, after Lin Wan'er walked out of the box, there were still some bosses who wanted Chen Nuo to join the team.

However, they were all rejected by Chen Nuo. Originally, he participated in the competition this time because he was too boring, and he also wanted to tell Ms. Zhang that the original promise has always been there.

On the co-pilot, lay a trophy quietly, with a photo of Chen Nuo winning the championship.

Judging from the photos, this championship seems to be a starting point. There are still many things waiting for him in the future, starting from now.

No, life has changed since having the system.

After returning home, Chen Nuo took a comfortable hot bath, rested for a while, and then got out of the car.

For him, driving a taxi is his hobby and has nothing to do with money.

Bored, Chen Nuo first walked around the city center and found that there were not many people there, so he could only come to the vicinity of the university town, hoping that some students would take a taxi.

Before he reached the university town, he was stopped by a beautiful little girl.

Once in the car, Chen Nuo asked, "Where are you going?"

The girl said: "Binjiang Bridge!"

"Binjiang Bridge, isn't this a holy place for suicides? What is this girl doing there!?" Binjiang Bridge is very famous in Jincheng, and all girls who are lovelorn will come here.

And there are many young girls committing suicide here every year.

"Little girl, I think you're well dressed, why are you going there?" As a good citizen, Chen Nuo cared more about girls, especially pretty ones.

The girl didn't speak, she just looked out of the window lightly, her eyes showed her boredom with life.

Seeing such a scene, Chen Nuo already understood, and began to evade: "Girl, you are old now, you must still have your parents, right?"

The girl nodded, but still didn't speak.

Chen Nuo went on to say: "Since you have parents, it means that you still have a home. What is a home? A home is a place for you to shelter from the wind and rain. If you have any difficulties, tell your family."

"Even if it's a huge difficulty, your parents will help you. If you want to open up, there are always accidents in life. Life will bring you everything, what you need and what you look forward to."

Just as Chen Nuo continued to speak, the girl spoke.

"Life, huh, it's not life that defeats us young people, but pressure. Every morning, we wake up and face the pressure of breakfast, and when we go back to the company, we face the pressure of our boss. Finally, at night, we have to face the pressure of our landlord!"

"Is this kind of life what I want? But I still have to face this kind of life. But in the past month, I have been overwhelmed by life. Do you know about esophageal cancer? I feel hungry but don't want to eat anything! "

"I know, but you don't have to go..." Chen Nuo was interrupted by the girl in the middle of his words.

"You don't know, you don't know anything, you can't imagine getting up every morning and facing so many things, but even so, I persisted."

"But esophageal cancer completely defeated me. I still have my parents and relatives, but how do I face them? I don't want white-haired people to send black-haired people!"

The girl's voice became louder and louder, her clenched fist hit her leg one after another, and tears dripped down at the same time.

Chen Nuo said: "Do you want to go to Binjiang Bridge and end yourself in this way? If something happens to you, your parents will know it as soon as possible. After they know the news, won't they feel pain?"

"Isn't esophageal cancer just a cancer? Eat when you're hungry. If you can't eat, just jump around. There will always be a time to stop!"

"In fact, each of us will be suppressed by life, and I am the same. When I wake up every morning, I have to face the day's gas money. At night, I have to calculate whether I have earned back the gas money today."

The girl's crying gradually subsided, and she said slowly: "Thank you, Master, I still have a year left, I think I know what to do in the future."

Chen Nuo also laughed, stopped the car immediately, and said, "The fare is 1000 million, IOUs can be issued, and payment can be made in installments!"

The girl was stunned for a while, then smiled and said: "Master, you are kidding me, your billing meter says fifty, how could it be ten million?"

"I saved your life, that's enough." Then, Chen Nuo took out a notebook and handed it to the girl: "Write down your name, phone number, and home address. If you run away, I'll come to you." Where can I find you!"

Seeing that Chen Nuo was so serious, the girl snatched it away and said, "Isn't it just 1000 million, I'll give it to you, and I'll definitely give it to you in a year!"

After writing down the address, I got off the bus.

Rolling down the window, Chen Nuo looked at the girl's back and shouted, "Stop!"

"What are you doing? Conscience has discovered that it's only fifty?"

"Impossible, unless I die, I just want to tell you one thing." This sentence was discovered by Chen Nuo while browsing the short video. Now this scene is just right!
"May your future be bright, and you will still be a teenager when you come back!"

(End of this chapter)

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